The workshop CLA 2015 takes place in Lyon and gather around twenty people interested in questions related to quantitative mathematical logic and functional programming. Among the topics to be addressed are:
The workshop will be help at École normale supérieure de Lyon, site Jacques Monod (how to come to ENS de Lyon).
11h50: Pause
12h : Maciej Bendkowski Asymptotic densities in combinatory logic
13h: Lunch
14h10: Michał Pałka Different approaches to generating random simply-typed lambda terms
15h10: Discussion: asymptotic densities of terms
16h10: Pause
Lachowski, Agnieszka Lupinska: PhD
Visit of the house of mathematics and informatics
19h45: Dinner at Jols
Restaurant 283 avenue Jean-Jaures
9h: Noam Zeilberger A correspondence between rooted planar maps and normal planar lambda terms
Alain Giorgetti Lambda
terms and maps, formally
11h: Pause
11h30: Katarzyna Grygiel Counting Terms in the Binary Lambda Calculus
12h30: Lunch
14h: Antoine
Genitrini Quantitative
Analysis of Concurrent Systems and Application to Random
paper: The Combinatorics of Non-determinism. O. Bodini, A. Genitrini and F. Peschanski. In proc. IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS'13), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, pp 425-436, 2013.
and Random Generation of Concurrent Computations.
Bodini, A. Genitrini and F. Peschanski. In proc. 23rd International Meeting on Probabilistic,
Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms
(AofA'12), Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer
Science, pp 83-96, 2012.
15h: Matthieu Dien Concurrent Systems: from Tree Processes to Synchronized Processes
16h: Pause
16h30: Discussion on asymptotics and generation