Metal Ion adsorption on Birnessite (d-MnO2)

The collaboration with Alain Manceau continues! – In our article we have gained insights that is complementary to experiments regarding the adsorption and thus incorporation of metal ions on birnessite.

Hydroxide-Induced Degradation of Olefin Metathesis Catalysts: A Challenge for Metathesis in Alkaline Media

The wonderful collaboration with Deryn Fogg from the University of Ottawa has led to insightful work on the deactivation of a typical olefin metathesis catalyst. Daniel Walden did a great computational job.

As a follow-up and with the contribution of Joshua Sims, we are very happy to announce the publication of “The Impact of Water on Ru-Catalyzed Olefin Metathesis: Potent Deactivating Effects Even at Low Water Concentrations“, once again in ACS Catalysis.

The nature of MoS3

In our recent work in collaboration with IFP Energies nouvelles we have investigated the atomic structure of amorphous MoS3. Several competing structures have been identified. – We have also evidenced an intriguing ring-structure that is among the most stable arrangements of nano-MoS3.

Solvation Free Energies and Adsorption Energies at the Metal/Water Interface

After quite some time of fiddling, I am very happy (and a bit proud) to announce that the result of our collaborative work on the use of our force field GAL17 in combination with alchemical free energy methods has been published in JCTC. The associated software, SolvHybrid, is now available on GitHub, although for now only the trunk (or our inhouse modified) version of Sander is able to perform the corresponding simulations. This work would not have been possible without the constant energy of Paul Clabaut; he has really driven this development!