Require Import Setoid CMorphisms.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import edone preliminaries bij digraph.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Simple Graphs

This file defines (finite) simple graphs, i.e. undirected and unlabeled graphs without self-loops.

Record sgraph := SGraph { svertex : finType ;
                          sedge: rel svertex;
                          sg_sym': symmetric sedge;
                          sg_irrefl': irreflexive sedge}.

Canonical digraph_of (G : sgraph) := DiGraph (@sedge G).
Coercion digraph_of : sgraph >-> diGraph.

The notation x -- y is now inherited
(* Notation "x -- y" := (sedge x y) (at level 30). *)

Definition sg_sym (G : sgraph) : symmetric (@edge_rel G). exact: sg_sym'. Qed.
Definition sg_irrefl (G : sgraph) : irreflexive (@edge_rel G). exact: sg_irrefl'. Qed.

Definition sgP := (sg_sym,sg_irrefl).
Prenex Implicits sedge.

Lemma sg_edgeNeq (G : sgraph) (x y : G) : x -- y -> (x == y = false).
Proof. apply: contraTF => /eqP ->. by rewrite sg_irrefl. Qed.

Lemma sconnect_sym (G : sgraph) : connect_sym (@sedge G).
Proof. apply: connect_symI. exact: sg_sym. Qed.

Lemma sedge_equiv (G : sgraph) :
  equivalence_rel (connect (@sedge G)).
Proof. apply: equivalence_rel_of_sym. exact: sg_sym. Qed.

Lemma symmetric_restrict_sedge (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) :
  symmetric (restrict A sedge).
Proof. apply: symmetric_restrict. exact: sg_sym. Qed.
Hint Resolve symmetric_restrict_sedge : core.

Lemma srestrict_sym (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) :
  connect_sym (restrict A sedge).
Proof. apply: connect_symI. exact: symmetric_restrict_sedge. Qed.

Lemma sedge_in_equiv (G : sgraph) (A : {set G}) :
  equivalence_rel (connect (restrict (mem A) sedge)).
  apply: equivalence_rel_of_sym.
  apply: symmetric_restrict. exact:sg_sym.

Lemma sedge_equiv_in (G : sgraph) (A : {set G}) :
  {in A & &, equivalence_rel (connect (restrict (mem A) sedge))}.
Proof. move: (sedge_in_equiv A). by firstorder. Qed.

Disjoint Union

Section JoinSG.
  Variables (G1 G2 : sgraph).

  Definition join_rel (a b : G1 + G2) :=
    match a,b with
    | inl x, inl y => x -- y
    | inr x, inr y => x -- y
    | _,_ => false

  Lemma join_rel_sym : symmetric join_rel.
  Proof. move => [x|x] [y|y] //=; by rewrite sg_sym. Qed.

  Lemma join_rel_irrefl : irreflexive join_rel.
  Proof. move => [x|x] //=; by rewrite sg_irrefl. Qed.

  Definition sjoin := SGraph join_rel_sym join_rel_irrefl.

  Lemma join_disc (x : G1) (y : G2) :
    connect join_rel (inl x) (inr y) = false.
    apply/negP. case/connectP => p. elim: p x => // [[a|a]] //= p IH x.
    case/andP => _. exact: IH.

End JoinSG.

Prenex Implicits join_rel.


Definition hom_s (G1 G2 : sgraph) (h : G1 -> G2) :=
  forall x y, x -- y -> h x != h y -> (h x -- h y).

Definition subgraph (S G : sgraph) :=
  exists2 h : S -> G, injective h & hom_s h.

Section InducedSubgraph.
  Variables (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}).

  Definition induced_type := sig [eta mem S].

  Definition induced_rel := [rel x y : induced_type | val x -- val y].

  Lemma induced_sym : symmetric induced_rel.
  Proof. move => x y /=. by rewrite sgP. Qed.

  Lemma induced_irrefl : irreflexive induced_rel.
  Proof. move => x /=. by rewrite sgP. Qed.

  Definition induced := SGraph induced_sym induced_irrefl.

  Lemma induced_sub : subgraph induced G.
  Proof. exists val => //. exact: val_inj. Qed.

End InducedSubgraph.

Lemma irreflexive_restrict (T : Type) (e : rel T) (A : pred T) :
  irreflexive e -> irreflexive (restrict A e).
Proof. move => irr_e x /=. by rewrite irr_e. Qed.

Definition srestrict (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) :=
  Eval hnf in SGraph (symmetric_restrict A (@sg_sym G))
                     (irreflexive_restrict A (@sg_irrefl G)).

Isomorphism of simple graphs

Lemma eq_diso (T : finType) (e1 e2 : rel T)
  (e1_sym : symmetric e1) (e1_irrefl : irreflexive e1)
  (e2_sym : symmetric e2) (e2_irrefl : irreflexive e2) :
e1 =2 e2 -> diso (SGraph e1_sym e1_irrefl) (SGraph e2_sym e2_irrefl).
Proof. intro E. exists (@bij_id T) => x y /=; by rewrite /edge_rel /= E. Qed.

Lemma iso_subgraph (G H : sgraph) : diso G H -> subgraph G H.
  case => g E _.
  exists g. apply (can_inj (bijK g)).
  move=> x y e _. by apply E.

Splitting off disconnected parts
Lemma ssplit_disconnected (G:sgraph) (V : {set G}) :
  (forall x y, x \in V -> y \notin V -> ~~ x -- y) ->
  diso (sjoin (induced V) (induced (~: V))) G.
  move => HV. set H := sjoin _ _.
  have cast x (p : x \notin V) : x \in ~: V. by rewrite inE.
  pose g (x : G) : H :=
    match (@boolP (x \in V)) with
      | AltTrue p => inl (Sub x p)
      | AltFalse p => inr (Sub x (cast x p))
  pose h (x : H) : G := match x with inl x => val x | inr x => val x end.
  pose g' := @Bij _ _ g h.
  apply Diso'' with h g.
  - move => [x|x]; rewrite /g /h.
    + case: {-}_ /boolP => px.
      * congr inl. symmetry. apply/eqP. by rewrite sub_val_eq.
      * case:notF. apply: contraNT px => _. exact: valP.
    + case: {-}_ /boolP => px.
      * case:notF. apply: contraTT px => _. move: (valP x). by rewrite !inE.
      * congr inr. symmetry. apply/eqP. by rewrite sub_val_eq.
  - move => x. rewrite /g /h. by case: {-}_ /boolP.
  - move => x y. by case: x=>[x|x]; case: y=>[y|y] xy.
  - move => x y xy. rewrite /g. case: {-}_/boolP => px;case: {-}_/boolP => py => //.
    + apply: contraTT xy => _. exact: HV.
    + apply: contraTT xy => _. rewrite sg_sym. exact: HV.

Unpackaged Simple Paths

We establish those properties of pathp and upath that require symmetry or irreflexivity, i.e. path reversal

Section SimplePaths.
Variable (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types (x y z : G).

Definition srev x p := rev (belast x p).

Lemma last_rev_belast x y p :
  last x p = y -> last y (srev x p) = x.
Proof. case: p => //= a p _. by rewrite /srev rev_cons last_rcons. Qed.

Lemma path_srev x p :
  path sedge x p = path sedge (last x p) (srev x p).
  rewrite rev_path [in RHS](eq_path (e' := sedge)) //.
  move => {x} x y. exact: sg_sym.

Lemma srev_rcons x z p : srev x (rcons p z) = rcons (rev p) x.
Proof. by rewrite /srev belast_rcons rev_cons. Qed.

Note that the converse of the following does not hold since srev x p forgets the last element of p. Consequently, double reversal only cancels if the right nodes are added back.
Lemma pathp_rev x y p : pathp x y p -> pathp y x (srev x p).
  rewrite /pathp. elim/last_ind: p => /= [|p z _]; first by rewrite eq_sym.
  rewrite !srev_rcons !last_rcons eqxx andbT path_srev last_rcons srev_rcons.
  by move/andP => [A /eqP <-].

Lemma srevK x y p : last x p = y -> srev y (srev x p) = p.
  elim/last_ind: p => // p z _.
  by rewrite last_rcons !srev_rcons revK => ->.

Lemma srev_nodes x y p : pathp x y p -> x :: p =i y :: srev x p.
  elim/last_ind: p => //; first by move/pathp_nil ->.
  move => p z _ H a. rewrite srev_rcons !(inE,mem_rcons,mem_rev).
  rewrite (pathp_rcons H). by case: (a == x).

