
Journal Papers:

TITLE = {Non-Asymptotic Sequential Tests for Overlapping Hypotheses and application to near optimal arm identification in bandit models},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier and Emilie Kaufmann},
YEAR = {May. 2019},
HAL = {02123833},
TITLE = {A Review on Quantile Regression for Stochastic Computer Experiments},
AUTHOR = {Léonard Torossian and Victor Picheny and Robert Faivre and Aurélien Garivier},
YEAR = {Jan. 2019},
ARXIV = {1901.07874 },
HAL = {02010735},
TITLE = {L'IA du Quotidien peut elle être Éthique ? : Loyauté des Algorithmes d'Apprentissage Automatique },
AUTHOR = {Philippe Besse and Céline Castets-Renard and Aurélien Garivier and Jean-Michel Loubès},
JOURNAL = {Statistique et Société},
YEAR = {Dec. 2018},
VOLUME = {6},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {9--31},
ARXIV = {1810.01729},
HAL = {01886699},
TITLE = {Explore First, Exploit Next: The True Shape of Regret in Bandit Problems},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier and Pierre Ménard and Gilles Stoltz},
JOURNAL = {Mathematics of Operations Research},
YEAR = {Sep. 2018},
ARXIV = {1602.07182},
HAL = {01276324},
TITLE = {KL-UCB-switch: optimal regret bounds for stochastic bandits from both a distribution-dependent and a distribution-free viewpoints},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier and Hédi Hadiji and Pierre Ménard and Gilles Stoltz},
YEAR = {May. 2018},
ARXIV = {1805.05071},
HAL = {01785705},
TITLE = {Learning the distribution with largest mean: two bandit frameworks},
AUTHOR = {Emilie Kaufmann and Aurélien Garivier},
JOURNAL = {ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys},
YEAR = {Dec. 2017},
VOLUME = {60},
PAGES = {114--131},
ARXIV = {1702.00001},
HAL = {01449822},
TITLE = {A note on perfect simulation for exponential random graph models},
AUTHOR = {Andressa Cerqueira and Aurélien Garivier and Florencia Leonardi},
YEAR = {Oct. 2017},
ARXIV = {1710.00873},
TITLE = {Les systèmes de recommandations en ligne},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier},
JOURNAL = {Les Big Data à Découvert, Editions CNRS},
YEAR = {Mar. 2017},
TITLE = {Diversified Bandit: the k-diversified Multiple-Play Recommendation Algorithm},
AUTHOR = {Max Chevalier and Aurélien Garivier and Jonathan Louëdec and Josiane Mothe},
YEAR = {Mar. 2017},
TITLE = {Bregman superquantiles. Estimation methods and applications. },
AUTHOR = {Tatiana Labopin-Richard and Fabrice Gamboa and Aurélien Garivier and Bertrand Iooss},
JOURNAL = {Dependence Modeling},
YEAR = {Mar. 2016},
VOLUME = {4},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {76--108},
ARXIV = { 1405.6677},
HAL = {00996440},
TITLE = {Conditional quantile sequential estimation for stochastic codes},
AUTHOR = {Tatiana Labopin-Richard and Aurélien Garivier and Fabrice Gamboa},
YEAR = {Feb. 2016},
ARXIV = {1508.06505},
HAL = {01187329},
TITLE = {On the Complexity of Best Arm Identification in Multi-Armed Bandit Models},
AUTHOR = {Emilie Kaufmann and Olivier Cappé and Aurélien Garivier},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Machine Learning Research},
YEAR = {Jan. 2016},
VOLUME = {17},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {1--42},
ARXIV = {1407.4443},
HAL = {01024894},
TITLE = {Modélisation Aléatoire et Statistique - Journées MAS 2014 (éditeur)},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier},
JOURNAL = {ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys},
YEAR = {Oct. 2015},
VOLUME = {51},
TITLE = {Perfect Simulation Of Processes With Long Memory: A 'Coupling Into And From The Past' Algorithm},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier},
JOURNAL = {Random Structures and Algorithms },
YEAR = {Mar. 2015},
VOLUME = {46},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {300--319},
ARXIV = {1106.5971},
HAL = {00798388},
TITLE = {Algorithmes de bandits pour la recommandation à tirages multiples},
AUTHOR = {Jonathan Louëdec and Max Chevalier and Aurélien Garivier and Josiane Mothe},
JOURNAL = {Document numérique (Hermès)},
YEAR = {Feb. 2015},
VOLUME = {18},
PAGES = {59--79},
TITLE = {Big Data - Retour vers le Futur 3; De Statisticien à Data Scientist},
AUTHOR = {Philippe Besse and Aurélien Garivier and Jean-Michel Loubès},
JOURNAL = {Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information},
