Library cawu.streams

Example: Rutten's stream calculus

Require Import Psatz.
Require Import coinduction rel.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Module streams.
we consieder streams of natural numbers, for the sake of simplicity
 CoInductive S := cons(n: nat)(q: S).

 Definition hd (s: S) := let ´cons n _ := s in n.
 Definition tl (s: S) := let ´cons _ q := s in q.

the following function characterises (extensional) equality of streams
 Program Definition b: mon (S S Prop) :=
   {| body R s t := hd s = hd t R (tl s) (tl t) |}.
 Next Obligation. firstorder. Qed.
 Notation T := (t (B b)).
 Notation t := (t b).

 Infix "¬" := (gfp b) (at level 70).

eq is a post-fixpoint, thus const eq is below t
 Lemma eq_t: const eq t.
   apply leq_t. intro. change (eq b eq).
   intros p ? <-. split; eauto.

converse is compatible
 Lemma converse_t: converse t.
   apply leq_t. intros S x y [xy xy´]. split.
   congruence. assumption.

so is squaring
 Lemma square_t: square t.
   apply leq_t. intros S x z [y [xy xy´] [yz yz´]]. split.
   congruence. eexists; eauto.

thus t R is always an equivalence relation
 Global Instance Equivalence_t R: Equivalence (t R).
   apply Equivalence_t.
   apply eq_t. apply converse_t. apply square_t.
and gfp b = ¬ in particular
 Corollary Equivalence_bisim: Equivalence (gfp b).
 Proof Equivalence_t bot.

 Global Instance hd_bisim: Proper (gfp b ==> eq) hd.
 Proof. intros x y H. apply (gfp_pfp b), H. Qed.

 Global Instance tl_bisim: Proper (gfp b ==> gfp b) tl.
 Proof. intros x y H. apply (gfp_pfp b), H. Qed.

"constant" streams

 CoFixpoint c n := cons n (c 0).

pointwise sum and its properties

 CoFixpoint plus s t := cons (hd s + hd t) (plus (tl s) (tl t)).
 Infix "+" := plus.

 Lemma plusC: x y, x + y ¬ y + x.
   coinduction R HR. intros x y. split; simpl.
    apply HR.

 Lemma plus_0x x: c 0 + x ¬ x.
   revert x. coinduction R HR. intro x. split; simpl.
    apply HR.

 Lemma plusA: x y z, x + (y + z) ¬ (x + y) + z.
   coinduction R HR. intros x y z. split; simpl.
    apply HR.

addition corresponds to a compatible function
 Lemma plus_t: binary_ctx plus t.
   apply leq_t. intro R. apply (leq_binary_ctx plus).
   intros x [Hx Hx´] y [Hy Hy´].
    simpl. congruence.
    simpl tl. now apply in_binary_ctx.
 Global Instance plust_t: R, Proper (t R ==> t R ==> t R) plus := binary_proper plus_t.

shuffle product

 Parameter shuf: S S S.
 Infix "@" := shuf (at level 40, left associativity).
 Hypothesis hd_shuf: s t, hd (s @ t) = (hd s × hd t)%nat.
 Hypothesis tl_shuf: s t, tl (s @ t) = tl s @ t + s @ tl t.
 Ltac ssimpl := repeat (rewrite ?hd_shuf, ?tl_shuf; simpl hd; simpl tl).

 Lemma shuf_0x: x, c 0 @ x ¬ c 0.
   coinduction R HR. intros x. split; ssimpl.
    rewrite HR. rewrite plus_0x. apply HR.

 Lemma shuf_1x: x, c 1 @ x ¬ x.
   coinduction R HR. intros x. split; ssimpl.
    rewrite shuf_0x, plus_0x. apply HR.

 Lemma shufC: x y, x @ y ¬ y @ x.
   coinduction R HR. intros x y. split; ssimpl.
    now rewrite HR, plusC, HR.

 Lemma shuf_x_plus: x y z, x @ (y + z) ¬ x@y + x@z.
   coinduction R HR. intros x y z. split; ssimpl.
    rewrite 2HR. rewrite 2plusA.
    apply plust_t. 2: reflexivity.
    rewrite <-2plusA.
    apply plust_t. reflexivity. now rewrite plusC.

 Lemma shuf_plus_x: x y z, (y + z)@x ¬ y@x + z@x.
   intros. rewrite shufC, shuf_x_plus.
   apply plust_t; apply shufC.