Lemma rev_upath x y p : upath x y p -> upath y x (srev x p).
  case/andP => A B. apply/andP; split; last exact: pathp_rev.
  apply: leq_size_uniq A _ _.
  - move => z. by rewrite -srev_nodes.
  - by rewrite /= size_rev size_belast.

Lemma upath_sym x y : unique (upath x y) -> unique (upath y x).
  move => U p q Hp Hq.
  suff S: last y p = last y q.
  { apply: last_belast_eq S _; apply: rev_inj; apply: U; exact: rev_upath. }
  rewrite !(@pathp_last _ x) //; exact: upathW.

End SimplePaths.

Lemma upathPR (G : sgraph) (x y : G) A :
  reflect (exists p : seq G, @upath (srestrict A) x y p)
          (connect (restrict A sedge) x y).
Proof. exact: (@upathP (srestrict A)). Qed.

Lemma restrict_upath (G:sgraph) (x y:G) (A : pred G) (p : seq G) :
  @upath (srestrict A) x y p -> upath x y p.
  elim: p x => // z p IH x /upath_consE [/= /andP [_ u1] u2 u3].
  rewrite upath_cons u1 u2 /=. exact: IH.

(* TOTHINK: is this the best way to transfer path from induced subgraphs *)
Lemma induced_path (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S) (p : seq (induced S)) :
  pathp x y p -> @pathp G (val x) (val y) (map val p).
  elim: p x => /= [|z p IH] x pth_p.
  - by rewrite (pathp_nil pth_p) pathpxx.
  - rewrite !pathp_cons in pth_p *.
    case/andP : pth_p => p1 p2. apply/andP; split => //. exact: IH.

Section Packaged.
Variables (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types x y z : G.

Section Prev.
Variables (x y z : G) (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z).

Definition prev_proof := pathp_rev (valP p).
Definition prev : Path y x := Sub (srev x (val p)) prev_proof.

End Prev.

Lemma prevK x y (p : Path x y) : prev (prev p) = p.
Proof. apply/val_inj=> /=. apply: srevK. exact: path_last. Qed.

Lemma prev_inj x y : injective (@prev x y).
Proof. apply: (can_inj (g := (@prev y x))) => p. exact: prevK. Qed.

Lemma mem_prev x y (p : Path x y) u : (u \in prev p) = (u \in p).
Proof. rewrite !mem_path !nodesE -srev_nodes //. exact: valP. Qed.

Lemma nodes_prev (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
  nodes (prev p) = rev (nodes p).
  apply: rev_inj. rewrite /prev /srev !nodesE /=.
  by rewrite rev_cons !revK -{2}[y](path_last p) -lastI.

Definition inE := (inE,mem_prev).

Lemma prev_cat x y z (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z) :
  prev (pcat p q) = pcat (prev q) (prev p).
Proof. apply/eqP. by rewrite -val_eqE /= /srev belast_cat rev_cat path_last. Qed.

Lemma prev_irred x y (p : Path x y) : irred p -> irred (prev p).
  rewrite /irred /nodes => U. apply: leq_size_uniq U _ _.
  - move => u. by rewrite mem_prev.
  - by rewrite -!lock /= ltnS /srev size_rev size_belast.

Lemma irred_rev x y (p : Path x y) : irred (prev p) = irred p.
Proof. apply/idP/idP; first rewrite -[p as X in irred X]prevK; exact: prev_irred. Qed.

Paths with a single edge using an injection from (proofs of) x -- y

Fact prev_edge_proof x y (xy : x -- y) : y -- x. by rewrite sgP. Qed.
Lemma prev_edge x y (xy : x -- y) : prev (edgep xy) = edgep (prev_edge_proof xy).
Proof. by apply/eqP. Qed.

Lemma irred_edge x y (xy : x -- y) : irred (edgep xy).
Proof. by rewrite irredE nodesE /= andbT inE sg_edgeNeq. Qed.

TODO: The following lemma hold for digraphs, but the proof uses symmetry of the edge relation

Lemma split_at_last {A : pred G} (x y : G) (p : Path x y) (k : G) :
  k \in A -> k \in p ->
  exists (z : G) (p1 : Path x z) (p2 : Path z y),
    [/\ p = pcat p1 p2, z \in A & forall z' : G, z' \in A -> z' \in p2 -> z' = z].
  move => kA kp. rewrite -mem_prev in kp.
  case: (split_at_first kA kp) => z [p1] [p2] [E zA I].
  exists z. exists (prev p2). exists (prev p1). rewrite -prev_cat -E prevK.
  split => // z'. rewrite mem_prev. exact: I.

End Packaged.

Hint Resolve path_begin path_end : core.

Transporting paths to and from induced subgraphs

Lemma path_to_induced (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S) p' :
  @pathp G (val x) (val y) p' -> {subset p' <= S} ->
  exists2 p, pathp x y p & p' = map val p.
  move=> pth_p' sub_p'.
  case: (lift_pathp _ _ pth_p' _) => //; first exact: val_inj.
  - move=> z /sub_p' z_S. by apply/codomP; exists (Sub z z_S).
  - move=> p [pth_p /esym eq_p']. by exists p.

Lemma Path_to_induced (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S)
  (p : Path (val x) (val y)) :
  {subset p <= S} -> exists q : Path x y, map val (nodes q) = nodes p.
  case: p => p pth_p sub_p. case: (path_to_induced pth_p).
  - move=> z z_p; apply: sub_p. by rewrite mem_path nodesE /= inE z_p.
  - move=> q pth_q eq_p. exists (Sub q pth_q). by rewrite !nodesE /= eq_p.

Lemma Path_from_induced (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S) (p : Path x y) :
  { q : Path (val x) (val y) | {subset q <= S} & nodes q = map val (nodes p) }.
  case: p => p pth_p.
  exists (Build_Path (induced_path pth_p)); last by rewrite !nodesE.
  move=> z; rewrite mem_path nodesE /= -map_cons => /mapP[z' _ ->]; exact: valP.

(* TOTHINK: Use this to prove the lemmas above? *)
Lemma lift_Path_on (G H : sgraph) (f : G -> H) a b (p' : Path (f a) (f b)) :
  (forall x y, f x \in p' -> f y \in p' -> f x -- f y -> x -- y) -> injective f -> {subset p' <= codom f} ->
  exists2 p : Path a b, map f (nodes p) = nodes p' & irred p = irred p'.
  move => A I S. case: (lift_pathp_on _ I (valP p') _).
  - move => x y. rewrite -!nodesE -!mem_path. exact: A.
  - move => x V. apply: S. by rewrite mem_path nodesE inE V.
  - move => p [p1 p2]. exists (Sub p p1).
    + by rewrite !nodesE /= p2.
    + by rewrite !irredE !nodesE -p2 -map_cons map_inj_uniq.

Lemma lift_Path (G H : sgraph) (f : G -> H) a b (p' : Path (f a) (f b)) :
  (forall x y, f x -- f y -> x -- y) -> injective f -> {subset p' <= codom f} ->
  exists2 p : Path a b, map f (nodes p) = nodes p' & irred p = irred p'.
Proof. move => ?. apply: lift_Path_on; auto. Qed.

Path indexing and 3-way split

Definition idx (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) u := index u (nodes p).

(* TOTHINK: This only parses if the level is at most 10, why? *)
Notation "x '<[' p ] y" := (idx p x < idx p y) (at level 10, format "x <[ p ] y").
(* (at level 70, p at level 200, y at next level, format "x  < p   y"). *)

Section PathIndexing.
  Variables (G : sgraph).
  Implicit Types x y z : G.

  Lemma idx_mem x y (p : Path x y) z :
    z \in p -> idx p z <= size (tail p).
    case: p => p pth_p. rewrite /idx /irred in_collective nodesE inE /=.
    case: ifP => // E. rewrite eq_sym E /= -index_mem => H. exact: leq_trans H _.

  Lemma idx_start x y (p : Path x y) : idx p x = 0.
  Proof. by rewrite /idx nodesE /= eqxx. Qed.

  Lemma idx_end x y (p : Path x y) :
    irred p -> idx p y = size (tail p).
    rewrite /irred nodesE => irr_p.
    by rewrite /idx nodesE -[in index _](path_last p) index_last.

  Lemma idx_catL (x y z u v : G) (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z) :
    u \in p -> v \in p -> idx (pcat p q) u <= idx (pcat p q) v = (idx p u <= idx p v).
    move=> u_p v_p. rewrite /idx (nodesE (pcat _ _)) (lock index)/= -lock.
    by rewrite -cat_cons -nodesE !index_cat u_p v_p.

