Library cawu.ccs
Require Import coinduction rel.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Module Type N.
Parameter N: Set. End N.
Module CCS(Export M: N).
CCS labels (or prefixes, they are the same)
CCS processes. Instead of using process constants, as in the paper,
we use coinductive definition. In other words, we will use Coq's corecursive
definitions to encode CCS recursion
CoInductive S :=
| nil
| prf(l: label)(p: S)
| pls(p q: S)
| par(p q: S)
| new(a: N)(p: S)
| rep(p: S).
| nil
| prf(l: label)(p: S)
| pls(p q: S)
| par(p q: S)
| new(a: N)(p: S)
| rep(p: S).
the (standard) LTS
Inductive trans: S → label → S → Prop :=
| t_prf: ∀ l p, trans (prf l p) l p
| t_pls_l: ∀ p q l p´, trans p l p´ → trans (pls p q) l p´
| t_pls_r: ∀ p q l q´, trans q l q´ → trans (pls p q) l q´
| t_par_l: ∀ p l p´ q, trans p l p´ → trans (par p q) l (par p´ q)
| t_par_r: ∀ p l p´ q, trans p l p´ → trans (par q p) l (par q p´)
| t_par_lr: ∀ a p p´ q q´, trans p (out a) p´ → trans q (inp a) q´ → trans (par p q) tau (par p´ q´)
| t_par_rl: ∀ a p p´ q q´, trans p (inp a) p´ → trans q (out a) q´ → trans (par p q) tau (par p´ q´)
| t_new: ∀ a p l p´, trans p l p´ → fresh a l → trans (new a p) l (new a p´)
| t_rep: ∀ p l p´, trans (par (rep p) p) l p´ → trans (rep p) l p´
Hint Resolve t_prf t_par_l t_par_r t_par_lr t_par_rl t_new t_pls_l t_pls_r.
| t_prf: ∀ l p, trans (prf l p) l p
| t_pls_l: ∀ p q l p´, trans p l p´ → trans (pls p q) l p´
| t_pls_r: ∀ p q l q´, trans q l q´ → trans (pls p q) l q´
| t_par_l: ∀ p l p´ q, trans p l p´ → trans (par p q) l (par p´ q)
| t_par_r: ∀ p l p´ q, trans p l p´ → trans (par q p) l (par q p´)
| t_par_lr: ∀ a p p´ q q´, trans p (out a) p´ → trans q (inp a) q´ → trans (par p q) tau (par p´ q´)
| t_par_rl: ∀ a p p´ q q´, trans p (inp a) p´ → trans q (out a) q´ → trans (par p q) tau (par p´ q´)
| t_new: ∀ a p l p´, trans p l p´ → fresh a l → trans (new a p) l (new a p´)
| t_rep: ∀ p l p´, trans (par (rep p) p) l p´ → trans (rep p) l p´
Hint Resolve t_prf t_par_l t_par_r t_par_lr t_par_rl t_new t_pls_l t_pls_r.
dumb utilities for corecursion
Definition id_S(p: S): S :=
match p with
| nil ⇒ nil
| prf l p ⇒ prf l p
| new a´ p ⇒ new a´ p
| par p q ⇒ par p q
| pls p q ⇒ pls p q
| rep p ⇒ rep p
Lemma Sd p: p = id_S p.
Proof. now case p. Qed.
match p with
| nil ⇒ nil
| prf l p ⇒ prf l p
| new a´ p ⇒ new a´ p
| par p q ⇒ par p q
| pls p q ⇒ pls p q
| rep p ⇒ rep p
Lemma Sd p: p = id_S p.
Proof. now case p. Qed.
the function defining simulations and similarity
Program Definition s: mon (S → S → Prop) :=
{| body R p q :=
∀ l p´, trans p l p´ → exists2 q´, trans q l q´ & R p´ q´ |}.
Next Obligation. cbv. firstorder. Qed.
{| body R p q :=
∀ l p´, trans p l p´ → exists2 q´, trans q l q´ & R p´ q´ |}.
Next Obligation. cbv. firstorder. Qed.
the symmetrised version, defining bisimulations and bisimilarity
Notation b := (cap s (converse o s o converse)).
