Library RobustReconfiguration
Modelisation of robust reconfiguration protocols
possible states for components
we assume a set of components, a set of import names, and a
function indicating which import is mandatory for each component
Variable Component: FSet.
Variable Imports: FSet.
Variable is_mandatory: Component -> Imports -> bool.
Notation mandatory c i := (is_mandatory c i = true).
Notation optional c i := (is_mandatory c i = false).
an architecture is represented by:
- a function associating a status to all components
- a partial function representing existing wires
Record arch := mk_arch {
status: Component -> Status;
wires: Component * Imports -> option Component
the empty architecture: no wires, all components stopped
the five kinds of reconfiguration operations
Inductive down_op :=
| Unwire(c: Component)(i: Imports)
| Stop(c: Component)
| Fail(c: Component).
Inductive up_op :=
| Wire(c: Component)(i: Imports)(d: Component)
| Start(c: Component).
Inductive op :=
| down(o: down_op)
| up(o: up_op).
Coercion down: down_op >-> op.
Coercion up: up_op >-> op.
Section d.
Variable s: arch.
Notation started c := (status s c = Started).
Notation stopped c := (status s c = Stopped).
Notation failed c := (status s c = Failed).
Notation wired c i d := (wires s (c,i) = Some d).
Notation notwired c i := (wires s (c,i) = None).
Definition needs c d := exists_ (fun i => is_mandatory c i && (wires s (c,i) ?= Some d)).
Definition acyclic := acyclic needs.
Definition rank := rank needs.
Record consistent := {
AI1: forall c i, started c -> mandatory c i -> exists d, wired c i d;
AI2: forall c i d, started c -> wired c i d -> started d;
AI3: forall c i d, wired c i d -> ~failed c /\ ~failed d;
AI4: forall c i d, stopped c -> wired c i d -> mandatory c i;
AI5:> acyclic
Lemma AI4': consistent -> forall c i d, wired c i d -> optional c i -> started c.
intros H c i d Hcid Hci. destruct (AI3 H _ _ Hcid) as [? _].
case_eq (status s c); auto; intro Hc.
rewrite (AI4 H c i Hc Hcid) in Hci. discriminate.
lifecycle FSM
the following predicate specifies when an operation is allowed; it corresponds to the lifecycle FSM of the paper.
Inductive allowed: op -> Prop :=
| wire_m: forall c i d, notwired c i -> mandatory c i -> stopped c -> allowed (Wire c i d)
| wire_o: forall c i d, notwired c i -> optional c i -> started c -> allowed (Wire c i d)
| unwire_m: forall c i, ~notwired c i -> mandatory c i -> stopped c -> allowed (Unwire c i)
| unwire_o: forall c i, ~notwired c i -> optional c i -> started c -> allowed (Unwire c i)
| start: forall c, stopped c -> allowed (Start c)
| stop: forall c, started c -> allowed (Stop c)
| fail: forall c, allowed (Fail c).
applying atomic reconfiguration operations to an architecture
Definition down_apply (o: down_op): arch :=
match o with
| Unwire c i => mk_arch (status s) (set (c,i) None (wires s))
| Stop c => mk_arch (set c Stopped (status s)) (wires s)
| Fail c => mk_arch (set c Failed (status s)) (wires s)
Definition up_apply (o: up_op): arch :=
match o with
| Wire c i d => mk_arch (status s) (set (c,i) (Some d) (wires s))
| Start c => mk_arch (set c Started (status s)) (wires s)
Definition apply (o: op): arch :=
match o with
| down o => down_apply o
| up o => up_apply o
comparison functions for operations
Definition cmp_down_op o1 o2 :=
match o1,o2 with
| Unwire c i, Unwire d j => cmp (c,i) (d,j) | Unwire _ _, _ => Lt | _, Unwire _ _ => Gt
| Stop c, Stop d => cmp c d | Stop _, _ => Lt | _, Stop _ => Gt
| Fail c, Fail d => cmp c d
Instance Cmp_down_op: Cmp cmp_down_op | 2.
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; rewrite ?cmp_eq; intuition congruence.
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; trivial; apply cmp_sym.
destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; trivial; try discriminate; apply cmp_trans.
Definition cmp_up_op o1 o2 :=
match o1,o2 with
| Wire c i c', Wire d j d' => cmp (c,i,c') (d,j,d') | Wire _ _ _, _ => Lt | _, Wire _ _ _ => Gt
| Start c, Start d => cmp c d
Instance Cmp_up_op: Cmp cmp_up_op | 2.
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; rewrite ?cmp_eq; intuition congruence.
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; trivial; apply cmp_sym.
destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; trivial; try discriminate; apply cmp_trans.
auxiliary functions
Variable rank: Component -> nat.
Inductive down_kop := kUnwire_o | kStop(rank: nat) | kUnwire_m | kFail.
Inductive up_kop := kWire_m | kStart(rank: nat) | kWire_o.
Definition kind_of_down_op o :=
match o with
| Unwire c i => if is_mandatory c i then kUnwire_m else kUnwire_o
| Stop c => kStop (rank c)
| Fail _ => kFail
Definition kind_of_up_op o :=
match o with
| Wire c i _ => if is_mandatory c i then kWire_m else kWire_o
| Start c => kStart (rank c)
Definition cmp_down_kop o1 o2 :=
match o1,o2 with
| kUnwire_o, kUnwire_o => Eq | kUnwire_o, _ => Lt | _, kUnwire_o => Gt
| kStop r, kStop s => nat_compare r s | kStop _, _ => Lt | _, kStop _ => Gt
| kUnwire_m, kUnwire_m => Eq | kUnwire_m, _ => Lt | _, kUnwire_m => Gt
| kFail, kFail => Eq
Definition cmp_up_kop o1 o2 :=
match o1,o2 with
| kWire_m, kWire_m => Eq | kWire_m, _ => Lt | _, kWire_m => Gt
| kStart r, kStart s => nat_compare s r | kStart _, _ => Lt | _, kStart _ => Gt
| kWire_o, kWire_o => Eq
Instance Cmp_down_kop: Cmp cmp_down_kop.
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; rewrite ?cmp_eq; intuition congruence.
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; trivial; apply cmp_sym.
destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; trivial; try discriminate; apply cmp_trans.
Instance Cmp_up_kop: Cmp cmp_up_kop.
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; rewrite ?cmp_eq; intuition congruence.
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; trivial; apply cmp_sym.
destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; trivial; try discriminate.
intros A B. revert B A. apply cmp_trans.
final V-ordering functions
Definition order_down_op o1 o2 := lex (cmp_down_kop (kind_of_down_op o1) (kind_of_down_op o2)) (cmp_down_op o1 o2).
Definition order_up_op o1 o2 := lex (cmp_up_kop (kind_of_up_op o1) (kind_of_up_op o2)) (cmp_up_op o1 o2).
Instance Cmp_order_down_op: Cmp order_down_op.
unfold order_down_op. constructor.
intros x y. rewrite lex_eq, 2cmp_eq. intuition congruence.
intros x y. rewrite lex_sym. f_equal. f_equal; symmetry; apply cmp_sym.
intros x y z. rewrite 3lex_lt, 3cmp_eq. intuition try congruence.
left. eapply cmp_trans; eauto.
right. split. congruence. eapply cmp_trans; eauto.
Instance Cmp_order_up_op: Cmp order_up_op.
unfold order_up_op. constructor.
intros x y. rewrite lex_eq, 2cmp_eq. intuition congruence.
intros x y. rewrite lex_sym. f_equal. f_equal; symmetry; apply cmp_sym.
intros x y z. rewrite 3lex_lt, 3cmp_eq. intuition try congruence.
left. eapply cmp_trans; eauto.
right. split. congruence. eapply cmp_trans; eauto.
End d.
Existing Instance Cmp_order_down_op.
Existing Instance Cmp_order_up_op.
applying sequences of operations
Definition apply_down_seq s (l: list down_op) := fold_left down_apply l s.
Definition apply_up_seq s (l: list up_op) := fold_left up_apply l s.
Definition apply_seq s (l: list op) := fold_left apply l s.
Inductive ics: arch -> list op -> Prop :=
| as_nil: forall s, consistent s -> ics s nil
| as_cons: forall s o q, allowed s o -> consistent s -> ics (apply s o) q -> ics s (o::q).
Lemma apply_ics_consistent: forall s l, ics s l -> consistent (apply_seq s l).
Proof. induction 1; auto. Qed.
Lemma ics_comp: forall s h k, ics s h -> ics (apply_seq s h) k -> ics s (h++k).
Proof. induction 1; trivial; constructor; auto. Qed.
Lemma ics_prefix s h k: ics s (h++k) -> ics s h.
Proof. revert s. induction h; intros s Hhk; inversion_clear Hhk; constructor; auto. Qed.
Lemma ics_suffix s h k: ics s (h++k) -> ics (apply_seq s h) k.
revert s. induction h; simpl; trivial. intros s Hhk.
inversion_clear Hhk. auto.
auxiliary functions to fold through wires
Definition fold_wires s A c (f: Imports -> list A) :=
fold (fun i a =>
match wires s (c,i) with
| Some _ => f i ++ a
| None => a
end) nil.
Definition fold_optional_wires s A c (f: Imports -> list A) :=
fold_wires s c (fun i => if is_mandatory c i then nil else f i).
Definition fold_pointing_wires s A c (f: Component -> Imports -> list A) :=
fold (fun di a => if wires s di ?= Some c then f (fst di) (snd di) ++ a else a) nil.
Definition fold_optional_pointing_wires s A c (f: Component -> Imports -> list A) :=
fold_pointing_wires s c (fun d i => if is_mandatory d i then nil else f d i).