  Lemma idx_catR (x y z u v : G) (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z) :
    u \notin p -> v \notin p ->
    idx (pcat p q) u <= idx (pcat p q) v = (idx q u <= idx q v).
    move=> uNp vNp. rewrite /idx (nodesE (pcat _ _)) (lock index)/= -lock.
    rewrite -cat_cons lastI cat_rcons path_last -nodesE !index_cat.
    have /negbTE-> : u \notin belast x (val p).
    { apply: contraNN uNp. by rewrite mem_path nodesE lastI mem_rcons inE =>->. }
    have /negbTE-> : v \notin belast x (val p).
    { apply: contraNN vNp. by rewrite mem_path nodesE lastI mem_rcons inE =>->. }
    by rewrite leq_add2l.

  Section IDX.
    Variables (x z y : G) (p : Path x z) (q : Path z y).
    Implicit Types u v : G.

    Lemma idx_inj : {in nodes p, injective (idx p) }.
      move => u in_s v E. rewrite /idx in E.
      have A : v \in nodes p. by rewrite -index_mem -E index_mem.
      by rewrite -(nth_index x in_s) E nth_index.

    Hypothesis irr_pq : irred (pcat p q).

    Let dis_pq : [disjoint nodes p & tail q].
    Proof. move: irr_pq. by rewrite irred_catD => /and3P[]. Qed.

    Let irr_p : irred p. by case/irred_catE : irr_pq. Qed.

    Let irr_q : irred q. by case/irred_catE : irr_pq. Qed.

    Lemma idxR u : u \in pcat p q -> u \in tail q = z <[pcat p q] u.
      move => A. symmetry.
      rewrite /idx /pcat nodesE -cat_cons index_cat -nodesE path_end.
      rewrite index_cat mem_pcatT in A *. case/orP: A => A.
      - rewrite A (disjointFr dis_pq A). apply/negbTE.
        rewrite -leqNgt -!/(idx _ _) (idx_end irr_p) -ltnS.
        rewrite -index_mem in A. apply: leq_trans A _. by rewrite nodesE.
      - rewrite A (disjointFl dis_pq A) -!/(idx _ _) (idx_end irr_p).
        by rewrite nodesE /= addSn ltnS leq_addr.

    Lemma idx_nLR u : u \in nodes (pcat p q) ->
      idx (pcat p q) z < idx (pcat p q) u -> u \notin nodes p /\ u \in tail q.
    Proof. move => A B. rewrite -idxR // in B. by rewrite (disjointFl dis_pq B). Qed.

  End IDX.

  Lemma index_rcons (T : eqType) a b (s : seq T):
    a \in b::s -> uniq (b :: s) ->
    index a (rcons s b) = if a == b then size s else index a s.
    case: (boolP (a == b)) => [/eqP<- _|].
    - elim: s a {b} => //= [|b s IH] a; first by rewrite eqxx.
      rewrite !inE negb_or -andbA => /and4P[A B C D].
      rewrite eq_sym (negbTE A) IH //.
    - elim: s a b => //.
      + move => a b. by rewrite inE => /negbTE->.
      + move => c s IH a b A. rewrite inE (negbTE A) /=.
        rewrite inE eq_sym. case: (boolP (c == a)) => //= B C D.
        rewrite IH //.
        * by rewrite inE C.
        * case/and3P:D => D1 D2 D3. rewrite /= D3 andbT. exact: notin_tail D1.

  Lemma index_rev (T : eqType) a (s : seq T) :
    a \in s -> uniq s -> index a (rev s) = (size s).-1 - index a s.
    elim: s => // b s IH. rewrite in_cons [uniq _]/=.
    case/predU1P => [?|A] /andP [B uniq_s].
    - subst b. rewrite rev_cons index_rcons.
      + by rewrite eqxx index_head subn0 size_rev.
      + by rewrite mem_head.
      + by rewrite /= rev_uniq mem_rev B.
    - have D : b == a = false. { by apply: contraNF B => /eqP->. }
      rewrite rev_cons index_rcons.
      + rewrite eq_sym D IH //= D. by case s.
      + by rewrite inE mem_rev A.
      + by rewrite /= rev_uniq mem_rev B.

  Lemma idx_srev a x y (p : Path x y) :
    a \in p -> irred p -> idx (prev p) a = size (pval p) - idx p a.
    move => A B. rewrite /idx /prev !nodesE SubK /srev.
    case/andP: (valP p) => p1 /eqP p2.
    by rewrite -rev_rcons -[X in rcons _ X]p2 -lastI index_rev // -?nodesE -?irredE.

  Lemma idx_swap_aux a b x y (p : Path x y) : a \in p -> b \in p -> irred p ->
    idx p a < idx p b -> idx (prev p) b < idx (prev p) a.
    move => aP bP ip A. rewrite !idx_srev //. apply: ltn_sub2l => //.
    apply: (@leq_trans (idx p b)) => //.
    rewrite -ltnS -[X in _ < X]/(size (x :: pval p)).
    by rewrite -nodesE index_mem.

  Lemma idx_swap a b x y (p : Path x y) :
    a \in p -> b \in p -> irred p -> a <[p] b = b <[prev p] a.
    move => aP bP ip. apply/idP/idP => /idx_swap_aux; auto.
    rewrite irred_rev prevK !mem_prev. by apply.

  Lemma three_way_split x y (p : Path x y) a b :
    irred p -> a \in p -> b \in p -> a <[p] b ->
    exists (p1 : Path x a) (p2 : Path a b) p3,
      [/\ p = pcat p1 (pcat p2 p3), a \notin p3 & b \notin p1].
    move => irr_p a_in_p b_in_p a_before_b.
    case/(isplitP irr_p) def_p : _ / (a_in_p) => [p1 p2' irr_p1 irr_p2' _]. subst p.
    case: (idx_nLR irr_p b_in_p) => // Y1 Y2.
    case/(isplitP irr_p2') def_p1' : _ / (tailW Y2) => [p2 p3 irr_p2 irr_p3 D2]. subst p2'.
    exists p1. exists p2. exists p3. split => //.
    have A: a != b. { apply: contraTN a_before_b => /eqP=>?. subst b. by rewrite ltnn. }
    apply: contraNN A => A. by rewrite [a]D2 // path_begin.

End PathIndexing.


Between nodes (reflection lemmas)

NOTE: need to require either x != y or x \in A since packaged paths are never empty
Lemma uPathRP (G : sgraph) {A : pred G} x y : x != y ->
  reflect (exists2 p: Path x y, irred p & p \subset A)
          (connect (restrict A sedge) x y).
  move => Hxy. apply: (iffP connectUP).
  - move => [p [p1 p2 p3]].
    have pth_p : pathp x y p.
    { rewrite /pathp p2 eqxx andbT.
      apply: sub_path p1. exact: subrel_restrict. }
    exists (Build_Path pth_p); first by rewrite /irred nodesE.
    apply/subsetP => z. rewrite mem_path nodesE SubK inE.
    case: p p1 p2 {p3 pth_p} => [/= _ /eqP?|a p pth_p _]; first by contrab.
    case/predU1P => [->|]; last exact: path_restrict pth_p _.
    move: pth_p => /=. by case: (x \in A).
  - move => [p irr_p subA]. case/andP: (valP p) => p1 /eqP p2.
    exists (val p); split => //; last by rewrite /irred nodesE in irr_p.
    have/andP [A1 A2] : (x \in A) && (val p \subset A).
    { move/subsetP : subA => H. rewrite !H ?path_begin //=.
      apply/subsetP => z Hz. apply: H. by rewrite mem_path nodesE !inE Hz. }
    apply: restrict_path => //. exact/subsetP.

(* This is only useful if the x = y case does not require x \in A *)
Lemma connect_restrict_case (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (A : pred G) :
  connect (restrict A sedge) x y ->
  x = y \/ [/\ x != y, x \in A, y \in A & connect (restrict A sedge) x y].
  case: (altP (x =P y)) => [|? conn]; first by left.
  case/uPathRP : (conn) => // p _ /subsetP subA.
  right; split => //; by rewrite subA ?path_end ?path_begin.

