Damien Gaboriau

Photo de Gaboriau

Directeur de recherche in the Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (UMPA)
at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon

Head of the team "Geometry, Groups and Dynamics"

at the CMM, University of Santiago, Chile (2016-2017)

Part time Professor at École Polytechnique (Palaiseau)(until Sept. 2016)

English version
Version française


Students and former Students

Short CV

Working group:

Analysis Situs, the project, the web site
(in English soon)
Analysis Situs, whatzat? (in French)

Research Interests
  • Geometric group theory
  • Group actions on trees and buildings  
  • Ergodic theory, measurable actions
  • Measurable equivalence relations
  • von Neumann algebras
  • 2 Cohomology
  • Percolation on graphs
  • Sofic entropy

ANR GAMME (Project ANR-14-CE25-0004)

GDR 2947 "non Commutative Geometry"

GDR 3066
"Geometry, Dynamics and group representations"

GDRE Grefi-Genco "Gruppo di Ricerca Europeo Franco-Italiano in Geometria Non COmmutativa"

Editorial Boards

Journal de l'École Polytechnique
Groups, Geometry and Dynamics gdd-cover (flyer)
Journal of Topology and Analysis Topology-and-Analysis-cover

Confluentes Mathematici

Université de Lyon, CNRS,
UMPA , Ens-Lyon
UMR 5669
46, allée d'Italie
69364 LYON Cedex 07

Telephone : (33) 4 72 72 83 86
Fax : (33) 4 72 72 84 80
email : gaboriau(at)ens-lyon.fr
Office : GN1  440

Some archives of past events

Mathematical week-ends in Goutelas' castel

Château Goutelas

slightly involved in

Images des Mathématiques
(The mathematical research in words and in pictures)

The movies Dimensions: A walk through mathematics! and Chaos: a mathematical adventure by Jos Leys, Etienne Ghys et Aurélien Alvarez

How to come to UMPA

UMPA's seminars
Fresco of the department painted by G. Delorme

                    labo maths