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Chord Struct Reference

Describe a chord. More...

#include <Music.hpp>

Public Types

enum  ChordType {
  ChordType::Minor, ChordType::Major, ChordType::Sus4, ChordType::Sus2,
  ChordType::Dim, ChordType::Aug
 Describes the type of the third note in the chord. More...
enum  SeventhType { Major, Minor, Dim, None }
 Describes the Type of the fourth note of the chord. More...
using ChordID = unsigned

Public Member Functions

std::vector< CompleteNoteNamegetNotes () const __attribute__((pure))
 transform a chord into notes More...
 Chord (Fraction d=4, const CompleteNoteName &b=CompleteNoteName(), const SeventhType &s=SeventhType::None, const ChordType &c=ChordType::Major)
 Constructor with parameters. More...
bool operator== (const Chord &o) const __attribute__((pure))
 Equality operator for Chord. More...
bool operator!= (const Chord &o) const __attribute__((pure))
 Inequality operator for Chord. More...
 Chord (ChordID id)
 operator ChordID () const

Static Public Member Functions

static const std::vector
< CompleteNoteName > & 
getNotes (ChordID c)

Public Attributes

Fraction m_duration
 Hold the duration of the chord, in fraction of the bar it is played in. SHOULD BE DELETED ?
CompleteNoteName m_base
 Name of the base name of the note.
SeventhType m_seventh
 if it's not None, the seventh is added according to this value (Dim = double Flat)
ChordType m_type
 Type of the chord.

Static Public Attributes

static const unsigned nbChords = 6*4*12

Detailed Description

Describe a chord.

A chord is characterized by a base note, a duration (fraction of the measure) and some alteration.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Chord::ChordType

Describes the type of the third note in the chord.


Describes a minor chord, meaning that the first third is a minor third.


Describes a major chord, meaning that the first third is a major third.


Describes a suspended fourth chord, meaning that the third is replaced by a forth.


Describes a suspended second chord, meaning that the third is replaced by a second.


Describes a diminished chord, composed of a minor third and a diminished fifth.


Describes a augmented chord, in which the fifth is augmented.

enum Chord::SeventhType

Describes the Type of the fourth note of the chord.

Describe the nature of the chord.

By default, a chord is a triad composed of a base note, a third, and a fifth over it.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Chord::Chord ( Fraction  d = 4,
const CompleteNoteName b = CompleteNoteName(),
const SeventhType s = SeventhType::None,
const ChordType c = ChordType::Major 

Constructor with parameters.

dDuration of the chord, in fraction of the bar it is played in.
bName of the base name of the note
sType of the seventh
cType of the chord

Member Function Documentation

std::vector<CompleteNoteName> Chord::getNotes ( ) const

transform a chord into notes

vector of size 3 (or 4) containing the notes of the chord
bool Chord::operator!= ( const Chord o) const

Inequality operator for Chord.

bool Chord::operator== ( const Chord o) const

Equality operator for Chord.


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