Module YaM

module YaM: sig  end
Author(s): Damien Pous, (
Version: 1.0

Environment / options

type options_t = {
   ocaml : string ref; (*OCaml interpreter*)
   ocamlc : string ref; (*OCaml compiler*)
   ocamlopt : string ref; (*OCaml native compiler*)
   ocamldep : string ref; (*OCaml dependencies generator*)
   ocamldoc : string ref; (*OCaml documentation generator*)
   ocamlyacc : string ref; (*OCaml parser generator*)
   ocamllex : string ref; (*OCaml lexer generator*)
   ocamlglade : string ref; (*OCaml glade compiler*)
   ocaml_P4 : string ref; (*Preprocessor to use*)
   ocaml_Flags : string ref; (*Flags (c, byte, native and link modes)*)
   ocaml_OptFlags : string ref; (*Flags for `ocamlopt -c'*)
   ocaml_ByteFlags : string ref; (*Flags for `ocamlc -c'*)
   ocaml_LinkFlags : string ref; (*Flags for linking*)
   ocaml_Includes : string list ref; (*Directories to include (with dependencies)*)
   ocaml_ExtIncludes : string list ref; (*External directories to include (without dependencies)*)
   ocaml_ExtLibraries : string list ref; (*External Libraries to use*)
The type of environments.
val options : options_t ref
The current environment.

Initial compiler names (ocamlc, ocamldep...) are taken in the environment (OCAMLC, OCAMLDEP...), or defaults to standard values ("ocamlc", "ocamldep"...).

Initial flags are empty.

val new_scope : 'a Lazy.t -> 'a
Forcing of a lazy value inside a `fresh' environment.

Compilation units

The way to specify environment and flags is redundant:

type unit_t 
The type of compilation units.
val ocaml_Module : ?o:options_t ->
?flags:string ->
?byte_flags:string ->
?opt_flags:string ->
?pp:string ->
?includes:string list -> ?ext_includes:string list -> string -> unit_t
Creates a compilation unit for a single, non interfaced OCaml module.
val ocaml_IModule : ?o:options_t ->
?flags:string ->
?byte_flags:string ->
?opt_flags:string ->
?pp:string ->
?includes:string list -> ?ext_includes:string list -> string -> unit_t
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml module, with its interface.
val ocaml_Interface : ?o:options_t ->
?flags:string ->
?byte_flags:string ->
?opt_flags:string ->
?pp:string ->
?includes:string list -> ?ext_includes:string list -> string -> unit_t
Creates a compilation unit for a pure OCaml interface.
val c_Module : ?o:options_t ->
?flags:string -> ?source_deps:string list -> string -> unit_t
Creates a compilation unit for a C module.

source_deps are the additional source dependencies.

val ocaml_Lexer : ?o:options_t ->
?flags:string ->
?byte_flags:string ->
?opt_flags:string ->
?lex_flags:string ->
?pp:string ->
?includes:string list -> ?ext_includes:string list -> string -> unit_t
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml lexer.
val ocaml_Parser : ?o:options_t ->
?flags:string ->
?byte_flags:string ->
?opt_flags:string ->
?yacc_flags:string ->
?pp:string ->
?includes:string list -> ?ext_includes:string list -> string -> unit_t
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml parser.
val ocaml_Glade : ?o:options_t ->
?flags:string ->
?byte_flags:string ->
?opt_flags:string ->
?glade_flags:string ->
?pp:string ->
?includes:string list -> ?ext_includes:string list -> string -> unit_t
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml glade GUI.
val ocaml_Package : ?o:options_t -> string -> unit_t list -> unit_t
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml `package'.

The objects defined by the given list of units are packed together, using the `-pack' OCaml option.

val ocaml_PackageDir : ?o:options_t -> string -> unit_t list Lazy.t -> unit_t
Like YaM.ocaml_Package, but assumes that all the files reside in a directory.

ocaml_PackageDir name list will add the `-I name' flag, and prepend each filename inside `list' with `name/'.

val ocaml_Library : ?o:options_t ->
?flags:string ->
?byte_flags:string ->
?opt_flags:string ->
?includes:string list ->
?libraries:string list ->
?default:[ `Byte | `Native ] -> string -> unit_t list -> unit_t
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml Library.
val ocaml_Program : ?o:options_t ->
?flags:string ->
?byte_flags:string ->
?opt_flags:string ->
?includes:string list ->
?libraries:string list ->
?default:[ `Byte | `Native ] -> string -> unit_t list -> unit_t
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml Program.
val phony_unit : ?depends:string list -> ?command:string -> string -> unit_t
creates a phony unit which depends on depends, and is built with command.

Entry point

val main : ?rebuild:string -> ?deps:string list -> unit_t list -> unit
default entry point (command line parsing).

Lower level functions

type project_t 
The abstract type of projects.
val project : ?rebuild:string -> ?deps:string list -> unit_t list -> project_t
Creates a project using the given list of units.

val print_deps : bool ref
Controls wether to print dependencies commands.
val print_cmds : bool ref
Controls wether to print commands.
val build : ?target:string -> project_t -> unit
Build the specified target, or the whole project if not specified.
val clean : project_t -> unit
Clean all targets reachable from the project.
val sources_of_project : project_t -> string list
Return all the source files of the project
val dir : string ref
The current directory. (used by ocaml_PackageDir)
val generic_unit : ?sources:string list ->
targets:string list ->
?trash:string list ->
?auto_targets:string list ->
?sub_units:unit_t list ->
?pregenerated:string list ->
?objects:string * string ->
dependencies:(native:bool -> string -> string list) ->
?dep_files:(string -> string list) ->
compile_cmd:(string -> string * string list) -> unit -> unit_t
Creates a generic unit. Default values are : When using this function with inside ocaml_PackageDir, you must set the current directory, using Filename.concat !dir.

Simple facilities

val (^^) : string -> string -> string
Concatenates two strings, inserting a space when nessesary.
val (^=) : string ref -> string -> unit
Adds a string to the beginning of a string ref using YaM.(^^).
val (+=) : 'a list ref -> 'a -> unit
Head insertion.
val (@=) : 'a list ref -> 'a list -> unit
Tail insertion.
val string_of_list : ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string
Prints a list into a string, using YaM.(^^).
val flatten : string list -> string
Flatten a string list, using using YaM.(^^).