Library hknt
Coq proofs for the bisimulation up to congruence technique for NFA
finite iterations of a function
subsets of a set X
simple notion of finiteness, using lists
notation for set equality / inclusion
Notation seq := (pointwise_relation _ iff).
Notation sincl := (pointwise_relation _ Basics.impl).
Infix "==" := seq (at level 80).
Infix "<=" := sincl.
Notation sincl := (pointwise_relation _ Basics.impl).
Infix "==" := seq (at level 80).
Infix "<=" := sincl.
notation for relation equality / inclusion
Definition rel X Y := X -> Y -> Prop.
Notation req := (pointwise_relation _ seq).
Notation rincl := (pointwise_relation _ sincl).
Infix "===" := req (at level 80).
Infix "<==" := rincl (at level 80).
Instance preorder_sincl X: @PreOrder (set X) sincl.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Instance preorder_rincl X Y: @PreOrder (rel X Y) rincl.
Proof. constructor. firstorder. intros R S T H H' x. transitivity (S x); auto. Qed.
Section basics.
Context {X Y: Type}.
Notation req := (pointwise_relation _ seq).
Notation rincl := (pointwise_relation _ sincl).
Infix "===" := req (at level 80).
Infix "<==" := rincl (at level 80).
Instance preorder_sincl X: @PreOrder (set X) sincl.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Instance preorder_rincl X Y: @PreOrder (rel X Y) rincl.
Proof. constructor. firstorder. intros R S T H H' x. transitivity (S x); auto. Qed.
Section basics.
Context {X Y: Type}.
squaring function: R -> RR
union of two relations
union of a denumerable family of relations
omega iteration of a function on relations
is a sequence of relations increasing?
does a function on relations extends its argument?
the finite iterations of an extensive function form an increasing sequence
Lemma increasing_xiter f: extensive f -> forall R, increasing (xiter f R).
intros Hf R n m le. revert R. induction le; intros R x y H.
apply H.
apply Hf, IHle, H.
End basics.
Infix "\cup" := cup (at level 40).
intros Hf R n m le. revert R. induction le; intros R x y H.
apply H.
apply Hf, IHle, H.
End basics.
Infix "\cup" := cup (at level 40).
simple facts about monotone functions
Notation monotone f := (Proper (rincl ==> rincl) f).
Instance cup_incr {X Y}: Proper (rincl ==> rincl ==> rincl) (@cup X Y).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma monotone_cup {X Y X' Y'} (f g: rel X Y -> rel X' Y'):
monotone f ->
monotone g ->
monotone (fun R => f R \cup g R).
Proof. intros. intros ? ? ?. apply cup_incr; auto. Qed.
Lemma monotone_xiter {X Y} (f: rel X Y -> rel X Y):
monotone f -> forall n,
monotone (fun R => xiter f R n).
Proof. intro Hf. induction n. firstorder. intros R S H. apply Hf, IHn, H. Qed.
Lemma monotone_iter {X Y} (f: rel X Y -> rel X Y):
monotone f ->
monotone (iter f).
Proof. intros Hf R S H x y [n H']. exists n. revert H'. now apply monotone_xiter. Qed.
Section continuous.
Instance cup_incr {X Y}: Proper (rincl ==> rincl ==> rincl) (@cup X Y).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma monotone_cup {X Y X' Y'} (f g: rel X Y -> rel X' Y'):
monotone f ->
monotone g ->
monotone (fun R => f R \cup g R).
Proof. intros. intros ? ? ?. apply cup_incr; auto. Qed.
Lemma monotone_xiter {X Y} (f: rel X Y -> rel X Y):
monotone f -> forall n,
monotone (fun R => xiter f R n).
Proof. intro Hf. induction n. firstorder. intros R S H. apply Hf, IHn, H. Qed.
Lemma monotone_iter {X Y} (f: rel X Y -> rel X Y):
monotone f ->
monotone (iter f).
Proof. intros Hf R S H x y [n H']. exists n. revert H'. now apply monotone_xiter. Qed.
Section continuous.
we say that a function is continuous if it preserves union of increasing sequences
Definition continuous {X Y X' Y'} (f: rel X Y -> rel X' Y') :=
forall R, increasing R -> f (union R) <== union (fun n => f (R n)).
forall R, increasing R -> f (union R) <== union (fun n => f (R n)).
the pointwise union of two continuous functions is continuous
Lemma continuous_cup {X Y X' Y'} (f g: rel X Y -> rel X' Y'): continuous f -> continuous g ->
continuous (fun R => cup (f R) (g R)).
intros Hf Hg R HR x y [H|H].
apply Hf in H as [n H]; trivial. exists n; left; apply H.
apply Hg in H as [n H]; trivial. exists n; right; apply H.
continuous (fun R => cup (f R) (g R)).
intros Hf Hg R HR x y [H|H].
apply Hf in H as [n H]; trivial. exists n; left; apply H.
apply Hg in H as [n H]; trivial. exists n; right; apply H.
constant functions are continuous
Lemma continuous_constant {X Y X' Y'} K: @continuous X Y X' Y' (fun _ => K).
Proof. intros R _ x y H. exists 0. apply H. Qed.
Proof. intros R _ x y H. exists 0. apply H. Qed.
the identity function is continuous
the reverse function is continuous
Lemma continuous_swap {X Y}: @continuous X Y Y X swap.
Proof. intros R _ x y [n H]. exists n. assumption. Qed.
Proof. intros R _ x y [n H]. exists n. assumption. Qed.
the squaring function is continuous
Lemma continuous_square {X}: @continuous X X X X square.
intros R HR x z [y [[n Hxy] [m Hyz]]]. exists (max n m), y.
split; eapply HR; try eassumption; auto with arith.
intros R HR x z [y [[n Hxy] [m Hyz]]]. exists (max n m), y.
split; eapply HR; try eassumption; auto with arith.
the omega iteration of a continuous and extensive function is a
pre-fixpoint for that function
Lemma continuous_iter {X Y} (f: rel X Y -> rel X Y): continuous f -> extensive f ->
forall R, f (iter f R) <== iter f R.
intros Hf Hf' R x y H.
apply Hf in H as [n H].
exists (S n). apply H.
apply increasing_xiter, Hf'.
forall R, f (iter f R) <== iter f R.
intros Hf Hf' R x y H.
apply Hf in H as [n H].
exists (S n). apply H.
apply increasing_xiter, Hf'.
iterating a function on a pre-fixpoint
Lemma fixed_iter {X Y} (f: rel X Y -> rel X Y):
monotone f -> forall R, f R <== R -> iter f R <== R.
intros Hf R H.
assert (G: forall n, xiter f R n <== R).
induction n. reflexivity. simpl. now rewrite IHn.
intros x y [n H']. eapply G, H'.
End continuous.
monotone f -> forall R, f R <== R -> iter f R <== R.
intros Hf R H.
assert (G: forall n, xiter f R n <== R).
induction n. reflexivity. simpl. now rewrite IHn.
intros x y [n H']. eapply G, H'.
End continuous.
we fix an alphabet A
a word is just a list of letters
a DFA is given by:
- a set E of states,
- an output function o,
- a transition function t
state reached from x by reading the word w
is a word accepted by state x
two states are language equivalent if they accept the same words
corresponding notion of language inclusion
Definition incl x y := accept x <= accept y.
Fact equivalence_from_inclusion: forall x y, equiv x y <-> incl x y /\ incl y x.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Fact equivalence_from_inclusion: forall x y, equiv x y <-> incl x y /\ incl y x.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Definition progress (R S: relation E) :=
forall x y, R x y -> (o x <-> o y) /\ forall a, S (t x a) (t y a).
forall x y, R x y -> (o x <-> o y) /\ forall a, S (t x a) (t y a).
a bisimulation is a self-progressing relation
language equivalence is a bisimulation
Lemma bisimulation_equiv: bisimulation equiv.
intros x y H. split. apply (H nil).
intros a w. apply (H (a::w)).
intros x y H. split. apply (H nil).
intros a w. apply (H (a::w)).
bisimulations are contained in language equivalence
Lemma bisimulation_in_equiv: forall R, bisimulation R -> R <== equiv.
intros R HR x y H w. revert x y H.
induction w; intros x y H. apply HR, H.
apply IHw, HR, H.
intros R HR x y H w. revert x y H.
induction w; intros x y H. apply HR, H.
apply IHw, HR, H.
the bisimulation proof method is sound and complete for language equivalence
Theorem equiv_iff_bisim: forall x y, equiv x y <-> exists R, bisimulation R /\ R x y.
split. intro H. eauto using bisimulation_equiv.
intros [R [HR H]]. revert H. now apply bisimulation_in_equiv.
split. intro H. eauto using bisimulation_equiv.
intros [R [HR H]]. revert H. now apply bisimulation_in_equiv.
