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Laurent Lefèvre
Permanent researcher at Inria (The French Institute for Research in Computer Science)

Member of the AVALON Team of LIP
Member of Inria AVALON Team of Inria Rhône-Alpes
Université de Lyon
UMR 5668 CNRS, ENS, Inria, UCB


Inria Avalon Team / LIP Laboratory
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
46, allée d'Italie - 69364 Lyon Cedex 07 - France
Email :,
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Research interests:
Reducing environmental impacts of large scale distrbuted systems, Digital sufficiency, Green and Energy Efficient Computing and Networking, Green IT, Sustainability in IT, Cloud and Cluster computing, High performance computing, Software Defined Networks, Autonomic Networking, High Performance Networks protocols and services, Active and programmable networks and services, Disruption Tolerant Networks, Distributed shared memory systems and Data consistency

EcoInfo Member

"Reducing the footprint of numerical and communicating infrastructures for a greener future"

Since 1/11/2001, I am a Permanent Researcher in computer science at Inria. I work in the AVALON (Algorithms and Software Architectures for Service Oriented Platforms) team from Inria and the LIP Laboratory in Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon. From 1/11/01 to 31/12/12, I was member of RESO (High Performance Networks, Protocols and Services) team from Inria and the LIP Laboratory in Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon. From 1/11/01 to 31/12/02, I was a permanent INRIA researcher in " RESAM Laboratory (High Performance Networks and Multimedia Application Support" in Lyon, France and also member of INRIA RESO Team. From 1/11/97 to 30/10/2001, I was assistant professor in computer science in Lyon 1 University and also member of RESAM Laboratory.