YEAR = {Mar. 2014},
VOLUME = {19},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {93--105},
ARXIV = {1403.3758},
HAL = {00959267},
TITLE = {Kullback-Leibler Upper Confidence Bounds for Optimal Sequential Allocation},
AUTHOR = {Olivier Cappé and Aurélien Garivier and Odalric-Ambrym Maillard and Rémi Munos and Gilles Stoltz},
JOURNAL = {Annals of Statistics},
YEAR = {Jun. 2013},
VOLUME = {41},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {1516--1541},
ARXIV = {1210.1136 },
HAL = {00738209},
TITLE = {Joint Estimation of Intersecting Context Tree Models},
AUTHOR = {Antonio Galves and Aurélien Garivier and Elisabeth Gassiat},
JOURNAL = {Scandinavian Journal of Statistics},
YEAR = {Jun. 2013},
VOLUME = {40},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {344--362},
ARXIV = {1102.0673},
HAL = {00738202},
TITLE = {Optimal Discovery with Probabilistic Expert Advice: Finite Time Analysis and Macroscopic Optimality},
AUTHOR = {Sébastien Bubeck and Damien Ernst and Aurélien Garivier},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Machine Learning Research},
YEAR = {Feb. 2013},
VOLUME = {14},
PAGES = {601--623},
TITLE = {Sequential Monte Carlo smoothing for general state space Hidden Markov Models},
AUTHOR = {Randal Douc and Aurélien Garivier and Eric Moulines and Jimmy Olsson},
JOURNAL = {Annals of Applied Probability},
YEAR = {Dec. 2011},
VOLUME = {21},
NUMBER = {6},
PAGES = {2109--2145},
ARXIV = {1202.2945},
HAL = {00839311},
TITLE = {Context Tree Selection: A Unifying View},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier and Florencia Leonardi},
JOURNAL = { Stochastic Processes and their Applications},
YEAR = {Nov. 2011},
VOLUME = {121},
NUMBER = {11},
PAGES = {2488--2506},
ARXIV = {1011.2424},
TITLE = {Optimally Sensing a Single Channel Without Prior Information: The Tiling Algorithm and Regret Bounds},
AUTHOR = {Sarah Filippi and Olivier Cappé and Aurélien Garivier},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing},
YEAR = {Feb. 2011},
VOLUME = {5},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {68--76},
ARXIV = {0908.0319},
HAL = {00408867},
TITLE = {On Approximate Maximum Likelihood Methods for Blind Identification: How to Cope with the Curse of Dimensionality},
AUTHOR = {Steffen Barembruch and Aurélien Garivier and Eric Moulines},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing},
YEAR = {Nov. 2009},
VOLUME = {57},
NUMBER = {11},
PAGES = {4247--4259},
TITLE = {A Lower-bound for the Maximin Redundancy in Pattern Processes},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier},
JOURNAL = {Entropy},
YEAR = {Oct. 2009},
VOLUME = {11},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {634--642},
TITLE = {A MDL approach to HMM with Poisson and Gaussian emissions. Application to order identification},
AUTHOR = {Antoine Chambaz and Aurélien Garivier and Elisabeth Gassiat},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
YEAR = {Mar. 2009},
VOLUME = {139},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {962--977},
TITLE = {Coding on countably infinite alphabets},
AUTHOR = {Stéphane Boucheron and Aurélien Garivier and Elisabeth Gassiat},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
YEAR = {Jan. 2009},
VOLUME = {55},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {358--373},
ARXIV = {0801.2456},
HAL = {00121892},
TITLE = {Redundancy of the Context-Tree Weighting Method on Renewal and Markov Renewal Processes},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
YEAR = {Dec. 2006},
VOLUME = {52},
NUMBER = {12},
PAGES = {5579--5586},
TITLE = {Consistency of the unlimited BIC Context Tree estimator},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
YEAR = {Oct. 2006},
VOLUME = {52},
NUMBER = {10},
PAGES = {4630--4635},
TITLE = {Oracle approach in context tree estimation},
AUTHOR = {Matthieu Lerasle and Aurélien Garivier},
ARXIV = {1111.2191},

Conference Papers:

TITLE = {X-Armed Bandits: Optimizing Quantiles and Other Risks },
AUTHOR = {Léonard Torossian and Aurélien Garivier and Victor Picheny},
YEAR = {Apr. 2019},
ARXIV = {1904.08205},
HAL = {02101647},
TITLE = {Sequential Test for the Lowest Mean: From Thompson to Murphy Sampling},
AUTHOR = {Emilie Kaufmann and Wouter M. Koolen and Aurélien Garivier},