Up-to techniques
a compatible function is a function that preserves progressions
technical lemmas about progressions and unions
Instance progress_incr: Proper (rincl --> rincl ++> Basics.impl) progress.
Proof. intros R R' HR S S' HS H x y Hxy. apply HR, H in Hxy. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma cup_progress R S T: progress R T -> progress S T -> progress (R \cup S) T.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma progress_cup R S T: progress R S \/ progress R T -> progress R (S \cup T).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma union_progress R S: (forall n, progress (R n) S) -> progress (union R) S.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma progress_union n R S: progress R (S n) -> progress R (union S).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Proof. intros R R' HR S S' HS H x y Hxy. apply HR, H in Hxy. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma cup_progress R S T: progress R T -> progress S T -> progress (R \cup S) T.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma progress_cup R S T: progress R S \/ progress R T -> progress R (S \cup T).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma union_progress R S: (forall n, progress (R n) S) -> progress (union R) S.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma progress_union n R S: progress R (S n) -> progress R (union S).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
compatible functions yield correct up-to techniques
Theorem compatible_correct:
forall f, compatible f ->
forall R, bisimulation_up_to f R -> R <== equiv.
intros f Hf R HR x y Hxy.
apply equiv_iff_bisim. exists (iter f R). split.
clear x y Hxy.
apply union_progress. intro n.
apply progress_union with (S n).
induction n.
apply Hf, IHn.
exists O. exact Hxy.
forall f, compatible f ->
forall R, bisimulation_up_to f R -> R <== equiv.
intros f Hf R HR x y Hxy.
apply equiv_iff_bisim. exists (iter f R). split.
clear x y Hxy.
apply union_progress. intro n.
apply progress_union with (S n).
induction n.
apply Hf, IHn.
exists O. exact Hxy.
compositionality properties of compatible functions
Lemma compatible_id: compatible id.
Proof (fun R S H => H).
Lemma compatible_comp f g: compatible f -> compatible g -> compatible (fun R => f (g R)).
Proof. intros Hf Hg R S H. apply Hf, Hg, H. Qed.
Lemma compatible_cup f g: compatible f -> compatible g -> compatible (fun R => f R \cup g R).
Proof. intros Hf Hg R S H. apply cup_progress; apply progress_cup; auto. Qed.
Lemma compatible_union f: (forall n, compatible (swap f n)) -> compatible (fun R => union (f R)).
intros Hf R S H.
apply union_progress. intro n.
apply progress_union with n.
apply Hf, H.
Lemma compatible_xiter f: compatible f -> forall n, compatible (swap (xiter f) n).
intro Hf. induction n; unfold swap.
apply compatible_id.
apply compatible_comp; assumption.
Lemma compatible_iter f: compatible f -> compatible (iter f).
Proof. intro Hf. apply compatible_union. intro n. apply compatible_xiter, Hf. Qed.
Proof (fun R S H => H).
Lemma compatible_comp f g: compatible f -> compatible g -> compatible (fun R => f (g R)).
Proof. intros Hf Hg R S H. apply Hf, Hg, H. Qed.
Lemma compatible_cup f g: compatible f -> compatible g -> compatible (fun R => f R \cup g R).
Proof. intros Hf Hg R S H. apply cup_progress; apply progress_cup; auto. Qed.
Lemma compatible_union f: (forall n, compatible (swap f n)) -> compatible (fun R => union (f R)).
intros Hf R S H.
apply union_progress. intro n.
apply progress_union with n.
apply Hf, H.
Lemma compatible_xiter f: compatible f -> forall n, compatible (swap (xiter f) n).
intro Hf. induction n; unfold swap.
apply compatible_id.
apply compatible_comp; assumption.
Lemma compatible_iter f: compatible f -> compatible (iter f).
Proof. intro Hf. apply compatible_union. intro n. apply compatible_xiter, Hf. Qed.
Up to equivalence (Hopcroft and Karp)
Lemma compatible_eq: compatible (fun _ => eq).
Proof. intros _ _ _ x y <-; tauto. Qed.
Lemma compatible_equiv: compatible (fun _ => equiv).
Proof. intros _ _ _. exact bisimulation_equiv. Qed.
Lemma compatible_swap: compatible swap.
Proof. intros R S H x y Hxy. apply H in Hxy. intuition. Qed.
Lemma compatible_square: compatible square.
intros R S H x z [y [Hxy Hyz]].
apply H in Hxy.
apply H in Hyz.
firstorder congruence.
defining equivalence closure from the above functions,
we immediately get that this function is compatible
Definition e1 (R: relation E) := eq \cup swap R \cup square R \cup R.
Definition e := iter e1.
Lemma compatible_e1: compatible e1.
repeat apply compatible_cup.
apply compatible_eq.
apply compatible_swap.
apply compatible_square.
apply compatible_id.
Lemma compatible_e: compatible e.
Proof. apply compatible_iter, compatible_e1. Qed.
as a corollary, we get an abstract proof of correctness for Hopcroft
and Karp's algorithm
Corollary HK: forall R, bisimulation_up_to e R -> R <== equiv.
Proof. apply compatible_correct, compatible_e. Qed.
Proof. apply compatible_correct, compatible_e. Qed.
characterisation of e as the (inductively defined) reflexive,
symmetric, and transitive closure
Section e_charact.
Lemma continuous_e1: continuous e1.
repeat apply continuous_cup.
apply continuous_constant.
apply continuous_swap.
apply continuous_square.
apply continuous_id.
Lemma e1e: forall R, e1 (e R) <== e R.
apply continuous_iter.
apply continuous_e1.
intros R x y H. right. assumption.
Variable R: relation E.
Lemma continuous_e1: continuous e1.
repeat apply continuous_cup.
apply continuous_constant.
apply continuous_swap.
apply continuous_square.
apply continuous_id.
Lemma e1e: forall R, e1 (e R) <== e R.
apply continuous_iter.
apply continuous_e1.
intros R x y H. right. assumption.
Variable R: relation E.
alternative definition of the equivalence closure, as an inductive definition
Inductive eR: relation E :=
| eR_refl: Reflexive eR
| eR_sym: Symmetric eR
| eR_trans: Transitive eR
| eR_ext: subrelation R eR.
| eR_refl: Reflexive eR
| eR_sym: Symmetric eR
| eR_trans: Transitive eR
| eR_ext: subrelation R eR.
e and eR coincide
Theorem e_eR: eR === e R.
intros x y; split.
induction 1.
exists 1. left. left. left. reflexivity.
apply e1e. left. left. right. assumption.
apply e1e. left. right. eexists. split; eassumption.
exists 0. assumption.
destruct 1 as [n H]. revert x y H. induction n; simpl; intros x y H.
apply eR_ext, H.
destruct H as [[[<-|H]|[z [Hxz Hzy]]]|H].
apply eR_refl.
apply eR_sym. apply IHn. apply H.
apply eR_trans with z; apply IHn; assumption.
apply IHn, H.
End e_charact.
End DFA.
intros x y; split.
induction 1.
exists 1. left. left. left. reflexivity.
apply e1e. left. left. right. assumption.
apply e1e. left. right. eexists. split; eassumption.
exists 0. assumption.
destruct 1 as [n H]. revert x y H. induction n; simpl; intros x y H.
apply eR_ext, H.
destruct H as [[[<-|H]|[z [Hxz Hzy]]]|H].
apply eR_refl.
apply eR_sym. apply IHn. apply H.
apply eR_trans with z; apply IHn; assumption.
apply IHn, H.
End e_charact.
End DFA.