Definition fold_mandatory_pointing_components s A c (f: Component -> list A) :=
fold_pointing_wires s c (fun d i => if is_mandatory d i then f d else nil).
propagating stopped goals
(unlike in the paper, we unfold the recursive calls to unwire
optional imports: this allows us to get a simply recursive
function rather than mutually recursive functions)
Fixpoint xpropagate_stop n s c :=
match status s c with
| Started =>
(match n with O => nil | S n => fold_mandatory_pointing_components s c (xpropagate_stop n s) end) ++
(fold_optional_pointing_wires s c (fun d i => Unwire d i::nil)) ++
(fold_optional_wires s c (fun i => Unwire c i::nil)) ++
(Stop c) :: nil
| _ => nil
Definition propagate_stop := xpropagate_stop (cardinal Component).
propagating unwired goals
Definition propagate_unwire s c i :=
match wires s (c,i) with
| Some _ =>
if is_mandatory c i then propagate_stop s c ++ Unwire c i :: nil
else Unwire c i :: nil
| _ => nil
propagating failed goals
Definition propagate_fail s c :=
match status s c with
| Failed => nil
| _ =>
fold_pointing_wires s c (propagate_unwire s) ++
fold_wires s c (propagate_unwire s c) ++
Fail c :: nil
generating saturated apply down sets by architectural diff and
propagation (we assume that the source does not contain more
failed components than the target)
Definition needs_unwire c d :=
match c,d with
| Some _,None => true
| Some c, Some d => negb (c?=d)
| _,_ => false
Definition down_diff e t :=
fold (fun c l =>
match status e c, status t c with
| _, Failed => propagate_fail e c ++ l
| Started, Stopped => propagate_stop e c ++ l
| _,_ => l
end) nil
fold (fun di l =>
if needs_unwire (wires e di) (wires t di)
then propagate_unwire e (fst di) (snd di) ++ l
else l)
generating up sets: just architectural diff (we assume that the
target is reachable by up operations only, i.e., that the down
phase succeeded)
Definition up_diff e t :=
fold (fun c l =>
match status e c, status t c with
| Stopped, Started => Start c :: l
| _,_ => l
end) nil
fold (fun di l =>
match wires e di, wires t di with
| None, Some c => Wire (fst di) (snd di) c :: l
| _,_ => l
end) nil.
(returns the sequence of operations to apply)
Definition commit_seq e t :=
let d := sort (order_down_op (rank e)) (down_diff e t) in
let e := apply_down_seq e d in
let u := sort (order_up_op (rank t)) (up_diff e t) in
map down d ++ map up u.
Inductive les: relation Status :=
| les_refl: forall x, les x x
| les_ur: les Stopped Started
| les_f: forall x, les Failed x.
Lemma les_r: forall x, les x Started.
Proof. destruct x; constructor. Qed.
Hint Constructors les. Hint Resolve les_r.
e<=t holds when e is less functional than t, and when wires from e are wired like in t
Record le (e t: arch): Prop := mk_le {
le_status: forall c, les (status e c) (status t c);
le_wires: forall ci, wires e ci = None \/ wires t ci = wires e ci
Infix "<=" := le.
isomorphism of architectures
Record isomorph (e t: arch): Prop := mk_eq {
iso_status: forall c, status e c = status t c;
iso_wires: forall ci, wires t ci = wires e ci
Infix "==" := isomorph (at level 80).
Lemma ge_wires e t: e <= t -> forall ci, wires t ci = None -> wires e ci = None.
Proof. intros [_ H] ci. destruct (H ci); congruence. Qed.
Instance les_preorder: PreOrder les.
intros ? ? ? H1 H2. destruct H1; inversion_clear H2; constructor.
Instance le_preorder: PreOrder le.
constructor. intro. constructor. reflexivity. intro. auto.
intros ? ? ? H1 H2. constructor.
intro. eapply les_preorder. apply H1. apply H2.
intro. edestruct (le_wires H1) as [-> | <-]; auto. apply H2.
Hint Extern 0 (?x <= ?x) => apply le_preorder.
Instance eq_equivalence: Equivalence isomorph.
intro. constructor; reflexivity.
intros ? ? [? ?]. split; auto.
intros ? ? ? [? ?] [? ?]. split; congruence.
Instance le_PartialOrder: PartialOrder isomorph le.
intros e t. split.
intros [Hs Hw]; split; split; auto; intro; rewrite Hs; trivial.
intros [[Hs1 Hw1] [Hs2 Hw2]]. split.
intro c. generalize (Hs1 c) (Hs2 c). inversion 1; trivial. inversion 1. inversion 1; trivial.
intros ci. destruct (Hw1 ci) as [H|]; trivial. destruct (Hw2 ci); congruence.
has an architecture less failed components than another one ?
Definition less_failures e t := forall c, status e c = Failed -> status t c = Failed.
Infix "<<" := less_failures (at level 80).
Instance less_failures_preorder: PreOrder less_failures.
Proof. constructor; firstorder. Qed.
conjunction of <= and <<
Definition le_and_less_failures e t :=
(forall c, status e c = status t c \/ status e c = Stopped /\ status t c = Started) /\
(forall ci, wires e ci = None \/ wires t ci = wires e ci).
Infix "<<=" := le_and_less_failures (at level 80).
Lemma leless_le_less e t: e <<= t <-> (e<=t /\ e<<t).
intros [Hs Hw]. split. split; trivial.
intro c. destruct (Hs c) as [->|[-> ->]]; trivial.
intro c. destruct (Hs c) as [->|[-> ->]]; congruence.
intros [[Hs Hw] Hf]. split; trivial.
intro c. specialize (Hs c). inversion Hs; auto. subst.
left. symmetry. apply Hf. auto.
Lemma consistent_empty: consistent empty_arch.
constructor; intros; try discriminate.
intro. constructor. intros ?. unfold needs. case exists_spec; try discriminate.
intros (?&H). rewrite andb_comm in H. discriminate.
Lemma apply_down_seq_map s l: apply_down_seq s l = apply_seq s (map down l).
Proof. revert s. induction l; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma apply_up_seq_map s l: apply_up_seq s l = apply_seq s (map up l).
Proof. revert s. induction l; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma apply_seq_app s h k: apply_seq s (h++k) = apply_seq (apply_seq s h) k.
Proof. revert s. induction h; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma le_acyclic s t: acyclic t -> s <= t -> acyclic s.
intros Ht Hst. eapply subrelation_acyclic. eassumption.
intros x y. unfold needs. rewrite 2exists_iff.
intros [i Hi]. exists i.
destruct (is_mandatory x i). 2: discriminate.
destruct (le_wires Hst (x,i)) as [H|H].
rewrite H in Hi. discriminate.
rewrite H. assumption.
Lemma wires_rank s (Hs: acyclic s) d i c: mandatory d i -> wires s (d,i) = Some c -> rank s d < rank s c.
intros H1 H2. apply rank_spec. assumption.
unfold needs. rewrite exists_iff.
exists i. rewrite H1, H2. simpl. case eq_spec; auto.
Lemma apply_allowed_down_op_le s (o: down_op): allowed s o -> apply s o <= s.
destruct s as [s w]. inversion_clear 1; split; intros; simpl in *; auto.
set_case; auto.
set_case; auto.
set_case. rewrite H0. constructor.
Lemma apply_down_ics_le s l: ics s (map down l) -> apply_down_seq s l <= s.
revert s. induction l; intros s Hl; inversion_clear Hl; simpl; trivial.
etransitivity. apply IHl. assumption.
apply apply_allowed_down_op_le. assumption.
Lemma apply_allowed_less_failures s o: allowed s o -> s << apply s o.
Proof. destruct s as [s w]; destruct 1; intro; simpl in *; trivial; set_case. Qed.
Lemma apply_ics_less_failures s l: ics s l -> s << apply_seq s l.
revert s; induction 1 as [|s' o q Ho Hs Hq IH]; simpl.
intro. trivial.
intros c H. eapply apply_allowed_less_failures, IH in H; assumption.
Lemma nofail_less_failures s o: (forall c, o<>down (Fail c)) -> apply s o << s.
intro H. destruct s; destruct o as [o|o]; destruct o; intro x; simpl; trivial.
eelim H. reflexivity.
Lemma nofail_seq_less_failures s l: (forall c, ~In (down (Fail c)) l) -> apply_seq s l << s.
revert s. induction l; simpl; intros s Hl.
rewrite IHl. apply nofail_less_failures. firstorder.
Lemma consistent_unwire_notstarted s c i: consistent s ->
status s c <> Started -> consistent (apply s (Unwire c i)).
destruct s as [s w]. intros [H1 H2 H3 H4 H5] Hc. constructor; simpl in *.
intros d j Hd Hdj. destruct (H1 d j) as [e ?]; trivial. exists e. set_case.
intros d j d' Hd. set_case. apply H2, Hd.
intros d j d'. set_case. apply H3.
intros d j d' Hd. set_case. apply H4, Hd.
eapply subrelation_acyclic. apply H5.
intros x y; unfold needs. rewrite 2exists_iff.
intros [j H]. exists j. revert H. simpl. set_case. rewrite andb_comm. discriminate.
Lemma consistent_unwire_optional s c i: consistent s ->
optional c i -> consistent (apply s (Unwire c i)).
destruct s as [s w]. intros [H1 H2 H3 H4 H5] Hci. constructor; simpl in *.
intros d j Hd Hdj. destruct (H1 d j) as [e ?]; trivial. exists e. set_case.
intros d j d' Hd. set_case. apply H2, Hd.
intros d j d'. set_case. apply H3.
intros d j d' Hd. set_case. apply H4, Hd.
eapply subrelation_acyclic. apply H5.
intros x y; unfold needs. rewrite 2exists_iff.
intros [j H]. exists j. revert H. simpl. set_case. rewrite andb_comm. discriminate.
Lemma consistent_stop s c: consistent s ->
(forall i, optional c i -> wires s (c,i) = None) ->
(forall d i, wires s (d,i) = Some c -> status s d <> Started) ->
consistent (apply s (Stop c)).
destruct s as [s w]. intros [H1 H2 H3 H4 H5] Ho Hw. constructor; simpl in *.
intros d j. set_case. apply H1.
intros d j d'. set_case. intros Hd Hdj. specialize (H2 _ _ _ Hd Hdj). set_case. eelim Hw; eauto.
intros d j d' Hd. split.
set_case. apply (H3 _ _ _ Hd).
set_case. apply (H3 _ _ _ Hd).
intros d j d'. set_case; intros Hd Hdj.
case_eq (is_mandatory d j); trivial. intro Hj. specialize (Ho _ Hj). congruence.
eapply H4; eassumption.
apply H5.
Lemma consistent_fail s c: consistent s ->
(forall i, wires s (c,i) = None) ->
(forall d i, wires s (d,i) <> Some c) ->
consistent (apply s (Fail c)).
destruct s as [s w]. intros [H1 H2 H3 H4 H5] He Hi. constructor; simpl in *.
intros d j. set_case. apply H1.
intros d j d'. set_case. intros Hd Hdj. specialize (H2 _ _ _ Hd Hdj). set_case.
intros d j d' Hd. destruct (H3 _ _ _ Hd) as [? ?]. pose proof (Hi d j). split; set_case.
intros d j d'. set_case. apply H4.
apply H5.