Infix "¬" := (gfp b) (at level 70).
Notation B := (B b).
Notation T := (t B).
Notation t := (t b).
Infix "¬" := (gfp b) (at level 70).
Notation B := (B b).
Notation T := (t B).
Notation t := (t b).
Some valid laws
Lemma parC: ∀ p q, par p q ¬ par q p.
coinduction R H. intros p q; split.
intros l p´ pp´. inversion_clear pp´; eauto.
intros l q´ qq´. simpl. inversion_clear qq´; eauto.
Lemma parA: ∀ p q r, par p (par q r) ¬ par (par p q) r.
coinduction R H. intros p q r; split.
intros l p´ pp´. inversion_clear pp´; eauto.
inversion_clear H0; eauto.
inversion_clear H1; eauto.
inversion_clear H1; eauto.
intros l q´ qq´. simpl. inversion_clear qq´; eauto.
inversion_clear H0; eauto.
inversion_clear H0; eauto.
inversion_clear H0; eauto.
Lemma par0p: ∀ p, par nil p ¬ p.
coinduction R H. intro p. split.
intros l p0 pp0. inversion_clear pp0.
inversion H0.
inversion H0.
inversion H0.
intros l p´ pp´. ∃ (par nil p´). auto. apply H.
coinduction R H. intros p q; split.
intros l p´ pp´. inversion_clear pp´; eauto.
intros l q´ qq´. simpl. inversion_clear qq´; eauto.
Lemma parA: ∀ p q r, par p (par q r) ¬ par (par p q) r.
coinduction R H. intros p q r; split.
intros l p´ pp´. inversion_clear pp´; eauto.
inversion_clear H0; eauto.
inversion_clear H1; eauto.
inversion_clear H1; eauto.
intros l q´ qq´. simpl. inversion_clear qq´; eauto.
inversion_clear H0; eauto.
inversion_clear H0; eauto.
inversion_clear H0; eauto.
Lemma par0p: ∀ p, par nil p ¬ p.
coinduction R H. intro p. split.
intros l p0 pp0. inversion_clear pp0.
inversion H0.
inversion H0.
inversion H0.
intros l p´ pp´. ∃ (par nil p´). auto. apply H.
Lemma refl_t: const eq ≤ t.
apply leq_t. intro. change (eq ≤ b eq).
apply cap_spec. split.
intros p q <- ? p´; eauto.
intros p q <- ? p´; eauto.
apply leq_t. intro. change (eq ≤ b eq).
apply cap_spec. split.
intros p q <- ? p´; eauto.
intros p q <- ? p´; eauto.
converse is compatible
so is squaring
Lemma square_t: square ≤ t.
apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry.
intros R x z [y xy yz]. now ∃ y.
rewrite cap_l at 1. rewrite <-id_t.
intros R x z [y xy yz] l x´ xx´.
destruct (xy _ _ xx´) as [y´ yy´ x´y´].
destruct (yz _ _ yy´) as [z´ zz´ y´z´].
∃ z´. assumption. eexists; eassumption.
apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry.
intros R x z [y xy yz]. now ∃ y.
rewrite cap_l at 1. rewrite <-id_t.
intros R x z [y xy yz] l x´ xx´.
destruct (xy _ _ xx´) as [y´ yy´ x´y´].
destruct (yz _ _ yy´) as [z´ zz´ y´z´].
∃ z´. assumption. eexists; eassumption.
Global Instance Equivalence_T f R: Equivalence (T f R).
Proof. apply Equivalence_T. apply refl_t. apply converse_t. apply square_t. Qed.
Global Instance Equivalence_t R: Equivalence (t R).
Proof. apply Equivalence_t. apply refl_t. apply converse_t. apply square_t. Qed.
Corollary Equivalence_bisim: Equivalence (gfp b).
Proof Equivalence_t bot.
Proof. apply Equivalence_T. apply refl_t. apply converse_t. apply square_t. Qed.
Global Instance Equivalence_t R: Equivalence (t R).
Proof. apply Equivalence_t. apply refl_t. apply converse_t. apply square_t. Qed.
Corollary Equivalence_bisim: Equivalence (gfp b).
Proof Equivalence_t bot.
