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Soft jamming of viral particles in nanopores
Chazot-Franguiadakis L., Eid J., Delecourt G., Kolbeck P., Brugere S.,
Molcrette B., Socol M., Mougel M., Salvetti A., Demery V., Lacroix J.C., Bennevault V., Guegan P., Castelnovo M. and Montel F.
to appear in Nature Communications
Optical single molecule characterisation of natural and synthetic polymers through nanopores
de Blois C., Engel M., Rejou M.A., Molcrette B., Favier A., Montel F.
Nanoscale 2024,16, 138-151
Direct Electrografting of Poly(2-alkyl-2-oxazoline)s on Gold, ITO, and Gold Nanoparticles for Biopassivation
Benaoudia D, Nguyen V-Q, Bennevault V, Martin P, Montel F, Guégan P*, and Lacroix J-C*
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2023, 39 : 625-31
Structural and mechanical plasticity of the nuclear pore
Montel F*
Medecine&Sciences 2023, 39 : 625-31
Thermally switchable nanogate based on polymer phase transition
Kolbeck PJ, Benaoudia D, Chazot-Franguiadakis L, Delecourt G, Mathé J, Li S, Bonnet R, Martin P, Lipfert J, Salvetti A, Boukhet M, Bennevault V, Lacroix JC, Guégan P and Montel F*
NanoLetters 2023, 23, 11, 4862–4869
Quelques éléments de physique autour des nanopores biologiques
Molcrette B, Chazot-Franguiadakis L, Auger T and Montel F*
Reflets de la Physique 2023, Vol. 75, p18
Understanding the molecular stability of viral capsids from a physics perspective
Castelnovo M, Montel F, and Faivre-Moskalenko C*
Current Topics in Virology 2022, Vol. 19, 39 – 47
Experimental study of a nanoscale translocation ratchet
Molcrette B, Chazot-Franguiadakis L, Liénard F, Balassy Z, Freton C, Grangeasse C, and Montel F*
PNAS 2022, 119 (30) e2202527119
Optical Quantification by Nanopores of Viruses, Extracellular Vesicles and Nanoparticles
Chazot-Franguiadakis L, Eid J, Socol M, Molcrette B, Guégan P, Mougel M, Salvetti A, and Montel F*
NanoLetters 2022, 22, 9, 3651–3658
Regulating the Translocation of DNA through Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Decorated Switchable Nanopores by Cononsolvency Effect
Yong H*, Molcrette B, Sperling M, Montel F*, and Sommer J-U*
Macromolecules 2021, 54, 9, 4432–4442
Polymers: From Adsorption to Translocation-Topical Issue in Memoriam Loïc Auvray (1956–2016)
Behrends JC, Di Meglio JM, Montel F
The European Physical Journal E 2019, 42 (10), 1-1
Polynucleotide transport through lipid membrane in the presence of starburst cyclodextrin-based poly(ethylene glycol)s
Eskandani Z, Le Gall T, Montier T, Lehn P, Montel F , Auvray L, Huin C and Guegan P
Eur. Phys. J. E (2018) 41: 132
Eur. Phys. J. E (2018) 41: 132 DOI 10.1140/epje/i2018-11743-3
Uncooked spaghetti in a colander: Injection of semiflexible polymers in a nanopore
Auger T, Auvray L, Di Meglio J-M and Montel F
Eur. Phys. J. E (2018) 41: 63
Zero-Mode Waveguide Detection of DNA Translocation Through FIB-organised Arrays of Engineered Nanopores
Auger T, Bourhis E, Donnez J, Durnez A, Di Meglio J-M, Auvray L, Montel F, Yates J, Gierak J
Microelectronic Engineering 187, 90-94 (2018)
DNA sequencing by nanopores : achievements and prospects.
Montel F
Med Sci (Paris). 2018 Feb;34(2):161-165
Nuclear pore complex plasticity during developmental process as revealed by super-resolution microscopy.
Selles J , Penrad-Mobayed M, Guillaume C, Fuger A, Auvray L, Faklaris O, Montel F
Nature Scientific Reports 7 (14732) NOV 7 2017
Extensive characterization of magnetic microrods observed using optical microscopy.
Gerbal F, Wang Y, Sandre O, Montel F, Bacri JC
Soft Matter 13 (21), 3841-3846, 2017
Dynamical DNA accessibility induced by chromatin remodeling and protein binding.
Montel F, Faivre-Moskalenko C, and Castelnovo M
Phys. Rev. E 2014 90, 052717
Compressive stress inhibits proliferation in tumor spheroids through a volume limitation.
Delarue M, Montel F, Vignjevic D, Prost J, Joanny JF, Cappello G.
Biophysical Journal 2014 Vol. 107, Issue 8, p1821–1828
Zero-mode waveguide detection of flow-driven DNA translocation through nanopores.
Auger T, Mathé J, Viasnoff V, Charron G, Di Meglio JM, Auvray L, Montel F.