Lemma consistent_start s c: consistent s ->
status s c <> Failed ->
(forall i, mandatory c i -> exists d, wires s (c,i) = Some d /\ status s d = Started) ->
(forall i, optional c i -> wires s (c,i) = None) ->
consistent (apply s (Start c)).
intro Hs. assert (H4' := AI4' Hs). revert Hs.
destruct s as [s w]. intros [H1 H2 H3 H4 H5] Hc Hm Ho. constructor; simpl in *.
intros d j. set_case.
intros _ Hdj. destruct (Hm _ Hdj) as (?&?&?). eauto.
apply H1.
intros d j d' H Hdjd'. case_eq (is_mandatory d j); intro Hdj.
revert H. set_case.
intros _. set_case. destruct (Hm _ Hdj) as (?&?&?). congruence.
set_case. intro. eapply H2; eauto.
revert H. set_case. apply Ho in Hdj. congruence.
intro H'. set_case. eapply H4' in Hdj; eauto.
intros d j d' Hdjd'. apply H3 in Hdjd' as [? ?]. split; set_case.
intros d j d'. set_case. apply H4.
apply H5.
Lemma consistent_wire_mandatory s c i d t: consistent s ->
status s c = Stopped -> status s d <> Failed -> mandatory c i ->
acyclic t -> s <= t -> wires t (c,i) = Some d ->
consistent (apply s (Wire c i d)).
destruct s as [s w]. intros [H1 H2 H3 H4 H5] Hc Hd Hci Ht Hst Htw. constructor; simpl in *.
intros e j. set_case. apply H1.
intros e j d'. set_case. apply H2.
intros e j d'. set_case. split; congruence. eauto.
intros e j d'. set_case. apply H4.
eapply le_acyclic. apply Ht. constructor.
apply Hst.
intros ci. generalize (le_wires Hst ci). simpl. set_case. intuition congruence.
Lemma consistent_wire_optional s c i d t: consistent s ->
status s c = Started -> status s d = Started -> optional c i ->
acyclic t -> s <= t -> wires t (c,i) = Some d ->
consistent (apply s (Wire c i d)).
destruct s as [s w]. intros [H1 H2 H3 H4 H5] Hc Hd Hci Ht Hst Htw. constructor; simpl in *.
intros e j. set_case. eauto.
intros e j d'. set_case. apply H2.
intros e j d'. set_case. split; congruence. eauto.
intros e j d'. set_case. apply H4.
eapply le_acyclic. apply Ht. constructor.
apply Hst.
intros ci. generalize (le_wires Hst ci). simpl. set_case. intuition congruence.
applying consistent down sequences containing particular operations actually perform these operations
Lemma apply_down_ics_unwires s l c i: In (Unwire c i) l -> ics s (map down l) ->
wires (apply_down_seq s l) (c,i) = None. Proof.
intro H. revert s. induction l; intros s Hl; simpl in *. tauto.
destruct H as [->|H]; inversion_clear Hl.
apply apply_down_ics_le in H1.
destruct (le_wires H1 (c,i)) as [?|H']; trivial.
simpl in *. rewrite <- H'. apply set_idem.
apply IHl; assumption.
Lemma apply_down_ics_fails s l c: In (Fail c) l -> ics s (map down l) ->
status (apply_down_seq s l) c = Failed.
intro H. revert s. induction l; intros s Hl; simpl in *. tauto.
destruct H as [->|H]; inversion_clear Hl.
apply apply_down_ics_le in H1.
assert (H' := le_status H1 c). simpl in *. rewrite set_idem in H'. inversion H'; congruence.
apply IHl; assumption.
Lemma apply_down_ics_nofail s l c: status s c <> Failed -> ~In (Fail c) l -> ics s (map down l) ->
status (apply_down_seq s l) c <> Failed.
intros H1 H2. revert s H1. induction l; intros s H1 Hl; simpl in *. tauto.
inversion_clear Hl. destruct a as [d j|d|d].
apply IHl; intuition.
apply IHl. intuition. destruct s; simpl; set_case. assumption.
case (eq_spec c d). intuition congruence.
intro. apply IHl. intuition. destruct s; simpl; set_case. assumption.
Lemma apply_down_ics_stops s l c: In (Stop c) l -> ~In (Fail c) l -> ics s (map down l) ->
status (apply_down_seq s l) c = Stopped.
intros H1 H2. revert s. induction l; intros s Hl; simpl in *. tauto.
destruct H1 as [->|H1]; inversion_clear Hl.
unfold apply in H1. set (s' := down_apply s (Stop c)) in *.
assert (H' := le_status (apply_down_ics_le _ H1) c). simpl in H'. rewrite set_idem in H'.
inversion H'; trivial.
eelim (apply_down_ics_nofail l c). 2: intuition. 2: eassumption. 2: congruence.
simpl. rewrite set_idem. discriminate.
apply IHl; intuition.
abstract characterisation of saturated down sets
(generated by the propagation algorithms, represented by unsorted lists, with possible duplicates)Definition xsaturated_down_set s l l' :=
(forall c, In (Stop c) l ->
(forall d i, mandatory d i -> wires s (d,i) = Some c -> status s d = Started -> In (Stop d) l') /\
(forall d i, optional d i -> wires s (d,i) = Some c -> In (Unwire d i) l') /\
(forall i, optional c i -> wires s (c,i) <> None -> In (Unwire c i) l') /\
(status s c = Started)) /\
(forall c i, In (Unwire c i) l ->
(mandatory c i -> status s c = Started -> In (Stop c) l') /\
wires s (c,i) <> None) /\
(forall c, In (Fail c) l ->
(forall d i, wires s (d,i) = Some c -> In (Unwire d i) l') /\
(forall i, wires s (c,i) <> None -> In (Unwire c i) l')
Definition saturated_down_set s l := xsaturated_down_set s l l.
auxiliary lemmas about saturated down sets
Lemma xsaturated_down_set_app s l1 l2 l':
xsaturated_down_set s l1 l' ->
xsaturated_down_set s l2 l' ->
xsaturated_down_set s (l1++l2) l'.
intros H1 H2.
split; [intro c|split;[intros c i|intro c]];
rewrite in_app_iff; intros [H|H];
repeat split; intros; eapply H1 in H || eapply H2 in H; intuition eauto.
Lemma xsaturated_down_set_incr s l l' l'':
(forall o, In o l' -> In o l'') ->
xsaturated_down_set s l l' ->
xsaturated_down_set s l l''.
intros H1 H.
split;[intros c H'|split;[intros c i H'|intros c H']];
repeat split; intros; eapply H in H'; intuition eauto.
Lemma saturated_down_set_compat s h k: (forall o, In o h <-> In o k) ->
(saturated_down_set s h <-> saturated_down_set s k).
Proof. intro H. unfold saturated_down_set, xsaturated_down_set at 1. repeat setoid_rewrite H. reflexivity. Qed.
merging two saturated down sets gives a saturated down set
Lemma merge_saturated_down_sets s h k:
saturated_down_set s h -> saturated_down_set s k -> saturated_down_set s (h++k).
intros. apply xsaturated_down_set_app; eapply xsaturated_down_set_incr;
try eassumption; intros; rewrite in_app_iff; auto.
the empty set is saturated
Lemma sorted_saturated_down_set_ics s l: consistent s ->
sorted (order_down_op (rank s)) l -> saturated_down_set s l -> ics s (map down l).
intro Hs.
generalize (wires_rank Hs). generalize (rank s).
intros rnk Hrnk Hsorted. revert s Hrnk Hs.
induction Hsorted; simpl; intros s Hrnk Hs Hl. constructor; assumption.
destruct Hl as (Rl&Wl&Fl). constructor; trivial.
destruct x as [c i|c|c].
destruct (Wl c i) as [H1 H2]. left; trivial.
case_eq (is_mandatory c i); intro Hi.
constructor 3; trivial. case_eq (status s c); trivial; intro Hc.
specialize (H1 Hi Hc). simpl in H1. destruct H1 as [?|H1]. discriminate. apply H in H1.
revert H1. unfold order_down_op. simpl. rewrite Hi. discriminate.
revert H2. case_eq (wires s (c,i)). intros d Hd. apply (AI3 Hs) in Hd as [? _]. tauto. congruence.
constructor 4; trivial. revert H2. case_eq (wires s (c,i)).
intros. eapply AI4'; eauto.
constructor. apply Rl; left; trivial.
apply IHHsorted.
intros d i c. destruct x as [e j|e|e]; try apply Hrnk.
simpl. set_case. apply Hrnk.
destruct x as [c i|c|c]. case_eq (is_mandatory c i); intro Hi.
apply consistent_unwire_notstarted; trivial. intro Hc; trivial. eapply Wl in Hc; simpl; eauto.
simpl in Hc. destruct Hc as [?|Hq]. discriminate. apply H in Hq.
cbv in Hq. rewrite Hi in Hq. discriminate.
apply consistent_unwire_optional; trivial.
destruct (Rl c) as (H1&H2&H3&H4). left; trivial.
apply consistent_stop; trivial.
intros i Hi. case_eq (wires s (c,i)); trivial. intros d Hci. exfalso.
destruct (H3 i) as [?|H']; trivial. congruence. discriminate.
apply H in H'. cbv in H'. rewrite Hi in H'. discriminate.
intros d i Hdi Hd. case_eq (is_mandatory d i); intro Hi.
destruct (H1 d i) as [H'|H']; trivial; exfalso.
injection H'; intros; subst; clear H'.
apply wires_rank in Hdi; trivial. elim (Lt.lt_irrefl _ Hdi). apply Hs.
apply H in H'. unfold order_down_op in H'. simpl in H'.
specialize (Hrnk _ _ _ Hi Hdi).
revert H'. case nat_compare_spec; intro H'.
rewrite H' in Hrnk. elim (Lt.lt_irrefl _ Hrnk).
elim (Lt.lt_irrefl _ (Lt.lt_trans _ _ _ H' Hrnk)).
destruct (H2 d i) as [?|H']; trivial. discriminate.
apply H in H'. cbv in H'. rewrite Hi in H'. discriminate.
destruct (Fl c) as [H1 H2]. left; trivial.
apply consistent_fail; trivial.
intros i. case_eq (wires s (c,i)); trivial; intros d Hcid. exfalso.
destruct (H2 i) as [?|H']. congruence. discriminate. apply H in H'. revert H'.
cbv. case is_mandatory; discriminate.
intros d i Hdi. apply H1 in Hdi as [?|H']. discriminate.
apply H in H'. revert H'. cbv. case is_mandatory; discriminate.
clear Hsorted IHHsorted. destruct s as [s w].
