Generate an accompaniement for a given melody
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Database Class Reference

input operator for NoteName The format is capital or small letters for the NoteName More...

#include <Database.hpp>


class  Style

Public Member Functions

 Database ()
 Constructor of a db It scans the directory looking for available styles. More...
void addEntry (const std::string &style, const Data &e)
 Add given entry to the given style. More...
void addEntry (std::string style, std::string fileMelody, std::string fileChords, std::string name)
std::vector< std::string > listEntries (const std::string &style)
 get the name of the entries stored under the given style More...
Data getEntry (const std::string &name, const std::string &style) const
std::vector< DatareadAllEntries (const std::string &style)
std::vector< std::string > getAvailableStyles () const
 returns the name of the known styles More...
void deleteEntry (std::string style, std::string name)
 delete an entry in the given style More...

Detailed Description

input operator for NoteName The format is capital or small letters for the NoteName

ithe stream to read from
nthe NoteName to write in
std::domain_errorif not a NoteName

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Database::Database ( )

Constructor of a db It scans the directory looking for available styles.

stylethe name of the style we want to deal with

Member Function Documentation

void Database::addEntry ( const std::string &  style,
const Data e 

Add given entry to the given style.

stylewhere the entry should be added
ethe entry itself
std::runtime_errorin case of IO error
void Database::addEntry ( std::string  style,
std::string  fileMelody,
std::string  fileChords,
std::string  name 

add create and add a data to a file

stylethe style where the entry should be added
fileMelodythe file where the melody is stored
fileChordsthe file where the chord progression is stored
namethe name of the entry.
void Database::deleteEntry ( std::string  style,
std::string  name 

delete an entry in the given style

styleName of the style
nameName of the entry to delete
std::vector<std::string> Database::getAvailableStyles ( ) const

returns the name of the known styles

vector of string of the name of ths styles
Data Database::getEntry ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  style 
) const

Retrieve an entry given its name.

stylethe name of the style of music.
datanamethe name of the entry we want to retrieve.
the entry which has this name.
std::vector<std::string> Database::listEntries ( const std::string &  style)

get the name of the entries stored under the given style

stylename of the style
a list of name of the entries
std::vector<Data> Database::readAllEntries ( const std::string &  style)

Retrieve all the entries for the given style

stylename of the style we want to retrieve.
the vector of the Data entries.

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