Curriculum vitae

Vincent Balter

Born May 14th 1971

1 child



Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon


Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

46, Allée d'Italie. 69342 Lyon cedex 07, France.


Fields of expertise

Isotopic geochemistry, non-traditional isotopes, laser ablation, paleoanthropology, paleontology, metallomic



2014:   Senior Scientist DR2-CNRS, UMR 5276 CNRS, ENS-Lyon, Univ Lyon 1

2008:   Junior Scientist CR1-CNRS, UMR 5570 CNRS, ENS-Lyon, Univ Lyon 1

2002:   Junior Scientist CR2-CNRS, UMR 5125 CNRS, Univ Lyon 1



2010:   “Habilitation à dirigé les Recherches”, ENS-Lyon

2001:   PhD of Biogeochemsitry, Univ Bordeaux 1 and Univ Paris 6

1996:   M.Sc. of Anthropology, Prehistory and Ethnology, Univ Bordeaux 1

1995:   B.Sc. of Geology, Univ Paris 6

1994:   B.Sc. of Archaeology, Univ Paris 1



2006:   Honorary Research Associate au Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, Afrique du Sud

2001:   French Académie des Sciences Scholarship


Scientific Production

87 reviewed publications, 1 patent

ISI Web of Science, h= 30, total citations >2200.

Google Scholar, h=36, total citations >3000


Student supervision / Teaching

- post-doc (R. Escoube, computer scientist ; V. Bondanese, clinical scientist BioMérieux ; L Kovačiková, Engineer Univ South Bohemia ; J. Martin, CNRS scientist)

- PhD (D. Guiserix, in progress; P.-J. Dodat, in progress; M. Linglin, in progress; S. le Goff, technical engineer Spectro; A. Hassler, post-doc; A. Lamboux, Engineer CNRS; L. Sauzéat, scientist IRD; T. Tacail, post-doc; K. Jaouen (scientist CNRS).

- general geochemistry ; interdisciplinary geochemistry; mass spectrometry 



- 2021-> Vice chairman UMR 5276

- 2016-2021: Member of the CNRS National Committee, section 18

- 2016-2021: Member of the CNRS National Committee, CID 54