destruct x as [c i|c|c]; simpl in *.
split; simpl. 2: split.
intros d Hd. destruct (Rl d) as (R1&R2&R3&R4); auto. split. 2: split. 3: split.
intros e j Hdj. set_case. intros Hej He. destruct (R1 _ _ Hdj Hej He); congruence.
intros e j Hdj. set_case. intros Hej. destruct (R2 _ _ Hdj Hej); congruence.
intros j Hdj. set_case. intros Hej. destruct (R3 _ Hdj Hej); congruence.
intros d j Hdj. destruct (Wl d j) as (W1&W2); auto. split.
intuition congruence.
set_case. apply H in Hdj. apply cmp_irrefl in Hdj. congruence.
intros d Hd. destruct (Fl d) as [F1 F2]; auto. split.
intros e j. set_case. intro Hej. destruct (F1 _ _ Hej); trivial. congruence.
intros j. set_case. intro Hej. destruct (F2 _ Hej); trivial. congruence.
split; simpl. 2: split.
intros d Hd. destruct (Rl d) as (R1&R2&R3&R4); auto. split. 2: split. 3: split.
intros e j Hdj. set_case. intros Hej He. destruct (R1 _ _ Hdj Hej He); congruence.
intros e j Hdj Hej. destruct (R2 _ _ Hdj Hej); congruence.
intros j Hdj Hej. destruct (R3 _ Hdj Hej); congruence.
set_case. apply H in Hd. apply cmp_irrefl in Hd. congruence.
intros d j Hdj. destruct (Wl d j) as (W1&W2); auto. split; trivial.
set_case. intros Hdj' Hd. destruct (W1 Hdj' Hd); trivial. congruence.
intros d Hd. destruct (Fl d) as [F1 F2]; auto; firstorder discriminate.
split; simpl. 2: split.
intros d Hd. destruct (Rl d) as (R1&R2&R3&R4); auto. split. 2: split. 3: split.
intros e j Hdj. set_case. intros Hej He. destruct (R1 _ _ Hdj Hej He); congruence.
intros e j Hdj Hej. destruct (R2 _ _ Hdj Hej); congruence.
intros j Hdj Hej. destruct (R3 _ Hdj Hej); congruence.
set_case. apply H in Hd. discriminate.
intros d j Hdj. destruct (Wl d j) as (W1&W2); auto. split; trivial.
set_case. intros Hdj' Hd. destruct (W1 Hdj' Hd); trivial. congruence.
intros d Hd. destruct (Fl d) as [F1 F2]; auto; firstorder discriminate.
auxiliary lemmas to reason about wires folding functions
Lemma fold_wires_wspec A (P: list A -> Prop) f s c:
(forall d i (l: list A), wires s (c,i) = Some d -> P l -> P (f i++l)) ->
P nil -> P (fold_wires s c f).
intro H. apply fold_wspec. intros i l Hl.
case_eq (wires s (c,i)); eauto.
Lemma fold_optional_wires_wspec A (P: list A -> Prop) f s c:
(forall d i (l: list A), optional c i -> wires s (c,i) = Some d -> P l -> P (f i++l)) ->
P nil -> P (fold_optional_wires s c f).
intro H. apply fold_wires_wspec. intros.
case_eq (is_mandatory c i); eauto.
Lemma fold_pointing_wires_wspec A (P: list A -> Prop) f s c:
(forall d i (l: list A), wires s (d,i) = Some c -> P l -> P (f d i++l)) ->
P nil -> P (fold_pointing_wires s c f).
intro H. apply fold_wspec. intros [d i] l Hl.
case eq_spec; auto.
Lemma fold_optional_pointing_wires_wspec A (P: list A -> Prop) f s c:
(forall d i (l: list A), optional d i -> wires s (d,i) = Some c -> P l -> P (f d i++l)) ->
P nil -> P (fold_optional_pointing_wires s c f).
intro H. apply fold_pointing_wires_wspec. intros.
case_eq (is_mandatory d i); auto.
Lemma fold_mandatory_pointing_components_wspec A (P: list A -> Prop) f s c:
(forall d i (l: list A), mandatory d i -> wires s (d,i) = Some c -> P l -> P (f d++l)) ->
P nil -> P (fold_mandatory_pointing_components s c f).
intro H. apply fold_pointing_wires_wspec. intros.
case_eq (is_mandatory d i); eauto.
Section down.
Variable s: arch.
Hypothesis Hs: acyclic s.
Lemma xpropagate_stop_doesnotfail n:
forall c d, ~In (Fail d) (xpropagate_stop n s c).
induction n; intros c d; simpl.
case status; try tauto.
rewrite 2 in_app_iff. intros [|[|[|]]]; trivial.
apply fold_optional_pointing_wires_wspec; firstorder congruence.
apply fold_optional_wires_wspec; firstorder congruence.
case status; try tauto.
rewrite 3 in_app_iff. intros [|[|[|[|]]]]; trivial.
apply fold_mandatory_pointing_components_wspec.
intros ? ? ?. rewrite in_app_iff. firstorder congruence.
intros [].
apply fold_optional_pointing_wires_wspec; firstorder congruence.
apply fold_optional_wires_wspec; firstorder congruence.
Lemma xpropagate_stop_unwire n:
forall c, rank s c < n ->
let l := xpropagate_stop n s c in
forall d i, In (Unwire d i) l ->
(mandatory d i -> status s d = Started -> In (Stop d) l) /\
(wires s (d,i) <> None).
induction n; intros c Hn l d i. inversion Hn. simpl in l. revert l.
case status; try (simpl; tauto).
apply fold_mandatory_pointing_components_wspec.
intros d' i' l M W Hl. rewrite app_ass. simpl. rewrite in_app_iff. intros [Hl'|Hl'].
apply IHn in Hl'. intuition. pose proof (wires_rank Hs M W). eauto with arith.
apply Hl in Hl'. intuition.
apply fold_optional_pointing_wires_wspec.
intros d' i' l M W Hl.
simpl. rewrite in_app_iff. simpl in Hl. intros [Hl'|Hl'].
injection Hl'; intros; subst. intuition congruence.
rewrite in_app_iff in Hl. apply Hl in Hl'. intuition.
apply fold_optional_wires_wspec.
intros d' i' l M W Hl. simpl. intros [H|H].
injection H; intros; subst. intuition congruence.
apply Hl in H. intuition.
simpl. intuition discriminate.
Lemma xpropagate_stop_stops n:
forall c, status s c = Started -> In (Stop c) (xpropagate_stop n s c).
destruct n; intros c Hc; simpl; rewrite Hc, !in_app_iff.
right. right. left. reflexivity.
right. right. right. left. reflexivity.
Lemma no_stop_in_fold_optional_pwires c d:
In (Stop d) (fold_optional_pointing_wires s c (fun d i => Unwire d i::nil)) <-> False.
Proof. apply fold_optional_pointing_wires_wspec; simpl; intuition discriminate. Qed.
Lemma no_stop_in_fold_optional_wires c d:
In (Stop d) (fold_optional_wires s c (fun i => Unwire c i::nil)) <-> False.
Proof. apply fold_optional_wires_wspec; simpl; intuition discriminate. Qed.
Lemma xpropagate_stop_only_stops_started n:
forall c d, rank s c < n -> In (Stop d) (xpropagate_stop n s c) -> status s d = Started.
induction n; intros c d Hn; simpl. inversion Hn.
case_eq (status s c); intro Hc; try (simpl; tauto).
apply fold_mandatory_pointing_components_wspec.
intros d' i' l M W Hl. rewrite app_ass. rewrite in_app_iff. intros [H|H].
apply IHn in H. intuition. pose proof (wires_rank Hs M W). eauto with arith.
apply Hl in H. intuition.
simpl. rewrite in_app_iff, no_stop_in_fold_optional_pwires.
rewrite in_app_iff, no_stop_in_fold_optional_wires.
simpl. intuition congruence.
Lemma xpropagate_stop_stops_mandatory_pointing n:
forall c, rank s c < n ->
forall e i d, In (Stop d) (xpropagate_stop n s c) ->
mandatory e i -> wires s (e,i) = Some d -> status s e = Started ->
In (Stop e) (xpropagate_stop n s c).
induction n; intros c Hn e i d Hd Hei Heid Her. inversion Hn. revert Hd. simpl.
case status; try (simpl; tauto).
rewrite 6in_app_iff, 2no_stop_in_fold_optional_wires, 2no_stop_in_fold_optional_pwires.
intros [Hd|[[]|[[]|[Hd|[]]]]]; left.
revert Hei Heid Her Hd.
apply fold_mandatory_pointing_components_wspec; auto.
intros d' j l Hd'j Hd'jc Hl Hei Heid Her. rewrite 2 in_app_iff. intros [H|H]; eauto.
left. eapply IHn; eauto. pose proof (wires_rank Hs Hd'j Hd'jc). eauto with arith.
injection Hd; intros; subst; clear Hd.
revert Hei Heid Her.
fold_spec (fun done l => forall e i, done (e,i) -> mandatory e i -> wires s (e,i) = Some d -> status s e = Started -> In (Stop e) l).
clear i. intros [d' i] done l Hl Htd'i c j H Hcj Hcjd Hc.
case eq_spec; intro Hdic. simpl. case_eq (is_mandatory d' i); intro Hd'i.
rewrite in_app_iff. destruct H as [H'|H'].
injection H'; intros; subst. left. apply xpropagate_stop_stops; trivial.
right. eapply Hl; eauto.
eapply Hl; eauto. intuition congruence.
eapply Hl; eauto. intuition congruence.
Lemma xpropagate_stop_unwires_optional_pointing n:
forall c, rank s c < n ->
forall e i d, In (Stop d) (xpropagate_stop n s c) ->
optional e i -> wires s (e,i) = Some d -> In (Unwire e i) (xpropagate_stop n s c).
induction n; intros c Hn e i d Hd Hei Heid. inversion Hn. revert Hd. simpl.
case status; try (simpl; tauto).
rewrite 3in_app_iff, no_stop_in_fold_optional_wires, no_stop_in_fold_optional_pwires.
intros [Hd|[[]|[[]|[Hd|[]]]]].
rewrite in_app_iff. left. revert Hei Heid Hd.
apply fold_mandatory_pointing_components_wspec; auto.
intros d' j l Hd'j Hd'jc Hl Hei Heid. rewrite 2 in_app_iff. intros [H|H]; eauto.
left. eapply IHn; eauto. pose proof (wires_rank Hs Hd'j Hd'jc). eauto with arith.
injection Hd; intros; subst; clear Hd.
rewrite 2in_app_iff. right; left. revert Hei Heid.
fold_spec (fun done l => forall e i, done (e,i) -> optional e i -> wires s (e,i) = Some d -> In (Unwire e i) l).
clear i. intros [d' i] done l Hl Hdoned'i c j H Hcj Hcjd.
case eq_spec; intro Hdic. simpl. case_eq (is_mandatory d' i); intro Hd'i.
apply Hl; intuition congruence.
simpl. destruct H. left. congruence.
right. apply Hl; intuition congruence.
apply Hl; intuition congruence.
