⮞ Home Thomas Gibaud

Thomas Gibaud

Chargé de Recherche at CNRS



Laboratoire de Physique, CNRS/UMR 5672

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

46 allée d'Italie, 69007 Lyon, France

d 04 26 23 38 28

d thomas.gibaud@ens-lyon.fr

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2004-2008. PhD with P. Schurtenberger and A. Stradner, Université de Fribourg (CH)

2007-2008. ATER with S. Manneville, Ens de Lyon (Fr)

2009-2012. Postdoc with Z. Dogic, Brandeis University (USA)

2012-present. Chargé de recherche CNRS, Ens de Lyon (Fr)

2018. HDR, Ens de Lyon (Fr)

⮞ Welcome

Welcome to my professional Web page.

My name is Thomas Gibaud. I'm a CNRS researcher. I specialize in the field of experimental soft matter physics. My work involves the utilization, purification, and engineering of organic and living materials to craft colloids. These colloids act as building blocks for assembling soft materials with precisely tailored dynamics, structures and mechanics investigated using microscopy, scattering and rheology. I'm particularly interested in how these materials can morph in response to external stimuli. The research I pursue not only serve as a venue for exploring self-assembly, gels, and active matter but also to mimic phenomena found in biology or hard condensed matter.

Selected publications on "Out of equilibrium soft matter":

  • Shape rigid filaments make glasses [PNAS (2023)]
  • Rheo-acoustic gels: High power ultrasound to soften and ease the flow of colloidal gels [PRX (2020)]
  • Traveling bands as an instability mechanism in shear thickening [PRX (2018)]
  • A new class of yielding mechanism in gels: fatigue and delayed yielding [Soft Matter (2010)]
  • Arrested phase separation as a new pathway for gelation in protein dispersions [PRL (2007)]

Selected publications on "Self-assembly":

Selected scientific activities:

⮞ Portfolio >Portfolio
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⮞ Soft Matter at the ENS de Lyon
The Laboratoire de Physique at the Ens de Lyon covers many field in physics. Alongside Eric Freyssingeas, Thibaut Divoux and Sébastien Manneville, we usually hold informal Soft Matter group meetings on Monday afternoons.
Over the years, we have acquired numerous resources dedicated to experimental soft matter. Presently, the ENS de Lyon is equipped with rheometers (stress and strain-controlled), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and static light scattering (SLS), ultra-small-angle light scattering, laboratory small-angle X-ray scattering (lab SAXS), microscopy, and confocal microscopy. Most of the equipment is thermally controlled to facilitate temperature quenches. Additionally, there are experimental setups dedicated to coupled measurements, such as rheo-elect, rheo-confocal, rheo-echography, or microscopy coupled to UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. We also regularly use large instruments for scattering experiments (Soleil, ESRF or ILL).
⮞ People People
I'm regularly looking to recruit PhDs, postdocs or internship students. Please don't hesitate to email me.

Julien Bauland - Post-doc (2022-...)

Emmeline Brassac - PhD student (2024-...)

Aoxuan, Wang - PhD student (2024-...)

Emmeline Brassac - Master Student (March-July 2024). In 2024, PhD student

Vivien Andrieux - PhD student (2021-2024). In 2024 xxx

Coralie Roux-Kirsche - L3 student (May-July 2023). In 2023, M1 at ENS de Lyon

Matt Terkel - visiting PhD student (2022).

Vincent Canet - ATER (2020-2021). In 2021, Prof. en classe prépa

Wilbert Smit - Postdoc (2020-2021). In 2021, Quantitative data analyst at Flow Trader

Aurélien Boulay - M1 student (May-July 2020).

Maurizio De Micco - M2 student (March-July 2019). In 2020, PhD student at University of Naples Federico II

Thomas Boquet - PhD student (2019-2021). In 2021, professeur de physique. Fr

Thomas Boquet - M2 student (April-July 2019). In 2019, PhD student at Ens de Lyon. Fr

Clément Roizard - M2 student (Mars-July 2019). In 2019, professeur de chimie. Fr

Noémie Dagès - PhD student (2018-2021). In 2021, professeur de physique. Fr

Noémie Dagès - M2 student (April-July 2018). In 2018, PhD student at Ens de Lyon. Fr

Antonin Brossollet - L3 student (May-July 2018). In 2018, M1 Ens Paris. Fr

Louis Christian Ahoure - M1 student (March-July 2018). In 2018, M2 Génie des Procédés. Grenoble. Fr

Brice Saint Michel - Post-doc (2015-2018). In 2018, Post-doc. Imperial College. UK

Pierre-Henri Delville - M2 student (March-July 2017). In 2017, PhD student. Paris. Fr

Lucile Auzemery - L2 student (July 2017). In 2017, L3 physics UPMC/Sorbone. Paris. Fr

Julie Roude - Classe prépa. Lycée du Parc. Lyon. Fr - tipe (2017)

Antoine Lagarde - M1 student (March-July 2016), In 2016, student at the M2 systèmes complexes. Paris. Fr

Guillaume Jung - M1 student (May-July 2016), In 2016, student at the "agrégation de physique". Ens de Lyon. Fr

Mathieu Leocmach - Post-doc (2013-2015). In 2015. CNRS researcher at Institut Lumière Matière. Lyon. Fr

David Germain - M1 student (May-July 2015). In 2015, student at the "agrégation de physique". Ens de Lyon. Fr

Anna Modlinska - Post-doc (2013-2014). In 2014, Assistant Professor at Poznan University of Technology. Poland

Anupam Kumar - L2 student (May-Aug. 2013)

Mathieu Nespoulous - Post-doc (2012-2013). In 2013, Assistant Professor at Université Aix Marseille. Fr

Mark Zakhary - Visiting PhD student (Oct. 2012)

⮞ Support (2012-...)


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