Yoann Poupart

Personal website, blog & portfolio

# Welcome!

I am a French trainee researcher in AI with a focus on AI Safety. I’ve had diverse experience in research, education and industry. I’ll outline this in a forthcoming story, “A Convoluted Study Path”, giving insight into my career aspiration. More on me in the About section.

You’ll find here a collection of stories, projects and articles.

  • Story: personal thought, claim, discussion or experience
  • Project: concrete application (mostly around AI)
  • Article: paper explanation or discussion (definitely about AI)

# Pinned stories

Creating a Startup

Creating a Startup

2023-12-20 | 9 min read | Creating a startup is not always about having the best or a totally new idea. Entrepreneurship is just another way to deliver value and achieve your goals, and it's within everyone's reach. We chose this path because it is flexible, stimulating, profoundly empowering, but also fun.

My Approach to AI Safety

2023-11-02 | 11 min read | Shortcoming issues should not be undermined because, if not tackled immediately, they will make Alignment a lot more complex. I am convinced that interpretability will be the best tool for monitoring and control, and for that, I will pursue this agenda through research and entrepreneurship.

Why this blog?

2023-09-17 | 4 min read | The main reason for me to write this blog is just to maintain some motivation and high expectations while satisfying my curiosity.

# Pinned projects

Training GPT-2 on Stockfish Games

Training GPT-2 on Stockfish Games

2024-02-29 | 15 min read | I trained a GPT-2 model on Stockfish self-played games in the most naive way, with no search, and it can play decently. The model is trained to output the next move given the FEN string of the board (single state). While I present some gotchas and caveats, the results are quite acceptable for the amount of work and computing invested. I also present a basic attention visualiser parsing the attention of the text tokens into the board.

# Pinned articles

Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation

Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation

2024-01-16 | 18 min read | Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) is a propagation method that produces relevances for a given input with regard to a target output. Technically the computation happens using a single back-progation pass similarly to deconvolution. I propose to illustrate this method on an Alpha-Zero network trained to play Othello.