Lemma xpropagate_stop_unwires_optional n:
forall c, rank s c < n ->
forall i d, In (Stop d) (xpropagate_stop n s c) ->
optional d i -> wires s (d,i) <> None -> In (Unwire d i) (xpropagate_stop n s c).
induction n; intros c Hn i d Hd Hdi Hdin. inversion Hn. revert Hd. simpl.
case status; try (simpl; tauto).
rewrite 3in_app_iff, no_stop_in_fold_optional_wires, no_stop_in_fold_optional_pwires.
intros [Hd|[[]|[[]|[Hd|[]]]]].
rewrite in_app_iff. left. revert Hdi Hdin Hd.
apply fold_mandatory_pointing_components_wspec; auto.
intros d' j l Hd'j Hd'jc Hl Hei Heid. rewrite 2in_app_iff. intros [H|H]; eauto.
left. eapply IHn; eauto. pose proof (wires_rank Hs Hd'j Hd'jc). eauto with arith.
injection Hd; intros; subst; clear Hd.
rewrite <-2app_ass, 2in_app_iff. left; right. revert Hdi Hdin.
fold_spec (fun done l => forall i, done i -> optional d i -> wires s (d,i) <> None -> In (Unwire d i) l).
clear i. intros i done l Hl Hti j Htj Htdj Hdjn.
case_eq (wires s (d,i)). intros c Hdic. case_eq (is_mandatory d i); intro Hdi.
apply Hl; intuition congruence.
simpl. case Htj; intro H'. left. congruence. right. apply Hl; intuition congruence.
intro. apply Hl; intuition congruence.
Lemma propagate_stop_stops c: status s c = Started -> In (Stop c) (propagate_stop s c).
Proof. apply xpropagate_stop_stops. Qed.
Lemma propagate_stop_doesnotfail c d: ~In (Fail d) (propagate_stop s c).
Proof. apply xpropagate_stop_doesnotfail. Qed.
propagate_stop is correct
Theorem propagate_stop_saturated c: saturated_down_set s (propagate_stop s c).
assert(R:=rank_cardinal Hs: forall x, rank s x < _).
split. intros d Hd. split. 2: split. 3: split. 5: split.
intros e i. apply xpropagate_stop_stops_mandatory_pointing; auto.
intros e i. apply xpropagate_stop_unwires_optional_pointing; auto.
intro i. apply xpropagate_stop_unwires_optional; auto.
eapply xpropagate_stop_only_stops_started; eauto.
apply xpropagate_stop_unwire; auto.
intros d Hd. eelim xpropagate_stop_doesnotfail; eauto.
Lemma propagate_unwire_unwires c i: wires s (c,i) <> None -> In (Unwire c i) (propagate_unwire s c i).
unfold propagate_unwire.
case wires. 2: congruence. intros d _.
case is_mandatory. rewrite in_app_iff. right; left; trivial. left; trivial.
Lemma propagate_unwire_doesnotfail c i d: ~In (Fail d) (propagate_unwire s c i).
unfold propagate_unwire. case wires. 2: simpl; tauto.
intros _. case is_mandatory. 2: simpl; intuition discriminate.
rewrite in_app_iff. intros [H|H]; simpl in *. 2: intuition discriminate.
eapply propagate_stop_doesnotfail, H.
propagate_unwire is correct
Theorem propagate_unwire_saturated c i: saturated_down_set s (propagate_unwire s c i).
unfold propagate_unwire. case_eq (wires s (c,i)).
intros d Hcid. case_eq (is_mandatory c i); intro Hci.
apply xsaturated_down_set_app.
eapply xsaturated_down_set_incr. 2: apply propagate_stop_saturated. intros. rewrite in_app_iff. auto.
split. simpl. intuition discriminate.
split. intros e j [E|[]]. injection E; intros; subst; clear E. split.
intros _ He. rewrite in_app_iff. left. apply propagate_stop_stops, He.
simpl. intuition discriminate.
firstorder congruence.
intros _. apply saturated_down_set_empty.
Lemma propagate_fail_fails c: status s c <> Failed -> In (Fail c) (propagate_fail s c).
unfold propagate_fail.
case status; try congruence; rewrite 2in_app_iff; right; right; left; trivial.
Lemma propagate_fail_case c:
propagate_fail s c = fold_pointing_wires s c (propagate_unwire s)++
fold_wires s c (propagate_unwire s c)++Fail c::nil
\/ propagate_fail s c = nil.
Proof. unfold propagate_fail. case status; auto. Qed.
Lemma propagate_fail_fails_once c d: In (Fail d) (propagate_fail s c) -> c=d.
destruct (propagate_fail_case c) as [->| ->].
rewrite 2in_app_iff; simpl. intros [H|[H|H]].
revert H. apply fold_pointing_wires_wspec. intros ? ? ?. rewrite in_app_iff. intuition.
eelim propagate_unwire_doesnotfail; eassumption.
simpl; tauto.
revert H. apply fold_wires_wspec. intros ? ? ?. rewrite in_app_iff. intuition.
eelim propagate_unwire_doesnotfail; eassumption.
simpl; tauto.
intuition congruence.
simpl; tauto.
propagate_fail is correct
Theorem propagate_fail_saturated c: saturated_down_set s (propagate_fail s c).
destruct (propagate_fail_case c) as [->| ->].
apply xsaturated_down_set_app. eapply xsaturated_down_set_incr.
intros. rewrite in_app_iff. left. eassumption.
apply fold_pointing_wires_wspec.
intros. apply merge_saturated_down_sets.
apply propagate_unwire_saturated. assumption.
apply saturated_down_set_empty.
apply xsaturated_down_set_app. eapply xsaturated_down_set_incr.
intros. rewrite 2in_app_iff. right. left. eassumption.
apply fold_wires_wspec.
intros. apply merge_saturated_down_sets.
apply propagate_unwire_saturated. assumption.
apply saturated_down_set_empty.
split. simpl; intuition discriminate.
split. simpl; intuition discriminate.
intros d [E|[]]. injection E; intros <-; clear E. split.
intros e j Hej. rewrite in_app_iff. left. revert Hej.
fold_spec (fun done l => forall e j, done (e,j) -> wires s (e,j) = Some c -> In (Unwire e j) l).
clear e j. intros [d i] done l Hl Htdi e j Htej Hej.
destruct Htej as [E|Htej]. injection E; intros; subst; clear E. rewrite Hej, eqc_refl.
rewrite in_app_iff. left. apply propagate_unwire_unwires. simpl. congruence.
case eq_spec; intros. simpl. rewrite in_app_iff. right. apply Hl; intuition congruence.
apply Hl; intuition congruence.
intros j Hj. rewrite 2in_app_iff. right. left. revert Hj.
fold_spec (fun done l => forall j, done j -> wires s (c,j) <> None -> In (Unwire c j) l).
clear j. intros j done l Hl Htj i Hi Hce.
case_eq (wires s (c,j)). intros d Hd.
rewrite in_app_iff. destruct Hi as [<-|Hi].
left. apply propagate_unwire_unwires; trivial.
right. apply Hl; intuition congruence.
firstorder congruence.
apply saturated_down_set_empty.
Lemma down_diff_saturated t: saturated_down_set s (down_diff s t).
unfold down_diff. apply merge_saturated_down_sets.
apply fold_wspec. 2: apply saturated_down_set_empty.
intros; case status; case status;
auto using merge_saturated_down_sets, propagate_fail_saturated, propagate_stop_saturated.
apply fold_wspec. 2: apply saturated_down_set_empty.
intros; case needs_unwire;
auto using merge_saturated_down_sets, propagate_unwire_saturated.
Lemma down_diff_stops t c:
status s c = Started -> status t c = Stopped -> In (Stop c) (down_diff s t).
intros Hsc Htc. unfold down_diff. rewrite in_app_iff. left. revert Hsc Htc.
fold_spec (fun done l => forall c, done c -> status s c = Started -> status t c = Stopped -> In (Stop c) l).
clear c. intros c done l Hl Hdonec d [<-|D] Hsd Htd.
rewrite Hsd, Htd. rewrite in_app_iff. left. apply propagate_stop_stops, Hsd.
apply (Hl d) in Hsd; trivial.
case status; case status; trivial; rewrite in_app_iff; right; trivial.
Lemma down_diff_fails t c:
status s c <> Failed -> status t c = Failed -> In (Fail c) (down_diff s t).
intros Hsc Htc. unfold down_diff. rewrite in_app_iff. left. revert Hsc Htc.
fold_spec (fun done l => forall c, done c -> status s c <> Failed -> status t c = Failed -> In (Fail c) l).
clear c. intros c done l Hl Hdonec d [<-|D] Hsd Htd.
rewrite Htd. revert Hsd. case_eq (status s c); try congruence;
rewrite in_app_iff; left; apply propagate_fail_fails; congruence.
apply (Hl d) in Hsd; trivial.
case status; case status; trivial; rewrite in_app_iff; right; trivial.
Lemma down_diff_doesnotfailtoomuch t c: In (Fail c) (down_diff s t) -> status t c = Failed.
unfold down_diff. rewrite in_app_iff. intros [H|H].
revert H. apply fold_wspec. 2: simpl; tauto. intros d l Hl.
case_eq (status s d); case_eq (status t d); trivial; intros Htd Hsd; rewrite in_app_iff; intros [H|H]; auto.
eelim propagate_stop_doesnotfail; eassumption.
apply propagate_fail_fails_once in H. congruence.
apply propagate_fail_fails_once in H. congruence.
apply propagate_fail_fails_once in H. congruence.
exfalso. revert H. apply fold_wspec. 2: simpl; tauto. intros d l Hl.
case needs_unwire; trivial. rewrite in_app_iff. intuition.
eelim propagate_unwire_doesnotfail; eassumption.