Lemma PathRP (G : sgraph) {A : pred G} x y : x != y ->
  reflect (exists p: Path x y, p \subset A)
          (connect (restrict A sedge) x y).
  move=> xNy; apply: (iffP (uPathRP xNy)); first by firstorder.
  move=> [p] p_sub_A. case: (uncycle p) => [q] /subsetP q_sub_p Iq.
  by exists q; last apply: subset_trans p_sub_A.

Lemma connectRI (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) x y (p : Path x y) :
  {subset p <= A} -> connect (restrict A sedge) x y.
  case: (boolP (x == y)) => [/eqP ?|]; first by subst y; rewrite connect0.
  move => xy subA. apply/uPathRP => //. case: (uncycle p) => p' p1 p2.
  exists p' => //. apply/subsetP => z /p1. exact: subA.

Of subsets

Definition connected (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) :=
  {in S & S, forall x y : G, connect (restrict (mem S) edge_rel) x y}.

Lemma eq_connected (V : finType) (e1 e2 : rel V) (A : {set V})
  (e1_sym : symmetric e1) (e1_irrefl : irreflexive e1)
  (e2_sym : symmetric e2) (e2_irrefl : irreflexive e2):
  e1 =2 e2 ->
  @connected (SGraph e1_sym e1_irrefl) A <-> @connected (SGraph e2_sym e2_irrefl) A.
  move => E. split.
  - move => H x y xA yA. erewrite eq_connect. eapply H => //.
    move => u v. by rewrite /edge_rel /= E.
  - move => H x y xA yA. erewrite eq_connect. eapply H => //.
    move => u v. by rewrite /edge_rel /= E.

Definition disconnected (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) :=
  exists x y : G, [/\ x \in S, y \in S & ~~ connect (restrict (mem S) edge_rel) x y].

Lemma disconnectedE (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) : disconnected S <-> ~ connected S.
  split; first by case=> [x] [y] [x_S y_S /negP xNy] /(_ x y x_S y_S).
  move=> SNconn. apply/'exists_'exists_and3P.
  rewrite -[X in is_true X]negbK. apply/negP => SNdisconn.
  apply: SNconn => x y x_S y_S. move: SNdisconn.
  rewrite negb_exists => /forallP/(_ x). rewrite negb_exists => /forallP/(_ y).
  by rewrite x_S y_S /= negbK.

Lemma connectedTE (G : sgraph) :
  connected [set: G] -> forall x y : G, connect sedge x y.
  move => A x y. move: (A x y).
  rewrite !inE !restrictE; first by apply. by move => ?; rewrite !inE.

Lemma connectedTI (G : sgraph) :
  (forall x y : G, connect sedge x y) -> connected [set: G].
Proof. move => H x y _ _. rewrite restrictE // => z. by rewrite inE. Qed.

Lemma connected_restrict (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) x :
  connected [set y | connect (restrict A sedge) x y].
  move => u v. rewrite !inE => Hu Hv. move defP : (mem _) => P.
  wlog suff W: u Hu / connect (restrict P sedge) x u.
  { apply: connect_trans (W _ Hv). rewrite srestrict_sym. exact: W. }
  case: (altP (x =P u)) => [-> //|xDu].
  case/uPathRP : Hu => // p Ip Ap.
  apply connectRI with p => z in_p.
  rewrite -defP inE. case/psplitP : in_p Ap => p1 p2 Ap.
  apply connectRI with p1. apply/subsetP.
  apply: subset_trans Ap. exact: subset_pcatL.

Lemma connect_range (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) x : x \in A ->
  [set y | connect (restrict A sedge) x y] =
  [set y in A | connect (restrict A sedge) x y].
  move => inA. apply/setP => z. rewrite !inE srestrict_sym.
  apply/idP/andP => [|[//]]. by case/connect_restrict_case => [->|[]].

Lemma connected_restrict_in (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) x : x \in A ->
  connected [set y in A | connect (restrict A sedge) x y].
Proof. move => inA. rewrite -connect_range //. exact: connected_restrict. Qed.

(* NOTE: This could be generalized to sets and their images *)
Lemma iso_connected (G H : sgraph) :
  diso G H -> connected [set: H] -> connected [set: G].
  (* TODO: update proof to abstract against concrete implem of diso *)
  move=> [[h g can_h can_g] /= hom_h hom_g] con_H x y _ _.
  rewrite restrictE; last by move => z; rewrite !inE.
  have := con_H (h x) (h y). rewrite !inE => /(_ isT isT).
  rewrite restrictE; last by move => z; rewrite !inE.
  case/pathpP => p. case/lift_pathp => //.
  + move => {x y} x y. rewrite -{2}[x]can_h -{2}[y]can_h. exact: hom_g.
  + exact: can_inj can_h.
  + move => z _. apply/codomP. exists (g z). by rewrite can_g.
  + move => p' [Hp' _]. apply/pathpP. by exists p'.

Lemma connected0 (G : sgraph) : connected (@set0 G).
Proof. move => x y. by rewrite inE. Qed.

Lemma connected1 (G : sgraph) (x : G) : connected [set x].
Proof. move => ? ? /set1P <- /set1P <-. exact: connect0. Qed.

Lemma connected2 (G : sgraph) (x y: G) : x -- y -> connected [set x; y].
  move=> xy ? ? /set2P[]-> /set2P[]->; try exact: connect0.
  all: apply: connect1; rewrite /= !inE !eqxx orbT //=; by rewrite sg_sym.

Lemma connected_center (G:sgraph) x (S : {set G}) :
  {in S, forall y, connect (restrict (mem S) sedge) x y} -> x \in S ->
  connected S.
  move => H inS y z Hy Hz. apply: connect_trans (H _ Hz).
  rewrite connect_symI; by [apply: H | apply: symmetric_restrict_sedge].

Lemma connectedU_common_point (G : sgraph) (U V : {set G}) (x : G):
  x \in U -> x \in V -> connected U -> connected V -> connected (U :|: V).
  move => xU xV conU conV.
  apply connected_center with x; last by rewrite !inE xU.
  move => y. case/setUP => [yU|yV].
  - apply: connect_restrict_mono (conU _ _ xU yU); exact: subsetUl.
  - apply: connect_restrict_mono (conV _ _ xV yV); exact: subsetUr.

Lemma connectedU_edge (G : sgraph) (U V : {set G}) (x y : G) :
  x \in U -> y \in V -> x -- y -> connected U -> connected V -> connected (U :|: V).
  move=> x_U y_V xy U_conn V_conn u v u_UV v_UV.
  have subl : {subset mem U <= mem (U :|: V)} by move=> ?; rewrite !inE =>->.
  have subr : {subset mem V <= mem (U :|: V)} by move=> ?; rewrite !inE =>->.
  case: (altP (u =P v)) => [->|uNv]; first exact: connect0.
  wlog [u_U v_V] : u v uNv {u_UV v_UV} / u \in U /\ v \in V.
  { move=> Hyp. move: u_UV v_UV. rewrite !inE.
    move=> /orP[u_U | u_V] /orP[v_U | v_V].
    - apply: connect_mono (U_conn u v u_U v_U). exact: restrict_mono.
    - exact: Hyp.
    - rewrite srestrict_sym. apply: Hyp; by [rewrite eq_sym |].
    - apply: connect_mono (V_conn u v u_V v_V). exact: restrict_mono. }
  apply: (@connect_trans _ _ y); last first.
  { apply: connect_mono (V_conn y v y_V v_V). exact: restrict_mono. }
  apply: (@connect_trans _ _ x).
  { apply: connect_mono (U_conn u x u_U x_U). exact: restrict_mono. }
  by apply: connect1; rewrite /= !inE x_U y_V xy.

Lemma path_in_connected (G:sgraph) (T : {set G}) x y : connected T -> x \in T -> y \in T ->
  exists2 p : Path x y, irred p & p \subset T.
  move => C Hx Hy.
  case: (altP (x =P y)) => [?|D].
  - subst y. exists (idp x); rewrite ?irred_idp //. apply/subsetP => A. by rewrite mem_idp => /eqP->.
  - case/uPathRP : (C _ _ Hx Hy) => // p Ip Sp. by exists p.

Lemma connected_path (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
  connected [set z in p].
  apply: (@connected_center _ x); last by rewrite inE.
  move => z. rewrite inE => A. case/psplitP : _ / A => {p} p1 p2.
  apply: (connectRI (p := p1)) => u Hu. by rewrite inE mem_pcat Hu.

