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lecturemolecularprogramming [2023/11/07 11:57]
Nicolas Schabanel [Tentative schedule]
lecturemolecularprogramming [2023/11/14 15:33]
Nicolas Schabanel [Tentative schedule]
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   * <color red>Fri 10.27 13:30 Lecture 12/16: Mini-project presentation</​color>​ [ [[http://​perso.ens-lyon.fr/​nicolas.schabanel/​enseignement/​M2IF/​2023/​HW4.pdf|HW4]] ​ | [[http://​perso.ens-lyon.fr/​nicolas.schabanel/​enseignement/​M2IF/​2023/​HW4-SOL.pdf|Solutions]] | [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=1wBYPjkGRdo|pistol shrimp in action]] ]\\   * <color red>Fri 10.27 13:30 Lecture 12/16: Mini-project presentation</​color>​ [ [[http://​perso.ens-lyon.fr/​nicolas.schabanel/​enseignement/​M2IF/​2023/​HW4.pdf|HW4]] ​ | [[http://​perso.ens-lyon.fr/​nicolas.schabanel/​enseignement/​M2IF/​2023/​HW4-SOL.pdf|Solutions]] | [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=1wBYPjkGRdo|pistol shrimp in action]] ]\\
   * <color gray>//​Vacation 10.30-11.03//</​color>​ \\   * <color gray>//​Vacation 10.30-11.03//</​color>​ \\
-  * **Tue 11.07 <color red>:!: 10:15 (exceptionally) :!:</​color> ​Lecture 13/16**\\ +  * <color gray>Tue 11.07 :!: 10:15 (exceptionally) :!: Lecture 13/16</​color>​\\ 
-  ​* **<​color ​red>Fri 11.10 13:30 Lecture 14/16 - Final written exam</​color>​**\\ +  * <​color ​gray>Fri 11.10 13:30 Lecture 14/16 - Final written exam</​color>​\\ 
-  * **Tue 11.14 15:45 Lecture 15/16 - Lab experiments 1/2: mixing and cooking (Salle TP Bio + LBMC)**\\+  * **Tue 11.14 15:45 Lecture 15/16 - Lab experiments 1/2: mixing and cooking ​<color red>RDV DANS LE HALL D'​ENTREE COTE ENSEIGNEMENT à 15:​45</​color> ​(Salle TP Bio + LBMC)**\\
   * **Fri 11.17 13:30 Lecture 16/16 - Lab experiments 2/2: AFM imaging (salle 027 & AFM au sous-sol en face du foyer) **    * **Fri 11.17 13:30 Lecture 16/16 - Lab experiments 2/2: AFM imaging (salle 027 & AFM au sous-sol en face du foyer) **