Mini-Workshop on Glasses

Recent experimental results and perspectives

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France), April 12–13, 2011

Organizers : D. Carpentier, E. Bertin, E. Orignac and P. Holdsworth

Funding : ANR MesoGlass

This workshop will focus on recent experimental studies of glassy materials, with special

interest in new experimental techniques and new materials.  New, open and experimentally accessible questions will also be discussed. Through pedagogical presentations by experts working on various glassy materials, the workshop aims at identifying topical open problems, and new experimental probes to address them.

Invited Speakers :


L. Berthier (Montpellier)

L. Cipelletti (Montpellier)

O. Dauchot  (Saclay)

H. Kawamura (Osaka, Japan)

L. Lévy (Grenoble)

E. Pitard (Montpellier)

G. Tarjus (Paris)

S. Ciliberto (Lyon)

N. Israeloff (Boston, USA)

J. Kurchan (Paris)

F. Ladieu (Saclay)

D. Lhôte (Saclay)

L. Saminadayar (Grenoble)

E. Vincent (Saclay)