BOOKTITLE = {Neural Information Processing Systems},
YEAR = {Dec. 2018},
ARXIV = {1806.00973},
HAL = {01804581},
TITLE = {Profitable Bandits},
AUTHOR = {Mastane Achab and Stéphan Clémençon and Aurélien Garivier},
BOOKTITLE = {Asian Conference on Machine Learning},
LOCATION = {Beijing, China},
YEAR = {Nov. 2018},
ARXIV = {1805.02908},
TITLE = {Optimization of a SSP's Header Bidding Strategy using Thompson Sampling},
AUTHOR = {Grégoire Jauvion and Nicolas Grislain and Pascal Dkengne Sielenou and Aurélien Garivier and Sébastien Gerchinovitz},
BOOKTITLE = {Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining },
LOCATION = {London, GB},
YEAR = {Aug. 2018},
HAL = {01822524},
TITLE = {A minimax and asymptotically optimal algorithm for stochastic bandits},
AUTHOR = {Pierre Ménard and Aurélien Garivier},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithmic Learning Theory},
LOCATION = {Kyoto, Japan},
YEAR = {Oct. 2017},
PAGES = {223--237},
ARXIV = {1702.07211},
HAL = {01475078},
TITLE = {Thresholding Bandit for Dose-ranging: The Impact of Monotonicity},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier and Pierre Ménard and Laurent Rossi},
YEAR = {Oct. 2017},
ARXIV = {1711.04454},
HAL = {01629479},
TITLE = {Max K-armed bandits: On the ExtremeHunter algorithm and beyond},
AUTHOR = {Mastane Achab and Stéphan Clémençon and Aurélien Garivier and Anne Sabourin and Claire Vernade},
BOOKTITLE = {European Conference on Machine Learning},
LOCATION = {Skopje, Macedonia},
YEAR = {Sep. 2017},
TITLE = {On Explore-Then-Commit Strategies},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier and Emilie Kaufmann and Tor Lattimore},
BOOKTITLE = {Neural Information Processing Systems},
LOCATION = {Barcelona, Spain},
YEAR = {Dec. 2016},
ARXIV = {1605.08988},
HAL = {01322906},
TITLE = {Algorithme de bandit et obsolescence : un modèle pour la recommandation},
AUTHOR = {Jonathan Louëdec and Laurent Rossi and Max Chevalier and Aurélien Garivier and Josiane Mothe},
BOOKTITLE = {Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique},
LOCATION = {Marseille, France},
YEAR = {Jul. 2016},
TITLE = {Maximin Action Identification: A New Bandit Framework for Games },
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier and Emilie Kaufmann and Wouter M. Koolen},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference On Learning Theory},
LOCATION = {New York, USA},
YEAR = {Jun. 2016},
PAGES = {1028--1050},
ARXIV = {1602.04676},
HAL = {01273842},
TITLE = {Optimal Best Arm Identification with Fixed Confidence },
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier and Emilie Kaufmann},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference On Learning Theory},
LOCATION = {New York, USA},
YEAR = {Jun. 2016},
PAGES = {998--1027},
ARXIV = {1602.04589},
HAL = {01273838},
TITLE = {Systèmes de recommandations : algorithmes de bandits et évaluation expérimentale},
AUTHOR = {Jonathan Louëdec and Max Chevalier and Aurélien Garivier and Josiane Mothe},
BOOKTITLE = {Journées de statistiques},
LOCATION = {Lille},
YEAR = {Jun. 2015},
TITLE = {A Multiple-play Bandit Algorithm Applies to Recommender Systems},
AUTHOR = {Jonathan Louëdec and Max Chevalier and Josiane Mothe and Aurélien Garivier and Sébastien Gerchinovitz},
BOOKTITLE = {Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference},
LOCATION = {Hollywood, Florida, USA},
YEAR = {May. 2015},
PAGES = {67--72},
TITLE = {Algorithmes de bandit pour les systèmes de recommandation : le cas de multiples recommandations simultanées},
AUTHOR = {Jonathan Louëdec and Max Chevalier and Aurélien Garivier and Josiane Mothe},
BOOKTITLE = {Conférence en Recherche d’Information et Applications},
LOCATION = {Paris, France},
YEAR = {Mar. 2015},
PAGES = {73--88},
TITLE = {Poursuite d'étude après un IUT STID : l'exemple du Cursus de Master en Ingénierie Statistique et Informatique Décisionnelle de Toulouse},
AUTHOR = {Cécile Chouquet and Aurélien Garivier},
BOOKTITLE = {Journées de statistiques},
LOCATION = {Rennes},
YEAR = {Jun. 2014},
HAL = {00977409},
TITLE = {On the Complexity of A/B Testing},
AUTHOR = {Emilie Kaufmann and Olivier Cappé and Aurélien Garivier},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference On Learning Theory},
LOCATION = {Barcelona, Spain},
YEAR = {Jun. 2014},
PAGES = {461--481},
