R and packages
You can, or will have to, install complementary packages in R.
First, create a directory (ex: for R 4.0.4):
mylogin@x5570comp2:~$ mkdir lib_R_4.0.4
Then, edit your ~/.profile
to add a line like this:
export R_LIBS="/home/mylogin/lib_R_4.0.4":$R_LIBS
Yes, you need to change mylogin by your login at PSMN, and lib_R_4.0.4 by the one you’ve just created.
Source your ~/.profile
for it to be taken into account right away (or disconnect/reconnect):
source ~/.profile
Verify by loading R, and use .libPaths()
mylogin@x5570comp2:~$ R
R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15) -- "Lost Library Book"
> .libPaths()
[1] "/home/mylogin/lib_R_4.0.4" "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library"
[3] "/usr/lib/R/site-library" "/usr/lib/R/library"
Now, you can install packages for R, the usual way, while specifying path:
install.packages("zoo", lib="/home/mylogin/lib_R_4.0.4")
Same way, personal packages can be used:
# or
library(zoo, lib.loc="/home/mylogin/lib_R_4.0.4")
Same can be done with group or teams packages (see Where to store files?). You can also have multiples directories for different workflows.