Lemma connected_in_subgraph (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) (A : {set induced S}) :
  connected A -> connected [set val x | x in A].
  move => conn_A ? ? /imsetP [/= x xA ->] /imsetP [/= y yA ->].
  case: (boolP (x == y)) => [/eqP->|Hxy]; first exact: connect0.
  move: (conn_A _ _ xA yA) => /uPathRP. move/(_ Hxy) => [p irr_p /subsetP subA].
  case: (Path_from_induced p) => q sub_S Hq.
  apply: (connectRI (p := q)) => z.
  rewrite in_collective Hq => /mapP[z'] /subA Hz' ->.
  exact: mem_imset.

Lemma connected_induced (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) :
  connected S -> connected [set: induced S].
  move => conn_S x y _ _.
  rewrite restrictE => [|u]; last by rewrite inE.
  have/uPathRP := conn_S _ _ (valP x) (valP y).
  case: (boolP (val x == val y)) => [|E /(_ isT) [p] _ /subsetP sub_S].
  - rewrite val_eqE => /eqP-> _. exact: connect0.
  - case: (Path_to_induced sub_S) => q _. exact: Path_connect q.

Lemma connected_card_gt1 (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) :
  connected S -> {in S &, forall x y, x != y -> exists2 z, z \in S & x -- z }.
  move=> conn_S x y x_S y_S xNy.
  move: conn_S => /(_ x y x_S y_S)/(PathRP xNy)[p]/subsetP p_S.
  case: (splitL p xNy) => [z] [xz] [p'] [_ eqi_p'].
  exists z; last by []; apply: p_S.
  by rewrite in_collective nodesE inE -eqi_p' path_begin.

Connected components

Definition components (G : sgraph) (H : {set G}) : {set {set G}} :=
  equivalence_partition (connect (restrict (mem H) sedge)) H.

Lemma partition_components (G : sgraph) (H : {set G}) :
  partition (components H) H.
Proof. apply: equivalence_partitionP. exact: (@sedge_equiv_in G). Qed.

Lemma trivIset_components (G : sgraph) (U : {set G}) : trivIset (components U).
Proof. by case/and3P : (partition_components U). Qed.

Lemma partition0 (T : finType) (P : {set {set T}}) (D : {set T}) :
  partition P D -> set0 \in P = false.
Proof. case/and3P => _ _. by apply: contraNF. Qed.
Arguments partition0 [T P] D.

Hint Resolve partition_components trivIset_components : core.

Lemma components_pblockP (G : sgraph) (H : {set G}) (x y : G) :
  reflect (exists p : Path x y, p \subset H) (y \in pblock (components H) x).
  apply: (iffP idP).
  - case/(pblock_eqvE (@sedge_equiv_in _ _)) => xH yH.
    wlog xNy : / x != y.
    { move=> Hyp. case: (altP (x =P y)) => [<- _|]; last exact: Hyp.
      exists (idp x). apply/subsetP=> z. by rewrite mem_idp => /eqP->. }
    case/(PathRP xNy) => p p_sub. by exists p.
  - case=> p /subsetP p_sub. rewrite pblock_equivalence_partition.
    + exact: connectRI p_sub.
    + exact: sedge_equiv_in.
    + apply: p_sub; exact: path_begin.
    + apply: p_sub; exact: path_end.

Lemma components_nonempty (G : sgraph) (U C : {set G}) :
  C \in components U -> exists x, x \in C.
  case: (set_0Vmem C) => [->|[x inC] _]; by [rewrite (partition0 U)| exists x].

Lemma components_subset (G : sgraph) (U C : {set G}) :
  C \in components U -> C \subset U.
  move => comp_C.
  case/and3P : (partition_components U) => /eqP <- _ _.
  apply/subsetP => x. exact: mem_cover.

Lemma connected_in_components (G : sgraph) (H C : {set G}) :
  C \in components H -> connected C.
  have PEQ := pblock_equivalence_partition (@sedge_equiv_in G H).
  move => C_comp.
  case/and3P: (partition_components H) => /eqP compU compI comp0.
  have/set0Pn [x in_C] : C != set0. by apply: contraNN comp0 => /eqP<-.
  have CH: {subset C <= H}.
  { move => z Hz. rewrite -compU. apply/bigcupP; by exists C. }
  move/CH : (in_C) => in_H.
  suff -> : C = [set y in H | connect (restrict (mem H) sedge) x y].
  { exact: connected_restrict_in. }
  apply/setP => y. rewrite inE. case: (boolP (y \in H)) => /= [y_in_H|y_notin_H].
  - by rewrite -PEQ // ?(def_pblock _ C_comp).
  - apply: contraNF y_notin_H. exact: CH.

Lemma connected_one_component (G : sgraph) (U C : {set G}) :
  C \in components U -> U \subset C -> connected U.
  move => comp_C sub_UC.
  have ? : connected C by apply: connected_in_components comp_C.
  suff : U == C by move/eqP->.
  by rewrite eqEsubset sub_UC components_subset.

Lemma component_exit (G : sgraph) (V C : {set G}) (x y : G) :
  x -- y -> C \in components V -> x \in C -> y \in ~: V :|: C.
  move=> xy C_comp x_C. rewrite !inE -implybE. apply/implyP => y_V.
  case/and3P: (partition_components V) => /eqP compU compI comp0n.
  have x_V : x \in V by rewrite -compU; apply/bigcupP; exists C.
  rewrite -(def_pblock compI C_comp x_C) pblock_equivalence_partition //;
    last exact: sedge_equiv_in.
  apply/PathRP; first by rewrite sg_edgeNeq.
  exists (edgep xy); apply/subsetP=> z; rewrite mem_edgep.
  by case/orP=> /eqP->.

Lemma remove_component (G : sgraph) (V C : {set G}) (x0 : G) : x0 \notin V ->
  C \in components V -> connected [set: G] -> connected (~: V) -> connected (~: C).
  move=> ? C_comp G_conn VC_conn.
  case/and3P: (partition_components V) => /eqP compU compI _.
  have sub : C \subset V by rewrite -compU; exact: bigcup_sup.
  have subr : subrel (connect (restrict (mem (~: V)) sedge))
                     (connect (restrict (mem (~: C)) sedge))
    by apply: connect_mono; apply: restrict_mono; apply/subsetP; rewrite setCS.
  suff to_x0 (x : G) : x \in ~: C -> connect (restrict (mem (~: C)) sedge) x x0.
  { move=> x y /to_x0 x_x0 /to_x0. rewrite srestrict_sym. exact: connect_trans. }
  rewrite inE => xNC. wlog x_V : x xNC / x \in V.
  { move=> Hyp. case: (boolP (x \in V)); first exact: Hyp. move=> xNV.
    apply: subr. apply: VC_conn; by rewrite inE. }
  case/uPathP: (connectedTE G_conn x x0) => p Ip.
  have x0_VC : x0 \in ~: V by rewrite inE.
  case: (split_at_first x0_VC (path_end p)) => [x1][p1][p2][Ep x1_VC x1_first].
  have {p p2 Ep Ip} Ip1 : irred p1 by move: Ip; rewrite Ep irred_cat; case/and3P.
  apply: connect_trans (subr _ _ (VC_conn _ _ x1_VC x0_VC)).
  rewrite inE in x1_VC. apply/PathRP; first by apply: contraNneq x1_VC => <-.
  exists p1. apply/subsetP=> z z_p1. rewrite inE.
  case: (altP (z =P x1)) => [->|zNx1]; first by apply: contraNN x1_VC; apply/subsetP.
  apply: contraNN xNC => z_C.
  rewrite -(def_pblock compI C_comp z_C). apply/components_pblockP.
  case/(isplitP Ip1) Ep1 : _ / z_p1 => [q1 q2 _ _ H].
  have x1Nq1 : x1 \notin q1 by apply: contraNN zNx1 => A; rewrite [x1]H.
  exists (prev q1). apply/subsetP=> u. rewrite mem_prev => u_q1.
  apply: contraNT x1Nq1 => uNV. rewrite -(x1_first u) ?inE //.
  by rewrite Ep1 mem_pcat u_q1.

Component of a given vertex

Definition component_of (G : sgraph) (x : G) := pblock (components [set: G]) x.

Lemma in_component_of (G : sgraph) (x : G) : x \in component_of x.
Proof. by rewrite mem_pblock (cover_partition (D := setT)). Qed.

Lemma component_of_components (G : sgraph) (x : G) :
  component_of x \in components [set: G].
Proof. by rewrite pblock_mem // (cover_partition (D := setT)). Qed.