- a set E of states,
- an output function o,
- a (non-deterministic) transition function t
Definition E' := set E.
Definition o' (X: E') := exists x, X x /\ o x.
Definition t' (X: E') a: E' := fun y => exists x, X x /\ t x a y.
Definition o' (X: E') := exists x, X x /\ o x.
Definition t' (X: E') a: E' := fun y => exists x, X x /\ t x a y.
singleton sets
union of sets of states
Definition plus (X Y: E'): E' := fun z => X z \/ Y z.
Infix "+" := plus.
Instance plus_compat: Proper (seq ==> seq ==> seq) plus.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Infix "+" := plus.
Instance plus_compat: Proper (seq ==> seq ==> seq) plus.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
o' and t' respect set equality
Instance o'_compat: Proper (seq ==> iff) o'.
Proof. intros X Y H. unfold o'. setoid_rewrite H. reflexivity. Qed.
Instance t'_compat: Proper (seq ==> eq ==> seq) t'.
Proof. intros X Y H a ? <-. unfold t'. setoid_rewrite H. reflexivity. Qed.
Instance read_compat: Proper (seq ==> eq ==> seq) (read t').
intros X Y H w ? <-. revert X Y H. induction w; intros X Y H. assumption.
apply IHw, t'_compat. assumption. reflexivity.
Proof. intros X Y H. unfold o'. setoid_rewrite H. reflexivity. Qed.
Instance t'_compat: Proper (seq ==> eq ==> seq) t'.
Proof. intros X Y H a ? <-. unfold t'. setoid_rewrite H. reflexivity. Qed.
Instance read_compat: Proper (seq ==> eq ==> seq) (read t').
intros X Y H w ? <-. revert X Y H. induction w; intros X Y H. assumption.
apply IHw, t'_compat. assumption. reflexivity.
o' and t' are semi-lattice homomorphisms
Lemma o'_plus: forall X Y, o' (X+Y) <-> (o' X \/ o' Y).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Instance monotone_o': Proper (sincl ==> Basics.impl) o'.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma t'_plus: forall X Y a, t' (X+Y) a == t' X a + t' Y a.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Instance monotone_t': Proper (sincl ==> eq ==> sincl) t'.
Proof. firstorder congruence. Qed.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Instance monotone_o': Proper (sincl ==> Basics.impl) o'.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma t'_plus: forall X Y a, t' (X+Y) a == t' X a + t' Y a.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Instance monotone_t': Proper (sincl ==> eq ==> sincl) t'.
Proof. firstorder congruence. Qed.
thus so is the accept function
Lemma accept_plus: forall X Y, accept o' t' (X+Y) ==
(fun w => accept o' t' X w \/ accept o' t' Y w).
unfold accept. intros X Y w. revert X Y. induction w. apply o'_plus.
intros. simpl. rewrite t'_plus. apply IHw.
(fun w => accept o' t' X w \/ accept o' t' Y w).
unfold accept. intros X Y w. revert X Y. induction w. apply o'_plus.
intros. simpl. rewrite t'_plus. apply IHw.
we deduce that for NFA, language inclusion can easily be reduced to language equivalence
Theorem inclusion_from_equivalence: forall X Y, incl o' t' X Y <-> equiv o' t' (X+Y) Y.
Proof. unfold equiv. setoid_rewrite accept_plus. firstorder. Qed.
Proof. unfold equiv. setoid_rewrite accept_plus. firstorder. Qed.
Definition u (R: relation E'): relation E' :=
fun X Y => exists X1, exists X2, exists Y1, exists Y2,
X == X1+X2 /\ Y == Y1+Y2 /\ R X1 Y1 /\ R X2 Y2.
fun X Y => exists X1, exists X2, exists Y1, exists Y2,
X == X1+X2 /\ Y == Y1+Y2 /\ R X1 Y1 /\ R X2 Y2.
u is compatible
Lemma compatible_u: compatible o' t' u.
intros R S H X Y (X1&X2&Y1&Y2&HX&HY&H1&H2).
apply H in H1. apply H in H2. split.
rewrite HX, HY, 2o'_plus. tauto.
intro a. do 4 eexists. rewrite HX, HY, 2t'_plus.
split. reflexivity. split. reflexivity. firstorder.
intros R S H X Y (X1&X2&Y1&Y2&HX&HY&H1&H2).
apply H in H1. apply H in H2. split.
rewrite HX, HY, 2o'_plus. tauto.
intro a. do 4 eexists. rewrite HX, HY, 2t'_plus.
split. reflexivity. split. reflexivity. firstorder.
definition of the congruence closure from smaller and compatible functions
congruence closure is compatible
Lemma compatible_c1: compatible o' t' c1.
repeat apply compatible_cup.
intros _ _ _ X Y H. setoid_rewrite H. firstorder.
apply compatible_swap.
apply compatible_square.
apply compatible_id.
apply compatible_u.
Lemma compatible_c: compatible o' t' c.
Proof. apply compatible_iter, compatible_c1. Qed.
repeat apply compatible_cup.
intros _ _ _ X Y H. setoid_rewrite H. firstorder.
apply compatible_swap.
apply compatible_square.
apply compatible_id.
apply compatible_u.
Lemma compatible_c: compatible o' t' c.
Proof. apply compatible_iter, compatible_c1. Qed.
as a corollary, we get an abstract proof of correctness our optimised algorithm for NFA
Corollary HKC: forall R, bisimulation_up_to o' t' c R -> R <== equiv o' t'.
Proof. apply compatible_correct, compatible_c. Qed.
Proof. apply compatible_correct, compatible_c. Qed.
properties about the congruence closure c
Lemma continuous_u: continuous u.
intros R HR X Y (X1&X2&Y1&Y2&HX&HY&[n H1]&[m H2]).
exists (max n m). do 4 eexists.
split. eassumption.
split. eassumption.
split; eapply HR; try eassumption; auto with arith.
Lemma continuous_c1: continuous c1.
repeat apply continuous_cup.
apply continuous_constant.
apply continuous_swap.
apply continuous_square.
apply continuous_id.
apply continuous_u.
Lemma monotone_c1: monotone c1.
repeat apply monotone_cup.
intros R S H X Y (Z&HX&HY). exists Z. firstorder.
intros R S H X Y (?&?&?&?&?&?&H1&H2). do 4 eexists. intuition eauto; firstorder.
Instance monotone_c: monotone c.
Proof. apply monotone_iter, monotone_c1. Qed.
Lemma c1c: forall R, c1 (c R) <== c R.
Proof. apply continuous_iter. exact continuous_c1. clear. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma cc: forall R, c (c R) <== c R.
Proof. intro. apply fixed_iter. exact monotone_c1. apply c1c. Qed.
Instance c_seq R: subrelation seq (c R).
Proof. intros X Y H. apply c1c. repeat left. assumption. Qed.
Instance c_equivalence R: Equivalence (c R).
split. intro. apply c_seq. reflexivity.
intros X Y H. apply c1c. left; left; left; right. assumption.
intros X Y Z HXY HYZ. apply c1c. left; left; right. eexists. split; eassumption.
Instance c_ext R: subrelation R (c R).
Proof. intros X Y H. now exists 0. Qed.
Instance c_plus R: Proper (c R ==> c R ==> c R) plus.
intros X X' HX Y Y' HY. apply c1c. right.
do 4 eexists. intuition (reflexivity || eassumption).
intros R HR X Y (X1&X2&Y1&Y2&HX&HY&[n H1]&[m H2]).
exists (max n m). do 4 eexists.
split. eassumption.
split. eassumption.
split; eapply HR; try eassumption; auto with arith.
Lemma continuous_c1: continuous c1.
repeat apply continuous_cup.
apply continuous_constant.
apply continuous_swap.
apply continuous_square.
apply continuous_id.
apply continuous_u.
Lemma monotone_c1: monotone c1.
repeat apply monotone_cup.
intros R S H X Y (Z&HX&HY). exists Z. firstorder.
intros R S H X Y (?&?&?&?&?&?&H1&H2). do 4 eexists. intuition eauto; firstorder.
Instance monotone_c: monotone c.
Proof. apply monotone_iter, monotone_c1. Qed.