Lemma down_diff_unwires t ci:
needs_unwire (wires s ci) (wires t ci) = true -> In (Unwire (fst ci) (snd ci)) (down_diff s t).
intros Hci. unfold down_diff. rewrite in_app_iff. right. revert Hci.
fold_spec (fun done l =>
forall ci, done ci -> needs_unwire (wires s ci) (wires t ci) = true -> In (Unwire (fst ci) (snd ci)) l).
clear ci. intros ci done l Hl Hdonec dj [<-|D] Hdj.
rewrite Hdj. rewrite in_app_iff; left; apply propagate_unwire_unwires.
destruct ci as [c i]; simpl. intro H. unfold needs_unwire in Hdj. rewrite H in Hdj. discriminate.
apply (Hl dj) in Hdj; trivial.
case needs_unwire; trivial; rewrite in_app_iff; right; trivial.
End down.
Implicit Arguments sorted_sort [[X] [cmp] [H]].
Implicit Arguments In_sort [[X] [cmp] [H]].
down_diff generates ICSs
Lemma down_diff_ics e t: consistent e -> ics e (map down (sort (order_down_op (rank e)) (down_diff e t))).
intro Hs.
apply sorted_saturated_down_set_ics; trivial.
apply sorted_sort.
eapply saturated_down_set_compat. 2: apply down_diff_saturated.
intro. apply In_sort.
apply Hs.
the ICS obtained by down_diff brings the effective system to a
state where the target can be reached by up operations only
Theorem down_diff_leless e t: consistent e -> e << t -> apply_down_seq e (sort (order_down_op (rank e)) (down_diff e t)) <<= t.
intros Hs Hst.
cut (forall l, (forall o, In o l <-> In o (down_diff e t)) -> ics e (map down l) ->
apply_down_seq e l <<= t).
intro H. apply H. intro. apply In_sort. apply down_diff_ics, Hs.
intros l Hl Hl'. apply leless_le_less. destruct (apply_down_ics_le _ Hl') as [Hls Hlw]. split. split.
intro c. case_eq (status e c); intro Hsc; case_eq (status t c); intro Htc; auto.
rewrite apply_down_ics_stops; auto.
rewrite Hl. apply down_diff_stops; assumption.
rewrite Hl. intro H. apply down_diff_doesnotfailtoomuch in H. congruence.
rewrite apply_down_ics_fails; trivial.
rewrite Hl. apply down_diff_fails; congruence.
rewrite Hls, Hsc. reflexivity.
rewrite apply_down_ics_fails; trivial.
rewrite Hl. apply down_diff_fails; congruence.
rewrite (Hst _ Hsc) in Htc. discriminate.
rewrite Hls, Hsc. reflexivity.
intro di. destruct (Hlw di) as [?|H']. auto.
case_eq (needs_unwire (wires e di) (wires t di)); intro H.
apply down_diff_unwires in H. rewrite <- Hl in H. destruct di as [d i].
rewrite apply_down_ics_unwires; auto.
rewrite <- H'. revert H. unfold needs_unwire.
case wires; auto. intro. case wires. intro. case eq_spec; simpl; intuition congruence. discriminate.
intros c Hc. case_eq (status e c); intro Hsc; case_eq (status t c); intro Htc; trivial; exfalso.
apply apply_down_ics_nofail in Hc; trivial. elim Hc. congruence.
rewrite Hl. intro H. eapply down_diff_doesnotfailtoomuch in H. congruence.
apply apply_down_ics_nofail in Hc; trivial. elim Hc. congruence.
rewrite Hl. intro H. eapply down_diff_doesnotfailtoomuch in H. congruence.
apply apply_down_ics_nofail in Hc; trivial. elim Hc. congruence.
rewrite Hl. intro H. eapply down_diff_doesnotfailtoomuch in H. congruence.
apply apply_down_ics_nofail in Hc; trivial. elim Hc. congruence.
rewrite Hl. intro H. eapply down_diff_doesnotfailtoomuch in H. congruence.
rewrite (Hst _ Hsc) in Htc. discriminate.
rewrite (Hst _ Hsc) in Htc. discriminate.
Lemma in_up_diff_wire e t c i d: In (Wire c i d) (up_diff e t) -> wires e (c,i) = None /\ wires t (c,i) = Some d.
unfold up_diff. rewrite in_app_iff. intros [H|H].
exfalso. revert H. apply fold_wspec; trivial.
intros ? ? ?. case status; trivial. case status; trivial. simpl; intuition discriminate.
revert H. apply fold_wspec. 2: simpl; intuition discriminate.
intros [c' j] l Hl.
case_eq (wires e (c',j)); auto. intro.
case_eq (wires t (c',j)); auto. intros f ?.
simpl. intuition congruence.
Lemma up_diff_wire e t c i d: wires e (c,i) = None -> wires t (c,i) = Some d -> In (Wire c i d) (up_diff e t).
intros H1 H2. unfold up_diff. rewrite in_app_iff. right.
revert H1 H2. fold_spec (fun done l =>
forall c i, done (c,i) -> wires e (c,i) = None -> wires t (c,i) = Some d -> In (Wire c i d) l).
clear c i. intros [c i] done l Hl _ d' j Hdonedj Hsn Hts.
case_eq (wires e (c,i)). intros c' H'. eapply Hl; eauto. intuition congruence. intro H'.
case_eq (wires t (c,i)). intros c' H''. simpl. destruct Hdonedj.
left. congruence. right. eapply Hl; eauto.
intro. eapply Hl; eauto. intuition congruence.
Lemma in_up_diff_start e t c: In (Start c) (up_diff e t) -> status e c = Stopped /\ status t c = Started.
unfold up_diff. rewrite in_app_iff. intros [H|H].
revert H. apply fold_wspec. 2: simpl; intuition discriminate.
intros d l Hl.
case_eq (status e d); auto. intro Hsd.
case_eq (status t d); auto. intros Htd.
simpl. intuition congruence.
exfalso. revert H. apply fold_wspec; trivial.
intros ? ? ?. case wires; trivial. case wires; trivial. simpl; intuition discriminate.
Lemma up_diff_start e t c: status e c = Stopped -> status t c = Started -> In (Start c) (up_diff e t).
intros H1 H2. unfold up_diff. rewrite in_app_iff. left.
revert H1 H2. fold_spec (fun done l =>
forall c, done c -> status e c = Stopped -> status t c = Started -> In (Start c) l).
clear c. intros c done l Hl _ c' Hdonee Hsn Hts.
case_eq (status e c); intro H'. eapply Hl; eauto. intuition congruence.
case_eq (status t c); intro H''. simpl. destruct Hdonee.
left. congruence. right. eapply Hl; eauto.
eapply Hl; eauto. intuition congruence.
eapply Hl; eauto. intuition congruence.
eapply Hl; eauto. intuition congruence.
Lemma up_step_consistent e t q x:
(forall y : up_op, In y q -> order_up_op (rank t) x y = Lt) ->
consistent e ->
consistent t ->
e <<= t ->
(forall o : up_op, In o (x :: q) <-> In o (up_diff e t)) ->
In x (up_diff e t) -> consistent (up_apply e x).
intros H Hs Ht Hst Hl Hx. destruct x as [c i d|c].
destruct (in_up_diff_wire _ _ _ _ _ Hx) as [Hsci Htci].
case_eq (is_mandatory c i); intro Hci.
apply consistent_wire_mandatory with t; trivial.
case_eq (status e c); trivial; intro Hsc.
edestruct (AI1 Hs Hsc); eauto. congruence.
apply leless_le_less in Hst. apply Hst in Hsc. apply (AI3 Ht) in Htci. intuition congruence.
intro Hd. apply leless_le_less in Hst. apply Hst in Hd. apply (AI3 Ht) in Htci. intuition congruence.
apply Ht. apply leless_le_less, Hst.
assert (Htc: status t c = Started). eapply AI4'; eauto.
assert (Htd: status t d = Started). eapply AI2; eauto.
apply consistent_wire_optional with t; trivial.
case_eq (status e c); trivial; intro Hsc.
eapply up_diff_start in Hsc; eauto.
rewrite <- Hl in Hsc. simpl in Hsc. destruct Hsc as [?|Hsc]. discriminate.
apply H in Hsc. revert Hsc. cbv. rewrite Hci. discriminate.
apply leless_le_less in Hst. apply Hst in Hsc. congruence.
case_eq (status e d); trivial; intro Hsd.
eapply up_diff_start in Htd; eauto.
rewrite <- Hl in Htd. simpl in Htd. destruct Htd as [?|Htd]. discriminate.
apply H in Htd. revert Htd. cbv. rewrite Hci. discriminate.
apply leless_le_less in Hst. apply Hst in Hsd. congruence.
apply Ht. apply leless_le_less, Hst.
apply in_up_diff_start in Hx as [Hsc Htc].
apply consistent_start; trivial. congruence.
intros i Hci. destruct (AI1 Ht Htc Hci) as (d&Hcid). assert (Hd := AI2 Ht _ _ Htc Hcid).
exists d. destruct(proj2 Hst (c,i)) as [H'|H'].
eapply up_diff_wire in H'; eauto. rewrite <- Hl in H'. simpl in H'.
destruct H' as [?|H']. discriminate.
apply H in H'. unfold order_up_op in H'. simpl in H'. rewrite Hci in H'. discriminate.
split. congruence. destruct (proj1 Hst d) as [?|[? _]]. congruence.
eapply up_diff_start in Hd; eauto. rewrite <-Hl in Hd. simpl in Hd.
apply wires_rank in Hcid; trivial. 2: apply Ht.
destruct Hd as [?|Hd]. elim (Lt.lt_irrefl (rank t c)). congruence.
apply H in Hd. revert Hd. unfold order_up_op. simpl. case nat_compare_spec.
intro. elim (Lt.lt_irrefl (rank t c)). congruence.
intro. elim (Lt.lt_irrefl (rank t c)). eauto with arith.
intros i Hci. case_eq (wires e (c,i)); trivial. intros d Hcid.
eapply AI4' in Hcid; trivial. congruence.
Lemma up_step_below e t x: e <<= t -> In x (up_diff e t) -> (up_apply e x) <<= t.
intros Hst Hx. destruct x as [c i d|c].
split. apply Hst. intro ci. generalize (proj2 Hst ci). simpl. set_case.
right. eapply in_up_diff_wire, Hx.
split. 2:apply Hst. intro d. generalize (proj1 Hst d). simpl. set_case.
left. symmetry. eapply in_up_diff_start, Hx.
