Library cawu.ccs

Example: CCS

Require Import coinduction rel.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Module Type N.
 Parameter N: Set. End N.

Module CCS(Export M: N).

CCS labels (or prefixes, they are the same)
 CoInductive label := tau | out(a: N) | inp(a: N).

CCS processes. Instead of using process constants, as in the paper, we use coinductive definition. In other words, we will use Coq's corecursive definitions to encode CCS recursion
 CoInductive S :=
 | nil
 | prf(l: label)(p: S)
 | pls(p q: S)
 | par(p q: S)
 | new(a: N)(p: S)
 | rep(p: S).

when a name a does not appear in a label l
 Definition fresh a (l: label) :=
   match l with tauTrue | out b | inp bab end.

the (standard) LTS
 Inductive trans: S label S Prop :=
 | t_prf: l p, trans (prf l p) l p
 | t_pls_l: p q l , trans p l trans (pls p q) l
 | t_pls_r: p q l , trans q l trans (pls p q) l
 | t_par_l: p l q, trans p l trans (par p q) l (par q)
 | t_par_r: p l q, trans p l trans (par q p) l (par q )
 | t_par_lr: a p q , trans p (out a) trans q (inp a) trans (par p q) tau (par )
 | t_par_rl: a p q , trans p (inp a) trans q (out a) trans (par p q) tau (par )
 | t_new: a p l , trans p l fresh a l trans (new a p) l (new a )
 | t_rep: p l , trans (par (rep p) p) l trans (rep p) l
 Hint Resolve t_prf t_par_l t_par_r t_par_lr t_par_rl t_new t_pls_l t_pls_r.

dumb utilities for corecursion
 Definition id_S(p: S): S :=
   match p with
   | nilnil
   | prf l pprf l p
   | new pnew p
   | par p qpar p q
   | pls p qpls p q
   | rep prep p
 Lemma Sd p: p = id_S p.
 Proof. now case p. Qed.

the function defining simulations and similarity
 Program Definition s: mon (S S Prop) :=
   {| body R p q :=
         l , trans p l exists2 , trans q l & R |}.
 Next Obligation. cbv. firstorder. Qed.

the symmetrised version, defining bisimulations and bisimilarity
 Notation b := (cap s (converse o s o converse)).

 Infix "¬" := (gfp b) (at level 70).
 Notation B := (B b).
 Notation T := (t B).
 Notation t := (t b).

Some valid laws
 Lemma parC: p q, par p q ¬ par q p.
   coinduction R H. intros p q; split.
   intros l pp´. inversion_clear pp´; eauto.
   intros l qq´. simpl. inversion_clear qq´; eauto.

 Lemma parA: p q r, par p (par q r) ¬ par (par p q) r.
   coinduction R H. intros p q r; split.
   intros l pp´. inversion_clear pp´; eauto.
    inversion_clear H0; eauto.
    inversion_clear H1; eauto.
    inversion_clear H1; eauto.
   intros l qq´. simpl. inversion_clear qq´; eauto.
    inversion_clear H0; eauto.
    inversion_clear H0; eauto.
    inversion_clear H0; eauto.

 Lemma par0p: p, par nil p ¬ p.
   coinduction R H. intro p. split.
   intros l p0 pp0. inversion_clear pp0.
    inversion H0.
    inversion H0.
    inversion H0.
   intros l pp´. (par nil ). auto. apply H.

Equivalence closure

eq is a post-fixpoint, thus const eq is below t
 Lemma refl_t: const eq t.
   apply leq_t. intro. change (eq b eq).
   apply cap_spec. split.
    intros p q <- ? ; eauto.
    intros p q <- ? ; eauto.

converse is compatible
 Lemma converse_t: converse t.
 Proof. apply invol_t. Qed.

so is squaring
 Lemma square_t: square t.
   apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry.
   intros R x z [y xy yz]. now y.
   rewrite cap_l at 1. rewrite <-id_t.
   intros R x z [y xy yz] l xx´.
   destruct (xy _ _ xx´) as [ yy´ x´y´].
   destruct (yz _ _ yy´) as [ zz´ y´z´].
    . assumption. eexists; eassumption.

thus bisimilarity, t R, and T f R are always equivalence relations
 Global Instance Equivalence_T f R: Equivalence (T f R).
 Proof. apply Equivalence_T. apply refl_t. apply converse_t. apply square_t. Qed.
 Global Instance Equivalence_t R: Equivalence (t R).
 Proof. apply Equivalence_t. apply refl_t. apply converse_t. apply square_t. Qed.
 Corollary Equivalence_bisim: Equivalence (gfp b).
 Proof Equivalence_t bot.