Lemma c1c: forall R, c1 (c R) <== c R.
Proof. apply continuous_iter. exact continuous_c1. clear. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma cc: forall R, c (c R) <== c R.
Proof. intro. apply fixed_iter. exact monotone_c1. apply c1c. Qed.
Instance c_seq R: subrelation seq (c R).
Proof. intros X Y H. apply c1c. repeat left. assumption. Qed.
Instance c_equivalence R: Equivalence (c R).
split. intro. apply c_seq. reflexivity.
intros X Y H. apply c1c. left; left; left; right. assumption.
intros X Y Z HXY HYZ. apply c1c. left; left; right. eexists. split; eassumption.
Instance c_ext R: subrelation R (c R).
Proof. intros X Y H. now exists 0. Qed.
Instance c_plus R: Proper (c R ==> c R ==> c R) plus.
intros X X' HX Y Y' HY. apply c1c. right.
do 4 eexists. intuition (reflexivity || eassumption).
Up to congruence and language equivalence (HKC')
definition of the congruence closure up to the given relation
Definition c1' R := Req \cup c1 R.
Definition c' := iter c1'.
Definition c1'' R := equiv o' t' \cup c1 R.
Definition c'' := iter c1''.
Lemma compatible_c'': compatible o' t' c''.
apply compatible_iter.
apply compatible_cup.
apply compatible_equiv.
apply compatible_c1.
Lemma monotone_c1': monotone c1'.
Proof. apply monotone_cup. firstorder. apply monotone_c1. Qed.
Lemma c'_c'': forall R, c' R <== c'' R.
assert (M: forall R S, R<==S -> c1' R <== c1'' S).
intros R S H X Y. transitivity (c1' S X Y). apply monotone_c1', H.
intros [H'|H']. left. now apply HReq. now right.
assert (G: forall n R, xiter c1' R n <== xiter c1'' R n).
induction n; intros R. firstorder. simpl. apply M, IHn.
intros R X Y [n H]. exists n. revert H. apply G.
Definition c' := iter c1'.
Definition c1'' R := equiv o' t' \cup c1 R.
Definition c'' := iter c1''.
Lemma compatible_c'': compatible o' t' c''.
apply compatible_iter.
apply compatible_cup.
apply compatible_equiv.
apply compatible_c1.
Lemma monotone_c1': monotone c1'.
Proof. apply monotone_cup. firstorder. apply monotone_c1. Qed.
Lemma c'_c'': forall R, c' R <== c'' R.
assert (M: forall R S, R<==S -> c1' R <== c1'' S).
intros R S H X Y. transitivity (c1' S X Y). apply monotone_c1', H.
intros [H'|H']. left. now apply HReq. now right.
assert (G: forall n R, xiter c1' R n <== xiter c1'' R n).
induction n; intros R. firstorder. simpl. apply M, IHn.
intros R X Y [n H]. exists n. revert H. apply G.
as a corollary, we get the abstract proof of correctness of HKC'
Corollary HKC': forall R, bisimulation_up_to o' t' c' R -> R <== equiv o' t'.
intros R HR.
eapply compatible_correct. apply compatible_c''.
intros X Y H. apply HR in H. intuition. now apply c'_c''.
intros R HR.
eapply compatible_correct. apply compatible_c''.
intros X Y H. apply HR in H. intuition. now apply c'_c''.
characterisation of c' using c (Lemma 11 in the paper)
Lemma continuous_c1': continuous c1'.
apply continuous_cup.
apply continuous_constant.
apply continuous_c1.
Lemma c1'c': forall R, c1' (c' R) <== c' R.
Proof. apply continuous_iter. apply continuous_c1'. clear. firstorder. Qed.
Theorem c'c: forall R, c' R <== c (R \cup Req).
intros R X Y [n H]. revert X Y H. induction n; intros X Y H.
apply c_ext. now left.
destruct H as [H|[[[[H|H]|[z [Hxz Hzy]]]|H]|(x1&x2&y1&y2&Hx&Hy&H1&H2)]].
apply c_ext. now right.
now apply c_seq.
symmetry. now apply IHn.
etransitivity; apply IHn; eassumption.
apply IHn, H.
rewrite Hx, Hy. apply c_plus; auto.
Theorem cc': forall R, c (R \cup Req) <== c' R.
intros R X Y [n H]. revert X Y H. induction n; intros X Y H.
destruct H. now exists 0. apply c1'c'. now left.
destruct H as [[[[H|H]|[z [Hxz Hzy]]]|H]|(x1&x2&y1&y2&Hx&Hy&H1&H2)].
apply c1'c'. right. repeat left. assumption.
apply c1'c'. right. left; left; left; right. now apply IHn.
apply c1'c'. right. left; left; right. eexists. split; apply IHn; eassumption.
now apply IHn.
apply c1'c'. right. right. do 4 eexists. intuition eauto.
Corollary c'_iff_c: forall R, c' R === c (R \cup Req).
Proof. intro R. pose proof (@c'c R). pose proof (@cc' R). firstorder. Qed.
End HKC'.
apply continuous_cup.
apply continuous_constant.
apply continuous_c1.
Lemma c1'c': forall R, c1' (c' R) <== c' R.
Proof. apply continuous_iter. apply continuous_c1'. clear. firstorder. Qed.
Theorem c'c: forall R, c' R <== c (R \cup Req).
intros R X Y [n H]. revert X Y H. induction n; intros X Y H.
apply c_ext. now left.
destruct H as [H|[[[[H|H]|[z [Hxz Hzy]]]|H]|(x1&x2&y1&y2&Hx&Hy&H1&H2)]].
apply c_ext. now right.
now apply c_seq.
symmetry. now apply IHn.
etransitivity; apply IHn; eassumption.
apply IHn, H.
rewrite Hx, Hy. apply c_plus; auto.
Theorem cc': forall R, c (R \cup Req) <== c' R.
intros R X Y [n H]. revert X Y H. induction n; intros X Y H.
destruct H. now exists 0. apply c1'c'. now left.
destruct H as [[[[H|H]|[z [Hxz Hzy]]]|H]|(x1&x2&y1&y2&Hx&Hy&H1&H2)].
apply c1'c'. right. repeat left. assumption.
apply c1'c'. right. left; left; left; right. now apply IHn.
apply c1'c'. right. left; left; right. eexists. split; apply IHn; eassumption.
now apply IHn.
apply c1'c'. right. right. do 4 eexists. intuition eauto.
Corollary c'_iff_c: forall R, c' R === c (R \cup Req).
Proof. intro R. pose proof (@c'c R). pose proof (@cc' R). firstorder. Qed.
End HKC'.
we fix a relation R with which to rewrite
single step rewriting
CoInductive step: relation E' :=
| do_step: forall X Y Z, R X Y \/ R Y X -> X <= Z -> step Z (X+Y+Z).
| do_step: forall X Y Z, R X Y \/ R Y X -> X <= Z -> step Z (X+Y+Z).
reflexive transitive closure (multi-step rewriting)
Inductive steps: relation E' :=
| steps_seq: subrelation seq steps
| steps_single: subrelation step steps
| steps_trans: Transitive steps.
| steps_seq: subrelation seq steps
| steps_single: subrelation step steps
| steps_trans: Transitive steps.
the rewriting relation is a preorder
Existing Instance steps_seq.
Existing Instance steps_single.
Global Instance steps_preorder: PreOrder steps.
Proof. constructor. intro. now apply steps_seq. exact steps_trans. Qed.
Instance steps_compat: Proper (seq ==> seq ==> iff) steps.
assert (G: Proper (seq ==> seq ==> Basics.impl) steps).
intros X X' HX Y Y' HY H. induction H as [ | | ? ? ? H ? H'].
now rewrite <- HX, H, HY.
now rewrite <- HX, H, HY.
now rewrite <- HX, H, H', HY.
split; apply G; trivial; symmetry; assumption.
Existing Instance steps_single.
Global Instance steps_preorder: PreOrder steps.
Proof. constructor. intro. now apply steps_seq. exact steps_trans. Qed.