Lemma prf_t a: unary_ctx (prf a) ≤ t.
assert (H: unary_ctx (prf a) ≤ s).
intro R. apply leq_unary_ctx. intros p q Hpq.
intros l p´ pp´. inversion pp´. subst; eauto.
apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply unary_sym.
rewrite H at 1. now rewrite <-b_T.
Global Instance prft_t a: ∀ R, Proper (t R ==> t R) (prf a) := unary_proper (@prf_t a).
assert (H: unary_ctx (prf a) ≤ s).
intro R. apply leq_unary_ctx. intros p q Hpq.
intros l p´ pp´. inversion pp´. subst; eauto.
apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply unary_sym.
rewrite H at 1. now rewrite <-b_T.
Global Instance prft_t a: ∀ R, Proper (t R ==> t R) (prf a) := unary_proper (@prf_t a).
Lemma new_t a: unary_ctx (new a) ≤ t.
apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply unary_sym.
intro R. apply (leq_unary_ctx (new a)). intros p q Hpq l p0 Hp0.
inversion_clear Hp0. destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [???]. eexists. eauto.
apply (id_t B). now apply in_unary_ctx.
Global Instance newt_t a: ∀ R, Proper (t R ==> t R) (new a) := unary_proper (@new_t a).
apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply unary_sym.
intro R. apply (leq_unary_ctx (new a)). intros p q Hpq l p0 Hp0.
inversion_clear Hp0. destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [???]. eexists. eauto.
apply (id_t B). now apply in_unary_ctx.
Global Instance newt_t a: ∀ R, Proper (t R ==> t R) (new a) := unary_proper (@new_t a).
Lemma pls_t: binary_ctx pls ≤ t.
apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply binary_sym.
intro R. apply (leq_binary_ctx pls).
intros p q Hpq r s Hrs l p0 Hp0. inversion_clear Hp0.
destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto. now apply (id_T b).
destruct (proj1 Hrs _ _ H) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto. now apply (id_T b).
Global Instance plst_t: ∀ R, Proper (t R ==> t R ==> t R) pls := binary_proper pls_t.
apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply binary_sym.
intro R. apply (leq_binary_ctx pls).
intros p q Hpq r s Hrs l p0 Hp0. inversion_clear Hp0.
destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto. now apply (id_T b).
destruct (proj1 Hrs _ _ H) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto. now apply (id_T b).
Global Instance plst_t: ∀ R, Proper (t R ==> t R ==> t R) pls := binary_proper pls_t.
Lemma par_t: binary_ctx par ≤ t.
apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply binary_sym.
intro R. apply (leq_binary_ctx par).
intros p q Hpq r s Hrs l p0 Hp0. inversion_clear Hp0.
destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto.
apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_binary_ctx par). now apply (id_T b). now apply (b_T b).
destruct (proj1 Hrs _ _ H) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto.
apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_binary_ctx par). now apply (b_T b). now apply (id_T b).
destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [? ? ?].
destruct (proj1 Hrs _ _ H0) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto.
apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_binary_ctx par); now apply (id_T b).
destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [? ? ?].
destruct (proj1 Hrs _ _ H0) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto.
apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_binary_ctx par); now apply (id_T b).
Global Instance part_t: ∀ R, Proper (t R ==> t R ==> t R) par := binary_proper par_t.
apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply binary_sym.
intro R. apply (leq_binary_ctx par).
intros p q Hpq r s Hrs l p0 Hp0. inversion_clear Hp0.
destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto.
apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_binary_ctx par). now apply (id_T b). now apply (b_T b).
destruct (proj1 Hrs _ _ H) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto.
apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_binary_ctx par). now apply (b_T b). now apply (id_T b).
destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [? ? ?].
destruct (proj1 Hrs _ _ H0) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto.
apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_binary_ctx par); now apply (id_T b).
destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [? ? ?].
destruct (proj1 Hrs _ _ H0) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto.
apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_binary_ctx par); now apply (id_T b).
Global Instance part_t: ∀ R, Proper (t R ==> t R ==> t R) par := binary_proper par_t.
