Russ Harmer
#GDB = graph DBs, #KR = knowledge representation, #GR = graph rewriting, #RBM = rule-based modelling, #GS = game semantics
Modelling systems biology wide and deep. #KR #RBM
Jérôme Feret, Russ Harmer, Jean Krivine and Sébastien Légaré. Flash poster, CMSB'21 (2021).
KAMIStudio: an environment for biocuration of cellular signalling knowledge. #KR #GR #RBM
Russ Harmer and Eugenia Oshurko. CMSB'19 (2019).
Bio-curation for cellular signalling: the KAMI project. #KR #GR #RBM
Russ Harmer, Yves-Stan Le Cornec, Sébastien Légaré and Eugenia Oshurko.
TCBB 16(5):1562-1573 (2019).
Bio-curation for cellular signalling: the KAMI project (extended abstract). #KR #GR #RBM
Russ Harmer, Yves-Stan Le Cornec, Sébastien Légaré and Ievgeniia Oshurko. CMSB'17 (2017).
Rule-based meta-modelling for bio-curation. #KR #GR #RBM #GS
Russ Harmer. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. ENS Lyon (2017). Soutenance.
A knowledge representation meta-model for rule-based modelling of cellular signalling. #KR #RBM
Adrien Basso-Blandin, Walter Fontana and Russ Harmer. DCM'15 (2015).
EPTCS 204, pp. 47-59 (2016).
Thermodynamic graph rewriting. #GR #RBM
Vincent Danos, Russ Harmer and Ricardo Honorato-Zimmer. LMCS 11(2:13), pp. 1-26 (2015).
Deriving rate equations for site graph rewriting systems. #RBM
Vincent Danos, Russ Harmer, Ricardo Honorato-Zimmer and Sandro Stucki. SASB'13.
Thermodynamic graph rewriting (extended abstract). #GR #RBM
Vincent Danos, Russ Harmer and Ricardo Honorato-Zimmer. CONCUR'13 (2013).
Constraining rule-based dynamics with types. #GR #RBM
Vincent Danos, Russ Harmer and Glynn Winskel.
MSCS 23(2), pp. 272-289 (2013).
Graphs, rewriting and pathway reconstruction for rule-based models. #GR #RBM
Vincent Danos, Jérôme Feret, Walter Fontana, Russ Harmer, Jonathan Hayman, Jean Krivine, Chris Thompson-Walsh and Glynn Winskel. FSTTCS'12 (2012).
Models of the Tet-on system with epigenetic effects. #RBM
Russ Harmer, Jean Krivine, Élise Laruelle, Cédric Lhoussaine, Guillaume Madelaine and Mirabelle Nebut. Flash poster, CMSB'12 (2012).
Intrinsic information carriers in combinatorial dynamical systems. #GR #RBM
Russ Harmer, Vincent Danos, Jérôme Feret, Jean Krivine and Walter Fontana.
Chaos 20(3), 037108 (2010).
Abstracting the differential semantics of rule-based models: exact and automated model reduction. #RBM
Vincent Danos, Jérôme Feret, Walter Fontana, Russ Harmer and Jean Krivine. LICS'10 (2010).
Totality in arena games. #GS
Pierre Clairambault and Russ Harmer. [pre-print]
APAL 161(5):673--689 (2010).
Rule-based modelling and tunable resolution. #RBM
Russ Harmer. DCM'09.
EPTCS 9, pp. 65-72 (2009).
Rule-based modelling and model perturbation. #RBM
Vincent Danos, Jérôme Feret, Walter Fontana, Russ Harmer and Jean Krivine.
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology XI, pp. 116-137 (2009).
Rule-based modelling and model refinement. #RBM
Elaine Murphy, Vincent Danos, Jérome Feret, Russ Harmer and Jean Krivine.
Chapter 4 of Elements of Computational Systems Biology (2009).
Internal coarse-graining of molecular systems. #RBM
Vincent Danos, Jérôme Feret, Walter Fontana, Russ Harmer and Jean Krivine.
PNAS 106(16):6453-6458 (2009).
Investigation of a biological repair scheme. #RBM
Vincent Danos, Jérôme Feret, Walter Fontana, Russ Harmer and Jean Krivine. WMC'08 (2009).
Rule-based modelling, symmetries, refinement. #RBM
Vincent Danos, Jérôme Feret, Walter Fontana, Russ Harmer and Jean Krivine. FMSB'08 (2008).
Rule-based modelling of cellular signalling. #RBM
Vincent Danos, Jérôme Feret, Walter Fontana, Russ Harmer and Jean Krivine. CONCUR'07 (2007).
Categorical combinatorics for innocent strategies. #GS
Russ Harmer, Martin Hyland and Paul-André Melliès. LICS'07 (2007).
The anatomy of innocence revisited. #GS
Russ Harmer and Olivier Laurent. FSTTCS'06 (2006).
An analysis of innocent interaction. #GS
Russ Harmer. GaLoP 2, 2006.
Affine strategies in arena games. #GS
Russ Harmer. GaLoP 1, 2005.
Probabilistic game semantics. #GS
Vincent Danos and Russ Harmer.
Special issue for LICS'00. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 3(3) (2002).
The anatomy of innocence. #GS
Vincent Danos and Russ Harmer. CSL'01 (2001).
Probabilistic game semantics (extended abstract). #GS
Vincent Danos and Russ Harmer. LICS'00 (2000).
A fully abstract game semantics for finite nondeterminism. #GS
Russ Harmer and Guy McCusker. LICS'99 (1999).
PhD: tesi (vo, 31 decembre 1999) #GS