Context closure


 Lemma prf_t a: unary_ctx (prf a) t.
   assert (H: unary_ctx (prf a) s).
    intro R. apply leq_unary_ctx. intros p q Hpq.
    intros l pp´. inversion pp´. subst; eauto.
   apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply unary_sym.
    rewrite H at 1. now rewrite <-b_T.
 Global Instance prft_t a: R, Proper (t R ==> t R) (prf a) := unary_proper (@prf_t a).

name restriction

 Lemma new_t a: unary_ctx (new a) t.
   apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply unary_sym.
   intro R. apply (leq_unary_ctx (new a)). intros p q Hpq l p0 Hp0.
   inversion_clear Hp0. destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [???]. eexists. eauto.
   apply (id_t B). now apply in_unary_ctx.
 Global Instance newt_t a: R, Proper (t R ==> t R) (new a) := unary_proper (@new_t a).


 Lemma pls_t: binary_ctx pls t.
   apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply binary_sym.
   intro R. apply (leq_binary_ctx pls).
   intros p q Hpq r s Hrs l p0 Hp0. inversion_clear Hp0.
   destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto. now apply (id_T b).
   destruct (proj1 Hrs _ _ H) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto. now apply (id_T b).
 Global Instance plst_t: R, Proper (t R ==> t R ==> t R) pls := binary_proper pls_t.

parallel composition

Lemma 8.1
 Lemma par_t: binary_ctx par t.
   apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply binary_sym.
   intro R. apply (leq_binary_ctx par).
   intros p q Hpq r s Hrs l p0 Hp0. inversion_clear Hp0.
    destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto.
    apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_binary_ctx par). now apply (id_T b). now apply (b_T b).
    destruct (proj1 Hrs _ _ H) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto.
    apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_binary_ctx par). now apply (b_T b). now apply (id_T b).
    destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [? ? ?].
    destruct (proj1 Hrs _ _ H0) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto.
    apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_binary_ctx par); now apply (id_T b).
    destruct (proj1 Hpq _ _ H) as [? ? ?].
    destruct (proj1 Hrs _ _ H0) as [? ? ?]. eexists. eauto.
    apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_binary_ctx par); now apply (id_T b).
 Global Instance part_t: R, Proper (t R ==> t R ==> t R) par := binary_proper par_t.

replication (the challenging operation)

preliminary results
 Lemma unfold_rep p: rep p ¬ par (rep p) p.
   coinduction R H. clear H. split.
   intros l pp´. inversion_clear pp´.
   eexists. eassumption. reflexivity.
   simpl. intros l pp´. eexists. constructor; eassumption.

Proposition 8.2(i)
 Proposition rep_trans p l p0: trans (rep p) l p0 exists2 p1, trans (par p p) l p1 & p0 ¬ par (rep p) p1.
   remember (rep p) as rp. intro H. revert rp l p0 H p Heqrp. fix 4.
   intros rp l p0 H p E. destruct H; try discriminate.
   remember (par (rep p0) p0) as rpp. destruct H; try discriminate.
    destruct (rep_trans _ _ _ H p0) as [???]; clear H. congruence.
    injection E. injection Heqrpp. intros. subst. clear E Heqrpp. eexists. eauto.
    rewrite H1. now rewrite (parC (rep _)), <-parA, <-unfold_rep.

    injection E. injection Heqrpp. intros. subst. clear E Heqrpp. eexists. eauto.
    now rewrite parA, <-unfold_rep.

