LPO: Laboratoire de Physique des Océans (Brest)
The Laboratoire de Physique des
Océans has a long record of
expertise with oceanographic data collection and analysis to elucidate
the observed ocean circulation, water masses, and to understand the
physical processes underlying this circulation.
Within LPO, Xavier Carton is part of team 1 (physical processes at
mesoscale and submesoscale, and for climate change). Xavier
Carton has expertise on the analytical and numerical models of jets,
vortices and boundary currents. He has also worked on
bifurcations for both mesoscale flow dynamics and ecosystems in the
ocean. He has been in charge of several oceanographic cruises,
for the study of the Mediterranean Water boundary currents in the Gulf
of Cadiz. In this context, the paths, structure and stability of
these currents were investigated.
His record includes two review articles
on oceanic vortices and jet
stability, 9 internationally refereed articles on jet and boundary
current stability, 9 internationally refereed articles on oceanographic
data analysis, among about 50 internationally refereed articles in the
last 20 years. He has participated in 6 oceanographic cruises
(that he has lead) and has been the director of two international
programs on vortex dynamics and flow stability.
In brief, Xavier Carton will provide expertise on oceanographic data analysis, and on analytical and numerical models of oceanic boundary current structure and stability.