Lemma unfold_rep p: rep p ¬ par (rep p) p.
coinduction R H. clear H. split.
intros l p´ pp´. inversion_clear pp´.
eexists. eassumption. reflexivity.
simpl. intros l p´ pp´. eexists. constructor; eassumption.
coinduction R H. clear H. split.
intros l p´ pp´. inversion_clear pp´.
eexists. eassumption. reflexivity.
simpl. intros l p´ pp´. eexists. constructor; eassumption.
Proposition 8.2(i)
Proposition rep_trans p l p0: trans (rep p) l p0 → exists2 p1, trans (par p p) l p1 & p0 ¬ par (rep p) p1.
remember (rep p) as rp. intro H. revert rp l p0 H p Heqrp. fix 4.
intros rp l p0 H p E. destruct H; try discriminate.
remember (par (rep p0) p0) as rpp. destruct H; try discriminate.
destruct (rep_trans _ _ _ H p0) as [???]; clear H. congruence.
injection E. injection Heqrpp. intros. subst. clear E Heqrpp. eexists. eauto.
rewrite H1. now rewrite (parC (rep _)), <-parA, <-unfold_rep.
injection E. injection Heqrpp. intros. subst. clear E Heqrpp. eexists. eauto.
now rewrite parA, <-unfold_rep.
destruct (rep_trans _ _ _ H p0) as [???]; clear H. congruence.
injection E. injection Heqrpp. intros. subst. clear E Heqrpp.
inversion H1; subst; clear H1; (eexists; [eauto|]).
rewrite H2. now rewrite (parC p´0), parA, <-unfold_rep, (parC q´), parA.
rewrite H2. now rewrite parA, <-unfold_rep, (parC q´), parA.
destruct (rep_trans _ _ _ H p0) as [???]; clear H. congruence.
injection E. injection Heqrpp. intros. subst. clear E Heqrpp.
inversion H1; subst; clear H1; (eexists; [eauto|]).
rewrite H2. now rewrite (parC p´0), parA, <-unfold_rep, parA.
rewrite H2. now rewrite parA, <-unfold_rep, parA.
remember (rep p) as rp. intro H. revert rp l p0 H p Heqrp. fix 4.
intros rp l p0 H p E. destruct H; try discriminate.
remember (par (rep p0) p0) as rpp. destruct H; try discriminate.
destruct (rep_trans _ _ _ H p0) as [???]; clear H. congruence.
injection E. injection Heqrpp. intros. subst. clear E Heqrpp. eexists. eauto.
rewrite H1. now rewrite (parC (rep _)), <-parA, <-unfold_rep.
injection E. injection Heqrpp. intros. subst. clear E Heqrpp. eexists. eauto.
now rewrite parA, <-unfold_rep.
destruct (rep_trans _ _ _ H p0) as [???]; clear H. congruence.
injection E. injection Heqrpp. intros. subst. clear E Heqrpp.
inversion H1; subst; clear H1; (eexists; [eauto|]).
rewrite H2. now rewrite (parC p´0), parA, <-unfold_rep, (parC q´), parA.
rewrite H2. now rewrite parA, <-unfold_rep, (parC q´), parA.
destruct (rep_trans _ _ _ H p0) as [???]; clear H. congruence.
injection E. injection Heqrpp. intros. subst. clear E Heqrpp.
inversion H1; subst; clear H1; (eexists; [eauto|]).
rewrite H2. now rewrite (parC p´0), parA, <-unfold_rep, parA.
rewrite H2. now rewrite parA, <-unfold_rep, parA.
Proposition 8.2(ii)
Proposition rep_trans´ p l p1: trans (par p p) l p1 → exists2 p0, trans (rep p) l p0 & p0 ¬ par (rep p) p1.
assert (E: par (rep p) (par p p) ¬ rep p).
now rewrite parA, <-2unfold_rep.
intros H.
assert (H´: trans (par (rep p) (par p p)) l (par (rep p) p1)) by auto.
destruct (proj1 (gfp_pfp b _ _ E) _ _ H´). eexists. eauto. symmetry. assumption.
assert (E: par (rep p) (par p p) ¬ rep p).
now rewrite parA, <-2unfold_rep.
intros H.
assert (H´: trans (par (rep p) (par p p)) l (par (rep p) p1)) by auto.
destruct (proj1 (gfp_pfp b _ _ E) _ _ H´). eexists. eauto. symmetry. assumption.