Instance steps_compat: Proper (seq ==> seq ==> iff) steps.
assert (G: Proper (seq ==> seq ==> Basics.impl) steps).
intros X X' HX Y Y' HY H. induction H as [ | | ? ? ? H ? H'].
now rewrite <- HX, H, HY.
now rewrite <- HX, H, HY.
now rewrite <- HX, H, H', HY.
split; apply G; trivial; symmetry; assumption.
one can rewrite under arbitrary contexts
Instance steps_plus: Proper (steps ==> steps ==> steps) plus.
assert (G: forall T, Proper (steps ==> steps) (plus T)).
intros T X X' H. induction H.
now rewrite H.
destruct H as [X Y Z H].
etransitivity. apply steps_single, do_step. eassumption. firstorder.
apply steps_seq; firstorder.
etransitivity; eassumption.
intros X X' HX Y Y' HY.
etransitivity. apply G, HY.
transitivity (Y'+X). apply steps_seq; firstorder.
etransitivity. apply G, HX. apply steps_seq; firstorder.
assert (G: forall T, Proper (steps ==> steps) (plus T)).
intros T X X' H. induction H.
now rewrite H.
destruct H as [X Y Z H].
etransitivity. apply steps_single, do_step. eassumption. firstorder.
apply steps_seq; firstorder.
etransitivity; eassumption.
intros X X' HX Y Y' HY.
etransitivity. apply G, HY.
transitivity (Y'+X). apply steps_seq; firstorder.
etransitivity. apply G, HX. apply steps_seq; firstorder.
helper lemmas to rewrite easily
Lemma step_lr: forall X Y, R X Y -> steps X (X+Y).
intros X Y H. etransitivity.
apply steps_single, do_step. left; eassumption. reflexivity.
apply steps_seq; firstorder.
Lemma step_rl: forall X Y, R X Y -> steps Y (Y+X).
intros X Y H. etransitivity.
apply steps_single, do_step. right; eassumption. reflexivity.
apply steps_seq; firstorder.
intros X Y H. etransitivity.
apply steps_single, do_step. left; eassumption. reflexivity.
apply steps_seq; firstorder.
Lemma step_rl: forall X Y, R X Y -> steps Y (Y+X).
intros X Y H. etransitivity.
apply steps_single, do_step. right; eassumption. reflexivity.
apply steps_seq; firstorder.
rewriting steps are contained in the congruence closure of R
Lemma step_correct: forall X Y, step X Y -> c R X Y.
destruct 1 as [X Y Z [H|H] HZ].
rewrite <- (c_ext _ _ _ H); apply c_seq; firstorder.
rewrite -> (c_ext _ _ _ H); apply c_seq; firstorder.
Lemma steps_correct: forall X Y, steps X Y -> c R X Y.
induction 1.
now apply c_seq.
now apply step_correct.
etransitivity; eassumption.
destruct 1 as [X Y Z [H|H] HZ].
rewrite <- (c_ext _ _ _ H); apply c_seq; firstorder.
rewrite -> (c_ext _ _ _ H); apply c_seq; firstorder.
Lemma steps_correct: forall X Y, steps X Y -> c R X Y.
induction 1.
now apply c_seq.
now apply step_correct.
etransitivity; eassumption.
the rewriting relation is confluent
Lemma step_confluent: forall X X1 X2, step X X1 -> step X X2 ->
exists X1', step X1 X1' /\ exists X2', step X2 X2' /\ X1'==X2'.
intros _ _ X2_ [X1 Y1 X H1 HX1] H2_. inversion_clear H2_ as [X2 Y2 X' H2 HX2].
eexists. split. apply do_step. apply H2. clear -HX2. firstorder.
eexists. split. apply do_step. apply H1. clear -HX1. firstorder.
clear. firstorder.
Lemma steps_confluent': forall X X1, steps X X1 -> forall X2, step X X2 ->
exists X1', step X1 X1' /\ exists X2', steps X2 X2' /\ X1'==X2'.
induction 1 as [X X1|X X1 H1|X X' X1 H IH H1 IH1]; intros X2 H2.
destruct H2.
eexists. split. constructor. eassumption. firstorder.
eexists. split. reflexivity. firstorder.
destruct (step_confluent H1 H2) as (X1'&?&X2'&?&?).
eexists. split. eassumption.
eexists. split. apply steps_single. eassumption. assumption.
apply IH in H2 as (X2'&H2'&X2'b&H2'b&H2). apply IH1 in H2' as (X2''&H2''&X2''b&H2''b&H2').
eexists. split. eassumption.
eexists. split. 2: reflexivity. now rewrite H2'b, <-H2, H2''b, <-H2'.
Lemma steps_confluent: forall X X1 X2, steps X X1 -> steps X X2 ->
exists X', steps X1 X' /\ steps X2 X'.
intros X X1 X2 H1. revert X2.
induction H1 as [X X1|X X1 H1|X X' X1 H IH H1 IH1]; intros X2 H2.
exists X2. split. now rewrite <-H. reflexivity.
destruct (steps_confluent' H2 H1) as (X2'&H2'&X1'&?&?).
eexists. split. eassumption. rewrite H2'. now apply steps_seq.
apply IH in H2 as (X2'&H2'&H2). apply IH1 in H2' as (X2''&H2''&H2').
eexists. split. eassumption. now rewrite H2.
exists X1', step X1 X1' /\ exists X2', step X2 X2' /\ X1'==X2'.
intros _ _ X2_ [X1 Y1 X H1 HX1] H2_. inversion_clear H2_ as [X2 Y2 X' H2 HX2].
eexists. split. apply do_step. apply H2. clear -HX2. firstorder.
eexists. split. apply do_step. apply H1. clear -HX1. firstorder.
clear. firstorder.
Lemma steps_confluent': forall X X1, steps X X1 -> forall X2, step X X2 ->
exists X1', step X1 X1' /\ exists X2', steps X2 X2' /\ X1'==X2'.
induction 1 as [X X1|X X1 H1|X X' X1 H IH H1 IH1]; intros X2 H2.
destruct H2.
eexists. split. constructor. eassumption. firstorder.
eexists. split. reflexivity. firstorder.
destruct (step_confluent H1 H2) as (X1'&?&X2'&?&?).
eexists. split. eassumption.
eexists. split. apply steps_single. eassumption. assumption.
apply IH in H2 as (X2'&H2'&X2'b&H2'b&H2). apply IH1 in H2' as (X2''&H2''&X2''b&H2''b&H2').
eexists. split. eassumption.
eexists. split. 2: reflexivity. now rewrite H2'b, <-H2, H2''b, <-H2'.
Lemma steps_confluent: forall X X1 X2, steps X X1 -> steps X X2 ->
exists X', steps X1 X' /\ steps X2 X'.
intros X X1 X2 H1. revert X2.
induction H1 as [X X1|X X1 H1|X X' X1 H IH H1 IH1]; intros X2 H2.
exists X2. split. now rewrite <-H. reflexivity.
destruct (steps_confluent' H2 H1) as (X2'&H2'&X1'&?&?).
eexists. split. eassumption. rewrite H2'. now apply steps_seq.
apply IH in H2 as (X2'&H2'&H2). apply IH1 in H2' as (X2''&H2''&H2').
eexists. split. eassumption. now rewrite H2.
first characterisation theorem
Theorem c_steps: forall X Y, c R X Y <-> exists Z, steps X Z /\ steps Y Z.
* intros [n H]. revert X Y H. induction n; intros X Y H.
exists (X+Y). split. apply (step_lr H).
rewrite (step_rl H) at 1. apply steps_seq. firstorder.
destruct H as [[[[H|H]|[z [Hxz Hzy]]]|H]|(x1&x2&y1&y2&Hx&Hy&H1&H2)].
- exists X. split. reflexivity. now apply steps_seq.
- firstorder.
- destruct (IHn _ _ Hxz) as (xy&Hx&Hy1).
destruct (IHn _ _ Hzy) as (yz&Hy2&Hz).
destruct (steps_confluent Hy1 Hy2) as (xz&?&?).
exists xz. split. now rewrite Hx. now rewrite Hz.
- apply IHn, H.
- destruct (IHn _ _ H1) as (xy&HX&HY).
destruct (IHn _ _ H2) as (xy'&HX'&HY').
exists (xy+xy'). rewrite Hx, Hy. now split; apply steps_plus.
