Index of values

(+=) [YaM]
Head insertion.
(@=) [YaM]
Tail insertion.
(^=) [YaM]
Adds a string to the beginning of a string ref using YaM.(^^).
(^^) [YaM]
Concatenates two strings, inserting a space when nessesary.

build [YaM]
Build the specified target, or the whole project if not specified.

c_Module [YaM]
Creates a compilation unit for a C module.
clean [YaM]
Clean all targets reachable from the project.

dir [YaM]
The current directory.

flatten [YaM]
Flatten a string list, using using YaM.(^^).

generic_unit [YaM]
Creates a generic unit.

main [YaM]
default entry point (command line parsing).

new_scope [YaM]
Forcing of a lazy value inside a `fresh' environment.

ocaml_Glade [YaM]
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml glade GUI.
ocaml_IModule [YaM]
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml module, with its interface.
ocaml_Interface [YaM]
Creates a compilation unit for a pure OCaml interface.
ocaml_Lexer [YaM]
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml lexer.
ocaml_Library [YaM]
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml Library.
ocaml_Module [YaM]
Creates a compilation unit for a single, non interfaced OCaml module.
ocaml_Package [YaM]
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml `package'.
ocaml_PackageDir [YaM]
Like YaM.ocaml_Package, but assumes that all the files reside in a directory.
ocaml_Parser [YaM]
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml parser.
ocaml_Program [YaM]
Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml Program.
options [YaM]
The current environment.

phony_unit [YaM]
creates a phony unit which depends on depends, and is built with command.
print_cmds [YaM]
Controls wether to print commands.
print_deps [YaM]
Controls wether to print dependencies commands.
project [YaM]
Creates a project using the given list of units.

sources_of_project [YaM]
Return all the source files of the project
string_of_list [YaM]
Prints a list into a string, using YaM.(^^).