Lemma 8.4
(note that we do not need Lemma 8.3 as in the paper: we
use instead the more general fact that we can reason up to
equivalence Equivalence_t and that ¬ ≤ t R)
Lemma rep_t: unary_ctx rep ≤ t.
apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply unary_sym.
intro R. apply (leq_unary_ctx rep). intros p q Hpq l p0 Hp0.
apply rep_trans in Hp0 as [p1 ppp1 p0p1].
assert (H: b (t R) (par p p) (par q q)).
apply (compat_t b). apply par_t. now apply in_binary_ctx.
destruct (proj1 H _ _ ppp1) as [q1 qqq1 p1q1].
apply rep_trans´ in qqq1 as [q0 Hq0 q0q1].
eexists. eassumption.
rewrite p0p1, q0q1.
apply (ftT_T _ par_t). apply (in_binary_ctx par).
apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_unary_ctx rep). now apply (b_T b).
now apply (t_T b).
Global Instance rept_t: ∀ R, Proper (t R ==> t R) rep := unary_proper rep_t.
End CCS.
apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply unary_sym.
intro R. apply (leq_unary_ctx rep). intros p q Hpq l p0 Hp0.
apply rep_trans in Hp0 as [p1 ppp1 p0p1].
assert (H: b (t R) (par p p) (par q q)).
apply (compat_t b). apply par_t. now apply in_binary_ctx.
destruct (proj1 H _ _ ppp1) as [q1 qqq1 p1q1].
apply rep_trans´ in qqq1 as [q0 Hq0 q0q1].
eexists. eassumption.
rewrite p0p1, q0q1.
apply (ftT_T _ par_t). apply (in_binary_ctx par).
apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_unary_ctx rep). now apply (b_T b).
now apply (t_T b).
Global Instance rept_t: ∀ R, Proper (t R ==> t R) rep := unary_proper rep_t.
End CCS.
Module acd.
CoInductive N´: Type := a | c | d.
Definition N := N´.
End acd.
Module Import CCSacd := CCS(acd).
The four processes from Section 4
CoFixpoint A := prf (inp a) (prf (inp c) D)
with B := prf (inp a) (prf (inp c) C)
with C := prf (out a) (par A C)
with D := prf (out a) (par B D).
Lemma dA: A = prf (inp a) (prf (inp c) D).
Proof. apply Sd. Qed.
Lemma dB: B = prf (inp a) (prf (inp c) C).
Proof. apply Sd. Qed.
Lemma dC: C = prf (out a) (par A C).
Proof. apply Sd. Qed.
Lemma dD: D = prf (out a) (par B D).
Proof. apply Sd. Qed.
with B := prf (inp a) (prf (inp c) C)
with C := prf (out a) (par A C)
with D := prf (out a) (par B D).
Lemma dA: A = prf (inp a) (prf (inp c) D).
Proof. apply Sd. Qed.
Lemma dB: B = prf (inp a) (prf (inp c) C).
Proof. apply Sd. Qed.
Lemma dC: C = prf (out a) (par A C).
Proof. apply Sd. Qed.
Lemma dD: D = prf (out a) (par B D).
Proof. apply Sd. Qed.
Utilities to factor code thanks to the (relative) determinism of the considered processe
Lemma bAB (R: S → S → Prop): R (prf (inp c) D) (prf (inp c) C) → b R A B.
Proof. intro. rewrite dA, dB. split; intros ? ? T; inversion_clear T; eauto. Qed.
Lemma bCD (R: S → S → Prop): R (par A C) (par B D) → b R C D.
Proof. intro. rewrite dC, dD. split; intros ? ? T; inversion_clear T; eauto. Qed.
Proof. intro. rewrite dA, dB. split; intros ? ? T; inversion_clear T; eauto. Qed.
Lemma bCD (R: S → S → Prop): R (par A C) (par B D) → b R C D.
Proof. intro. rewrite dC, dD. split; intros ? ? T; inversion_clear T; eauto. Qed.
the proof by enhanced bisimulation