Library GraphTheory.digraph

Require Import Setoid CMorphisms.
Require Relation_Definitions.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import edone preliminaries bij.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Directed Graphs

This file contains a number of constructions and lemmas to reason about paths in (finite) graphs. The most basic notion of a graph is just a type packaged together with a relation.
The underlying type could be more permissive e.g. countType or even eqType. However, this would required a more complicated setup in order to ensure that the coercions to countType and finType (for finite graphs) are not just convertible but indeed equal. Otherwise, some automation using auto fails. So far, we only deal with with finite graphs, so "telescopes" suffice

Record relType := RelType { rel_car :> finType; edge_rel : rel rel_car }.
Notation "x -- y" := (edge_rel x y) (at level 30).
Prenex Implicits edge_rel.

maintain the notation x -- y under simplification

Arguments edge_rel : simpl never.

For G : relType and x, y : G we define two auxiliary notions:
pathp x y p == the list (x::p) is an xy-path in G.
upath x y p == the list (x::p) is an irredundant xy-path in G.
Due to the asymmetry in the definitions of of path,pathp, and upath, these are ill-suited for the symmetry reasoning prevalent in graph theory. We remedy this by providing a type family of packaged paths Path x y which abstracts away this asymmetry. We then lift many of the lemmas from the path library to the setting of simple graphs.

Unpackaged Paths

Section PathP.
Variable (T : relType).
Implicit Types (x y : T) (p : seq T).

Definition pathp x y p := path (@edge_rel T) x p && (last x p == y).

Lemma pathpW y x p : pathp x y p path edge_rel x p.
Proof. by case/andP. Qed.

Lemma pathp_last y x p : pathp x y p last x p = y.
Proof. by case/andP_ /eqP→. Qed.

Lemma pathp_cat x y p1 p2 :
  pathp x y (p1++p2) = (pathp x (last x p1) p1) && (pathp (last x p1) y p2).
Proof. by rewrite {1}/pathp cat_path last_cat /pathp eqxx andbT /= -andbA. Qed.

Lemma pathp_concat x y z p q :
  pathp x y p pathp y z q pathp x z (p++q).
  move ⇒ /andP[A B] /andP [C D].
  rewrite pathp_cat (eqP B) /pathp -andbA. exact/and4P.

Lemma pathpxx x : pathp x x [::].
Proof. exact: eqxx. Qed.

Lemma pathp_nil x y : pathp x y [::] x = y.
Proof. by case/andP_ /eqP. Qed.

Lemma pathp_cons x y z p :
  pathp x y (z :: p) = x -- z && pathp z y p.
Proof. by rewrite -cat1s pathp_cat {1}/pathp /= eqxx !andbT. Qed.

Lemma pathp_rcons x y z p: pathp x y (rcons p z) y = z.
Proof. case/andP_ /eqP <-. exact: last_rcons. Qed.

Lemma rcons_pathp x y p : path edge_rel x (rcons p y) = pathp x y (rcons p y).
Proof. by rewrite /pathp last_rcons eqxx andbT. Qed.

CoInductive pathp_split z x y : seq T Prop :=
  PPSplit p1 p2 : pathp x z p1 pathp z y p2 pathp_split z x y (p1 ++ p2).

Lemma ppsplitP z x y p : z \in x :: p pathp x y p pathp_split z x y p.
  case/splitPlp1 p2 /eqP H1 /andP [H2 H3].
  rewrite cat_path last_cat in H2 H3. case/andP : H2H2 H2'.
  constructor; last rewrite -(eqP H1); exact/andP.

Lemma pathp_shorten x y p :
  pathp x y p p', [/\ pathp x y p', uniq (x::p') & {subset p' p}].
Proof. case/andP. case/shortenPp' ×. by p'. Qed.

Irredundant paths

Definition upath x y p := uniq (x::p) && pathp x y p.

Lemma upathW x y p : upath x y p pathp x y p.
Proof. by case/andP. Qed.

Lemma upathWW x y p : upath x y p path edge_rel x p.
Proof. by move/upathW/pathpW. Qed.

Lemma upath_uniq x y p : upath x y p uniq (x::p).
Proof. by case/andP. Qed.

Lemma upath_cons x y z p :
  upath x y (z::p) = [&& x -- z, x \notin (z::p) & upath z y p].
  rewrite /upath pathp_cons [z::p]lock /= -lock.
  case: (x -- z) ⇒ //. by case (uniq _).

Lemma upath_consE x y z p :
  upath x y (z :: p) [/\ x -- z, x \notin z :: p & upath z y p].
Proof. rewrite upath_cons. by move/and3P. Qed.

Lemma upath_nil x p : upath x x p p = [::].
Proof. case: p ⇒ //= a p /and3P[/= A B C]. by rewrite -(eqP C) mem_last in A. Qed.

End PathP.

Lifting Lemmas for unpackaged paths

Lemma subrel_pathp (T : finType) (e1 e2 : rel T) (x y : T) (p : seq T) :
  subrel e1 e2 @pathp (RelType e1) x y p @pathp (RelType e2) x y p.
  movesub12. elim: p x ⇒ //= z p IHp x. rewrite !pathp_cons ⇒ /andP [A B].
  apply/andP;split; [exact: sub12 | exact: IHp].

Lemma lift_pathp_on (G H : relType) (f : G H) a b p' :
  ( x y, f x \in f a :: p' f y \in f a :: p' f x -- f y x -- y) injective f
  pathp (f a) (f b) p' {subset p' codom f} p, pathp a b p map f p = p'.
  moveA I /andP [B /eqP C] D. case: (lift_path A B D) ⇒ p [p1 p2]; subst.
   p. split ⇒ //. apply/andP. split ⇒ //. rewrite last_map in C. by rewrite (I _ _ C).

Lemma lift_pathp (G H : relType) (f : G H) a b p' :
  ( x y, f x -- f y x -- y) injective f
  pathp (f a) (f b) p' {subset p' codom f} p, pathp a b p map f p = p'.
Proof. moveI. apply: lift_pathp_on. auto. Qed.

Lemma lift_upath_on (G H : relType) (f : G H) a b p' :
  ( x y, f x \in f a :: p' f y \in f a :: p' f x -- f y x -- y) injective f
  upath (f a) (f b) p' {subset p' codom f} p, upath a b p map f p = p'.
  moveA B /andP [C D] E. case: (lift_pathp_on A B D E) ⇒ p [p1 p2].
   p. split ⇒ //. apply/andP. split ⇒ //. by rewrite -(map_inj_uniq B) /= p2.

Lemma lift_upath (G H : relType) (f : G H) a b p' :
  ( x y, f x -- f y x -- y) injective f
  upath (f a) (f b) p' {subset p' codom f} p, upath a b p map f p = p'.
Proof. moveI. apply: lift_upath_on. auto. Qed.

Packaged paths

We now define packaged paths (i.e., a vertex-indexed collection of types Path x y whose elements are the paths between x and y). In particular, this abstracts from the asymmetry in spath x y p which states that x::p is an xy-path (paths are never empty).

Section Pack.
Variables (T : relType).
Implicit Types x y z : T.

Section PathDef.
  Variables (x y : T).

  Record Path : predArgType := { pval : seq T; _ : pathp x y pval }.

  Canonical Path_subType := [subType for pval].
  Definition Path_eqMixin := Eval hnf in [eqMixin of Path by <:].
  Canonical Path_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Path Path_eqMixin.
  Definition Path_choiceMixin := Eval hnf in [choiceMixin of Path by <:].
  Canonical Path_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType Path Path_choiceMixin.
  Definition Path_countMixin := Eval hnf in [countMixin of Path by <:].
  Canonical Path_countType := Eval hnf in CountType Path Path_countMixin.

  Record UPath : predArgType := { uval : seq T; _ : upath x y uval }.

  Canonical UPath_subType := [subType for uval].
  Definition UPath_eqMixin := Eval hnf in [eqMixin of UPath by <:].
  Canonical UPath_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType UPath UPath_eqMixin.
  Definition UPath_choiceMixin := Eval hnf in [choiceMixin of UPath by <:].
  Canonical UPath_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType UPath UPath_choiceMixin.
  Definition UPath_countMixin := Eval hnf in [countMixin of UPath by <:].
  Canonical UPath_countType := Eval hnf in CountType UPath UPath_countMixin.

End PathDef.
End Pack.

Section PathOps.
Variables (T : relType) (x y z : T) (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z).

Definition nodes := locked (x :: val p).
Lemma nodesE : nodes = x :: val p. by rewrite /nodes -lock. Qed.
Definition irred := uniq nodes.
Lemma irredE : irred = uniq nodes. by []. Qed.
Definition tail := val p.

Definition pcat_proof := pathp_concat (valP p) (valP q).
Definition pcat : Path x z := Sub (val p ++ val q) pcat_proof.

Lemma path_last: last x (val p) = y.
Proof. move: (valP p). exact: pathp_last. Qed.

End PathOps.

Definition in_nodes (T : relType) (x y : T) (p : Path x y) : collective_pred T :=
  [pred u | u \in nodes p].
Canonical Path_predType (T : relType) (x y :T) :=
  Eval hnf in @PredType T (Path x y) (@in_nodes T x y).
Coercion in_nodes : Path >-> collective_pred.

Section PathTheory.
Variable (G : relType).
Implicit Types (x y z u : G).

Lemma nodes_eqE x y (p q : Path x y) : (nodes p == nodes q) = (p == q).
  case: q pq pth_q [p pth_p].
  by rewrite !nodesE -val_eqE /= eqseq_cons eqxx.

Lemma mem_path x y (p : Path x y) u : u \in p = (u \in nodes p).
Proof. by rewrite in_collective. Qed.

Section Fixed.
Variables (x y z : G) (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z).

Lemma in_tail : z != x z \in p z \in tail p.
Proof. moveA. by rewrite mem_path nodesE inE (negbTE A). Qed.

Lemma path_end : y \in p.
Proof. by rewrite mem_path nodesE -[in X in X \in _](path_last p) mem_last. Qed.

Lemma path_begin : x \in p.
Proof. by rewrite mem_path nodesE mem_head. Qed.

Lemma mem_pcatT u : (u \in pcat p q) = (u \in p) || (u \in tail q).
Proof. by rewrite !mem_path !nodesE !inE mem_cat -orbA. Qed.

Lemma tailW : {subset tail q q}.
Proof. moveu. rewrite mem_path nodesE. exact: mem_tail. Qed.

Lemma mem_pcat u : (u \in pcat p q) = (u \in p) || (u \in q).
  rewrite mem_pcatT. case A: (u \in p) ⇒ //=.
  rewrite mem_path !nodesE inE (_ : u == y = false) //.
  apply: contraFF A ⇒ /eqP→. exact: path_end.

Lemma nodes_pcat : nodes (pcat p q) = nodes p ++ behead (nodes q).
Proof. by rewrite !nodesE. Qed.

End Fixed.

Lemma pcatA u v x y (p : Path u v) (q : Path v x) (r : Path x y) :
  pcat (pcat p q) r = pcat p (pcat q r).
Proof. apply/eqP. by rewrite -val_eqE /= catA. Qed.

The one-node path

Definition idp (u : G) := Build_Path (pathpxx u).

Lemma mem_idp (x u : G) : (x \in idp u) = (x == u).
Proof. by rewrite mem_path nodesE !inE. Qed.

Lemma irred_idp (x : G) : irred (idp x).
Proof. by rewrite irredE nodesE. Qed.

Lemma pcat_idL (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
  pcat (idp x) p = p.
Proof. exact: val_inj. Qed.

Lemma pcat_idR (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
  pcat p (idp y) = p.
Proof. apply: val_inj ⇒ /=. by rewrite cats0. Qed.

Lemma irredxx (x : G) (p : Path x x) : irred p p = idp x.
  rewrite irredE /tail (lock uniq); case: pp p_pth /=.
  rewrite nodesE /= -lockp_uniq. apply/val_inj ⇒ /=.
  by have /upath_nil→ : upath x x p by rewrite /upath p_uniq p_pth.

Paths with a single edge using an injection from (proofs of) x -- y

Lemma edgep_proof x y (xy : x -- y) : pathp x y [:: y].
Proof. by rewrite pathp_cons xy pathpxx. Qed.

Definition edgep x y (xy : x -- y) := Build_Path (edgep_proof xy).

Lemma mem_edgep x y z (xy : x -- y) :
  z \in edgep xy = (z == x) || (z == y).
Proof. by rewrite mem_path nodesE !inE. Qed.

Lemma mem_pcat_edgeL x y z (xy : x -- y) (p : Path y z) u :
  (u \in pcat (edgep xy) p) = (u == x) || (u \in p).
  rewrite mem_pcat mem_edgep. case: (altP (u =P y)) ⇒ //= →. by rewrite path_begin.

Lemma mem_pcat_edgeR x y z (yz : y -- z) (p : Path x y) u :
  (u \in pcat p (edgep yz)) = (u == z) || (u \in p).
  rewrite mem_pcat mem_edgep.
  case: (altP (u =P y)) ⇒ //= [->|]; by rewrite ?path_end 1?orbC.

Lemma edgeLP x y z (xy : x -- y) (p : Path y z) u :
  reflect (u = x u \in p) (u \in pcat (edgep xy) p).
  rewrite mem_pcat mem_edgep -orbA. apply: (iffP or3P) ⇒ [|[->|->]]; rewrite ?eqxx.
  1: case ⇒ [/eqP->|/eqP->|->]; rewrite ?inE. all: by firstorder using path_begin.

These are easier to prove by breaking the abstraction barrier than by using irred_cat below.

Lemma irred_edge x y (xy: x -- y) : irred (edgep xy) = (x != y).
Proof. by rewrite irredE nodesE /= inE andbT. Qed.

Lemma irred_edgeL y x z1 (xz1 : x -- z1) (p : Path z1 y) :
  irred (pcat (edgep xz1) p) = (x \notin p) && irred p.
Proof. case: pp pth_p. by rewrite !irredE /= mem_path !nodesE /=. Qed.

Lemma irred_edgeR y x z (yz : y -- z) (p : Path x y) :
  irred (pcat p (edgep yz)) = (z \notin p) && irred p.
  rewrite !irredE !mem_path !nodesE /= cats1 rcons_uniq mem_rcons !inE.
  rewrite eq_sym !negb_or. case: (x \notin pval p); by rewrite andbA.

Induction principles for packaged paths

Lemma Path_ind (P : x x0 : G, Path x x0 Type) (y : G) (x : G) (p : Path x y) :
  P y y (idp y)
  ( (x z : G) (p : Path z y) (xz : x -- z), P z y p P x y (pcat (edgep xz) p))
  P x y p.
  moveHbase Hstep. case: p ⇒ [p pth_p].
  elim: p x pth_p ⇒ [|z p IH] x A.
  - have ?: x = y. { exact: pathp_nil. }
    subst y. rewrite [Build_Path _](_ : _ = idp x) //. exact: val_inj.
  - move: {-}(A). rewrite pathp_cons ⇒ /andP [xz B2].
    have → : Build_Path A =
             (pcat (edgep xz) (Build_Path B2)) by exact: val_inj.
    apply: Hstep. exact: IH.

Lemma irred_ind P (y : G) :
  P y y (idp y)
  ( x z (p : Path z y) (xz : x -- z),
      irred p x \notin p P z y p P x y (pcat (edgep xz) p))
   x (p : Path x y), irred p P x y p.
  moveHbase Hstep x p.
  pattern x,y,p. apply: Path_ind ⇒ // {x p} x z p xz IH.
  rewrite irred_edgeL ⇒ /andP[A B]. by apply: Hstep; auto.

Lemma path_closed (A : pred G) x y (p : Path x y) :
  x \in A ( y z, y \in A y -- z z \in A) {subset p A}.
  movexA clos_A. move: xA. pattern x,y,p. apply: Path_ind ⇒ {x p}.
  - moveyA z. by rewrite mem_idp ⇒ /eqP→.
  - movex z p xz IH xA u. rewrite mem_pcat mem_edgep -orbA.
    have ? : z \in A by exact: clos_A xz.
    case/or3P ⇒ [/eqP->|/eqP->|] //. exact: IH.

Lemma uncycle x y (p : Path x y) :
  exists2 p' : Path x y, {subset p' p} & irred p'.
  case: pp pth_p. case/pathp_shorten : (pth_p) ⇒ p' [A B C].
   (Build_Path A). movez. rewrite !mem_path !nodesE !SubK.
  + rewrite !inE. case/predU1P ⇒ [->|/C ->] //. by rewrite eqxx.
  + by rewrite /irred nodesE.

End PathTheory.
Definition inE := (inE,mem_pcat,path_begin,path_end).

NOTE: Up to here, nothing depends on the vertex type being finite. The constuctions below make use of functions that are only defined on finite types, e.g., connect or #|G|

The simple setup above causes the coercion to finType to be different from (but convertible to) the coercions to choiceType. This causes auto and hence trivial and by to fail.

Notation diGraph := relType.
Notation DiGraph := RelType.
Notation di_edge := edge_rel (only parsing).
Goal (T : diGraph) (A : pred T), A \subset [set: T]. by []. Qed.

Section DiGraphTheory.
Variables (D : diGraph).
Implicit Types (x y : D).

Lemma upath_size x y p : upath x y p size p < #|D|.
Proof. move⇒ /upath_uniq/card_uniqP/= <-. exact: max_card. Qed.

CoInductive usplit z x y : seq D Prop :=
  USplit p1 p2 : upath x z p1 upath z y p2 [disjoint x::p1 & p2]
                  usplit z x y (p1 ++ p2).

Lemma usplitP z x y p : z \in x :: p upath x y p usplit z x y p.
  movein_p /andP [U P]. case: (ppsplitP in_p P) Up1 p2 sp1 sp2.
  rewrite -cat_cons cat_uniq -disjoint_has disjoint_sym ⇒ /and3P [? C ?].
  suff H: z \notin p2 by constructor.
  apply/negP. apply: disjointE C _. by rewrite -(pathp_last sp1) // mem_last.

Lemma upathP x y : reflect ( p, upath x y p) (connect di_edge x y).
  apply: (iffP connectP) ⇒ [[p p1 p2]|[p /and3P [p1 p2 /eqP p3]]]; last by p.
   (shorten x p). case/shortenP : p1 p2p' ? ? _ /esym/eqP ?. exact/and3P.

Lemma pathpP x y : reflect ( p, pathp x y p) (connect di_edge x y).
  apply: (iffP idP) ⇒ [|[p] /andP[A /eqP B]]; last by apply/connectP; p.
  case/upathPp /upathW ?. by p.

Section Fixed.
Variables (x y z : D) (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z).

NOTE: rewrite mem_pcat requres digraph_relType to be canonical
Lemma subset_pcatL : p \subset pcat p q.
Proof. apply/subsetPu. by rewrite mem_pcat ⇒ →. Qed.

Lemma subset_pcatR : q \subset pcat p q.
Proof. apply/subsetPu. by rewrite mem_pcat ⇒ →. Qed.

Lemma pcat_subset (A : pred D) : p \subset A q \subset A pcat p q \subset A.
  move ⇒ /subsetP Hp /subsetP Hq. apply/subsetPu.
  rewrite !mem_pcat. case/orP; [exact: Hp|exact: Hq].

This is easy to prove and in some contetxs exactly what is needed. However, it introduces an unpleasant asymmetry between p and q.
Lemma irred_catD :
  irred (pcat p q) = [&& irred p, irred q & [disjoint p & tail q]].
  rewrite /irred {1}/nodes -lock /pcat SubK -cat_cons cat_uniq.
  rewrite -disjoint_has disjoint_sym -nodesE.
  case A : [disjoint _ & _] ⇒ //. case: (uniq (nodes p)) ⇒ //=. rewrite nodesE /=.
  case: (uniq _) ⇒ //=. by rewrite !andbT (disjointFr A _) // path_end.

This lemma is more symmetric than irred_catD, but the set equality is sometimes cumbersome to use.
Lemma irred_cat :
  irred (pcat p q) = [&& irred p, irred q & [set u : D in p | u \in q] == [set y]].
  rewrite /irred {1}nodesE (lock uniq) /= -lock -cat_cons -nodesE cat_uniq.
  congr (_ && _). rewrite (nodesE q) /=. case: uniq ⇒ //; rewrite !andbT.
  - moveH. split; first by apply/negP=>/H/=; rewrite path_end.
    apply/eqP/setPu; rewrite !inE.
    apply/andP/eqP; last by [move=>->; rewrite path_begin path_end].
    caseu_p. rewrite mem_path nodesE inE =>/orP[/eqP//|/H/=]. by rewrite u_p.
  - casezNTq. rewrite eqEsubset =>/andP[/subsetP sub _].
    moveu u_q /=. apply/negPu_p.
    case/(_ u _)/Wrap: sub; rewrite inE.
    + rewrite u_p /=; exact: tailW.
    + apply/negP; by apply: contraNneq zNTq =>{1}<-.

Introduction and elimination lemmas for irred (pcat p q) that avoid the use of set equality
Lemma irred_catI :
  ( k : D, k \in p k \in q k = y) irred p irred q irred (pcat p q).
  moveH Ip Iq. rewrite irred_cat Ip Iq /=. apply/eqP/setPk.
  rewrite !inE. apply/andP/eqP ⇒ [[]|->]. exact: H. by rewrite path_begin path_end.

TODO: This lemma should be used instead of the irred_cat where appropriate
Lemma irred_catE :
  irred (pcat p q) [/\ irred p, irred q & k, k \in p k \in q k = y].
  rewrite irred_cat. case/and3P ⇒ [? ? A]. split ⇒ // k K1 K2.
  apply/eqP. move/eqP/setP/(_ k) : A. by rewrite !inE K1 K2.

End Fixed.

Lemma connect_irredP x y :
  reflect ( p : Path x y, irred p) (connect di_edge x y).
  apply: (iffP (upathP _ _)) ⇒ [[p /andP [U P]]|[p I]].
  + (Sub p P). by rewrite /irred nodesE.
  + (val p). apply/andP;split; by [rewrite /irred nodesE in I| exact: valP].

Lemma Path_connect x y (p : Path x y) : connect di_edge x y.
Proof. apply/pathpP. (val p). exact: valP. Qed.

Splitting Paths

Lemma splitL x y (p : Path x y) :
  x != y z xz (p' : Path z y), p = pcat (edgep xz) p' p' =i tail p.
  movexy. case: pp. elim: p x xy ⇒ [|a p IH] x xy H.
  - move/pathp_nil : (H) ⇒ ?. subst y. by rewrite eqxx in xy.
  - move: (H) ⇒ H'. move: H. rewrite pathp_cons ⇒ /andP [A B].
     a. A. (Build_Path B). split; first exact: val_inj.
    movew. by rewrite in_collective nodesE !inE.

Lemma splitR x y (p : Path x y) :
  x != y z (p' : Path x z) zy, p = pcat p' (edgep zy).
  movexy. case: p. elim/last_ind ⇒ [|p a IH] H.
  - move/pathp_nil : (H) ⇒ ?. subst y. by rewrite eqxx in xy.
  - move: (H) ⇒ H'.
    case/andP : H. rewrite rcons_path ⇒ /andP [A B] C.
    have sP : pathp x (last x p) p by rewrite /pathp A eqxx.
    move: (pathp_rcons H') ⇒ ?; subst a.
     (last x p). (Build_Path sP). B.
    apply: val_inj ⇒ /=. by rewrite cats1.

CoInductive psplit z x y : Path x y Prop :=
  PSplit (p1 : Path x z) (p2 : Path z y) : psplit z (pcat p1 p2).

Lemma psplitP z x y (p : Path x y) : z \in p psplit z p.
  move: (valP p) ⇒ pth_p in_p. rewrite mem_path nodesE in in_p.
  case/(ppsplitP in_p) E : _ / pth_p ⇒ [p1 p2 P1 P2].
  have → : p = pcat (Sub p1 P1) (Sub p2 P2) by exact: val_inj.
  by constructor.

This should be the canonical way to split irredundant paths
CoInductive isplit z x y : Path x y Prop :=
  ISplit (p1 : Path x z) (p2 : Path z y) :
    irred p1 irred p2 ( k, k \in p1 k \in p2 k = z) isplit z (pcat p1 p2).

Lemma isplitP z x y (p : Path x y) : irred p z \in p isplit z p.
  moveI in_p. case/psplitP : _ / in_p Ip1 p2 /irred_catE [*].
  by constructor.

Lemma split_at_first_aux {A : pred D} x y (p : seq D) k :
    pathp x y p k \in A k \in x::p
     z p1 p2, [/\ p = p1 ++ p2, pathp x z p1, pathp z y p2, z \in A
                & z', z' \in A z' \in x::p1 z' = z].
  movepth_p in_A in_p.
  pose n := find A (x::p).
  pose p1 := take n p.
  pose p2 := drop n p.
  pose z := last x p1.
  have def_p : p = p1 ++ p2 by rewrite cat_take_drop.
  move: pth_p. rewrite {1}def_p pathp_cat. case/andPpth_p1 pth_p2.
  have X : has A (x::p) by apply/hasP; k.
   z. p1. p2. split ⇒ //.
  - suff → : z = nth x (x :: p) (find A (x :: p)) by exact: nth_find.
    rewrite /z /p1 last_take // /n -ltnS. by rewrite has_find in X.
  - movez' in_A' in_p'.
    have has_p1 : has A (x::p1) by (apply/hasP; z').
    rewrite /z (last_nth x) -[z'](nth_index x in_p').
    suff → : index z' (x::p1) = size p1 by [].
    apply/eqP. rewrite eqn_leq. apply/andP;split.
    + by rewrite -ltnS -[(size p1).+1]/(size (x::p1)) index_mem.
    + rewrite leqNgt. apply: contraTN in_A'C.
      rewrite -[z'](nth_index x in_p') unfold_in before_find //.
      apply: leq_trans C _.
      have → : find A (x :: p1) = n by rewrite /n def_p -cat_cons find_cat has_p1.
      rewrite size_take. by case: (ltngtP n (size p)) ⇒ [|/ltnW|->].

Lemma split_at_first {A : pred D} x y (p : Path x y) k :
  k \in A k \in p
   z (p1 : Path x z) (p2 : Path z y),
    [/\ p = pcat p1 p2, z \in A & z', z' \in A z' \in p1 z' = z].
  case: pp pth_p /= kA kp. rewrite mem_path nodesE in kp.
  case: (split_at_first_aux pth_p kA kp) ⇒ z [p1] [p2] [def_p pth_p1 pth_p2 A1 A2].
   z. (Build_Path pth_p1). (Build_Path pth_p2). split ⇒ //.
  + subst p. exact: val_inj.
  + move ⇒ ?. rewrite mem_path nodesE. exact: A2.

Lemma irred_is_edge (x y : D) (p : Path x y) :
  irred p x != y {subset p [set x;y]} xy : x -- y, p = edgep xy.
  moveIp xDy sub_xy. case: (splitL p xDy) ⇒ y' [xy'] [p' [def_p _]].
  subst. move: Ip. rewrite irred_edgeL ⇒ /andP[xp' Ip'].
  suff ? : y' = y. { subst. rewrite [p']irredxx // pcat_idR. by xy'. }
  move/(_ y') : sub_xy. rewrite mem_pcat path_begin orbT !inE ⇒ /(_ isT).
  case/orP ⇒ /eqP ?; subst ⇒ //. by rewrite path_begin in xp'.

Between nodes (reflection lemmas)

NOTE: need to require either x != y or x \in A since packaged paths are never empty
Lemma connect_irredRP {A : pred D} x y : x != y
  reflect (exists2 p: Path x y, irred p & p \subset A)
          (connect (restrict A edge_rel) x y).
  moveHxy. apply: (iffP connect_restrictP) ⇒ //.
  - casep [pth_p lst_p uniq_p sub_A].
    have pvalP : pathp x y p by rewrite /pathp pth_p lst_p.
     (Build_Path pvalP); first by rewrite irredE nodesE.
    apply/subsetPz. rewrite mem_path nodesE. exact: sub_A.
  - casep Ip /subsetP subA; (val p).
    by case/andP : (valP p) ⇒ ? /eqP ?; rewrite -nodesE -irredE.

Lemma connect_restrict_case x y (A : pred D) :
  connect (restrict A edge_rel) x y
  x = y [/\ x != y, x \in A, y \in A & connect (restrict A edge_rel) x y].
  case: (altP (x =P y)) ⇒ [|? conn]; first by left.
  case/connect_irredRP : (conn) ⇒ // p _ /subsetP subA.
  right; split ⇒ //; by rewrite subA ?path_end ?path_begin.

Lemma connectRI (A : pred D) x y (p : Path x y) :
  {subset p A} connect (restrict A edge_rel) x y.
  case: (boolP (x == y)) ⇒ [/eqP ?|]; first by subst y; rewrite connect0.
  movexy subA. apply/connect_irredRP ⇒ //. case: (uncycle p) ⇒ p' p1 p2.
   p' ⇒ //. apply/subsetPz /p1. exact: subA.

End DiGraphTheory.
Arguments connect_irredRP {D A x y}.
Arguments connectRI {D A x y} p.
Arguments irred_is_edge [D x y] p.

Section DiPathTheory.
Variable (G : diGraph).
Implicit Types (x y z : G).

Section Finite.
  Variables x y : G.
  Notation UPath := (UPath x y).

  Definition UPath_tuple (up : UPath) : {n : 'I_#|G| & n.-tuple G} :=
    let (p, Up) := up in existT _ (Ordinal (upath_size Up)) (in_tuple p).
  Definition tuple_UPath (s : {n : 'I_#|G| & n.-tuple G}) : option UPath :=
    let (_, p) := s in match boolP (upath x y p) with
      | AltTrue UpSome (Sub (val p) Up)
      | AltFalse _None
  Lemma UPath_tupleK : pcancel UPath_tuple tuple_UPath.
    move⇒ [/= p Up].
    case: {-}_ / boolP; last by rewrite Up.
    by moveUp'; rewrite (bool_irrelevance Up' Up).

  Definition UPath_finMixin := Eval hnf in PcanFinMixin UPath_tupleK.
  Canonical UPath_finType := Eval hnf in FinType UPath UPath_finMixin.

  Definition UPathW (up : UPath) : Path x y := let (p, Up) := up in Sub p (upathW Up).
End Finite.

Packaged Irredundant Paths

Quantification over all paths is, a priori, undecidable. However, quantification over irredundant paths is decidable and usually sufficient. We define a type family of irredundant paths and endow it with a finType structure.

Section IPath.
  Variables (x y : G).
  Record IPath : predArgType := { ival : Path x y; ivalP : irred ival }.

  Canonical IPath_subType := [subType for ival].
  Definition IPath_eqMixin := Eval hnf in [eqMixin of IPath by <:].
  Canonical IPath_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType IPath IPath_eqMixin.
  Definition IPath_choiceMixin := Eval hnf in [choiceMixin of IPath by <:].
  Canonical IPath_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType IPath IPath_choiceMixin.
  Definition IPath_countMixin := Eval hnf in [countMixin of IPath by <:].
  Canonical IPath_countType := Eval hnf in CountType IPath IPath_countMixin.

  Lemma upath_irred p (Up : upath x y p) : irred (Build_Path (upathW Up)).
  Proof. rewrite irredE nodesE. exact: upath_uniq Up. Qed.

  Lemma irred_upath (p : Path x y) : irred p upath x y (val p).
    moveIp. rewrite /upath irredE nodesE in Ip ×. rewrite Ip /=.
    by case: p {Ip}.

  Definition irred_of (p0 : UPath x y) : IPath :=
    let (p,Up) := p0 in (Sub (Build_Path (upathW Up)) (upath_irred Up)).
  Definition upath_of (p0 : IPath) : UPath x y :=
    let (p,Ip) := p0 in Sub (val p) (irred_upath Ip).

  Lemma can_irred_of : cancel upath_of irred_of.
  Proof. (do 2 case) ⇒ p ? ?. by do 2 apply: val_inj. Qed.

  Definition IPath_finMixin := Eval hnf in CanFinMixin can_irred_of.
  Canonical IPath_finType := Eval hnf in FinType IPath IPath_finMixin.

  Definition path_of_ipath (p : IPath) := ival p.
  Definition in_ipath p x := x \in path_of_ipath p.
  Canonical IPath_predType := Eval hnf in @PredType G (IPath) in_ipath.
  Coercion path_of_ipath : IPath >-> Path.
End IPath.

End DiPathTheory.
Hint Resolve ivalP : core.

In some constructions a vertex can be typed as belonging to different graphs. This makes Path x y or x -- y insufficent for understanding the proofs. In these contexts one can open the implicit scope to display implicit types for the most frequently used constructions

Declare Scope implicit_scope.
Notation "x -- y :> G" := (@edge_rel G x y) (at level 30, y at next level) : implicit_scope.
Notation "'PATH' G x y" := (@Path G x y) (at level 4) : implicit_scope.
Notation "'IPATH' G x y" := (@IPath G x y) (at level 4) : implicit_scope.

Basic Constructions on digraphs

Induced Subgraphs

Section InducedSubgraph.
  Variables (G : diGraph) (S : {set G}).

  Definition induced_type := sig [eta mem S].

  Definition induced_rel := [rel x y : induced_type | val x -- val y].

  Definition induced := DiGraph induced_rel.

End InducedSubgraph.

Lemma path_to_induced (G : diGraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S) p' :
  @pathp G (val x) (val y) p' {subset p' S}
  exists2 p, pathp x y p & p' = map val p.
  movepth_p' sub_p'.
  case: (lift_pathp _ _ pth_p' _) ⇒ //; first exact: val_inj.
  - movez /sub_p' z_S. by apply/codomP; (Sub z z_S).
  - movep [pth_p /esym eq_p']. by p.

Lemma induced_path (G : diGraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S) (p : seq (induced S)) :
  pathp x y p @pathp G (val x) (val y) (map val p).
  elim: p x ⇒ /= [|z p IH] x pth_p.
  - by rewrite (pathp_nil pth_p) pathpxx.
  - rewrite !pathp_cons in pth_p ×.
    case/andP : pth_pp1 p2. apply/andP; split ⇒ //. exact: IH.

Lemma Path_to_induced (G : diGraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S)
  (p : Path (val x) (val y)) : {subset p S} q : Path x y, map val (nodes q) = nodes p.
  case: pp pth_p sub_p. case: (path_to_induced pth_p).
  - movez z_p; apply: sub_p. by rewrite mem_path nodesE /= inE z_p.
  - moveq pth_q eq_p. (Sub q pth_q). by rewrite !nodesE /= eq_p.

Lemma Path_from_induced (G : diGraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S) (p : Path x y) :
  { q : Path (val x) (val y) | {subset q S} & nodes q = map val (nodes p) }.
  case: pp pth_p.
   (Build_Path (induced_path pth_p)); last by rewrite !nodesE.
  movez; rewrite mem_path nodesE /= -map_cons ⇒ /mapP[z' _ ->]; exact: valP.

Edge Deletion

Definition num_edges (G : diGraph) := #|[pred x : G × G | x.1 -- x.2]|.

Section DelEdge.

Variable (G : diGraph) (a b : G).

Definition del_rel a b := [rel x y : G | x -- y && ((x != a) || (y != b))].

Definition del_edge := DiGraph (del_rel a b).

Definition subrel_del_edge : subrel (del_rel a b) (@edge_rel G).
Proof. by movex y /andP []. Qed.

Hypothesis ab : a -- b.

Lemma card_del_edge : num_edges del_edge < num_edges G.
  apply: proper_card. apply/properP; split.
  - apply/subrelP. exact: subrel_del_edge.
  - (a,b); by rewrite !inE //= /edge_rel /= !eqxx.

This is the fundamental case analysis for irredundant paths in G in terms of paths in del_edge a b
TOTHINK: The proof below is a slighty messy induction on p. Informally, one would simply check wether nodes p contains and a followed by a b
Lemma del_edge_path_case (x y : G) (p : Path x y) (Ip : irred p) :
    ( (p1 : @IPath del_edge x a) (p2 : @IPath del_edge b y),
        [/\ nodes p = nodes p1 ++ nodes p2, a \notin p2 & b \notin p1])
   ( p1 : @IPath del_edge x y, nodes p = nodes p1).
  pattern x, y, p. apply irred_ind ⇒ //.
  - move ⇒ {p Ip}.
    have Ip : irred (@idp del_edge y) by apply: irred_idp. by right; (Sub _ Ip).
  - move ⇒ {x p Ip} x z p xz Ip xp [[p1] [p2] [A B C]|[p1] E].
    + left.
      have xyD : (x:del_edge) -- z.
      { rewrite /edge_rel/= xz (_ : x != a) //. apply: contraNneq xp ⇒ → .
        by rewrite mem_path A mem_cat -(@mem_path del_edge) path_end. }
      have Iq : irred (pcat (edgep xyD) p1).
      { rewrite irred_edgeL (valP p1) andbT.
        rewrite mem_path A mem_cat -(@mem_path del_edge) negb_or in xp.
        by case/andP : xp. }
       (Sub _ Iq). p2. split ⇒ //.
      × by rewrite /= !nodes_pcat A [nodes p1](nodesE) /= -catA.
      × change (b \notin pcat (edgep xyD) p1).
        rewrite (@mem_pcat del_edge) (negbTE C) orbF mem_edgep negb_or.
        rewrite irred_edgeL in Iq. apply/andP; split.
        -- apply: contraNneq xp ⇒ <-.
           by rewrite mem_path A mem_cat -!(@mem_path del_edge) path_begin.
        -- apply: contraTneq Ip ⇒ ?. subst z.
           rewrite irredE A cat_uniq [has _ _](_ : _ = true) //.
           apply/hasP. by b ⇒ /=; rewrite -!(@mem_path del_edge) path_begin.
    + case: (boolP ((x : del_edge) -- z)) ⇒ [xzD|xzND].
      × right.
        have Iq : irred (pcat (edgep xzD) p1).
        { by rewrite irred_edgeL (valP p1) mem_path -E -(@mem_path G) xp. }
         (Sub _ Iq). by rewrite !nodes_pcat E.
      × left. rewrite /edge_rel/= xz /= negb_or !negbK in xzND.
        case/andP : xzND ⇒ /eqP ? /eqP ?. subst x. subst z.
        have Iq : irred (@idp del_edge a) by apply: irred_idp.
         (Sub _ Iq). p1. split ⇒ //=.
        -- by rewrite nodes_pcat E [nodes p1]nodesE /= -cat1s catA !nodesE.
        -- by rewrite (@mem_path del_edge) -E -(@mem_path G).
        -- rewrite (@mem_path del_edge) nodesE /= inE.
           apply: contraNneq xp ⇒ <-.
           by rewrite mem_path E -(@mem_path del_edge) path_begin.

End DelEdge.

Lemma del_edge_lift_proof (G : diGraph) (a b x y : G) p :
  @pathp (del_edge a b) x y p @pathp G x y p.
Proof. case: G a b x y pT e a b x y p. apply: subrel_pathp. exact: subrel_del_edge. Qed.

Interior of irredundant paths

Section Interior.
Variable (G : diGraph) (x y : G).
Implicit Types (p : Path x y).

Definition interior p := [set x in p] :\: [set x;y].

Lemma interior_edgep (xy : x -- y) : interior (edgep xy) = set0.
Proof. apply/setPz. rewrite !inE mem_edgep. by do 2 (case: (_ == _)). Qed.

Lemma interiorN p z : z \in interior p z \notin [set x; y].
Proof. rewrite inE. by case (_ \in _). Qed.

Lemma interiorW p z : z \in interior p z \in p.
Proof. rewrite !inE. case: (_ \in _) ⇒ //. by rewrite andbF. Qed.

Lemma interior0E p : x != y irred p interior p = set0 xy, p = edgep xy.
  movexNy Ip P0.
  case: (splitL p xNy) Ipz [xz] [p'] [E _].
  rewrite E irred_edgeL ⇒ /andP [xNp Ip'].
  suff zNy : z = y. { subst. xz. by rewrite (irredxx Ip') pcat_idR. }
  apply: contra_eq P0C. apply/set0Pn. z.
  rewrite !inE negb_or C eq_sym E mem_pcat mem_edgep !eqxx //= orbT !andbT.
  apply: contraNneq xNp ⇒ ?. subst z. exact: path_begin.

Definition independent (p q : Path x y) :=
  [disjoint interior p & interior q].

Lemma independent_sym (p q : Path x y):
  independent p q independent q p.
Proof. by rewrite /independent disjoint_sym. Qed.

End Interior.

The lemma below loses the connection between p1/p2 and p1'/p2'. However adding p1' \subset p1 and p2' \subset p2 means that we would only get interior p1' :|: interior p2' != set0
Lemma disjoint_part (G : diGraph) (x y : G) (p1 p2 : Path x y) :
  irred p1 irred p2 p1 != p2
   (x' y' : G) (p1' p2' : IPath x' y'), independent p1' p2' interior p1' != set0.
  move def_P : (mem p1 : pred G) ⇒ P. elim/proper_ind : P x y p1 def_P p2.
  moveA IH x y p1 ? p2 Ip1 Ip2 Dp; subst A.
  have Dxy : x != y.
  { apply: contraNneq Dp ⇒ ?; subst y. by rewrite (irredxx Ip1) (irredxx Ip2). }
  case: (boolP [disjoint interior p1 & interior p2]) ⇒ [dis12|].
  - wlog int_p1 : p1 p2 Ip1 Ip2 dis12 {IH Dp} / interior p1 != set0.
    { suff/orP [N|N] : (interior p1 != set0) || (interior p2 != set0).
      - by moveS; apply: S dis12 N.
      - rewrite disjoint_sym in dis12. by moveS; apply: S dis12 N.
      - apply: contra_neqT Dp. rewrite negb_or !negbK ⇒ /andP [/eqP N1 /eqP N2].
        have [[xy ->] [xy' ->]] := (interior0E Dxy Ip1 N1,interior0E Dxy Ip2 N2).
        exact/eqP. }
    by x; y; (Build_IPath Ip1); (Build_IPath Ip2).
  - case/pred0Pnz /= /andP [Z1 Z2].
    case/(isplitP Ip1) def_p1 : _ / (interiorW Z1) ⇒ [p1l p1r Ip1l Ip1r Iz1].
    case/(isplitP Ip2) def_p2 : _ / (interiorW Z2) ⇒ [p2l p2r Ip2l Ip2r Iz2].
    have/orP [Dl|Dr] : (p1l != p2l) || (p1r != p2r).
    { apply: contraNT Dp. by rewrite negb_or !negbK def_p1 def_p2 ⇒ /andP[/eqP->/eqP->]. }
    + apply: (IH _ _ x z p1l _ p2l) ⇒ //=. apply/properP.
      rewrite def_p1 subset_pcatL; split ⇒ //; y; first by rewrite !inE.
      apply: contraTN Z1C. by rewrite -(Iz1 y) ?inE // eqxx.
    + apply: (IH _ _ z y p1r _ p2r) ⇒ //=. apply/properP.
      rewrite def_p1 subset_pcatR; split ⇒ //; x; first by rewrite !inE.
      apply: contraTN Z1C. by rewrite -(Iz1 x) ?inE // eqxx.

Section Transfer.
  Variables (T : finType) (e1 e2 : rel T).
  Let D1 := DiGraph e1.
  Let D2 := DiGraph e2.
  Variables (x y : T) (p p' : @Path D1 x y) (q q' : @Path D2 x y).
  Hypothesis Npq : nodes p = nodes q.
  Hypothesis Npq' : nodes p' = nodes q'.

  Lemma irred_eq_nodes : irred p = irred q.
  Proof. by rewrite !irredE Npq. Qed.

  Lemma mem_eq_nodes : p =i q.
  Proof. movez /=. by rewrite (@mem_path D1) Npq -(@mem_path D2). Qed.

  Lemma interior_eq_nodes : interior p = interior q.
    rewrite /interior (_ : [set x in p] = [set x in q]) //.
    apply/setPz. by rewrite !inE mem_eq_nodes.

End Transfer.

Lemma independent_nodes (T : finType) (e1 e2 : rel T) x y (p p' : @Path (DiGraph e1) x y)
  (q q' : @Path (DiGraph e2) x y) (Npq : nodes p = nodes q) (Npq' : nodes p' = nodes q') :
  independent p p' = independent q q'.
Proof. by rewrite /independent (interior_eq_nodes Npq) (interior_eq_nodes Npq'). Qed.


Definition is_dhom (F G: diGraph) (h: F G): Prop := x y, x -- y h x -- h y.

Lemma dhom_id G: @is_dhom G G id.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma dhom_comp F G H h k:
  @is_dhom F G h @is_dhom G H k is_dhom (k \o h).
Proof. intros E E'x y O. apply E', E, O. Qed.

Record diso (F G: diGraph): Type := Diso
  { diso_v:> bij F G;
    diso_hom: is_dhom diso_v;
    diso_hom': is_dhom diso_v^-1 }.

Lemma edge_diso F G (h: diso F G) x y: h x -- h y = x -- y.
  apply/idP/idP; last exact: diso_hom.
  move/(diso_hom' h). by rewrite 2!bijK.

Definition diso_id {A}: diso A A := @Diso A A bij_id (@dhom_id A) (@dhom_id A).

Definition diso_sym {A B}: diso A B diso B A.
Proof. movef. apply Diso with (bij_sym f); apply f. Defined.

Definition diso_comp {A B C}: diso A B diso B C diso A C.
  movef g.
  apply Diso with (bij_comp f g); apply dhom_comp. apply f. apply g. apply g. apply f.

Instance diso_Equivalence: Equivalence diso.
constructor. exact @diso_id. exact @diso_sym. exact @diso_comp. Defined.

Lemma edge_diso' F G (h: diso F G) x y: h^-1 x -- h^-1 y = x -- y.
Proof. apply (edge_diso (diso_sym h)). Qed.

Lemma Diso' (F G: diGraph) (f: F G) (g: G F):
  cancel f g cancel g f ( x y, x--y f x -- f y) diso F G.
  movefg gf H.
   (Bij fg gf).
  abstract (firstorder).
  abstract (movex y /=; by rewrite H !gf).

Lemma Diso'' (F G: diGraph) (f: F G) (g: G F):
  cancel f g cancel g f
  ( x y, x--y f x -- f y) ( x y, x--y g x -- g y) diso F G.
  movefg gf H H'. eapply Diso'. apply fg. apply gf.
  movex y. split. apply H.
  abstract by move⇒ /H' E; rewrite 2!fg in E.

Unindexed paths

In order to define the notion of AB-connector, we need to abstract from the incices in Path x y

Section PathS.
Variable (G : diGraph).

Definition pathS := { x : G × G & Path x.1 x.2 }.
Definition PathS x y (p : Path x y) : pathS := existT (fun x : G × GPath x.1 x.2) (x,y) p.

Definition in_pathS (p : pathS) : collective_pred G := [pred x | x \in tagged p].
Canonical pathS_predType := Eval hnf in PredType (@in_pathS).
Arguments in_pathS _ /.

We can override fst because MathComp uses .1
Definition fst (p : pathS) := (tag p).1.
Definition lst (p : pathS) := (tag p).2.
Arguments fst _ /.
Arguments lst _ /.

Lemma pathS_eta (p : pathS) :
  p = @PathS (fst p) (lst p) (tagged p).
Proof. by case: p ⇒ [[x y] ri]. Qed.

Lemma fst_mem (p : pathS) : fst p \in p.
Proof. case: p ⇒ [[x y] p] /=. exact: path_begin. Qed.

Lemma lst_mem (p : pathS) : lst p \in p.
Proof. case: p ⇒ [[x y] p] /=. exact: path_end. Qed.

Concatenation on pathS

Definition castL (x' x y : G) (E : x = x') (p : Path x y) : Path x' y :=
  match E in (_ = y0) return (Path y0 y) with ereflp end.

Definition pcatS (p1 p2 : pathS) : pathS :=
  let: (existT x p,existT y q) := (p1,p2) in
  match altP (y.1 =P x.2) with
    AltTrue EPathS (pcat p (castL E q))
  | AltFalse _PathS p

Lemma pcatSE (x y z : G) (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z) :
  pcatS (PathS p) (PathS q) = PathS (pcat p q).
  rewrite /pcatS /=. case: {-}_ /altP ⇒ [E|]; last by rewrite eqxx.
  rewrite /castL. by rewrite (eq_irrelevance E erefl).

End PathS.

Definition del_edge_liftS (G : diGraph) (a b : G) (p : pathS (del_edge a b)) :=
  let: existT (x,y) p' := p in PathS (Build_Path (del_edge_lift_proof (valP p'))).

Lemma mem_del_edge_liftS (G : diGraph) (a b : G) (p : pathS (del_edge a b)) x :
  (x \in del_edge_liftS p) = (x \in p).
Proof. by case: p ⇒ [[u v] p]. Qed.


Section Neighborhood_def.

Variable G : diGraph.

Definition open_neigh (u : G) := [set v | u -- v].
Local Notation "N( x )" := (open_neigh x) (at level 0, x at level 99, format "N( x )").

Definition closed_neigh (u : G) := u |: N(u).
Local Notation "N[ x ]" := (closed_neigh x) (at level 0, x at level 99, format "N[ x ]").

Definition dominates (u v : G) : bool := (u == v) || (u -- v).

Variable D : {set G}.

Definition open_neigh_set : {set G} := \bigcup_(w in D) N(w).

Definition closed_neigh_set : {set G} := \bigcup_(w in D) N[w].

End Neighborhood_def.

Notation "x -*- y" := (dominates x y) (at level 30).

Notation "N( x )" := (@open_neigh _ x)
   (at level 0, x at level 99, format "N( x )").
Notation "N[ x ]" := (@closed_neigh _ x)
   (at level 0, x at level 99, format "N[ x ]").
Notation "N( G ; x )" := (@open_neigh G x)
   (at level 0, G at level 99, x at level 99, format "N( G ; x )", only parsing).
Notation "N[ G ; x ]" := (@closed_neigh G x)
   (at level 0, G at level 99, x at level 99, format "N[ G ; x ]", only parsing).

Notation "NS( G ; D )" := (@open_neigh_set G D)
   (at level 0, G at level 99, D at level 99, format "NS( G ; D )", only parsing).
Notation "NS( D )" := (open_neigh_set D)
   (at level 0, D at level 99, format "NS( D )").
Notation "NS[ G ; D ]" := (@closed_neigh_set G D)
   (at level 0, G at level 99, D at level 99, format "NS[ G ; D ]", only parsing).
Notation "NS[ D ]" := (closed_neigh_set D)
   (at level 0, D at level 99, format "NS[ D ]").

Notation "N( G ; x )" := (@open_neigh G x)
   (at level 0, G at level 99, x at level 99, format "N( G ; x )") : implicit_scope.
Notation "N[ G ; x ]" := (@closed_neigh G x)
   (at level 0, G at level 99, x at level 99, format "N[ G ; x ]") : implicit_scope.

Section Basic_Facts_Neighborhoods.

Variable G : diGraph.
Implicit Types (u v : G).

Lemma dominates_refl : reflexive (@dominates G).
Proof. by movex; rewrite /dominates eqxx. Qed.

Lemma in_opn u v : u \in N(v) = (v -- u).
Proof. by rewrite /open_neigh in_set. Qed.

Lemma in_cln u v : u \in N[v] = (v -*- u).
Proof. by rewrite /closed_neigh in_setU1 eq_sym in_opn. Qed.

Lemma opns0 : NS(G;set0) = set0.
Proof. by rewrite /open_neigh_set big_set0. Qed.

Lemma clns0 : NS[G;set0] = set0.
Proof. by rewrite /closed_neigh_set big_set0. Qed.

Variables D1 D2 : {set G}.

Lemma opn_sub_opns v : v \in D1 N(v) \subset NS(D1).
Proof. movevinD1; exact: bigcup_sup. Qed.

Lemma cln_sub_clns v : v \in D1 N[v] \subset NS[D1].
Proof. movevinD1; exact: bigcup_sup. Qed.

Lemma v_in_clneigh v : v \in N[v].
Proof. by rewrite in_cln dominates_refl. Qed.

Lemma set_sub_clns : D1 \subset NS[D1].
  apply/subsetPx xinD1.
  apply/bigcupP; x ⇒ //. exact: v_in_clneigh.

Lemma mem_opns u v : u \in D1 u -- v v \in NS(D1).
Proof. moveuinD1 adjuv. apply/bigcupP ; u ⇒ // ; by rewrite in_opn. Qed.

Lemma opns_sub_clns : NS(D1) \subset NS[D1].
  apply/subsetPu /bigcupP [v vinD1 uinNv].
  apply/bigcupP; v ⇒ //; by rewrite /closed_neigh in_setU uinNv orbT.

Lemma mem_clns u v : u \in D1 u -- v v \in NS[D1].
  moveuinD1 adjuv; apply: (subsetP opns_sub_clns).
  exact: mem_opns adjuv.

Lemma subset_clns : D1 \subset D2 NS[D1] \subset NS[D2].
  by rewrite -(setID D2 D1) (setIidPr _) // /closed_neigh_set bigcup_setU subsetUl.

End Basic_Facts_Neighborhoods.