From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import edone finite_quotient preliminaries sgraph minor checkpoint.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
Require Import edone finite_quotient preliminaries sgraph minor checkpoint.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
Combined Minor and Checkpoint Properties
Lemma linkNeq (G : sgraph) (x y : link_graph G) : x -- y -> x != y.
Proof. move => A. by rewrite sg_edgeNeq. Qed.
Arguments Path G x y : clear implicits.
Section CheckpointsAndMinors.
Variables (G : sgraph).
Hypothesis (conn_G : connected [set: G]).
Lemma ins (T : finType) (A : pred T) x : x \in A -> x \in [set z in A].
Proof. by rewrite inE. Qed.
Lemma C3_of_triangle (x y z : link_graph G) :
x -- y -> y -- z -> z -- x -> exists2 phi : G -> option C3,
minor_map phi & [/\ phi x = Some ord0, phi y = Some ord1 & phi z = Some ord2].
move => xy yz zx.
have/cpPn [p irr_p av_z] : (z:G) \notin @cp G x y.
{ apply: link_cpN => //; apply: linkNeq => //. by rewrite sg_sym. }
have/cpPn [q irr_q av_x] : (x:G) \notin @cp G z y.
{ apply: link_cpN => //; first (by rewrite sg_sym) ;apply: linkNeq => //.
by rewrite sg_sym. }
have [Yq Yp] : y \in q /\ y \in p by split;apply: nodes_end.
case: (split_at_first (G := G) (A := mem p) Yp Yq) => n1 [q1] [q2] [def_q Q1 Q2].
have Hn : n1 != x.
{ apply: contraNN av_x => /eqP<-. by rewrite def_q mem_pcat nodes_end. }
have {q irr_q av_x Yq def_q q2 Yp} irr_q1 : irred q1.
{ move:irr_q. rewrite def_q irred_cat. by case/and3P. }
have/cpPn [q irr_q av_n1] : n1 \notin @cp G z x.
{ apply link_cpN => //. apply: contraNN av_z => /eqP?. by subst n1. }
have [Xq Xp] : x \in q /\ x \in p by split; rewrite /= ?nodes_end ?nodes_start.
case: (split_at_first (G := G) (A := mem p) Xp Xq) => n2 [q2] [q2'] [def_q Q3 Q4].
have N : n1 != n2.
{ apply: contraNN av_n1 => /eqP->. by rewrite def_q mem_pcat nodes_end. }
have {q irr_q av_n1 Xp Xq q2' def_q} irr_q2 : irred q2.
{ move:irr_q. rewrite def_q irred_cat. by case/and3P. }
wlog before: n1 n2 q1 q2 irr_q1 irr_q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 N {Hn} / idx p n1 < idx p n2.
{ move => W.
case: (ltngtP (idx p n1) (idx p n2)) => H.
- by apply: (W n1 n2 q1 q2).
- apply: (W n2 n1 q2 q1) => //. by rewrite eq_sym.
- case:notF. apply: contraNT N => _. apply/eqP. exact: idx_inj H. }
case: (splitR q1 _) => [|z1 [q1' [zn1 def_q1]]].
{ by apply: contraNN av_z => /eqP->. }
case: (splitR q2 _) => [|z2 [q2' [zn2 def_q2]]].
{ by apply: contraNN av_z => /eqP->. }
gen have D,D1 : z1 n1 q1 q1' zn1 irr_q1 def_q1 Q2 {Q1 N before} /
[disjoint p & q1'].
{ have A : n1 \notin q1'.
{ move: irr_q1. rewrite def_q1 irred_cat /= => /and3P[_ _ A].
by rewrite (disjointFl A _). }
rewrite disjoint_subset; apply/subsetP => z' Hz'. rewrite !inE.
apply: contraNN A => A.
by rewrite -[n1](Q2 _ Hz' _) // def_q1 mem_pcat A. }
have {D} D2 : [disjoint p & q2'] by apply: (D z2 n2 q2 q2' zn2).
case/(isplitP irr_p) def_p : p / Q1 => [p1 p2 _ irr_p2 D3].
have N2 : n2 \in tail p2. { subst p. by rewrite -idxR in before. }
have N1 : n1 != y.
{ apply: contraTN before => /eqP->. by rewrite -leqNgt idx_end // idx_mem. }
case: (splitL p2 N1) => n1' [n_edge] [p2'] [def_p2 tail_p2].
have N2' : n2 \in p2' by rewrite tail_p2.
pose pz := pcat (prev q1') q2'.
pose phi u : option C3 :=
if u \in p1 then Some ord0
else if u \in p2' then Some ord1
else if u \in pz then Some ord2
else None.
have D_aux : [disjoint p & pz].
{ (* ugly: exposes in_nodes *)
rewrite ![[disjoint p & _]]disjoint_sym in D1 D2 *.
rewrite (eq_disjoint (A2 := [predU q1' & q2'])) ?disjointU ?D1 //.
move => u. by rewrite !inE mem_pcat mem_prev. }
have {D_aux} D : [disjoint3 p1 & p2' & pz].
{ subst p; apply/and3P. split.
- apply: disjoint_transR D3. apply/subsetP => u. by rewrite tail_p2.
- apply: disjoint_transL D_aux. apply/subsetP => u.
by rewrite mem_pcatT tail_p2 => ->.