Lemma connected_component_of (G : sgraph) (x : G) :
  connected (component_of x).
Proof. apply: connected_in_components. exact: component_of_components. Qed.

Lemma same_component (G : sgraph) (x y : G) :
  x \in component_of y -> component_of x = component_of y.
Proof. move => xy. exact: same_pblock. Qed.

Lemma component_exchange (G : sgraph) (x y : G) :
  (y \in component_of x) = (x \in component_of y).
  all: case => p _; by exists (prev p).

Lemma mem_component (G : sgraph) (C : {set G}) x :
  C \in components [set: G] -> x \in C -> C = component_of x.
Proof. move => comp_C inC. symmetry. exact: def_pblock. Qed.


Section Cliques.
Variables (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types S : {set G}.

Definition clique S := {in S&, forall x y, x != y -> x -- y}.

Definition cliqueb S := [forall x in S, forall y in S, (x != y) ==> x -- y].

Lemma cliqueP S : reflect (clique S) (cliqueb S).
  apply: (equivP forall_inP). setoid_rewrite <- (rwP forall_inP).
  setoid_rewrite <- (rwP implyP). by firstorder.

Lemma cliquePn S :
  reflect (exists x y, [/\ x \in S, y \in S, x != y & ~~ x -- y]) (~~ cliqueb S).
  apply: (equivP forall_inPn). setoid_rewrite <- (rwP forall_inPn).
  setoid_rewrite negb_imply. setoid_rewrite <- (rwP andP). by firstorder.

Lemma clique1 (x : G) : clique [set x].
Proof. move => y z /set1P-> /set1P ->. by rewrite eqxx. Qed.

Lemma clique2 (x y : G) : x -- y -> clique [set x;y].
  move => xy z z'. rewrite !inE.
  do 2 case/orP => /eqP-> // ; try by rewrite eqxx.
  by rewrite sg_sym.

Lemma small_clique (S : {set G}) : #|S| <= 1 -> clique S.
Proof. move/card_le1P => H x y xS yS. by rewrite (H x y) ?eqxx. Qed.

End Cliques.

Forests and Trees

As with connected, we define forest and set predicates for sets of vertices of some graph. This avoids having to package subtrees (such as CP U for neighbors U) as a graph

Section Forests.

Variables (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types (x y : G) (S : {set G}).

Definition is_forest S :=
  forall x y : G, unique (fun p : Path x y => irred p /\ (p \subset S)).

Definition is_tree S := is_forest S /\ connected S.

Definition is_forestb S :=
  [forall x, forall y, #|[pred p : IPath x y| val p \subset S]| <= 1] .

Lemma is_forestP S : reflect (is_forest S) (is_forestb S).
  apply: (iffP idP) => [H x y p q [Ip Sp] [Iq Sq]|H].
    move/forallP/(_ x)/forallP/(_ y) : H => H.
    suff: Sub p Ip == Sub q Iq :> IPath x y by rewrite -val_eqE => /eqP.
    apply/eqP. apply: card_le1 H _ _; by rewrite inE.
  - apply/forallP => x. apply/forallP => y.
    apply/card_le1P => [[p Ip]] [q Iq]. rewrite !inE /= => pS qS.
    apply: val_inj => /=. exact: H.

Lemma is_forestPn (S : {set G}) :
  reflect (exists x y (p1 p2 : IPath x y), [/\ p1 \subset S, p2 \subset S & p1 != p2])
          (~~ is_forestb S).
  rewrite negb_forall. apply: existsPP => x.
  rewrite negb_forall. apply: existsPP => y.
  rewrite -ltnNge. apply: (iffP card_gt1P) => /=.
  all: by move => [p1] [p2] [A B C]; exists p1; exists p2.

Lemma forest3 : is_forest [set: G] -> 3 <= #|G| -> exists x y : G, x != y /\ ~~ x -- y.
  move => /is_forestP forest_G card_G.
  setoid_rewrite (rwP andP). do ! setoid_rewrite (rwP existsP).
  apply: contraTT forest_G => P.
  have {P} comp_G : forall x y : G, x != y -> x -- y.
  { move => x y xDy. move/existsPn : P => /(_ x)/exists_inPn/(_ y xDy). by rewrite negbK. }
  case/card_gt2P : card_G => x [y] [z] [_ [D1 D2 D3]].
  rewrite eq_sym in D1.
  apply/is_forestPn; exists y; exists x.
  pose p1 := Build_IPath (irred_edge (comp_G y x D1)).
  have Ip2 : irred (pcat (edgep (comp_G y z D2)) (edgep (comp_G z x D3))).
  { by rewrite irred_edgeL irred_edge andbT /= mem_edgep negb_or D1 D2. }
  pose p2 := Build_IPath Ip2.
  exists p1; exists p2. split => //.
  have: z \in p2 by rewrite !inE.
  apply: contraTneq => <-. by rewrite mem_edgep negb_or D3 eq_sym D2.

Definition connectedb S :=
  [forall x in S, forall y in S, connect (restrict (mem S) sedge) x y].

Lemma connectedP S : reflect (connected S) (connectedb S).
  apply: (iffP idP) => H.
  - move => x y xS yS. by move/forall_inP/(_ _ xS)/forall_inP/(_ _ yS) : H.
  - do 2 apply/forall_inP => ? ?. exact: H.

Lemma forestT_unique :
  is_forest [set: G] -> forall x y, unique (fun p : Path x y => irred p).
Proof. move => H x y p q Ip Iq. exact: H. Qed.

Lemma unique_forestT :
  (forall x y, unique (fun p : Path x y => irred p)) -> is_forest [set: G].
Proof. move => H x y p q [Ip _] [Iq _]. exact: H. Qed.

Lemma forestI S :
  ~ (exists x y (p1 p2 : Path x y), [/\ irred p1, irred p2 & p1 != p2] /\
     [/\ x \in S, y \in S, p1 \subset S & p2\subset S]) ->
  is_forest S.
  move=> H x y p1 p2 [Ip1 Sp1] [Ip2 Sp2]. case: (altP (p1 =P p2)) => // pN12.
  have [xS yS] : x \in S /\ y \in S.
  { by split; apply: (subsetP Sp1); rewrite ?path_begin ?path_end. }
  case: H. exists x; exists y; exists p1; exists p2. by repeat split.

Lemma treeI S :
  connected S ->
  ~ (exists x y (p1 p2 : Path x y), [/\ irred p1, irred p2 & p1 != p2] /\
     [/\ x \in S, y \in S, p1 \subset S & p2\subset S]) ->
  is_tree S.
Proof. move => A B. split => //. exact: forestI. Qed.

Lemma sub_forest S S' :
  S' \subset S -> is_forest S -> is_forest S'.
  move => subS H x y p q [Ip Sp] [Iq Sq].
  apply: H; try split;
    try solve [ done |exact: (subsetP subS) | exact: subset_trans subS].

End Forests.

Lemma induced_forest (G : sgraph) (F : {set G}) :
  is_forest F -> is_forest [set: induced F].
  move => forest_F. apply: unique_forestT => x y p q Ip Iq.
  have [p0 /subsetP p0_sub_F eq_p0] := (Path_from_induced p).
  have [q0 /subsetP q0_sub_F eq_q0] := (Path_from_induced q).
  have ?: irred p0 by rewrite irredE eq_p0 map_inj_uniq //; exact: val_inj.
  have ?: irred q0 by rewrite irredE eq_q0 map_inj_uniq //; exact: val_inj.
  have Epq : p0 = q0 by apply: forest_F.
  apply/eqP; rewrite -nodes_eqE; apply/eqP. (* fixme *)
  apply: (inj_map val_inj). by rewrite -eq_p0 -eq_q0 Epq.

Forest Type (for tree decompositions)

We define forests to be simple graphs where there exists at most one duplicate free path between any two nodes

Record forest := Forest { sgraph_of_forest :> sgraph ;
                          forest_is_forest :> is_forest [set: sgraph_of_forest] }.

Lemma forestP (T : forest) (x y : T) (p q : Path x y) :
  irred p -> irred q -> p = q.
  move/forestT_unique : (@forest_is_forest T) => fP.
  move => Ip Iq. exact: fP.

Definition sunit := @SGraph unit_finType rel0 rel0_sym rel0_irrefl.

Definition unit_forest : is_forest [set: sunit].
Proof. by move => [] [] p1 p2 [/irredxx -> _] [/irredxx -> _]. Qed.

Definition tunit := Forest unit_forest.