Phys Rev Lett. 2014 Jul 11;113(2):028302.
FIB patterning of dielectric, metallized and graphene membranes: A comparative study.
Hemamouche A, Morin A, Bourhis E, Toury B, Tarnaud E, Mathé J, Guégan P, Madouri A, Lafosse X, Ulysse C, Guilet S, Patriarche G, Auvray L, Montel F, Wilmart Q, Plaçais B, Yates J, Gierak J.
Microelectronic Engineering. 2014 121, 87-91
Mechanical control of cell flow in multicellular spheroids.
Delarue M, Montel F, Caen O, Elgeti J, Siaugue JM, Vignjevic D, Prost J, Joanny JF, Cappello G.
Phys Rev Lett. 2013 Mar 29;110(13):138103.
The N-terminal domains of TRF1 and TRF2 regulate their ability to condense telomeric DNA.
Poulet A, Pisano S, Faivre-Moskalenko C, Pei B, Tauran Y, Haftek-Terreau Z, Brunet F, Le Bihan YV, Ledu MH, Montel F, Hugo N, Amiard S, Argoul F, Chaboud A, Gilson E, Giraud-Panis MJ.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Mar;40(6):2566-76
Isotropic stress reduces cell proliferation in tumor spheroids.
Montel F, Delarue M, Elgeti J, Vignjevic D, Cappello G, Prost J.
New Journal of Physics. 2012 14 (5), 055008
Stress clamp experiments on multicellular tumor spheroids.
Montel F, Delarue M, Elgeti J, Malaquin L, Basan M, Risler T, Cabane B, Vignjevic D, Prost J, Cappello G, Joanny JF.
Phys Rev Lett. 2011 Oct 28;107(18):188102.
RSC remodeling of oligo-nucleosomes: an atomic force microscopy study.
Montel F, Castelnovo M, Menoni H, Angelov D, Dimitrov S, Faivre-Moskalenko C.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Apr;39(7):2571-9.
The docking domain of histone H2A is required for H1 binding and RSC-mediated nucleosome remodeling.
Shukla MS, Syed SH, Goutte-Gattat D, Richard JL, Montel F, Hamiche A, Travers A, Faivre-Moskalenko C, Bednar J, Hayes JJ, Angelov D, Dimitrov S.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Apr;39(7):2559-70.
Remosomes: RSC generated non-mobilized particles with approximately 180 bp DNA loosely associated with the histone octamer.
Shukla MS, Syed SH, Montel F, Faivre-Moskalenko C, Bednar J, Travers A, Angelov D, Dimitrov S.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Apr 27;107(17):8041.
The dynamics of individual nucleosomes controls the chromatin condensation pathway: direct atomic force microscopy visualization of variant chromatin,
Montel F, Menoni H, Castelnovo M, Bednar J, Dimitrov S, Angelov D, Faivre-Moskalenko C.
Biophys J. 2009 Jul 22;97(2):544-53.
TRF2 promotes, remodels and protects telomeric Holliday junctions,
Poulet A, Buisson R, Faivre-Moskalenko C, Koelblen M, Amiard S, Montel F, Cuesta-Lopez S, Bornet O, Guerlesquin F, Godet T, Moukhtar J, Argoul F, Déclais AC, Lilley DM, Ip SC, West SC, Gilson E, Giraud-Panis MJ.
EMBO J. 2009 Mar 18;28(6):641-51.
Dynamic kinesin-1 clustering on microtubules due to mutually attractive interactions,
Roos WH, Campàs O, Montel F, Woehlke G, Spatz JP, Bassereau P, Cappello G.
Phys Biol. 2008 Nov 24;5(4):046004.
Atomic force microscopy imaging of SWI/SNF action: mapping the nucleosome remodeling and sliding,
Montel F, Fontaine E, St-Jean P, Castelnovo M, Faivre-Moskalenko C. ,
Biophys J. 2007 Jul 15;93(2):566-78. Epub 2007 Apr 27.
Dissection of the unusual structural and functional properties of the variant H2A.Bbd nucleosome,
Doyen CM, Montel F, Gautier T, Menoni H, Claudet C, Delacour-Larose M, Angelov D, Hamiche A, Bednar J, Faivre-Moskalenko C, Bouvet P, Dimitrov S.
EMBO J., 2006 Sep 20;25(18):4234-44
PhD Thesis (in French)
Transport directionnel dans un nanopore
Bastien Molcrette - Thèse de l’ENS de Lyon (2021)
Translocation de biopolymères à travers des pores naturels ou artificiels
Thomas Auger - Thèse de l’Université Paris Diderot (2016)
Influence de contrainte mécaniques sur le développement du cancer
Morgan Delarue - Thèse de l’Université Paris Diderot (2016)
Dynamique à l’équilibre et hors-équilibre de la chromatine visualisée par microscopie à force atomique. Effet des variants d’histone et des facteurs de remodelage
Fabien Montel - Thèse de l’ENS de Lyon (2008)