
Paulo Gonçalves

Inria senior researcher in the project OCKHAM
A joint team of Inria Lyon and ENS Lyon (LIP)

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Current INRIA RA
ENS Lyon
Associate Researcher (DR), team leader of DANTE
Signal Processing on Dynamic Graphs.
2005-12 INRIA RA
ENS Lyon
Associate Researcher (CR), Head of project RESO (2010-12)
Traffic and network performance analysis, in a computing grid context [HDR, 29/03/2010]
2004-05 IGP
Lisbon (Portugal)
Research collaboration with CEGIG (M. Caetano) Land cover classification from multi-temporal MODIS imaging.
2003-05 IST - ISR
Lisbon (Portugal)
On leave researcher at Signal Processing Lab. (V. Barroso) Empirical Mode Decomposition (signal and images). Adaptive PDEs for time-frequency and time-scale analysis. Land cover classification from multi-temporal MODIS imaging (with IGP, Lisbon).
1999-2003 INRIA RA Associate Researcher with IS2 project (G. Celeux) Statistical inference on wavelets: hidden Markov trees, non-parametric wavelet-based fat-tail distributions estimation, parametric alpha-stable laws estimation.
Heart beat rate analysis (with INSERM U572, Lariboisière hospital).
1996-99 INRIA Rocquencourt Associate Researcher with Fractales project (J. Lévy-Véhel) Multifractal spectrum estimation. Singularity analysis. FracLab (a freeware fractal analysis toolbox for Matlab and Scilab).
1994-96 Rice Univ.
Houston (TX), US
Post Doctoral fellowship at ECE Dept. with Richard Baraniuk Pseudo Affine Wigner Representations. Hybrid time-scale analysis. Multiple-windows wavelet transforms. Type-based signal detection.
1990-93 ENS-Lyon PhD degree with Patrick Flandrin (advisor) Bilinear time-frequency and time-scale Representations: synthesis and contributions. TFTB (a freeware time-frequency toolbox for Matlab)
Holder regularity estimation.
1990 INPG Master of Sciences (DEA) in Signal, Image and Speech Processing High resolution spectral estimation of NMR signals using SVD.
1990 CPE Lyon
(former ICPI)
Degree in Electrical and Computer engineering

Curriculum Vitae

ENS de Lyon, site Monod, 46 allée d'Italie, 69364 Lyon cedex 07, France
Voice: +33 (0)4 26 23 38 03 | Fax: +33 (0)4 72 72 80 80