Lemma up_step_diff e t q x:
(forall y : up_op, In y q -> order_up_op (rank t) x y = Lt) ->
(forall o : up_op, In o (x :: q) <-> In o (up_diff e t)) ->
In x (up_diff e t) ->
forall o : up_op, In o q <-> In o (up_diff (apply e x) t).
intros H Hl Hx o. split; intro Ho.
assert (Hq := proj1 (Hl o) (or_intror _ Ho)).
destruct o as [c i d|c].
apply in_up_diff_wire in Hq as [Hsci Htci].
apply up_diff_wire; trivial. destruct x; simpl; trivial.
set_case. apply in_up_diff_wire in Hx as [_ Hci].
apply H in Ho. apply cmp_irrefl in Ho. congruence.
apply in_up_diff_start in Hq as [Hsc Htc].
apply up_diff_start; trivial. destruct x; simpl; trivial.
set_case. apply H in Ho. apply cmp_irrefl in Ho. congruence.
cut (x<>o /\ In o (up_diff e t)). rewrite <- Hl. simpl. intuition.
destruct o as [c i d|d].
apply in_up_diff_wire in Ho as [Hsci Htci]. split.
intro H'. revert Hsci. rewrite H'. simpl. set_case.
apply up_diff_wire; trivial. revert Hsci. destruct x; simpl; trivial.
apply in_up_diff_start in Ho as [Hsc Htc]. split.
intro H'. revert Hsc. rewrite H'. simpl. set_case.
apply up_diff_start; trivial. revert Hsc. destruct x; simpl; trivial.
up_diff generates ICSs
Theorem up_diff_ics e t: consistent e -> consistent t -> e <<= t ->
ics e (map up (sort (order_up_op (rank t)) (up_diff e t))).
intros Hs Ht Hst.
cut (forall l, (forall o, In o l <-> In o (up_diff e t)) ->
sorted (order_up_op (rank t)) l -> ics e (map up l)).
intros H. apply H. intro. apply In_sort. apply sorted_sort.
intros l Hl Hsorted. revert e Hs Hst Hl.
induction Hsorted; intros e Hs Hst Hl. constructor; trivial.
assert (Hx := proj1 (Hl x) (or_introl _ (eq_refl _))).
simpl; constructor; trivial.
destruct x as [c i d|c]. destruct (in_up_diff_wire _ _ _ _ _ Hx) as [Hsci Htci].
case_eq (is_mandatory c i); intro Hci.
constructor 1; trivial. case_eq (status e c); trivial; intro Hsc.
eapply (AI1 Hs) in Hsc as [? ?]; eauto. congruence.
apply leless_le_less in Hst. apply Hst in Hsc. apply (AI3 Ht) in Htci. intuition congruence.
constructor 2; trivial. apply (AI4' Ht) in Htci; trivial.
case_eq (status e c); trivial; intro Hsc.
eapply up_diff_start in Hsc; eauto.
rewrite <- Hl in Hsc. simpl in Hsc. destruct Hsc as [?|Hsc]. discriminate.
apply H in Hsc. revert Hsc. cbv. rewrite Hci. discriminate.
apply leless_le_less in Hst. apply Hst in Hsc. congruence.
constructor. eapply in_up_diff_start, Hx.
apply IHHsorted.
eapply up_step_consistent; eauto.
eapply up_step_below; eauto.
eapply up_step_diff; eauto.
up_diff brings the effective system to the target architecture
Theorem up_diff_complete e t: e <<= t -> apply_up_seq e (sort (order_up_op (rank t)) (up_diff e t)) == t.
intro Hst.
cut (forall l, (forall o, In o l <-> In o (up_diff e t)) ->
sorted (order_up_op (rank t)) l -> apply_up_seq e l == t).
intros H. apply H. intro. apply In_sort. apply sorted_sort.
intros l Hl Hsorted. revert e Hst Hl.
induction Hsorted; intros e Hst Hl.
intro c. simpl. destruct (proj1 Hst c) as [H|[H1 H2]]; trivial.
assert (H3 := up_diff_start _ _ _ H1 H2). rewrite <-Hl in H3. elim H3.
intros [c i]. simpl. destruct (proj2 Hst (c,i)) as [H1|H1]; auto. case_eq (wires t (c,i)); auto; intros d H2.
assert (H3 := up_diff_wire _ _ _ _ H1 H2). rewrite <-Hl in H3. elim H3.
assert (Hx := proj1 (Hl x) (or_introl _ (eq_refl _))).
simpl. apply IHHsorted.
eapply up_step_below; eauto.
eapply up_step_diff; eauto.
the hypothesis e << t ensures that all failed components in e
remain failed in t. In other words, we do not automatically
repair failed components.
Theorem commit_seq_ics e t: consistent e -> consistent t -> e << t -> ics e (commit_seq e t).
intros Hs Ht Hst.
pose proof (down_diff_ics t Hs).
apply ics_comp; trivial.
rewrite <- apply_down_seq_map. apply up_diff_ics; trivial.
rewrite apply_down_seq_map. apply apply_ics_consistent. trivial.
apply down_diff_leless; assumption.
Theorem commit_seq_complete e t: consistent e -> consistent t -> e << t -> apply_seq e (commit_seq e t) == t.
intros Hs Ht Hst.
pose proof (down_diff_ics t Hs).
unfold commit_seq.
rewrite apply_seq_app, apply_down_seq_map, <- apply_up_seq_map.
apply up_diff_complete; trivial.
rewrite <- apply_down_seq_map. apply down_diff_leless; assumption.
Handling failures
To model failures in Coq, which is a strongly deterministic system, we assume an arbitratry eapply function, that may return an exception. This function is specified by saying that:
- either it returns a new architecture, in which case this architecture should be the one returned by our deterministic and failure-free apply function,
- or it returns an exception concerning a component, which should not belong to the set of "already known to be failed components".
Variable eapply: arch -> op -> list Component -> arch + Component.
Inductive eapply_ind e o fs: arch + Component -> Prop :=
| ei_nofailure: eapply_ind e o fs (inl _ (apply e o))
| ei_failure: forall c, ~In c fs -> eapply_ind e o fs (inr _ c).
Hypothesis eapply_spec: forall e o fs, eapply_ind e o fs (eapply e o fs).
applying a sequence of operations, until a potential failure occurs
Fixpoint eapply_seq e l fs :=
match l with
| nil => (e,None)
| o::q =>
match eapply e o fs with
| inl e' => eapply_seq e' q fs
| inr c => (e,Some c)
Lemma eapply_seq_nofailure e e' l fs: eapply_seq e l fs = (e',None) -> e' = apply_seq e l.
revert e e'. induction l; simpl; intros e e'. congruence.
case eapply_spec. apply IHl. intros. discriminate.
Lemma eapply_seq_failure e e' l c fs: eapply_seq e l fs = (e',Some c) ->
~In c fs /\ exists h, exists k, l=h++k /\ e' = apply_seq e h.
revert e e' c. induction l as [|x q IH]; simpl; intros e e' c. discriminate.
case eapply_spec.
intro H. destruct (IH _ _ _ H) as (Hc&h&k&Hl&E).
split; trivial. exists (x::h), k. split; trivial. rewrite Hl. trivial.
intros d Hd E. split. congruence. injection E. intros <- <-. clear E.
exists nil, (x::q). split; trivial.
Inductive eapply_seq_ind e l fs: arch*option Component -> Prop :=
| esi_nofailure: eapply_seq_ind e l fs (apply_seq e l, None)
| esi_failure: forall h k c, l=h++k -> ~In c fs -> eapply_seq_ind e l fs (apply_seq e h, Some c).
Lemma eapply_seq_spec: forall e l fs, eapply_seq_ind e l fs (eapply_seq e l fs).
intros e l fs. case_eq (eapply_seq e l fs). intros e' [o|] H.
apply eapply_seq_failure in H as (Hc&h&k&->&->). econstructor; auto.
rewrite (eapply_seq_nofailure _ _ _ H). constructor.
applying an ICS always returns a consistent architecture,
even when interrupted by a failure
Lemma eapply_seq_consistent e l fs: ics e l -> consistent (fst (eapply_seq e l fs)).
induction 1; simpl; trivial.
case eapply_spec; trivial.
Definition recover_failures_set e :=
fold_right (fun c acc => propagate_fail e c ++ acc) nil.
Definition recover_failures_seq e fs :=
map down (sort (order_down_op (rank e)) (recover_failures_set e fs)).
recovering a target is a single pass process
on the contrary, we need a fixpoint to recover the effective system
Fixpoint xrecover_effective n e fs :=
match n with O => (e,fs) | S n =>
let ics := recover_failures_seq e fs in
match eapply_seq e ics fs with
| (e',None) => (e',fs)
| (e',Some c) => xrecover_effective n e' (c::fs)
Definition recover_effective := xrecover_effective (S (cardinal Component)).
robust commit: in case of failures, we recover the effective system and stop
Definition robust_commit e t :=
let ics := commit_seq e t in
match eapply_seq e ics nil with
| (e',None) => (e',nil)
| (e',Some c) => recover_effective e' (c::nil)
RFP commit: in case of failures, we recover both effective system and the target architecture, and we loop
Fixpoint xrfp_commit n e t :=
match n with O => e | S n =>
match robust_commit e t with
| (e',nil) => e'
| (e',fs) =>
let t' := recover_target t fs in
xrfp_commit n e' t'
Definition rfp_commit := xrfp_commit (cardinal Component).
RBP commit: in case of failures, we switch to RFP with the recovered inital architecture
Definition rbp_commit e t :=
match robust_commit e t with
| (e',nil) => e'
| (e',fs) =>
let e0 := recover_target e fs in
rfp_commit e' e0
Lemma recover_failures_saturated s fs: consistent s -> saturated_down_set s (recover_failures_set s fs).
intro Hs. induction fs; simpl.
apply saturated_down_set_empty.
auto using merge_saturated_down_sets, (propagate_fail_saturated Hs).
Lemma recover_failures_ics s fs: consistent s -> ics s (recover_failures_seq s fs).
intro Hs. apply sorted_saturated_down_set_ics.
apply Hs.
apply sorted_sort.
eapply saturated_down_set_compat. 2: apply recover_failures_saturated; trivial.
intro. apply In_sort.
Lemma recover_failures_failed e fs: consistent e -> forall c,
status (apply_seq e (recover_failures_seq e fs)) c = Failed ->
status e c = Failed \/ In c fs.
intros He c.
unfold recover_failures_seq. rewrite <- apply_down_seq_map.
set (l := (sort (order_down_op (rank e)) (recover_failures_set e fs))).
assert (H := @apply_down_ics_nofail e l c).
assert (C: status e c = Failed \/ status e c <> Failed). case status; intuition congruence.
destruct C as [C|C]; auto. specialize (H C). intro H'. right.
assert (C': In c fs \/ ~In c fs). clear. induction fs; simpl. tauto. case (eq_spec a c); tauto.
destruct C' as [C'|C']; trivial.
elim H; auto. unfold l. rewrite In_sort. intro F. apply C'. revert F.
clear. induction fs; simpl. trivial. rewrite in_app_iff. intros [H|H]; auto.
apply propagate_fail_fails_once in H. auto.
apply recover_failures_ics, He.
