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start [2025/03/10 14:16]
Nicolas Schabanel [Upcoming Event]
start [2025/03/10 14:17] (current)
Nicolas Schabanel [Upcoming Event]
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 ==== Upcoming Event  ==== ==== Upcoming Event  ====
-[[https://​dna31.sciencesconf.org/​|DNA31]],​ Ens de Lyon, Aug 25-29, 2025+:!: **[[https://​dna31.sciencesconf.org/​|DNA31]]**, Ens de Lyon, Aug 25-29, 2025
 ==== Past Event  ==== ==== Past Event  ====
   * **[[https://​remila60.sciencesconf.org/​|Conférence en l'​honneur d'​Éric Rémila pour ses 60 ans]]**, ÉNS de Lyon, France, May 28, 2019\\ //​(Co-organizer with Kevin Perrot) Founded by ANR, LIP and Codrin Nichitiu.//  ​   * **[[https://​remila60.sciencesconf.org/​|Conférence en l'​honneur d'​Éric Rémila pour ses 60 ans]]**, ÉNS de Lyon, France, May 28, 2019\\ //​(Co-organizer with Kevin Perrot) Founded by ANR, LIP and Codrin Nichitiu.//  ​