PhD Courses and Seminars
ENS de Lyon - Master 2 Informatique fondamentale
- CR14: Static Analysis and Optimizing Compilers with Yannick Zakowski and Laure Gonnord, CM+TD, 2021-.
- CR11: Hardware Compilation and Simulation with Matthieu Moy, CM+TD, 2018-2019.
- CR16: Advanced Compilers: Automatic Parallelization and High-level Synthesis with Fabrice Rastello, CM+TD, 2016-2017.
- CR18: Advanced Compilers: Loop Transformations and High-Level Synthesis with Tomofumi Yuki, CM, 2015-2016.
- CR10: Advanced Compilers with Fabrice Rastello and Florent Dupont de Dinechin, CM, 2013-2015.
ENS de Lyon - Préparation à l'agrégation d'informatique
ENS de Lyon - Master 1 Informatique fondamentale
INSA Centre-Val de Loire - STI 3A et 4A
Université Lyon 1 - Licence d'informatique
ENS de Lyon - mini-écoles de recherches
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