Lemma recover_target_consistent t fs: consistent t -> consistent (recover_target t fs).
Proof. intro Ht. apply apply_ics_consistent, recover_failures_ics, Ht. Qed.
Lemma recover_target_fails t fs c: consistent t -> In c fs -> status (recover_target t fs) c = Failed.
intro Ht.
unfold recover_target, recover_failures_seq. rewrite <- apply_down_seq_map.
assert (H: status t c = Failed \/ status t c <> Failed). case status; intuition congruence.
destruct H as [Hc|Hc].
intros _. apply (recover_failures_ics fs), apply_down_ics_le in Ht as [Ht _].
specialize (Ht c). rewrite Hc in Ht. inversion Ht; trivial.
intro H. apply apply_down_ics_fails.
rewrite In_sort. revert H. induction fs; simpl; trivial.
rewrite in_app_iff. intros [<-|H]; auto. left. apply propagate_fail_fails. assumption.
apply recover_failures_ics, Ht.
Lemma xrecover_effective_consistent n: forall e fs, consistent e -> consistent (fst (xrecover_effective n e fs)).
induction n; intros e fs He; simpl; trivial.
generalize (eapply_seq_consistent fs (recover_failures_ics fs He)).
case eapply_seq. intros e' [c|] H; auto.
Lemma recover_effective_consistent: forall e fs, consistent e -> consistent (fst (recover_effective e fs)).
Proof. apply xrecover_effective_consistent. Qed.
Lemma xrecover_effective_fails n e fs c: In c fs -> In c (snd (xrecover_effective n e fs)).
revert e fs. induction n; simpl; intros e fs. trivial.
case eapply_seq. intros e' [o|]. intro. apply IHn. right. trivial.
Lemma recover_effective_fails e fs c: In c fs -> In c (snd (recover_effective e fs)).
Proof. apply xrecover_effective_fails. Qed.
Lemma xrecover_effective_failed n e fs: consistent e ->
forall c, status (fst (xrecover_effective n e fs)) c = Failed ->
status e c = Failed \/ In c (snd (xrecover_effective n e fs)).
revert e fs. induction n; simpl; intros e fs He c. auto.
case eapply_seq_spec; simpl.
apply recover_failures_failed, He.
intros h k d Hl Hc H. apply IHn in H as [H|H]; auto.
assert (H': status (apply_seq e (recover_failures_seq e fs)) c = Failed).
rewrite Hl, apply_seq_app. apply apply_ics_less_failures; trivial.
apply ics_suffix. rewrite <- Hl. apply recover_failures_ics; assumption.
apply recover_failures_failed in H' as [|]; auto. right. apply xrecover_effective_fails. right. trivial.
apply apply_ics_consistent. apply ics_prefix with k. rewrite <- Hl.
apply recover_failures_ics, He.
Lemma recover_effective_failed e fs: consistent e ->
forall c, status (fst (recover_effective e fs)) c = Failed ->
status e c = Failed \/ In c (snd (recover_effective e fs)).
Proof. apply xrecover_effective_failed. Qed.
Definition xre_size fs := fold (fun c n => if mem c fs then n else S n) O.
Lemma xre_size_cons d fs:
xre_size fs = if mem d fs || negb (mem d Component) then xre_size (d::fs) else S (xre_size (d::fs)).
unfold xre_size, fold. induction sorted_elements as [|x q Hx Hq IH]; simpl.
rewrite orb_comm. reflexivity.
assert (Hdq: ~In x q). intro. apply Hx in H. rewrite cmp_refl in H. discriminate.
rewrite IH. clear IH.
rewrite eqc_comm. case eq_spec; simpl.
intros <-. case mem; simpl.
case mem_spec; simpl.
intro H. apply Hx in H. rewrite cmp_refl in H. discriminate.
intro D.
case mem_spec; intro Hx'.
case orb; reflexivity.
Lemma xre_size_incr d fs: ~In d fs -> xre_size fs = S (xre_size (d::fs)).
rewrite (xre_size_cons d).
generalize (all_elements d).
rewrite 2mem_in. case mem; case mem; intuition congruence.
Lemma xre_size_cardinal fs: xre_size fs < S (cardinal Component).
unfold xre_size, cardinal, fold. induction elements; simpl.
auto with arith.
case mem; simpl; auto with arith.
Lemma xrecover_effective_complete n e fs: xre_size fs < n -> consistent e ->
forall c, In c (snd (xrecover_effective n e fs)) -> status (fst (xrecover_effective n e fs)) c = Failed.
revert e fs. induction n; simpl; intros e fs Hn He c. inversion Hn.
case eapply_seq_spec. simpl. apply recover_target_fails, He.
intros h k d Hl Hd H. apply IHn; trivial.
rewrite (xre_size_incr _ _ Hd) in Hn. auto with arith.
apply apply_ics_consistent. apply ics_prefix with k. rewrite <- Hl.
apply recover_failures_ics, He.
Theorem recover_effective_complete e fs: consistent e ->
forall c, In c (snd (recover_effective e fs)) -> status (fst (recover_effective e fs)) c = Failed.
Proof. apply xrecover_effective_complete, xre_size_cardinal. Qed.
we always get a consistent architecture
Theorem robust_commit_consistent e t:
consistent e -> consistent t -> e << t -> consistent (fst (robust_commit e t)).
intros He Ht Het.
unfold robust_commit.
generalize (eapply_seq_consistent nil (commit_seq_ics He Ht Het)).
case eapply_seq. intros e' [c|] H; trivial.
apply recover_effective_consistent, H.
consistent e -> consistent t -> e << t -> consistent (fst (robust_commit e t)).
intros He Ht Het.
unfold robust_commit.
generalize (eapply_seq_consistent nil (commit_seq_ics He Ht Het)).
case eapply_seq. intros e' [c|] H; trivial.
apply recover_effective_consistent, H.
at the end, failed components are declared in the failed set
unless they were already failed in the target
Theorem robust_commit_failed e t: consistent e -> consistent t -> e << t ->
forall c, status (fst (robust_commit e t)) c = Failed ->
status t c = Failed \/ In c (snd (robust_commit e t)).
intros He Ht Het c. unfold robust_commit.
case eapply_seq_spec; simpl.
intro H. left. rewrite <- (iso_status (commit_seq_complete He Ht Het)). trivial.
intros h k d Hl _ H'. apply recover_effective_failed in H' as [H'|H']; auto.
left. rewrite <- (iso_status (commit_seq_complete He Ht Het)), Hl.
rewrite apply_seq_app. eapply apply_ics_less_failures; trivial.
apply ics_suffix. rewrite <- Hl. apply commit_seq_ics; assumption.
apply apply_ics_consistent. apply ics_prefix with k. rewrite <- Hl.
apply commit_seq_ics; assumption.
forall c, status (fst (robust_commit e t)) c = Failed ->
status t c = Failed \/ In c (snd (robust_commit e t)).
intros He Ht Het c. unfold robust_commit.
case eapply_seq_spec; simpl.
intro H. left. rewrite <- (iso_status (commit_seq_complete He Ht Het)). trivial.
intros h k d Hl _ H'. apply recover_effective_failed in H' as [H'|H']; auto.
left. rewrite <- (iso_status (commit_seq_complete He Ht Het)), Hl.
rewrite apply_seq_app. eapply apply_ics_less_failures; trivial.
apply ics_suffix. rewrite <- Hl. apply commit_seq_ics; assumption.
apply apply_ics_consistent. apply ics_prefix with k. rewrite <- Hl.
apply commit_seq_ics; assumption.
moreover, all components declared in the failed set are properly
accounted as failed in the architecture
Theorem robust_commit_complete e t: consistent e -> consistent t -> e << t ->
forall c, In c (snd (robust_commit e t)) -> status (fst (robust_commit e t)) c = Failed.
intros He Ht Het c. unfold robust_commit.
case eapply_seq_spec. intros []. intros h k d Hl Hd Hc.
apply recover_effective_complete; trivial.
apply apply_ics_consistent. apply ics_prefix with k. rewrite <- Hl.
apply commit_seq_ics; assumption.
forall c, In c (snd (robust_commit e t)) -> status (fst (robust_commit e t)) c = Failed.
intros He Ht Het c. unfold robust_commit.
case eapply_seq_spec. intros []. intros h k d Hl Hd Hc.
apply recover_effective_complete; trivial.
apply apply_ics_consistent. apply ics_prefix with k. rewrite <- Hl.
apply commit_seq_ics; assumption.
Theorem rfp_commit_consistent e t:
consistent e -> consistent t -> e << t -> consistent (rfp_commit e t).
unfold rfp_commit. revert e t.
induction (cardinal _); simpl; trivial. intros e t He Ht Het.
generalize (robust_commit_consistent He Ht Het).
generalize (robust_commit_failed He Ht Het).
case robust_commit.
intros e' [|c q]; simpl; trivial. intros Hcom Hcon.
apply IHn; trivial.
apply recover_target_consistent, Ht.
intros d Hd. apply Hcom in Hd as [Hd|Hd].
unfold recover_target. apply apply_ics_less_failures.
apply recover_failures_ics, Ht.
apply Hd.
apply recover_target_fails; assumption.
Note the additional hypothesis t << e, which means with e << t
than e and t have the same sets of failed components This is
required with this policy: if t contains more failed components,
then we cannot roll-back to the initial architecture if a failure
occurs after these components have been marked as failed.
This is not a real restriction since it seems strange to have more
failed components in the target architecture.
Theorem rbp_commit_consistent e t:
consistent e -> consistent t -> e << t -> t << e -> consistent (rbp_commit e t).
unfold rbp_commit. intros He Ht Het Hte.
generalize (robust_commit_consistent He Ht Het).
generalize (robust_commit_failed He Ht Het).
case robust_commit.
intros e' [|c q]; simpl; trivial. intros Hcom Hcon.
apply rfp_commit_consistent; trivial.
apply recover_target_consistent, He.
intros d Hd. apply Hcom in Hd as [Hd|Hd].
apply apply_ics_less_failures.
apply recover_failures_ics, He.
apply Hte, Hd.
apply recover_target_fails; assumption.
End s.
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