* intros (Z&HX&HY). now rewrite (steps_correct HX), (steps_correct HY).
* intros [n H]. revert X Y H. induction n; intros X Y H.
exists (X+Y). split. apply (step_lr H).
rewrite (step_rl H) at 1. apply steps_seq. firstorder.
destruct H as [[[[H|H]|[z [Hxz Hzy]]]|H]|(x1&x2&y1&y2&Hx&Hy&H1&H2)].
- exists X. split. reflexivity. now apply steps_seq.
- firstorder.
- destruct (IHn _ _ Hxz) as (xy&Hx&Hy1).
destruct (IHn _ _ Hzy) as (yz&Hy2&Hz).
destruct (steps_confluent Hy1 Hy2) as (xz&?&?).
exists xz. split. now rewrite Hx. now rewrite Hz.
- apply IHn, H.
- destruct (IHn _ _ H1) as (xy&HX&HY).
destruct (IHn _ _ H2) as (xy'&HX'&HY').
exists (xy+xy'). rewrite Hx, Hy. now split; apply steps_plus.
* intros (Z&HX&HY). now rewrite (steps_correct HX), (steps_correct HY).
sets only grow by rewriting
Lemma steps_incr: forall X Y, steps X Y -> X <= Y.
induction 1 as [X Y H|? ? H|X Y Z _ IH1 _ IH2].
intros ? ?. now apply H.
destruct H. clear. firstorder.
induction 1 as [X Y H|? ? H|X Y Z _ IH1 _ IH2].
intros ? ?. now apply H.
destruct H. clear. firstorder.
alternative characterisation
Theorem c_steps': forall X Y, c R X Y <->
(exists Z, steps X Z /\ Y <= Z) /\ (exists Z, steps Y Z /\ X <= Z).
intros. rewrite c_steps. split.
intros (Z&HX&HY). split; exists Z; auto using steps_incr.
intros [(X'&HX'&HY)(Y'&HY'&HX)]. exists (X'+Y'). split.
rewrite HX', <- HY'. apply steps_seq. firstorder.
rewrite HY', <- HX'. apply steps_seq. firstorder.
(exists Z, steps X Z /\ Y <= Z) /\ (exists Z, steps Y Z /\ X <= Z).
intros. rewrite c_steps. split.
intros (Z&HX&HY). split; exists Z; auto using steps_incr.
intros [(X'&HX'&HY)(Y'&HY'&HX)]. exists (X'+Y'). split.
rewrite HX', <- HY'. apply steps_seq. firstorder.
rewrite HY', <- HX'. apply steps_seq. firstorder.
characterisation for inclusion checking
Theorem c_steps_incl: forall X Y, c R (X+Y) Y <-> exists Z, steps Y Z /\ X <= Z.
intros. rewrite c_steps'. split. firstorder.
intros (Z&HY&H). pose proof (steps_incr HY). split. 2: firstorder.
exists (X+Z). split. rewrite HY. reflexivity. firstorder.
intros. rewrite c_steps'. split. firstorder.
intros (Z&HY&H). pose proof (steps_incr HY). split. 2: firstorder.
exists (X+Z). split. rewrite HY. reflexivity. firstorder.
helper lemma to rewrite inclusions
Lemma chain_incl_step X Y Z Z':
R (X+Y) Y -> Y <= Z' -> steps Z Z' -> steps Z (X+Z').
intros HR H HZ. rewrite HZ. transitivity (Y+Z'). apply steps_seq; firstorder.
rewrite (step_rl HR). apply steps_seq; firstorder.
End rewriting.
R (X+Y) Y -> Y <= Z' -> steps Z Z' -> steps Z (X+Z').
intros HR H HZ. rewrite HZ. transitivity (Y+Z'). apply steps_seq; firstorder.
rewrite (step_rl HR). apply steps_seq; firstorder.
End rewriting.
Definition r2sr (R: rel E' E'): rel E E' := fun x Y => exists X, X x /\ R X Y.
Definition sr2r (T: rel E E'): rel E' E' := fun X Y => forall x, X x -> T x Y.
Lemma sr2r2sr T: r2sr (sr2r T) === T.
Proof. intros x Y. compute. firstorder. exists (singleton x). intuition congruence. Qed.
Lemma r2sr2r R: R <== sr2r (r2sr R).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
small generalisation of the notion of (antichain) simulation,
required later for up-to techniques
Definition s_progress (T T': rel E E') :=
forall x Y, T x Y -> (o x -> o' Y) /\ forall a x', t x a x' -> T' x' (t' Y a).
forall x Y, T x Y -> (o x -> o' Y) /\ forall a x', t x a x' -> T' x' (t' Y a).
a simulation is a self-progressing relation
language inclusion is a simulation
Lemma s_simulation_incl: s_simulation (r2sr (incl o' t')).
intros x Y [X [Hx H]]. split.
intro Ho. apply (H nil). exists x. split; assumption.
intros a x' Hx'. exists (t' X a). split. exists x. tauto.
intro w. apply (H (a::w)).
intros x Y [X [Hx H]]. split.
intro Ho. apply (H nil). exists x. split; assumption.
intros a x' Hx'. exists (t' X a). split. exists x. tauto.
intro w. apply (H (a::w)).
simulations are contained in language inclusion
Lemma s_simulation_in_incl: forall T, s_simulation T -> sr2r T <== incl o' t'.
intros T HT x Y H w. revert x Y H.
induction w; intros X Y H.
intros (x&?&?). eapply HT; eauto.
apply IHw. intros x' (x&Hx&Hx'). eapply HT; eauto.
intros T HT x Y H w. revert x Y H.
induction w; intros X Y H.
intros (x&?&?). eapply HT; eauto.
apply IHw. intros x' (x&Hx&Hx'). eapply HT; eauto.
the simulation proof method is sound and complete for language inclusion
Theorem incl_iff_sim: forall X Y, incl o' t' X Y <-> exists T, s_simulation T /\ sr2r T X Y.
intro H. exists (r2sr (incl o' t')). split.
exact s_simulation_incl.
apply r2sr2r. assumption.
intros [T [HT H]]. revert H. now apply s_simulation_in_incl.
intro H. exists (r2sr (incl o' t')). split.
exact s_simulation_incl.
apply r2sr2r. assumption.
intros [T [HT H]]. revert H. now apply s_simulation_in_incl.
a s-compatible function is a function that preserves s-progressions
technical lemmas about s-progressions and unions
Instance s_progress_incr: Proper (rincl --> rincl ++> Basics.impl) s_progress.
Proof. intros R R' HR S S' HS H x y Hxy. apply HR, H in Hxy. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma cup_s_progress R S T: s_progress R T -> s_progress S T -> s_progress (R \cup S) T.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma s_progress_cup R S T: s_progress R S \/ s_progress R T -> s_progress R (S \cup T).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma union_s_progress R S: (forall n, s_progress (R n) S) -> s_progress (union R) S.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma s_progress_union n R S: s_progress R (S n) -> s_progress R (union S).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Proof. intros R R' HR S S' HS H x y Hxy. apply HR, H in Hxy. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma cup_s_progress R S T: s_progress R T -> s_progress S T -> s_progress (R \cup S) T.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma s_progress_cup R S T: s_progress R S \/ s_progress R T -> s_progress R (S \cup T).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma union_s_progress R S: (forall n, s_progress (R n) S) -> s_progress (union R) S.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma s_progress_union n R S: s_progress R (S n) -> s_progress R (union S).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
s-compatible function yield correct up-to techniques
Theorem s_compatible_correct:
forall f, s_compatible f ->
forall T, s_simulation_up_to f T -> sr2r T <== incl o' t'.
intros f Hf T HT X Y HXY.
apply incl_iff_sim. exists (iter f T). split.
clear X Y HXY.
apply union_s_progress. intro n.
apply s_progress_union with (S n).
induction n.
apply Hf, IHn.
exists O. apply HXY. assumption.
forall f, s_compatible f ->
forall T, s_simulation_up_to f T -> sr2r T <== incl o' t'.
intros f Hf T HT X Y HXY.
apply incl_iff_sim. exists (iter f T). split.
clear X Y HXY.
apply union_s_progress. intro n.
apply s_progress_union with (S n).
induction n.
apply Hf, IHn.
exists O. apply HXY. assumption.
compositionality properties of compatible functions
Lemma s_compatible_id: s_compatible id.