    destruct (rep_trans _ _ _ H p0) as [???]; clear H. congruence.
    injection E. injection Heqrpp. intros. subst. clear E Heqrpp.
    inversion H1; subst; clear H1; (eexists; [eauto|]).
    rewrite H2. now rewrite (parC p´0), parA, <-unfold_rep, (parC ), parA.
    rewrite H2. now rewrite parA, <-unfold_rep, (parC ), parA.

    destruct (rep_trans _ _ _ H p0) as [???]; clear H. congruence.
    injection E. injection Heqrpp. intros. subst. clear E Heqrpp.
    inversion H1; subst; clear H1; (eexists; [eauto|]).
    rewrite H2. now rewrite (parC p´0), parA, <-unfold_rep, parA.
    rewrite H2. now rewrite parA, <-unfold_rep, parA.

Proposition 8.2(ii)
 Proposition rep_trans´ p l p1: trans (par p p) l p1 exists2 p0, trans (rep p) l p0 & p0 ¬ par (rep p) p1.
   assert (E: par (rep p) (par p p) ¬ rep p).
    now rewrite parA, <-2unfold_rep.
   intros H.
   assert (: trans (par (rep p) (par p p)) l (par (rep p) p1)) by auto.
   destruct (proj1 (gfp_pfp b _ _ E) _ _ ). eexists. eauto. symmetry. assumption.

Lemma 8.4 (note that we do not need Lemma 8.3 as in the paper: we use instead the more general fact that we can reason up to equivalence Equivalence_t and that ¬ t R)
 Lemma rep_t: unary_ctx rep t.
   apply Coinduction, by_Symmetry. apply unary_sym.
   intro R. apply (leq_unary_ctx rep). intros p q Hpq l p0 Hp0.
   apply rep_trans in Hp0 as [p1 ppp1 p0p1].
   assert (H: b (t R) (par p p) (par q q)).
    apply (compat_t b). apply par_t. now apply in_binary_ctx.
   destruct (proj1 H _ _ ppp1) as [q1 qqq1 p1q1].
   apply rep_trans´ in qqq1 as [q0 Hq0 q0q1].
   eexists. eassumption.
   rewrite p0p1, q0q1.
   apply (ftT_T _ par_t). apply (in_binary_ctx par).
    apply (fTf_Tf b). apply (in_unary_ctx rep). now apply (b_T b).
    now apply (t_T b).
 Global Instance rept_t: R, Proper (t R ==> t R) rep := unary_proper rep_t.

End CCS.

A proof by enhance coinduction

Module acd.
 CoInductive : Type := a | c | d.
 Definition N := .
End acd.
Module Import CCSacd := CCS(acd).

The four processes from Section 4
CoFixpoint A := prf (inp a) (prf (inp c) D)
      with B := prf (inp a) (prf (inp c) C)
      with C := prf (out a) (par A C)
      with D := prf (out a) (par B D).

Lemma dA: A = prf (inp a) (prf (inp c) D).
Proof. apply Sd. Qed.
Lemma dB: B = prf (inp a) (prf (inp c) C).
Proof. apply Sd. Qed.
Lemma dC: C = prf (out a) (par A C).
Proof. apply Sd. Qed.
Lemma dD: D = prf (out a) (par B D).
Proof. apply Sd. Qed.

Utilities to factor code thanks to the (relative) determinism of the considered processe
Lemma bAB (R: S S Prop): R (prf (inp c) D) (prf (inp c) C) b R A B.
Proof. intro. rewrite dA, dB. split; intros ? ? T; inversion_clear T; eauto. Qed.
Lemma bCD (R: S S Prop): R (par A C) (par B D) b R C D.
Proof. intro. rewrite dC, dD. split; intros ? ? T; inversion_clear T; eauto. Qed.

the proof by enhanced bisimulation
Goal cup (pair A B) (pair C D) gfp b.
  apply coinduction. apply cup_spec. split; applyleq_pair.
  apply bAB. apply prft_t. symmetry. apply (id_t b). apply <-leq_pair. apply cup_r.
  apply bCD. apply part_t; apply (id_t b); apply <-leq_pair. apply cup_l. apply cup_r.