Motivation: why studying C and Python?
Cool to study both
- C is low-level and Python is high-level
- C is statically typed VS Python is dynamically typed
- C is old-fashioned while Python has some new trendy features (
<3) - Possible to do bindings C/Python
- Actually many Python librairies are written in C, C++ etc.
- They are both successful languages
- They are languages used at agrégation d'informatique
Why C?
- C is simple (KISS!)
- With C, you will understand how your computer works
- Important for your system and architecture course
- C is still used for system development (but not so much!)
- The syntax of C is in many languages
- A way to understand Rust, C++... and actually programming in general (and Tensorflow is coded in C++)
Why Python?
- Python is really really really used everyhere (data science, machine learning, software development, backend, etc.)
- Python has good libraries
- Django: Tutorial
- Python is elegant
- Python steals good features from other languages (Haskell, object-programming languages)
- Python is used in education
- A way to understand OOP, Javascript, other script languages
- Python has a strong community
Good practice
- git
- tests
- bonnes structures
- commentaires (spécifications)
- good variable names, etc.
- encapsulation
- abstraction
- Collect few software or libraries you use and look in which languages they have been developped
Aller plus loin
- Histoire du C :