Proof (fun R S H => H).
Lemma s_compatible_comp f g: s_compatible f -> s_compatible g -> s_compatible (fun R => f (g R)).
Proof. intros Hf Hg R S H. apply Hf, Hg, H. Qed.
Lemma s_compatible_cup f g: s_compatible f -> s_compatible g -> s_compatible (fun R => f R \cup g R).
Proof. intros Hf Hg R S H. apply cup_s_progress; apply s_progress_cup; auto. Qed.
Proof (fun R S H => H).
Lemma s_compatible_comp f g: s_compatible f -> s_compatible g -> s_compatible (fun R => f (g R)).
Proof. intros Hf Hg R S H. apply Hf, Hg, H. Qed.
Lemma s_compatible_cup f g: s_compatible f -> s_compatible g -> s_compatible (fun R => f R \cup g R).
Proof. intros Hf Hg R S H. apply cup_s_progress; apply s_progress_cup; auto. Qed.
the upward closure function is compatible
Lemma s_compatible_upc: s_compatible upc.
intros T T' H x Y (Y'&Hx&HY). apply H in Hx as [Ho Ht]. split.
now rewrite <-HY.
intros a x' Hx'. apply Ht in Hx'. eexists. split. eassumption. now apply monotone_t'.
intros T T' H x Y (Y'&Hx&HY). apply H in Hx as [Ho Ht]. split.
now rewrite <-HY.
intros a x' Hx'. apply Ht in Hx'. eexists. split. eassumption. now apply monotone_t'.
as a corollary, we get an abstract proof of correctness for the antichain algorithm
Corollary AC: forall T, s_simulation_up_to upc T -> sr2r T <== incl o' t'.
Proof. apply s_compatible_correct, s_compatible_upc. Qed.
Proof. apply s_compatible_correct, s_compatible_upc. Qed.
we assume a relation on states which is a (branching-time) simulation
Variable sim: rel E E.
Definition branching_simulation := forall x y, sim x y ->
(o x -> o y) /\ (forall a x', t x a x' -> exists y', t y a y' /\ sim x' y').
Hypothesis bsim_sim: branching_simulation.
Definition branching_simulation := forall x y, sim x y ->
(o x -> o y) /\ (forall a x', t x a x' -> exists y', t y a y' /\ sim x' y').
Hypothesis bsim_sim: branching_simulation.
extension of the relation to larger types (sim'' is the
"forall-exists" relation from the TACAS'10 paper)
Definition sim': rel E E' := fun x Y => exists y, Y y /\ sim x y.
Definition sim'': rel E' E' := sr2r sim'.
Definition sim'': rel E' E' := sr2r sim'.
branching-time simulations are always correct w.r.t. language inclusion
Lemma s_simulation_sim': s_simulation sim'.
intros x Y (y&Hy&Hxy). apply bsim_sim in Hxy. split.
intro Hx. exists y. tauto.
intros a x' Hx. apply Hxy in Hx. firstorder.
Lemma sim''_in_incl: sim'' <== incl o' t'.
Proof. apply s_simulation_in_incl, s_simulation_sim'. Qed.
intros x Y (y&Hy&Hxy). apply bsim_sim in Hxy. split.
intro Hx. exists y. tauto.
intros a x' Hx. apply Hxy in Hx. firstorder.
Lemma sim''_in_incl: sim'' <== incl o' t'.
Proof. apply s_simulation_in_incl, s_simulation_sim'. Qed.
extended upward closure function, exploiting similarity
Definition upc' (T: rel E E'): rel E E' :=
sim' \cup
(fun x Y => exists x', sim x x' /\ exists Y', sim'' Y' Y /\ T x' Y').
sim' \cup
(fun x Y => exists x', sim x x' /\ exists Y', sim'' Y' Y /\ T x' Y').
this function is compatible
Lemma s_compatible_upc': s_compatible upc'.
apply s_compatible_cup. intros _ _ _. exact s_simulation_sim'.
intros T T' HT x Y (x'&Hx&Y'&HY&H).
apply bsim_sim in Hx as [Ho Ht].
apply HT in H as [Ho' Ht'].
intro H. apply Ho, Ho' in H. revert H. apply sim''_in_incl in HY. apply (HY nil).
intros a x1 Hx1. apply Ht in Hx1 as (x1'&Hx1'&?). exists x1'. split. assumption.
apply Ht' in Hx1'. eexists. split. 2: eassumption.
intros y' (y&Hy&H'). eapply s_simulation_sim'; eauto.
apply s_compatible_cup. intros _ _ _. exact s_simulation_sim'.
intros T T' HT x Y (x'&Hx&Y'&HY&H).
apply bsim_sim in Hx as [Ho Ht].
apply HT in H as [Ho' Ht'].
intro H. apply Ho, Ho' in H. revert H. apply sim''_in_incl in HY. apply (HY nil).
intros a x1 Hx1. apply Ht in Hx1 as (x1'&Hx1'&?). exists x1'. split. assumption.
apply Ht' in Hx1'. eexists. split. 2: eassumption.
intros y' (y&Hy&H'). eapply s_simulation_sim'; eauto.
as a corollary, we get an abstract proof of correctness for
the optimised antichain algorithm
Corollary AC': forall T, s_simulation_up_to upc' T -> sr2r T <== incl o' t'.
Proof. apply s_compatible_correct, s_compatible_upc'. Qed.
End AC'.
Proof. apply s_compatible_correct, s_compatible_upc'. Qed.
End AC'.
Definition hat (T: rel E E'): rel E' E' :=
fun X Y => exists x, T x Y /\ X == singleton x + Y.
Lemma hat_step (T: rel E E'): forall x Y, T x Y -> c (hat T) (singleton x+Y) Y.
Proof. intros. apply c_ext. eexists. split. eassumption. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma hat_upc: forall T, hat (upc T) <== c (hat T).
intros T X Y (x&(Y'&H&HY)&HX). rewrite HX. clear HX.
transitivity ((singleton x+Y')+Y). apply c_seq; firstorder.
rewrite hat_step by assumption. apply c_seq; firstorder.
we need finiteness of E for the following lemma (one could also
extend the congruence closure with arbitrary unions)
Hypothesis Efinite: finite E.
Lemma hat_s_progress: forall T T', s_progress T T' -> progress o' t' (hat T) (c(hat T')).
intros T T' H X Y (x&HXY&HX). apply H in HXY as [Ho Ht]. clear H. split.
rewrite HX. firstorder. apply Ho. congruence.
intro a. specialize (Ht a).
transitivity (t x a + t' Y a). apply c_seq.
rewrite HX, t'_plus. apply plus_compat. firstorder congruence. reflexivity.
clear X HX Ho. revert Ht. generalize (t x a). generalize (t' Y a). clear a x Y. intros Y X.
destruct (Efinite X) as [l Hl]. revert X Hl.
induction l as [|x l IH]; intros X Hl Ht. apply c_seq. clear - Hl; firstorder.
transitivity ((singleton x + Y) + ((fun z => In z l) + Y)).
apply c_seq. clear - Hl; firstorder.
rewrite hat_step. 2: apply Ht; firstorder.
rewrite IH by firstorder. apply c_seq; firstorder.
Theorem HKC_mimicks_AC: forall T,
s_simulation_up_to upc T -> bisimulation_up_to o' t' c (hat T).
intros T HT. apply hat_s_progress in HT.
eapply progress_incr. 3: eassumption. firstorder.
rewrite hat_upc. apply cc.
we assume two disjoint sets of states, corresponding to two sub-automata
Variables S1 S2: E'.
Hypothesis Hdisjoint: forall x, S1 x -> S2 x -> False.
Hypothesis HtS1: forall x a, S1 x -> t x a <= S1.
Hypothesis HtS2: forall x a, S2 x -> t x a <= S2.
Lemma HtS2': forall X a, X <= S2 -> t' X a <= S2.
Proof. intros X a H x' [x [Hx Hx']]. apply HtS2 in Hx'; firstorder. Qed.