 Lemma shufA: x y z, x @ (y @ z) ¬ (x @ y) @ z.
   coinduction R HR. intros x y z. split; ssimpl.
    rewrite shuf_x_plus, shuf_plus_x. rewrite 3HR.
    now rewrite plusA.

shuffle product is only compatible up-to
 Lemma shuf_t: binary_ctx shuf t.
   apply Coinduction.
   intro R. apply (leq_binary_ctx shuf).
   intros x Hx y Hy. split; ssimpl.
   f_equal. apply Hx. apply Hy.
   apply (ftT_T _ plus_t). simpl. apply in_binary_ctx.
    apply (fTf_Tf b). simpl. apply in_binary_ctx. apply (id_T b). apply Hx.
    apply (b_T b), Hy.
    apply (fTf_Tf b). simpl. apply in_binary_ctx. now apply (b_T b).
    apply (id_T b), Hy.
 Global Instance shuft_t: R, Proper (t R ==> t R ==> t R) shuf := binary_proper shuf_t.

convolution product

 Parameter mult: S S S.
 Infix "×" := mult.
 Hypothesis hd_mult: s t, hd (s × t) = (hd s × hd t)%nat.
 Hypothesis tl_mult: s t, tl (s × t) = tl s × t + c (hd s) × tl t.
 Ltac msimpl := repeat (rewrite ?hd_mult, ?tl_mult; simpl hd; simpl tl).

 Lemma mult_0x: x, c 0 × x ¬ c 0.
   coinduction R HR. intros x. split; msimpl.
    rewrite HR. rewrite plus_0x. apply HR.

 Lemma mult_x0: x, x × c 0 ¬ c 0.
   coinduction R HR. intros x. split; msimpl.
    rewrite HR. rewrite plus_0x. apply HR.

 Lemma mult_1x: x, c 1 × x ¬ x.
   coinduction R HR. intros x. split; msimpl.
    rewrite mult_0x, plus_0x. apply HR.

 Lemma mult_x1: x, x × c 1 ¬ x.
   coinduction R HR. intros x. split; msimpl.
    rewrite mult_x0, plusC, plus_0x. apply HR.

 Lemma mult_x_plus: x y z, x × (y + z) ¬ x×y + x×z.
   coinduction R HR. intros x y z. split; msimpl.
    rewrite 2HR. rewrite 2plusA.
    apply plust_t. 2: reflexivity.
    rewrite <-2plusA.
    apply plust_t. reflexivity. now rewrite plusC.

 Lemma c_plus n m: c (n+m) ¬ c n + c m.
   coinduction R HR. clear HR. split; simpl.
    now rewrite plus_0x.

 Lemma c_mult n m: c (n×m) ¬ c n × c m.
   coinduction R HR. clear HR. split; msimpl.
    now rewrite mult_0x, mult_x0, plus_0x.

as for the shuffle product, convolution product is only compatible up to
 Lemma mult_t: binary_ctx mult t.
   apply Coinduction.
   intro R. apply (leq_binary_ctx mult).
   intros x Hx y Hy. split; msimpl.
   f_equal. apply Hx. apply Hy.
   apply (ftT_T _ plus_t). simpl. apply in_binary_ctx.
    apply (fTf_Tf b). simpl. apply in_binary_ctx. apply (id_T b). apply Hx.
    apply (b_T b), Hy.
    apply (fTf_Tf b). simpl. apply in_binary_ctx.
    apply (t_T b). apply proj1 in Hx. now rewrite Hx.
    apply (id_T b), Hy.
 Global Instance multt_t: R, Proper (t R ==> t R ==> t R) mult := binary_proper mult_t.

 Lemma mult_plus_x: x y z, (y + z) × x ¬ y×x + z×x.
   coinduction R HR. intros x y z. split; msimpl.
    rewrite c_plus, 2HR, 2plusA.
    apply plust_t. 2: reflexivity.
    rewrite <-2plusA.
    apply plust_t. reflexivity. now rewrite plusC.

 Lemma multA: x y z, x × (y × z) ¬ (x × y) × z.
   coinduction R HR. intros x y z. split; msimpl.
    rewrite mult_x_plus. rewrite 3HR.
    rewrite plusA, <-mult_plus_x.
    now rewrite c_mult.

below: commutativity of convolution product, following Rutten's proof

 Lemma multC_n n: x, c n × x ¬ x × c n.
   coinduction R HR. intro x. split; msimpl.
    now rewrite mult_0x, mult_x0, plusC, HR.

 CoFixpoint X := cons 0 (c 1).

 Theorem expand x: x ¬ c (hd x) + X × tl x.
   coinduction R HR. clear HR. split; msimpl.
    now rewrite mult_0x, mult_1x, plus_0x, plusC, plus_0x.

 Lemma multC_11 x: tl (X × x) ¬ x.
   coinduction R HR. clear HR. split; msimpl.
    now rewrite !mult_0x, mult_1x, 2plus_0x, plusC, plus_0x.

 Lemma multC_X: x, X × x ¬ x × X.
   coinduction R HR. intro x. split; msimpl.
    rewrite mult_0x, mult_1x, mult_x1.
    rewrite plusC, plus_0x.
    rewrite plusC. now rewrite <-HR, <-expand.

 Lemma multC: x y, x × y ¬ y × x.
   coinduction R HR. intros x y. split.
    msimpl; nia.
    rewrite (expand x) at 1. rewrite mult_plus_x. simpl tl.
    rewrite <-multA, multC_11.
    rewrite (HR (tl x)).
    rewrite multC_n. rewrite <-(multC_11 (y×tl x)).
    rewrite multA, multC_X.
    rewrite (expand x) at 3. rewrite mult_x_plus.
    now rewrite multA.

End streams.