Non-standard: we do not substract 1
Definition width (T G : finType) (D : T -> {set G}) := \max_(t:T) #|D t|.

Lemma width_bound (T G : finType) (D : T -> {set G}) : width D <= #|G|.
Proof. apply/bigmax_leqP => t _; exact: max_card. Qed.

Definition rename (T G G' : finType) (B: T -> {set G}) (h : G -> G') :=
  [fun x => h @: B x].

Complete graphs

Definition complete_rel n := [rel x y : 'I_n | x != y].
Fact complete_sym n : symmetric (@complete_rel n).
Proof. move => x y /=. by rewrite eq_sym. Qed.
Fact complete_irrefl n : irreflexive (@complete_rel n).
Proof. move => x /=. by rewrite eqxx. Qed.
Definition complete n := SGraph (@complete_sym n) (@complete_irrefl n).
Notation "''K_' n" := (complete n)
  (at level 8, n at level 2, format "''K_' n").

Definition C3 := 'K_3.
Definition K4 := 'K_4.

Adding Edges

Definition add_edge_rel (G:sgraph) (i o : G) :=
  relU (@edge_rel G) (sc [rel x y | [&& x != y, x == i & y == o]]).

Lemma add_edge_sym_ (G:sgraph) (i o : G) : symmetric (add_edge_rel i o).
Proof. apply: relU_sym'. exact: sg_sym. exact: sc_sym. Qed.

Lemma add_edge_irrefl_ (G:sgraph) (i o : G) : irreflexive (add_edge_rel i o).
Proof. move => x /=. by rewrite sg_irrefl eqxx. Qed.

Definition add_edge (G:sgraph) (i o : G) :=
  {| svertex := G;
     sedge := add_edge_rel i o;
     sg_sym' := add_edge_sym_ i o;
     sg_irrefl' := add_edge_irrefl_ i o |}.

Lemma add_edge_Path (G : sgraph) (i o x y : G) (p : @Path G x y) :
  exists q : @Path (add_edge i o) x y, nodes q = nodes p.
  case: p => p p_pth.
  have p_iopth : @pathp (add_edge i o) x y p.
  { case/andP: p_pth => p_path p_last. apply/andP; split=> //.
    apply: sub_path p_path. rewrite {2}/edge_rel/=. by move=> u v /=->. }
  by exists (Sub (p : seq (add_edge i o)) p_iopth).

Lemma add_edge_connected (G : sgraph) (i o : G) (U : {set G}) :
  @connected G U -> @connected (add_edge i o) U.
  move => con1 x y xU yU.
  apply: connect_mono (con1 _ _ xU yU) => {x y xU yU} x y.
  by rewrite {2}/edge_rel /= -andbA => /and3P[-> -> ->].

Lemmas to swap the nodes of add_edge, useful for wlog. reasoning

Lemma add_edgeC (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G):
  @edge_rel (add_edge s1 s2) =2 @edge_rel (add_edge s2 s1).
  move => x y. rewrite /edge_rel /= [y == x]eq_sym.
  by case (x -- y) => //=; do ! (case (_ == _); rewrite //=).
Arguments add_edgeC [G].

Lemma add_edge_sym (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G):
  diso (@add_edge G s1 s2) (@add_edge G s2 s1).
Proof. apply: eq_diso. exact: add_edgeC. Defined.

Lemma add_edge_connected_sym (G : sgraph) s1 s2 A:
  @connected (@add_edge G s1 s2) A <-> @connected (@add_edge G s2 s1) A.
Proof. apply: eq_connected => u v. exact: (add_edgeC s1 s2). Qed.

Lemma add_edge_pathC (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 x y : G) (p : @Path (add_edge s1 s2) x y) :
  exists q : @Path (add_edge s2 s1) x y, nodes q = nodes p.
  case: (@lift_Path (add_edge s2 s1) (add_edge s1 s2) id x y p) => //.
  - move => u v. by rewrite add_edgeC.
  - move => u. by rewrite mem_map // mem_enum.
  - move => q Hq _. exists q. by rewrite -Hq map_id.

Lemma add_edge_avoid (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 x y : G) (p : @Path (add_edge s1 s2) x y) :
  (s1 \notin p) || (s2 \notin p) -> exists q : @Path G x y, nodes q = nodes p.
  move => H.
  wlog H : s1 s2 p {H} / s1 \notin p => [W|].
  { case/orP: H => [|Hs]; first exact: W.
    case: (add_edge_pathC p) => p' Hp'.
    case: (W _ _ p' _). by rewrite (mem_path p') Hp' -(mem_path p).
    move => q Hq. exists q. congruence. }
  have pP u : u \in p -> u == s1 = false. { by apply: contraTF => /eqP->. }
  case: (@lift_Path_on G (add_edge s1 s2) id x y p) => //.
  - move => u v up vp /=. by rewrite {1}/edge_rel/= !(pP u,pP v) //= !andbF !orbF.
  - move => u. by rewrite mem_map // mem_enum.
  - move => q Hq _. exists q. by rewrite -Hq map_id.
Arguments add_edge_avoid [G s1 s2 x y] p.

(* TODO: load earlier *)
Require Import set_tac.

Ltac set_tac_close_plus ::=
  match goal with
  (* coercion free variants ... *)
  | [ H : is_true (?x \notin (pcat ?p ?q)) |- _] =>
    first[notHyp (x \notin p)|notHyp (x \notin q)];
    have/andP [? ?]: (x \notin p) && (x \notin q) by rewrite mem_pcat negb_or in H
  | [H : is_true (?u \notin (@edgep _ ?x ?y _)) |- _] =>
    first[notHyp (u != x)|notHyp (u != y)];
    have/andP[? ?]: (u != x) && (u != y) by (move: H; rewrite mem_edgep negb_or; apply)
  | [H : is_true (?x \notin ?p), p : Path ?x _ |- _] => by rewrite path_begin in H
  | [H : is_true (?x \notin ?p), p : Path _ ?x |- _] => by rewrite path_end in H
  (* variant with coercions ... TOHINK: remove? *)
  | [ H : is_true (?x \notin _ (pcat ?p ?q)) |- _] =>
    first[notHyp (x \notin p)|notHyp (x \notin q)];
    have/andP [? ?]: (x \notin p) && (x \notin q) by rewrite mem_pcat negb_or in H

Ltac set_tac_branch_plus ::=
  match goal with
  | [ H : is_true (?x \in (pcat ?p ?q)) |- _] =>
    notHyp (x \in p);notHyp (x \in q);
    have/orP [?|?]: (x \in p) || (x \in q) by rewrite mem_pcat in H

Lemma add_edge_keep_connected_l (G : sgraph) s1 s2 A:
  @connected (@add_edge G s1 s2) A -> s1 \notin A -> @connected G A.
  move => H s1A x y xA yA.
  case: (altP (x =P y)) => [-> //|xDy].
  case/uPathRP : (H _ _ xA yA) => // p Ip subA.
  case: (add_edge_avoid p) => [|q Hq]; first by rewrite notinD.
  apply connectRI with q. move => u.
  rewrite mem_path Hq -(mem_path p). by set_tac.

Adding Vertices

Section AddNode.
  Variables (G : sgraph) (N : {set G}).

  Definition add_node_rel (x y : option G) :=
    match x,y with
    | None, Some y => y \in N
    | Some x, None => x \in N
    | Some x,Some y => x -- y
    | None, None => false

  Lemma add_node_sym : symmetric add_node_rel.
  Proof. move => [a|] [b|] //=. by rewrite sgP. Qed.

  Lemma add_node_irrefl : irreflexive add_node_rel.
  Proof. move => [a|] //=. by rewrite sgP. Qed.

  Definition add_node := SGraph add_node_sym add_node_irrefl.

  Lemma add_node_lift_Path (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
    exists q : @Path add_node (Some x) (Some y), nodes q = map Some (nodes p).
    case: p => p0 p'.
    set q0 : seq add_node := map Some p0.
    have q' : @pathp add_node (Some x) (Some y) q0.
      move: p'; rewrite /pathp/= last_map (inj_eq (@Some_inj _)).
      move=> /andP[p' ->]; rewrite andbT.
      exact: project_path p'.
    by exists (Sub _ q'); rewrite !nodesE /=.
End AddNode.
Arguments add_node : clear implicits.

