Claude-Pierre Jeannerod

Inria researcher in the AriC team at LIP - ENS de Lyon.

Research interests

Computer algebra, and especially the design and analysis of fast algorithms for structured matrices and polynomial matrices;

Computer arithmetic, and especially fine-grained questions in rounding error analysis as well as implementations of IEEE floating-point arithmetic.


FastTwoSum revisited,
with P. Zimmermann. Preprint, 2025.

Useful applications of correctly-rounded operators of the form ab + cd + e,
with T. Hubrecht and J.-M. Muller. ARITH, 2024. [Best Paper Award]

Towards a correctly-rounded and fast power function in binary64 arithmetic,
with T. Hubrecht and P. Zimmermann. ARITH, 2023 (with pen-and-paper proofs here *, verified formally by L. Rideau and L. Théry *).

Floating-point arithmetic,
with S. Boldo, G. Melquiond, and J.-M. Muller. Acta Numerica, 2023.

High-level algorithms for correctly-rounded reciprocal square roots,
with C. F. Borges and J.-M. Muller. ARITH, 2022.

Further remarks on Kahan summation with decreasing ordering.
Preprint, 2021.

The relative accuracy of (x+y)*(x-y).
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2020 (with an appendix here * , 2021).

Fast computation of approximant bases in canonical form,
with V. Neiger and G. Villard. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2020.

Improving the complexity of block low-rank factorizations with fast matrix arithmetic,
with T. Mary, C. Pernet, and D. Roche. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2019.

On various ways to split a floating-point number,
with J.-M. Muller and P. Zimmermann. ARITH, 2018.

Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic, Second Edition,
with J.-M. Muller (coordinator), N. Brunie, F. de Dinechin, M. Joldes, V. Lefèvre, G. Melquiond, N. Revol, and S. Torres. Birkhäuser, xxv+627 pages, 2018.

On relative errors of floating-point operations: optimal bounds and applications,
with S. M. Rump. Mathematics of Computation, 2018.

Computing minimal interpolation bases,
with V. Neiger, É. Schost, and G. Villard. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2017.

On the relative error of computing complex square roots in floating-point arithmetic,
with J.-M. Muller. ACSSC, 2017.

On matrices with displacement structure: generalized operators and faster algorithms,
with A. Bostan, C. Mouilleron, and É. Schost. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2017.

The classical relative error bounds for computing sqrt(a*a+b*b) and
c/sqrt(a*a+b*b) in binary floating-point arithmetic are asymptotically optimal
with J.-M. Muller and A. Plet. ARITH, 2017.

More accurate complex multiplication for embedded processors,
with C. Monat and L. Thévenoux. SIES, 2017.

Error bounds on complex floating-point multiplication with an FMA,
with P. Kornerup, N. Louvet, and J.-M. Muller. Mathematics of Computation, 2017.

Analyses d'erreur en arithmétique flottante (in French),
with N. Revol. Chapter 5 of the book Informatique Mathématique, une photographie en 2017. B. Salvy (éd.), CNRS Éditions, 2017.

A library for symbolic floating-point arithmetic,
with N. Louvet, J.-M. Muller, and A. Plet - [preprint] - 2016.

Fast computation of minimal interpolation bases in Popov form for arbitrary shifts,
with V. Neiger, É. Schost, and G. Villard. ISSAC 2016.

Sharp error bounds for complex floating-point inversion,
with N. Louvet, J.-M. Muller, and A. Plet. Numerical Algorithms, 2016.

A radix-independent error analysis of the Cornea-Harrison-Tang method.
ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 2016.

Improved error bounds for floating-point products and Horner's scheme,
with S. M. Rump and F. Bünger. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2016.

Exploiting structure in floating-point arithmetic.
MACIS 2015 - [invited paper and talk].

Faster algorithms for multivariate interpolation with multiplicities and simultaneous polynomial approximations,
with M. Chowdhury, V. Neiger, É. Schost, and G. Villard. IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 2015.

Improved backward error bounds for LU and Cholesky factorizations,
with S. M. Rump. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2014.

Further analysis of Kahan's algorithm for the accurate computation of 2 x 2 determinants,
with N. Louvet and J.-M. Muller. Mathematics of Computation, 2013.

Rank-profile revealing Gaussian elimination and the CUP matrix decomposition,
with C. Pernet and A. Storjohann. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2013.

Improved error bounds for inner products in floating-point arithmetic,
with S. M. Rump. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2013.

On the componentwise accuracy of complex floating-point division with an FMA,
with N. Louvet and J.-M. Muller. ARITH-21 Proceedings, Austin, April 2013.

Simultaneous floating-point sine and cosine for VLIW integer processors,
with J. Jourdan-Lu. ASAP'12 Proceedings, Delft, July 2012.

Non-generic floating-point software support for embedded media processing,
with J. Jourdan-Lu and C. Monat. SIES'12 Proceedings, Karlsruhe, June 2012.

How to square floats accurately and efficiently on the ST231 integer processor,
with J. Jourdan-Lu, C. Monat, and G. Revy. ARITH-20 Proceedings, Tübingen, July 2011.

