


2019- Research in mechanics of plant development (PhD) Olivier Hamant's team, RDP, Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon (Lyon, France) Mechanical signals and developmental plasticity, role of CrRLKs
  • Participated to the writing of a review (Trinh et al., 2021), wrote a research paper (Malivert et al., 2021)
  • Designing, conducting and analysing experiments studying the role of mechanosensors in the environmental response of A. thaliana

2019 Research in plant cell biology (6-month internship) Staffan Persson's team, The University of Melbourne (Melbourne, Australia) Exploring the role of two microtubule-associated proteins in cell wall synthesis and mechanics
  • Adapted protocols of biochemistry and conducted experiments of microscopy to characterize the role of CMU1 and IQD2 in cellulose synthesis, as well as their link to microtubules in A. thaliana

2017-2019 Research in mechanics of plant development (two 6-month internship) Olivier Hamant's team, RDP, ENS de Lyon (Lyon, France) A four-step genetic screen suggests a prominent role of FERONIA in the molecular response of plant cells to mechanical signals
  • Wrote and published a review (Malivert et al., 2018)
  • Tested the phenotype of forty-two mutants in the response to mechanical stress in A. thaliana (Malivert et al., 2021)

2017 Research in plant developmental plasticity (5-month internship) Henrik Jönsson's team, The Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge University (United Kingdom) SHOOT MERISTEMLESS is involved in developmental plasticity in Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem
  • Conducted molecular biology and microscopy experiments studying the shoot apical mersitem adaptation to hormones and environmental conditions (light, nutrients) in A. thaliana
  • Participated to a research article (Landrein et al., 2018)

2016 Research in ecology and bioinformatics (7-week internship) Bernard Reynaud's team, Pôle 3P CIRAD Réunion (Saint-Pierre, Réunion, France) Comparative analysis of two methods to automatically analyse electropenetrography signals
  • Conducted electropenetrography experiments on corn delphacidae, manually and automatically analysed the results, quantitatively compared the different analysis modes