Lemma add_node_complete n : diso 'K_n.+1 (add_node 'K_n setT).
  pose g : add_node 'K_n setT -> 'K_n.+1 := oapp (lift ord_max) ord_max.
  pose h : 'K_n.+1 -> add_node 'K_n setT := unlift ord_max.
  apply Diso'' with h g; rewrite /g/h/=.
  + by move=> x; case: unliftP.
  + move=> [x|] /=; [by rewrite liftK | by rewrite unlift_none].
  + move=> x y /=; do 2 case: unliftP => /= [?|]-> //; rewrite /edge_rel //= ?eqxx //.
    by rewrite (inj_eq (@lift_inj _ ord_max)).
  + move=> [x|] [y|]; rewrite /edge_rel//= ?[_ == ord_max]eq_sym ?neq_lift //.
    by rewrite (inj_eq (@lift_inj _ ord_max)).

Lemma connected_add_node (G : sgraph) (U A : {set G}) :
  connected A -> @connected (add_node G U) (Some @: A).
  move => H x y /imsetP [x0 Hx0 ->] /imsetP [y0 Hy0 ->].
  have/uPathRP := H _ _ Hx0 Hy0.
  case: (x0 =P y0) => [-> _|_ /(_ isT) [p _ Hp]]; first exact: connect0.
  case: (add_node_lift_Path U p) => q E.
  apply: (connectRI (p := q)) => ?.
  rewrite !inE mem_path E.
  case/mapP => z Hz ->. rewrite mem_imset //. exact: (subsetP Hp).

Neighboring sets

Section Neighbor.
  Variable (G : sgraph).
  Implicit Types A B C D : {set G}.

  Definition neighbor A B := [exists x in A, exists y in B, x -- y].

  Lemma neighborP A B : reflect (exists x y, [/\ x \in A, y \in B & x -- y]) (neighbor A B).
    apply:(iffP exists_inP) => [[x xA] /exists_inP [y inB xy]|[x] [y] [xA yB xy]].
    - by exists x; exists y.
    - exists x => //. apply/exists_inP; by exists y.

  Lemma neighborC A B : neighbor A B = neighbor B A.
  Proof. by apply/neighborP/neighborP => [] [x] [y] [*];exists y; exists x; rewrite sgP. Qed.

  Lemma neighbor_connected A B :
    connected A -> connected B -> neighbor A B -> connected (A :|: B).
    move => conA conB /neighborP [x] [y] [? ? xy].
    exact: connectedU_edge xy _ _.

  Lemma neighborW C D A B :
    C \subset A -> D \subset B -> neighbor C D -> neighbor A B.
    move/subsetP => subA /subsetP subB /neighborP [x] [y] [? ? ?].
    apply/neighborP; exists x; exists y. by rewrite subA ?subB.

  Lemma neighborUl A B C : neighbor A B -> neighbor A (B :|: C).
  Proof. apply: neighborW => //. exact: subsetUl. Qed.

  Lemma neighborUr A B C : neighbor A C -> neighbor A (B :|: C).
  Proof. apply: neighborW => //. exact: subsetUr. Qed.

End Neighbor.
Arguments neighborW : clear implicits.

Lemma neighbor_add_edgeC (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G) :
  @neighbor (add_edge s1 s2) =2 @neighbor (add_edge s2 s1).
  move => x y.
  apply/neighborP/neighborP => [] [u] [v] [? ? ?]; exists u; exists v.
  all: by rewrite add_edgeC.

Lemma neighbor_del_edgeR (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G) (A B : {set G}) :
  s1 \notin B -> s2 \notin B -> @neighbor (add_edge s1 s2) A B -> @neighbor G A B.
  move => H1 H2 /neighborP [x] [y] [/= N1 N2 N3]. apply/neighborP. exists x; exists y.
  case/or3P : N3 => [-> //||] /and3P [_ /eqP ? /eqP ?]; by subst;contrab.

Lemma neighbor_del_edge2 (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G) (A B : {set G}) :
  s2 \notin A -> s2 \notin B -> @neighbor (add_edge s1 s2) A B -> @neighbor G A B.
  move => H1 H2 /neighborP [x] [y] [/= N1 N2 N3]. apply/neighborP. exists x; exists y.
  case/or3P : N3 => [-> //||] /and3P [_ /eqP ? /eqP ?]; by subst;contrab.

Lemma neighbor_del_edge1 (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G) (A B : {set G}) :
  s1 \notin A -> s1 \notin B -> @neighbor (add_edge s1 s2) A B -> @neighbor G A B.
Proof. move => ? ?. rewrite neighbor_add_edgeC. exact: neighbor_del_edge2. Qed.

Lemma neighbor_add_edge (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G) :
  subrel (@neighbor G) (@neighbor (add_edge s1 s2)).
  move => A B /neighborP [u] [v] [? ? E].
  apply/neighborP; exists u; exists v. by rewrite /edge_rel/= E.

Lemma neighbor_split (G : sgraph) (A B C1 C2 : {set G}) :
  B \subset C1 :|: C2 -> neighbor A B -> neighbor A C1 || neighbor A C2.
  move/subsetP => S /neighborP [u] [v] [? /S H E]. apply/orP.
  by case/setUP : H => ?; [left|right]; apply/neighborP; exists u; exists v.

Lemma path_neighborL (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) (A : {set G}) :
  irred p -> interior p != set0 -> x \in A -> neighbor A (interior p).
  move => Ip /set0Pn [z Hz] xA.
  have xDy : x != y.
  { apply: contraTneq Hz => ?; subst y. rewrite (irredxx Ip).
    rewrite !inE mem_idp. by case: (z == x). }
  case: (splitL p xDy) => u [xu] [p'] [E _]. rewrite E irred_edgeL in Ip.
  apply/neighborP; exists x; exists u; split => //. case/andP : Ip => Hp Ip.
  rewrite E !inE /= andbT eq_sym sg_edgeNeq //=.
  apply: contraTneq Hz => ?. subst u.
  by rewrite E (irredxx Ip) pcat_idR interior_edgep inE.

Interior of irredundant paths

Lemma interior_idp (G : sgraph) (x : G) : interior (idp x) = set0.
Proof. apply/setP => z. rewrite !inE mem_idp. by (case: (_ == _)). Qed.

Lemma interior_rev (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y):
  interior (prev p) = interior p.
Proof. apply/setP => z. by rewrite !inE orbC. Qed.

Lemma path_neighborR (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) (A : {set G}) :
  irred p -> interior p != set0 -> y \in A -> neighbor A (interior p).
  move => Ip P0 yA. rewrite -interior_rev.
  apply: path_neighborL; by rewrite // ?irred_rev ?interior_rev.

Lemma connected_interior (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
  irred p -> connected (interior p).
  case: (altP (x =P y)) => [?|xNy] Ip; subst.
  - rewrite (irredxx Ip) interior_idp. exact: connected0.
  - case: (splitL p xNy) => x' [xx'] [p'] [E _].
    rewrite E irred_edgeL in Ip. case/andP : Ip => xp Ip'.
    case: (altP (x' =P y)) => [?|x'Ny]; subst.
    + rewrite (irredxx Ip') pcat_idR interior_edgep. exact: connected0.
    + case: (splitR p' x'Ny) => z [q] [zy] ?. subst.
      rewrite irred_edgeR in Ip'. case/andP : Ip' => yq Iq.
      suff -> : interior (pcat (edgep xx') (pcat q (edgep zy))) = [set u in q].
      { exact: connected_path. }
      apply/setP => u. rewrite 3!inE mem_pcat_edgeL mem_pcat_edgeR !inE.
      case: (u =P x) => [ux|_];case: (u =P y) => [uy|_] => //=; subst u.
      all: rewrite ?(negbTE yq) //; symmetry.
      all: by apply: contraNF xp; rewrite !inE => ->.

Lemma connected_interiorR (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
  irred p -> connected (y |: interior p).
  move => Ip. case: (set_0Vmem (interior p)) => [->|[z Hz]].
  - rewrite setU0. exact: connected1.
  - apply: neighbor_connected; [exact: connected1|exact: connected_interior|].
    apply: path_neighborR => //; by set_tac.

(* TOTHINK: This lemma looks bespoke, but it is actually used multiple times *)
Lemma neighbor_interiorL (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
  x != y -> irred p -> neighbor [set x] (y |: interior p).
  move => xDy Ip. case: (set_0Vmem (interior p)) => [E|[z Hz]].
  - apply: neighborUl. apply/neighborP; exists x; exists y.
    case: (interior0E xDy Ip E) => xy _. split => //; by rewrite inE eqxx.
  - apply: neighborUr. apply: path_neighborL => //; by set_tac.