ARXIV = {1405.3224},
HAL = {00990254},
TITLE = {Informational Confidence Bounds for Self-Normalized Averages and Applications},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier},
BOOKTITLE = {IEEE Information Theory Workshop},
LOCATION = {Seville, Spain},
YEAR = {Sep. 2013},
PAGES = {489--493},
ARXIV = {1309.3376},
HAL = {00862062},
TITLE = {Optimal Discovery with Probabilistic Expert Advice},
AUTHOR = {Sébastien Bubeck and Damien Ernst and Aurélien Garivier},
BOOKTITLE = {IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
LOCATION = {Hawaï},
YEAR = {Dec. 2012},
PAGES = {6808--6812},
ARXIV = {1110.5447},
TITLE = {On Bayesian Upper Confidence Bounds for Bandit Problems},
AUTHOR = {Emilie Kaufmann and Olivier Cappé and Aurélien Garivier},
BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics},
LOCATION = {La Palma, Canary Islands},
YEAR = {Apr. 2012},
PAGES = {592--600},
TITLE = {On Upper-Confidence Bound Policies for Non-stationary Bandit Problems},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier and Eric Moulines},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithmic Learning Theory},
LOCATION = {Espoo, Finland},
YEAR = {Oct. 2011},
PAGES = {174--188},
ARXIV = {0805.3415},
HAL = {00281392},
TITLE = {The KL-UCB Algorithm for Bounded Stochastic Bandits and Beyond},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier and Olivier Cappé},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference On Learning Theory},
LOCATION = {Budapest, Hungary},
YEAR = {Jul. 2011},
PAGES = {359--376},
ARXIV = {1102.2490},
TITLE = {Parametric Bandits: The Generalized Linear Case},
AUTHOR = {Sarah Filippi and Olivier Cappé and Aurélien Garivier and Csaba Szepesvári},
BOOKTITLE = {Neural Information Processing Systems},
LOCATION = {Vancouver, Canada},
YEAR = {Dec. 2010},
TITLE = {Optimism in Reinforcement Learning and Kullback-Leibler Divergence},
AUTHOR = {Sarah Filippi and Olivier Cappé and Aurélien Garivier},
BOOKTITLE = {Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing},
LOCATION = {Urbana-Champaign, USA},
YEAR = {Sep. 2010},
PAGES = {115--122},
ARXIV = {1004.5229},
HAL = {00476116},
TITLE = {Bandits contextuels: apprentissage par renforcement dans les modèles linéaires généralisés},
AUTHOR = {Sarah Filippi and Olivier Cappé and Aurélien Garivier and Csaba Szepesvári},
BOOKTITLE = { Journées Francophones Planification, Décision, et Apprentissage pour la conduite de systèmes},
LOCATION = {Besançon, France},
YEAR = {Jun. 2010},
TITLE = {Pseudo Regenerative Block-Bootstrap for Hidden Markov Models},
AUTHOR = {Stéphan Clémençon and Aurélien Garivier and Jessica Tressou},
BOOKTITLE = {IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop},
LOCATION = {Cardiff, Wales (UK)},
YEAR = {Aug. 2009},
PAGES = {465--468},
TITLE = {On Approximate Maximum Likelihood Methods for Blind Identification: How to Cope with the Curse of Dimensionality},
AUTHOR = {Steffen Barembruch and Aurélien Garivier and Eric Moulines},
BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications},
LOCATION = {Recife, Brasil},
YEAR = {Jun. 2008},
PAGES = {639--643},
TITLE = {On Optimal Sampling for Particle Filtering in Digital Communication},
AUTHOR = {Steffen Barembruch and Aurélien Garivier and Eric Moulines},
BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications},
LOCATION = {Recife, Brasil},
YEAR = {Jun. 2008},
PAGES = {634--638},
TITLE = {An event spacing experiment},
AUTHOR = {Anthony Winstanley and Aurélien Garivier and Mark R. Greenstreet},
BOOKTITLE = {International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems},
LOCATION = {Manchester, UK},
YEAR = {Apr. 2002},
PAGES = {47--56},

Other Publications:

TITLE = {Analyse d'algorithmes pour l'estimation et l'optimisation stochastiques},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier},
HOWPUBLISHED = {Mémoire d'habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR)},
YEAR = {Nov. 2011},
TITLE = {Modèles contextuels et alphabets infinis en théorie de l'information},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier},
HOWPUBLISHED = {Mémoire de thèse (PhD dissertation)},
YEAR = {Nov. 2006},
TITLE = {Parsing et codage universel},
AUTHOR = {Aurélien Garivier},
HOWPUBLISHED = {Rapport de DEA (Master's dissertation)},
YEAR = {Sep. 2003},