Claude-Pierre Jeannerod | ||||||
Inria researcher
in the AriC team
at LIP - ENS de Lyon. |
Research interests | ||||||
Computer algebra, and especially the design and analysis of fast algorithms for structured matrices and polynomial matrices; | ||||||
Computer arithmetic, and especially fine-grained questions in rounding error analysis as well as implementations of IEEE floating-point arithmetic. | ||||||
Publications | ||||||
FastTwoSum revisited, with P. Zimmermann. Preprint, 2025. |
Useful applications of correctly-rounded operators of the form ab + cd + e, with T. Hubrecht and J.-M. Muller. ARITH, 2024. [Best Paper Award] |
Towards a correctly-rounded and fast power function in binary64 arithmetic, with T. Hubrecht and P. Zimmermann. ARITH, 2023 (with pen-and-paper proofs here *, verified formally by L. Rideau and L. Théry *). |
Floating-point arithmetic, with S. Boldo, G. Melquiond, and J.-M. Muller. Acta Numerica, 2023. |
High-level algorithms for correctly-rounded reciprocal square roots, with C. F. Borges and J.-M. Muller. ARITH, 2022. |
Further remarks on Kahan summation with decreasing ordering. Preprint, 2021. |
The relative accuracy of (x+y)*(x-y). Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2020 (with an appendix here * , 2021). |
Fast computation of approximant bases in canonical form, with V. Neiger and G. Villard. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2020. |
Improving the complexity of block low-rank factorizations with fast matrix arithmetic, with T. Mary, C. Pernet, and D. Roche. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2019. |
On various ways to split a floating-point number, with J.-M. Muller and P. Zimmermann. ARITH, 2018. |
On relative errors of floating-point operations: optimal bounds and applications, with S. M. Rump. Mathematics of Computation, 2018. |
Computing minimal interpolation bases, with V. Neiger, É. Schost, and G. Villard. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2017. |
On the relative error of computing complex square roots in floating-point arithmetic, with J.-M. Muller. ACSSC, 2017. |
On matrices with displacement structure: generalized operators and
faster algorithms, with A. Bostan, C. Mouilleron, and É. Schost. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2017. |
The classical relative error bounds for computing sqrt(a*a+b*b) and c/sqrt(a*a+b*b) in binary floating-point arithmetic are asymptotically optimal, with J.-M. Muller and A. Plet. ARITH, 2017. |
More accurate complex multiplication for embedded processors, with C. Monat and L. Thévenoux. SIES, 2017. |
Error bounds on complex floating-point multiplication with an FMA, with P. Kornerup, N. Louvet, and J.-M. Muller. Mathematics of Computation, 2017. |
Analyses d'erreur en arithmétique flottante (in French), with N. Revol. Chapter 5 of the book Informatique Mathématique, une photographie en 2017. B. Salvy (éd.), CNRS Éditions, 2017. |
A library for symbolic floating-point arithmetic, with N. Louvet, J.-M. Muller, and A. Plet - [preprint] - 2016. |
Fast computation of minimal interpolation bases in Popov form for arbitrary shifts, with V. Neiger, É. Schost, and G. Villard. ISSAC 2016. |
Sharp error bounds for complex floating-point inversion, with N. Louvet, J.-M. Muller, and A. Plet. Numerical Algorithms, 2016. |
A radix-independent error analysis of the Cornea-Harrison-Tang method. ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 2016. |
Improved error bounds for floating-point products and Horner's scheme, with S. M. Rump and F. Bünger. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2016. |
Exploiting structure in floating-point arithmetic. MACIS 2015 - [invited paper and talk]. |
Faster algorithms for multivariate interpolation with multiplicities and simultaneous polynomial approximations, with M. Chowdhury, V. Neiger, É. Schost, and G. Villard. IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 2015. |
Improved backward error bounds for LU and Cholesky factorizations, with S. M. Rump. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2014. |
Further analysis of Kahan's algorithm for the accurate computation of 2 x 2 determinants, with N. Louvet and J.-M. Muller. Mathematics of Computation, 2013. |
Rank-profile revealing Gaussian elimination and the CUP matrix decomposition, with C. Pernet and A. Storjohann. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2013. |
Improved error bounds for inner products in floating-point arithmetic, with S. M. Rump. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2013. |
On the componentwise accuracy of complex floating-point division with an FMA, with N. Louvet and J.-M. Muller. ARITH-21 Proceedings, Austin, April 2013. |
Simultaneous floating-point sine and cosine for VLIW integer processors, with J. Jourdan-Lu. ASAP'12 Proceedings, Delft, July 2012. |
Non-generic floating-point software support for embedded media processing, with J. Jourdan-Lu and C. Monat. SIES'12 Proceedings, Karlsruhe, June 2012. |
