Machine Learning
- Intermediate delivery: March 19th (you provide a first solution for an early feedback)
- 10' videos due Sunday April 11th at last (please send us a link valid up to April 15th at least); the video should be inspired by the report writing guidelines
- Defenses: Wednesday April 14th pm
in presence, salle Condorcet online, due to the latest COVID measures (we use BBB of "portail des études" by default and Zoom in case of a technical problem
- 14h00 Simon Raul, Gaspard Thevenon, Idriss Gouigah, Ugo Insalaco, Martin Petitjean
Automatiser la détection d’apnée du sommeil
- 14h20 Guilhem Niot, Alexandre Variengien, Elias Suvanto, Timothé Picavet et Yann Aguettaz
Detecting Sleep Apnea from raw physiological signals
- 14h40 Sasha Darmon, Pierre Marrec, Adrien Pontlevy, Bastien Girault, Malory Marin
Interpreting neural networks predictions for multi-label classification of music catalogs
- 15h00 Yoann Poupart
Regional climate forecast
- 15h20 Julien Moreau et Antoine Lavandier
ML Project: detecting Sleep Apnea from raw physiological signals
- 15h40 Max Dedieu, Suban Suresh, Mickael Daveau, Manon Schieber, Victor Espuna, Timothée Galtier
CFM: stock trading: prediction of auction volume
- 16h00 Morisset Lucas, Amir Nikabadi, Emilie Vidal, Israel Campero Jurado
Regional Climate Forecast
- 16h20 Aymane S'Guiar, Anas Zilali, and Léo Gonçalves
Reconstruction of Liquet Asset Performance
- 16h40 Mattéo Clémot, Maël Feurgard, Ataollah Kamal, Emile Touileb and Théo Boury
Detecting Sleep Apnea from raw physiological signals
Give a look at the others' videos! (links are above)
and don't forget to
fill the form and give your feedback on the course!
Distant access to online lectures:
BBB link (warning! has changed now to the BBB of "portail des études") for the TDs and for the lectures by Aurélien Garivier
Zoom link for the lectures by Yohann de Castro (19.01, 02.02, 23.02, 9.03 and 23.03)
BBB temporaire
backup discord server: please create an account in case of a problem!
Lectures: Tuesday 10:15-12:15
Hands-on sessions: Thursday 15:45-17:45
Homework 1
Homework 2 due March 26th: please send to
Yohann de Castro
Homework 3 due April 9th: please send to
Aurélien Garivier
Info coronavirus:
For the Friday 27th March lecture, you will find below:
For the Friday 20th March lecture, you will find below:
Yohann de Castro, Aurélien Garivier
Course description
The aim of this Master 1 Informatique Fondamentale course is to introduce the basic theory and algorithms of Machine Learning.
Topics to be taught (may be modified) ~20h of lectures + 20h of lab sessions.
- General introduction to Machine Learning: learning settings, curse of dimensionality, overfitting/underfitting, etc.
- Overview of Supervised Learning Theory: True risk versus empirical risk, loss functions, regularization, bias/variance trade-off, complexity measures, generalization bounds.
- Linear/Logistic/Polynomial Regression: batch/stochastic gradient descent, closed-form solution.
- Sparsity in Convex Optimization.
- Support Vector Machines: large margin, primal problem, dual problem, kernelization, etc.
- Neural Networks, Deep Learning.
- Theory of boosting: Ensemble methods, Adaboost, theoretical guarantees.
- Non-parametric Methods (K-Nearest-Neighbors)
- Domain Adaptation
- Metric Learning
- Optimal Transport
Class Notes and Exercises
- Slides: Introduction, Clustering, Dimensionality reduction, Introduction to supervised learning (version 2021), CART algorithm, ERM, perceptron, convexification of risk, Robert Schapire's slides on Boosting, Structural Risk Minimization and SVM, deep learning, reinforcement learning
- Some videos of the lectures: Clustering, Introduction to supervised learning,
ERM, perceptron, convexification of risk, Structural Risk Minimization, SVM and kernels
- Class notes (written by the students after each lecture).
- Exercises for Hands-on Sessions: correction of TD 1, correction of TP1, correction of TD 2, correction of TD 3, correction of TD 4, correction of TD 5, correction of TD 6, correction of TD 7
(corrections by Clément Lalanne)
- Notebooks for the hands-on sessions: text clustering, dimensionality reduction for MNIST classification
(correction), Bias-variance tradeoff for k-nearest neighbors (correction), Fairness and classification on the adult data set,
Kernel SVM for time series, Deep Learning, Reinforcemnet Learning: retail store management (julia version with a few more things)
- Projects on challengedata, Data for the Windmill Detection Project
Basic knowledge of probability theory, linear algebra and analysis over the reals
50% final exam, 50% project and in-class exercises.
- Statistical Learning Theory, V. Vapnik, Wiley, 1998
- Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell, MacGraw Hill, 1997
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, M. Bishop, 2013
- Convex Optimization, Stephen Boyd & Lieven Vandenberghe, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
- On-line Machine Learning courses: