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New contracts, new opened positions !


We will develop density functional tight-binding (DFTB) for addressing two issues: DFTB is, in principle, capable of capturing the many-body terms and is roughly three orders of magnitude faster than DFT, so that investigating the flexibility and reorganization at the metal/liquid interface becomes feasible. However, to date no accurate DFTB parametrization is available for the archetypical Pt/H/C/O systems, which would be needed for investigating the biomass conversion at the Pt interface. Filling this parameter-gap will be the main task of the post-Doc position. Applications in the context of polyol transformation in collaboration with local experimental partners are planned to demonstrate the usefulness of the developed parameters for real-life heterogeneous catalysis.

We are currently looking for a 24 months postdoc!


We will study a new concept in heterogeneous catalysis based on « core-shell » structures, where the active phase (metallic nanoparticles) is covered by an oxide that is used as a support. This system contrasts frommost of the reported studies. Our preliminary results highlight that TiO2@Au@SiO2 core-shell catalystssurprisingly show superior performances in photocatalytic hydrogen generation (10-fold higher activity) andselective oxidation of furfural (3 times better). The objective of INGENCat is to provide fundamentalunderstanding of such core-shell catalysts and identify the corresponding active sites. Our ambition is to solvethe mystery around the superior activity of these catalysts as compared to the supported materials. We intendalso to shed the light around their versatile properties in heterogeneous and photocatalysis processes in the liquid phase selective oxidation of furfural. The DFT analysis of the studied materials and reaction will befurther performed.

We are currently looking for a PhD student !

You can contact me by email putting the name of the project in the title.

Welcome to Danish Pannu!

Danish Pannu started a PhD in november 2019 on the Multiscale Molecular Modeling of electrochemical systems: application to batteries. Her PhD is sustained by PSA and IFPEN.

Welcome to Toyese Oyegoke!

Toyese Oyegoke started in November 2019 a Phd thesis on « Engineering the selectivity of polyols oxidation using a multiscale approach combining DFT and kinetic modeling » sustained by a PTD fellowship from Nigeria.

Welcome to Jérôme Rey!

Jérôme Rey started a postdoc on the adsorption of polyols at the gamma-alumina/water interface in the framework of the ROAD4Cat project.

Congratulations to Kamila Kazmierczak!

Kamila successfully defended her PhD thesis on Heterogeneous catalysts for acceptor-less alcohol dehydrogenation – joined experimental and theoretical studies.

Nice stories that came out during the summer…

Two nice stories came out during the Summer. Thanks a lot to all my collaborators for the great work and investement!

If you want to know more about the reactivity of shape-controlled crystals of alumina in water and how metadynamics simulations managed to locate the weak spots responsible for the transformation of this oxide in water, you can visit the Nature Communication website or, for a French brief description, the CNRS website. A work in collaboration with IRCELyon, IFPEN, and UCLA.

Or, if you are more into catalysts activity and in silico screening, you can discover our findings on alcohol amination by heterogeneous catalysts in Nature Catalysis. Again, a brief description in French on the CNRS website. A work in collaboration with Solvay and its E2P2 Lab, UCCS in Lille, UCLA and Ghent University.

Welcome To Akif Ramzan!

Akif Ramzan arrived on Monday the 3rd of December 2018 to start a PhD in computational catalysis in collaboration with E2P2L in Shanghai and IC2MP, Poitiers.