One Day Meeting in Discrete Structures 2

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, LIP

  • Informations

    The second edition of our "One Day Meeting in Discrete Structures" will be held on April 28 at ENS de Lyon (Descartes) in room F008. The goal is to develop collaborations between the different teams of our lab around the (large spectrum) theme of discrete structures. All contributions are welcome, ranging from general talks on a broad topic to short talks focused on some question. The aim is to be accessible to a broader audience than our own teams. The talks will be in English. Here is a link to Discrete Day 1.

  • Tentative Schedule

    9h00 - 10h00 Grégory Miermont The scaling limit of the minimum spanning tree of the complete graph
    10h30 - 11h00 Matthieu Rosenfeld Avoiding repetitions in words
    11h00 - 11h45 Olivier Laurent Proving and computing with graphs
    11h45 - 12h15 Ignacio García Marco Large convex sets in Minkowski sums
    13h45 - 14h30 Nicolas Trotignon Perfect graphs
    14h30 - 15h15 Paulo Gonçalves Possible bases for signal processing on graphs
    15h45 - 16h30 Bora Uçar Bipartite matchings and solving sparse linear systems
    16h30 - 17h15 Damien Stehlé Introduction to lattice based cryptography

  • Participants

    Please register on the following doodle.