Research Papers

  1. AB, & Justin Salez, (2022).
    Separation cutoff for Activated Random Walks. arXiv:2209.03274. (Submitted to PTRF)
  2. AB, & Pietro Caputo, (2021).
    Entropy inequalities for random walks and permutations. arXiv:2109.06009. AIHP (to appear)


  1. Université Paris-Dauphine with Justin Salez.
    Cutoff pour le modèle de marches aléatoires activées, Internship Report
  2. Università degli Studi Roma Tre with Pietro Caputo.
    On the role of Entropy in the cutoff phenomenon, Internship Report
  3. Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) with Charles Bordenave.
    On eigenvalues of random d-regular graphs, Internship Report