Outreach & Science Communication

SciComm Lab @BrandeisUniversity

I am actually a Fellow of the Brandeis Science Communication Lab, a resource center that offers individual coaching, targeted workshops and a range of initiatives to support the MRSEC community with the skills they need to communicate the process and results of their incredible science to any audience in written, spoken or visual form.

Outreach article about Active Matter

In collaboration with Pr. Denis Bartolo, I wrote an outreach article for the French journal « La Recherche« , about active flows.

Collaboration with an artist

During my Ph.D., I collaborated with Alex Andrix, an artist who is inspired by research in Physics to create virtual reality movies. The work « Variations Physique vol.2 » is centered on the simulation of interacting particles and the emergence of collective motion. It has been presented during several outreach events, e.g. the Fête de la Science at the ENS of Lyon or the 80 years of the CNRS at the Musée des Confluences in Lyon in 2019. During those events, I enjoyed presenting the movie to a large audience, mostly non-scientists, with whom the exchanges were numerous and very enriching.