Computing floating-point square roots via bivariate polynomial evaluation,
with H. Knochel, C. Monat, and G. Revy. IEEE Trans. Computers, February 2011.

Midpoints and exact points of some algebraic functions in floating-point arithmetic
with N. Louvet, J.-M. Muller, and A. Panhaleux. IEEE Trans. Computers, February 2011.

Computing specified generators of structured matrix inverses,
with C. Mouilleron. ISSAC'10 Proceedings, Munich, July 2010.

Techniques and tools for implementing IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic on VLIW integer processors,
with C. Bertin, J. Jourdan-Lu, H. Knochel, C. Monat, C. Mouilleron, J.-M. Muller, and G. Revy. PASCO'10 Proceedings, Grenoble, July 2010 (Invited paper and talk).

LEMA: towards a language for reliable arithmetic,
with V. Lefèvre, P. Théveny, F. de Dinechin, C. Mouilleron, D. Pfannholzer, and N. Revol. PLMMS'10 Proceedings, Paris, July 2010; ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, 2010.

Bringing fast floating-point arithmetic into embedded integer processors,
with C. Bertin and C. Monat. HiPEAC Newsletter, 2010.

Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic,
coordinated by J.-M. Muller. Birkhäuser Boston, 572 pages, 2010.

Optimizing correctly-rounded reciprocal square roots for embedded VLIW cores,
with G. Revy. Proceedings of the 43rd Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Asilomar (USA), November 2009.

A new binary floating-point division algorithm and its software implementation on the ST231 processor,
with H. Knochel, C. Monat, G. Revy, and G. Villard. ARITH-19 Proceedings, Portland, June 2009.

Solving structured linear systems of large displacement rank,
with A. Bostan and É. Schost. Theoretical Computer Science, 2008.

Solving Toeplitz- and Vandermonde-like linear systems of large displacement rank,
with A. Bostan and É. Schost. ISSAC'07 Proceedings, Waterloo, July 2007.

Faster floating-point square root for integer processors,
with H. Knochel, C. Monat, and G. Revy. SIES'07 Proceedings, Lisbon, July 2007.

Asymptotically fast polynomial matrix algorithms for multivariable systems,
with G. Villard. International Journal of Control, 2006.

LSP matrix decomposition revisited
Research report RR2006-28, 2006.

... more papers ...



Some recent talks

Arithmétique à virgule flottante, structure des erreurs d'arrondi et certification symbolique, CANUM, Évian-les-Bains, June 2022.

Recent results in fine-grained rounding error analysis, SCAN, Tokyo, September 2018 / U. Manchester, February 2019.

Multiplication and inversion algorithms for matrices with displacement structure, Structured Matrix Days, Limoges, May 2019.

Analyses d'erreur en arithmétique flottante (cours partagé avec N. Revol), Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs du GDR IM, Lyon, January 2017.

Algorithmes pour l'arithmétique, Journées nationales de l'APMEP, Lyon, October 2016.

Analyse d'algorithmes en arithmétique à virgule flottante, RAIM, Banyuls-sur-Mer, June 2016.

Exploiting structure in floating-point arithmetic, MACIS, Berlin, November 2015.

Recent results in rounding error analysis, ICIAM, Beijing, August 2015.

Optimal bounds on relative errors in floating-point arithmetic, SCAN, Würzburg, September 2014.

Analyse d'algorithmes en arithmétique flottante IEEE, AriC, June 2013; Séminaire du département d'informatique de l'ENS de Lyon, December 2014.

Avantages et limites du modèle flottant standard, Congrès SMAI, Seignosse, May 2013.

On Kahan's algorithm for the accurate computation of 2 by 2 determinants, DALI seminar, Perpignan, April 2012 / AriC seminar, Lyon, May 2012 / Institute for Reliable Computing, Hamburg, September 2012.

Preconditioned algorithms for the exact solution of structured linear systems, NASC, Beijing, October 2010.

Techniques and tools for implementing IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic on VLIW integer processors, PASCO, Grenoble, July 2010.

Event (co-)organization

Structured Matrix Days - May 14-15, 2018, LIP, ENS de Lyon.

Rencontres "Arithmétique de l'Informatique Mathématique" (RAIM'17) - October 24-26, 2017, LIP, ENS de Lyon.

22nd IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 22) - June 22-24, 2015, ENS de Lyon.

Tuesday work sessions of the AriC team - from October 2013 to July 2014, LIP, ENS de Lyon.

International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics (SCAN 2010) - September 27-30, 2010, ENS de Lyon.

Rencontres "Arithmétique de l'Informatique Mathématique" (RAIM'09) - October 26-28, 2009, LIP, ENS de Lyon.

Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel (JNCF 2005) - November 21-25, 2005, CIRM, Luminy.

Séminaire du LIP 2003-2004 - from October 2003 to June 2004, LIP, ENS de Lyon.

5th Conference on Real Numbers and Computers (RNC'5) - September 3-5, 2003, LIP, ENS de Lyon.


Office: GN1 Nord 366
Postal Address: Laboratoire LIP, ENS de Lyon, 46 allée d'Italie, F69364 Lyon Cedex