Jean-Michel Muller

Institution - address - vitae - publications - conferences and special issues related to computer arithmetic - computer arithmetic books - people and groups - bibliography on computer arithmetic - floating-point arithmetic - citations

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Last modification: January 15, 2024


"Directeur de recherches" au CNRS, Posted at Laboratoire LIP (common to CNRS, ENS Lyon, INRIA, Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1)

Member  of the  CNRS/ENS Lyon/INRIA ARIC project (AriC is a follow-up of the  CNRS/ENS Lyon/INRIA ARENAIRE project).

Associate editor-in-chief, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing.


LIP, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 46 Allée d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France

phone :+33 4 26 23 38 92


how to get to ENS Lyon  & access map

Research interests

Computer arithmetic: floating-point arithmetic, algorithms and architectures for fast and/or accurate arithmetic, number systems, elementary functions, Cordic.


Publications (with electronic access to new  preprints)

Handbook of floating-point arithmetic  (2nd edition: 2018)

My  book Elementary Functions, algorithms and implementation (New: 3rd edition, December 2016)


another book (in French) Calcul et arithmétique des ordinateurs

another book (in French) Qualite des calculs sur ordinateur

my book Arithmétique des ordinateurs (Masson, 1989, in French) freely available online there.

Conferences and special issues related to computer arithmetic

31st IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 2024), Malaga, Spain, Jun. 2024

30th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 2023), Portland, Oregon, USA, Sept. 2023

IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing Special Section on "Emerging and Impacting Trends on Computer Arithmetic", 2022

IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing Special Section on "Emerging and Impacting Trends on Computer Arithmetic", 2021

Some  links related to computer arithmetic

Do not hesitate to suggest other pages: send an e-mail to me. If you have a problem with one of these links please tell me.

Repository of the proceedings of the IEEE Symposia on Computer Arithmetic since 1969

Computer arithmetic books

Ercegovac and Lang's book "Digital Arithmetic"

Koren's book "Computer arithmetic algorithms"

Markstein's book "IA-64 and Elementary Functions"

Parhami's bookComputer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Design

New book: Handbook of floating-point arithmetic 2nd edition (Birkhauser, 2018)

My  book Elementary Functions, algorithms and implementation (New: 3rd edition, December 2016)

Nick Higham's book, (SIAM, Second edition, August 2002, xxx+680 pp.).  

People and groups

Milos Ercegovac

Israel Koren's home page

John Harrison

William Kahan

David Matula

Paul Zimmerman

Nick Higham

Michael Schulte

Arnaud Tisserand

Sylvie Boldo

Guillaume Melquiond

Paolo Montuschi

Behrooz Parhami

Elisardo Antelo

Jean-Luc Beuchat

Florent de Dinechin

David G. Hough's  validlab home page


A bibliography on computer arithmetic, built by Peter Kornerup

My own Bibtex database on computer arithmetic

Bibtex bibliography elefunt.bib

Bibtex bibliography fparith.bib

Some journals that publish papers on Computer Arithmetic

IEEE Transactions on Computers

IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Journal of Signal Processing Systems (was formerly named Journal of VLSI Signal Processing)

IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems

JUCS: Journal of Universal Computer Science

Reliable Computing

Multiple precision

Paul Zimmerman's page on multiple precision arithmetic

The GNU MP (Multiple Precision) Home Page

MPFR, a library for multiprecision floating-point arithmetic with exact rounding (try it: it is excellent!)

PARI/GP, a library for very fast arithmetic (factorization, elliptic curves, ...)

Floating-Point arithmetic

Advertising tips for number system designers

Computer Arithmetic Tragedies

Kahan's documents relating to the current status of the IEEE-754 standard for binary floating-point arithmetic

Intel document Highly optimized mathematical functions for the IA-64 architectures

The new IEEE 754-2008 standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic: the official (final) document, the last public draft

IEEE 754 Floating-Point test Software

Robust computation resource page

Goldberg's paper "What every computer scientist should know about floating-point arithmetic"

Lectures on Floating-Point arithmetic

FP1 - FP2 - FP3FP4

Some software designed by the Arenaire Team

CRLIBM: correctly rounded mathematical functions

FLIP: floating-point library for integer processors

Gappa: a tool for computing and proving bounds on expressions and rounding errors.


Médaille d'Argent du CNRS, 2013

"La Recherche" award for computer science (with Peter Kornerup, Vincent Lefèvre and Nicolas Louvet), 2013

IEEE Fellow, 2017

My recent co-authors

Le site de la section 06 du Comite national de la Recherche Scientifique

Recent talks

Exact computations with approximate arithmetic, invited conference at the "Jounees en l'honneur de Donald Knuth", Bordeaux, France, 29-31 Oct. 2007.

Some issues related to double roundings (invited talk), Minisymposium "Accurate algorithms and applications" at the SIAM2012 Conference, Valencia, June 2012.

Slides (in French) of my lectures on Floating-Point Arithmetic at the spring school "Precision et reproductibilite numerique" (Fréjus, march 2013)

Invited talk at NSV 2014 (Vienna, July 2014)

Slides of the talk "On the robustness of the 2Sum and Fast2Sum algorithms" (ANR FastRelax, Toulouse, May 2016)

Make Computer Arithmetic Great Again ? Invited talk at a Panel Session on the future of Computer Arithmetic at Arith-25, June 2018.

Arithmétique et précision des calculs sur ordinateurs, conférence invitée, Colloque Tous mesureurs, tous mesurés, Paris, 18-19 octobre 2018.

Reduced Precision Elementary Functions, invited talk, SIAM CSE21 Minisymposium on Reduced Precision Arithmetic and Stochastic Rounding (held virtual because of the Covid Pandemic), March 2, 2021. Slides.

Accurate Calculation of Euclidean Norms using Double-Word Arithmetic, SIAM PP22 Minisymposium on understanding and exploiting mixed-precision accelerators for high-performance computing (held virtual because of the Covid Pandemic), February 24-25, 2022. Slides.

Preuves en arithmétique virgule flottante, Keynote LIMOS, September 29, 2022. 

Error bounds that are certain, sharp. . . and whose proof is trustable: the curse of long and boring proofs, Workshop Certified and Symbolic-Numeric Computation, Lyon, May 2023.

Arithmétique des Ordinateurs, Colloque "Raisonner en arithmétique", Bordeaux, Juin 2023.

Hobbies: Music , Photo