My research interest spans a wide range of topics (fluid mechanics, granular media, complex fluids, friction, elasticity, ...).
The different fundamental physics questions I worked on are mostly curiosity driven and often inspired by environmental phenomena. To study these questions, I combine laboratory experiments and theoretica modelisation to visualise and quantify the importance of different physical mechanisms at play and to make a link with microscopic/mesoscopic events with macroscopic behavior.

Here is a short description of the current activities. For previous studies, please see the publications or the PhD of the different students.

Bubbles rise in a confined granular suspension

In this work, we study the rising dynamics of bubbles rising in a Hele-Shaw cell containing a suspension of particles. An important feature I am interested in is the transition between the viscous to the inertial regime.

Collaborator: V. Vidal, J. Soundar (LMFA/UCBL), B. Monnet (PhD), C. Madec (PhD)

Nonlinearities and mixing for attractor in rotating stratified fluid

This part aims at understanding the non-linear behavior of internal gravity waves in rotating stratified fluid. Due to the peculiar dispersion relation of oceanic inertia-gravity waves, successive focusing reflections of internal wave in a closed domain may result in the formation of an attractor, a limit cycle for the beam (see picture). Currently, I am working on the linear formation and the non-linear behavior of an axisymmetric wave attractor in a conical domain. Another study considers the quantification of mixing induced by wave breaking after the successive focusing reflexions.

Collaborator: T. Dauxois, P. Odier, Y. Onuki (Kyushu University), D. Varma (post-doc), C. Pacary (PhD), J. Deleuze (PhD)

Wake in a fiber network

We investigate the reorganisation of a quasi-2D fiber network induced by the pull of a rigid rod. The goal of this work is to understand the link between the macroscopic cohesion of the network and the miscroscopic interactions between fibers.

Collaborator: G. Verhille (IRPHE)

Draining of stratified or viscoelastic fluids

We consider the tank draining of viscoelastic fluid (or simply, strafied newtonian fluids). The PIV (see picture) shows stong shear zones moving within the tank during the drainage process.

Collaborator: E. Freyssingeas

Turbulent Ice Melting in stratified salt water

In this work, we consider the misunderstood situation of the melting of ice block above salty water.

Collaborator: R. Volk, L. Couston, B. Collin (PhD)