Hypothesis Hdisjoint: forall x, S1 x -> S2 x -> False.
Hypothesis HtS1: forall x a, S1 x -> t x a <= S1.
Hypothesis HtS2: forall x a, S2 x -> t x a <= S2.
Lemma HtS2': forall X a, X <= S2 -> t' X a <= S2.
Proof. intros X a H x' [x [Hx Hx']]. apply HtS2 in Hx'; firstorder. Qed.
\overline R relation from the paper
Definition over (R: rel E' E'): rel E E' :=
fun x Y => Y<=S2 /\ exists X, X x /\ S1 x /\ exists Z, Z==X+Y /\ R Z Y.
fun x Y => Y<=S2 /\ exists X, X x /\ S1 x /\ exists Z, Z==X+Y /\ R Z Y.
auxiliary result about progressions
Lemma over_progress: forall R R', progress o' t' R R' -> s_progress (over R) (over R').
intros S S' H x Y (HY&X&Hx&Hx1&Z&HZ&HXY). apply H in HXY as [Ho Ht]. clear H. split.
rewrite <- Ho, HZ, o'_plus. clear -Hx; firstorder.
intros a x' Hx'. specialize (Ht a). clear Ho. split. apply HtS2', HY.
exists (t' X a). split. firstorder. split. firstorder.
exists (t' Z a). split. rewrite HZ. apply t'_plus. assumption.
intros S S' H x Y (HY&X&Hx&Hx1&Z&HZ&HXY). apply H in HXY as [Ho Ht]. clear H. split.
rewrite <- Ho, HZ, o'_plus. clear -Hx; firstorder.
intros a x' Hx'. specialize (Ht a). clear Ho. split. apply HtS2', HY.
exists (t' X a). split. firstorder. split. firstorder.
exists (t' Z a). split. rewrite HZ. apply t'_plus. assumption.
we now assume a relation whose all pairs have the shape (X+Y,Y), with X<=S1 and Y<=S2
Variable R: rel E' E'.
Hypothesis Hdisjoint_inclusion: forall Z Y, R Z Y -> Y <= S2 /\ exists X, X <= S1 /\ Z = X + Y.
Hypothesis Hdisjoint_inclusion: forall Z Y, R Z Y -> Y <= S2 /\ exists X, X <= S1 /\ Z = X + Y.
auxiliary lemmas
Lemma steps_cap_S2: forall Y Y', steps R Y Y' -> forall y, Y' y -> S2 y -> Y y.
induction 1 as [Y Y' H|Y Y' H|Y Y' Y'' H IH H' IH']; intros y Hy.
- firstorder.
- destruct H as [U V Y [HUV|HUV] HY];
destruct (Hdisjoint_inclusion HUV) as (HV2&X'&HX'1&->); firstorder.
- auto.
Lemma over_c_aux x: S1 x -> forall Y Y', steps R Y Y' -> Y' x ->
Y x \/ upc (over R) x (fun y => Y y /\ S2 y).
intro Hx1. induction 1 as [Y Y' H|Y Y' H|Y Y' Y'' H IH H' IH']; intros HY'x.
- left. firstorder.
- destruct H as [U V Y [HUV|HUV] HY].
* left. apply Hdisjoint_inclusion in HUV as (HV2&X'&HX'1&->). firstorder.
* destruct (Hdisjoint_inclusion HUV) as (HV2&X'&HX'1&->).
destruct HY'x as [[?|[?|HX']]|?]; try (left; trivial; apply HY; assumption).
right. exists U. split. 2: firstorder. split. assumption.
exists X'. split. assumption. split. assumption.
eexists. split. 2: eassumption. reflexivity.
- apply IH' in HY'x as [?|Hx]. now apply IH.
right. generalize (steps_cap_S2 H). clear -Hx. firstorder.
induction 1 as [Y Y' H|Y Y' H|Y Y' Y'' H IH H' IH']; intros y Hy.
- firstorder.
- destruct H as [U V Y [HUV|HUV] HY];
destruct (Hdisjoint_inclusion HUV) as (HV2&X'&HX'1&->); firstorder.
- auto.
Lemma over_c_aux x: S1 x -> forall Y Y', steps R Y Y' -> Y' x ->
Y x \/ upc (over R) x (fun y => Y y /\ S2 y).
intro Hx1. induction 1 as [Y Y' H|Y Y' H|Y Y' Y'' H IH H' IH']; intros HY'x.
- left. firstorder.
- destruct H as [U V Y [HUV|HUV] HY].
* left. apply Hdisjoint_inclusion in HUV as (HV2&X'&HX'1&->). firstorder.
* destruct (Hdisjoint_inclusion HUV) as (HV2&X'&HX'1&->).
destruct HY'x as [[?|[?|HX']]|?]; try (left; trivial; apply HY; assumption).
right. exists U. split. 2: firstorder. split. assumption.
exists X'. split. assumption. split. assumption.
eexists. split. 2: eassumption. reflexivity.
- apply IH' in HY'x as [?|Hx]. now apply IH.
right. generalize (steps_cap_S2 H). clear -Hx. firstorder.
lemma 9 in the paper
Lemma over_c: over (c R) <== upc (over R).
intros x Y (HY2&X&Hx&Hx1&Z&HZ&H). rewrite HZ in H. clear Z HZ.
apply c_steps_incl in H as (Y'&H&HXY). apply HXY in Hx. clear HXY X.
destruct (over_c_aux Hx1 H Hx) as [Hx'|Hx']. elim (Hdisjoint Hx1). firstorder.
assert (I: (fun y => Y y /\ S2 y) <= Y) by firstorder.
unfold upc. setoid_rewrite <-I. assumption.
intros x Y (HY2&X&Hx&Hx1&Z&HZ&H). rewrite HZ in H. clear Z HZ.
apply c_steps_incl in H as (Y'&H&HXY). apply HXY in Hx. clear HXY X.
destruct (over_c_aux Hx1 H Hx) as [Hx'|Hx']. elim (Hdisjoint Hx1). firstorder.
assert (I: (fun y => Y y /\ S2 y) <= Y) by firstorder.
unfold upc. setoid_rewrite <-I. assumption.
AC can mimick HKC on inclusion of disjoint automata
Theorem AC'_mimicks_HKC'_on_disjoint_inclusions:
bisimulation_up_to o' t' c R -> s_simulation_up_to upc (over R).
Proof. intros HR. apply over_progress in HR. now rewrite over_c in HR. Qed.
bisimulation_up_to o' t' c R -> s_simulation_up_to upc (over R).
Proof. intros HR. apply over_progress in HR. now rewrite over_c in HR. Qed.
Section HKC'_AC'.
Variable sim: rel E E.
Lemma hat_upc': forall T, hat (upc' sim T) <== c' (hat (sim' sim)) (hat T).
intros T X Y (x&H&HX). apply cc'. destruct H as [H|(y&H&Y'&Hy&HY')].
apply c_ext. right. econstructor; eauto.
rewrite HX. clear X HX. apply c_steps_incl.
exists (singleton x + (singleton y + (Y' + Y))). split. 2: firstorder.
apply chain_incl_step with (singleton y). right. exists x. firstorder. firstorder.
apply chain_incl_step with Y'. left. eexists; split. eassumption. reflexivity. firstorder.
destruct (Efinite Y') as [l Hl]. clear -Hy Hl. revert Y' Hy Hl.
induction l as [|x l IH]; intros X H Hl. apply steps_seq. firstorder.
transitivity (singleton x+((fun z => In z l)+Y)).
apply chain_incl_step with Y. right. 2:firstorder. destruct (H x); firstorder.
apply IH. firstorder. tauto.
apply steps_seq. clear - Hl; firstorder.
Theorem HKC'_mimicks_AC': forall T,
s_simulation_up_to (upc' sim) T -> bisimulation_up_to o' t' (c' (hat (sim' sim))) (hat T).
intros T HT. apply hat_s_progress in HT.
eapply progress_incr. 3: eassumption. firstorder.
rewrite hat_upc'. rewrite c'c at 1. rewrite <- cc'. apply cc.
End HKC'_AC'.
End NFA.
End Alphabet.
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