How to square floats accurately and efficiently on the ST231 integer processor, with J. Jourdan-Lu, C. Monat, and G. Revy. ARITH-20 Proceedings, Tübingen, July 2011. |
Computing floating-point square roots via bivariate polynomial evaluation,
with H. Knochel, C. Monat, and G. Revy. IEEE Trans. Computers, February 2011. |
Midpoints and exact points of some algebraic functions in floating-point arithmetic
with N. Louvet, J.-M. Muller, and A. Panhaleux. IEEE Trans. Computers, February 2011. |
Computing specified generators of structured matrix inverses, with C. Mouilleron. ISSAC'10 Proceedings, Munich, July 2010. |
Techniques and tools for implementing IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic on VLIW integer processors, with C. Bertin, J. Jourdan-Lu, H. Knochel, C. Monat, C. Mouilleron, J.-M. Muller, and G. Revy. PASCO'10 Proceedings, Grenoble, July 2010 (Invited paper and talk). |
LEMA: towards a language for reliable arithmetic, with V. Lefèvre, P. Théveny, F. de Dinechin, C. Mouilleron, D. Pfannholzer, and N. Revol. PLMMS'10 Proceedings, Paris, July 2010; ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, 2010. |
Bringing fast floating-point arithmetic into embedded integer processors, with C. Bertin and C. Monat. HiPEAC Newsletter, 2010. |
Optimizing correctly-rounded reciprocal square roots for embedded VLIW cores, with G. Revy. Proceedings of the 43rd Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Asilomar (USA), November 2009. |
A new binary floating-point division algorithm and its software implementation on the ST231 processor, with H. Knochel, C. Monat, G. Revy, and G. Villard. ARITH-19 Proceedings, Portland, June 2009. |
Solving structured linear systems of large displacement rank, with A. Bostan and É. Schost. Theoretical Computer Science, 2008. |
Solving Toeplitz- and Vandermonde-like linear systems of large displacement rank, with A. Bostan and É. Schost. ISSAC'07 Proceedings, Waterloo, July 2007. |
Faster floating-point square root for integer processors, with H. Knochel, C. Monat, and G. Revy. SIES'07 Proceedings, Lisbon, July 2007. |
Asymptotically fast polynomial matrix algorithms for multivariable systems, with G. Villard. International Journal of Control, 2006. |
LSP matrix decomposition revisited Research report RR2006-28, 2006. |
... more papers ... |
Software |
FLIP | ||||||
Some recent talks |
Arithmétique à virgule flottante, structure des erreurs d'arrondi et certification symbolique, CANUM, Évian-les-Bains, June 2022. | ||||||
Recent results in fine-grained rounding error analysis, SCAN, Tokyo, September 2018 / U. Manchester, February 2019. | ||||||
Multiplication and inversion algorithms for matrices with displacement structure, Structured Matrix Days, Limoges, May 2019. | ||||||
Analyses d'erreur en arithmétique flottante (cours partagé avec N. Revol), Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs du GDR IM, Lyon, January 2017. | ||||||
Algorithmes pour l'arithmétique, Journées nationales de l'APMEP, Lyon, October 2016. | ||||||
Analyse d'algorithmes en arithmétique à virgule flottante, RAIM, Banyuls-sur-Mer, June 2016. | ||||||
Exploiting structure in floating-point arithmetic, MACIS, Berlin, November 2015. | ||||||
Recent results in rounding error analysis, ICIAM, Beijing, August 2015. | ||||||
Optimal bounds on relative errors in floating-point arithmetic, SCAN, Würzburg, September 2014. | ||||||
Analyse d'algorithmes en arithmétique flottante IEEE, AriC, June 2013; Séminaire du département d'informatique de l'ENS de Lyon, December 2014. | ||||||
Avantages et limites du modèle flottant standard, Congrès SMAI, Seignosse, May 2013. | ||||||
On Kahan's algorithm for the accurate computation of 2 by 2 determinants, DALI seminar, Perpignan, April 2012 / AriC seminar, Lyon, May 2012 / Institute for Reliable Computing, Hamburg, September 2012. | ||||||
Preconditioned algorithms for the exact solution of structured linear systems, NASC, Beijing, October 2010. | ||||||
Techniques and tools for implementing IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic on VLIW integer processors, PASCO, Grenoble, July 2010. | ||||||
Event (co-)organization |
Structured Matrix Days -
May 14-15, 2018, LIP, ENS de Lyon.
Rencontres "Arithmétique de l'Informatique Mathématique" (RAIM'17) -
October 24-26, 2017, LIP, ENS de Lyon.
22nd IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 22) -
June 22-24, 2015, ENS de Lyon.
Tuesday work sessions of the AriC team
- from October 2013 to July 2014,
LIP, ENS de Lyon.
International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics (SCAN 2010) -
September 27-30, 2010, ENS de Lyon.
Rencontres "Arithmétique de l'Informatique Mathématique" (RAIM'09) -
October 26-28, 2009, LIP, ENS de Lyon.
Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel
(JNCF 2005) -
November 21-25, 2005, CIRM, Luminy.
Séminaire du LIP 2003-2004
- from October 2003 to June 2004,
LIP, ENS de Lyon.
5th Conference on
Real Numbers and Computers
(RNC'5) -
September 3-5, 2003, LIP, ENS de Lyon.
Coordinates |