- rewrite disjoint_sym. apply: disjoint_transL D_aux. apply/subsetP => u.
by rewrite mem_pcat => ->. }
(* clean up assumptions that are no longer needed *)
move => {Q2 Q3 Q4 av_z irr_p before D2 D1 D3 irr_q1 irr_q2 xy yz zx}.
move => {def_q1 def_q2 N1 N2 def_p2 tail_p2 p def_p N q1 q2}.
have [Px Py Pz] : [/\ x \in p1, y \in p2' & z \in pz].
{ by rewrite /= mem_pcat ?nodes_start ?nodes_end. }
have phi_x : phi x = Some ord0.
{ rewrite /phi. by case: (disjoint3P x D) Px. }
have phi_y : phi y = Some ord1.
{ rewrite /phi. by case: (disjoint3P y D) Py. }
have phi_z : phi z = Some ord2.
{ rewrite /phi. by case: (disjoint3P z D) Pz. }
exists phi => //. split.
+ case. move => [|[|[|//]]] Hc; [exists x|exists y|exists z];
rewrite ?phi_x ?phi_y ?phi_z;exact/eqP.
+ move => c u v. rewrite !inE => /eqP E1 /eqP E2; move: E1 E2.
rewrite {1 2}/phi.
case: (disjoint3P u D) => [Hu|Hu|Hu|? ? ?];
case: (disjoint3P v D) => [Hv|Hv|Hv|? ? ?] // <- // _.
* move: (connected_path (p := p1) (ins Hu) (ins Hv)).
apply: connect_mono. apply: restrict_mono => {u v Hu Hv} u.
rewrite !inE /phi. by case: (disjoint3P u D).
* move: (connected_path (p := p2') (ins Hu) (ins Hv)).
apply: connect_mono. apply: restrict_mono => {u v Hu Hv} u.
rewrite !inE /phi. by case: (disjoint3P u D).
* move: (connected_path (p := pz) (ins Hu) (ins Hv)).
apply: connect_mono. apply: restrict_mono => {u v Hu Hv} u.
rewrite !inE /phi. by case: (disjoint3P u D).
+ move => c1 c2.
wlog: c1 c2 / c1 < c2.
{ move => W. case: (ltngtP c1 c2) => [|A B|A B]; first exact: W.
- case: (W _ _ A _) => [|y0 [x0] [? ? ?]]; first by rewrite sgP.
exists x0; exists y0. by rewrite sgP.
- move/ord_inj : A => ?. subst. by rewrite sgP in B. }
case: c1 => [[|[|[|//]]]]; case: c2 => [[|[|[|//]]]] //= Hc2 Hc1 _ _.
* exists n1. exists n1'. rewrite !inE n_edge. split => //.
-- rewrite /phi. by case: (disjoint3P n1 D) (nodes_end p1).
-- rewrite /phi. by case: (disjoint3P n1' D) (nodes_start p2').
* exists n1. exists z1. rewrite !inE sg_sym zn1. split => //.
-- rewrite /phi. by case: (disjoint3P n1 D) (nodes_end p1).
-- rewrite /phi. by case: (disjoint3P z1 D) (nodes_start pz).
* exists n2. exists z2. rewrite !inE sg_sym zn2. split => //.
-- rewrite /phi. by case: (disjoint3P n2 D) N2'.
-- rewrite /phi. by case: (disjoint3P z2 D) (nodes_end pz).
Lemma K4_of_triangle (x y z : link_graph G) :
x -- y -> y -- z -> z -- x -> minor (add_node G [set x;y;z]) K4.
move => xy yz zx.
(* Rewrite K4 to match the conclusion of the minor_with lemma. *)
apply: (@minor_trans _ (add_node C3 setT)); last first.
by apply: strict_is_minor; apply: iso_strict_minor; exact: add_node_complete.
(* By C3_of_triangle, there is a minor map phi : G -> option C3. *)
case: (C3_of_triangle xy yz zx) => phi mm_phi [phi_x phi_y phi_z].
(* Precomposing phi with val makes it a minor map from induced _ to C3
* so that it fits the premiss of minor_with. *)
have := minor_map_comp (@minor_induced_add_node G [set x; y; z]) mm_phi.
apply: (minor_with (i := None : add_node _ _)); first by rewrite !inE.
move=> u _.
(* Rewrite the conclusion of C3_of_triangle in a more uniform way. *)
(* TODO? change the statement of that lemma? *)
have : exists2 v, phi v = Some u & v \in [set x; y; z].
case: u; case=> [| [| [| // ] ] ] lt3;
[exists x | exists y | exists z];
rewrite ?phi_x ?phi_y ?phi_z ?inE ?eqxx // /ord0 /ord1 /ord2;
do 2 f_equal; exact: bool_irrelevance.
(* The remaining side-condition of minor_with then follows. *)
case=> v eq_v v_in3.
have sv_in : Some v \in [set~ None] by rewrite !inE.
exists (Sub (Some v) sv_in) => //.
by rewrite -mem_preim /= eq_v.
Lemma collapse_bags (U : {set G}) u0' (inU : u0' \in U) :
let T := U :|: ~: \bigcup_(x in U) bag U x in
let G' := sgraph.induced T in
exists phi : G -> G',
[/\ total_minor_map phi,
(forall u : G', val u \in T :\: U -> phi @^-1 u = [set val u]) &
(forall u : G', val u \in U -> phi @^-1 u = bag U (val u))].
move => T G'.
have inT0 : u0' \in T by rewrite !inE inU.
pose u0 : G' := Sub u0' inT0.
pose phi u := if [pick x in U | u \in bag U x] is Some x
then insubd u0 x else insubd u0 u.
exists phi.
have phiU (u : G') : val u \in U -> phi @^-1 u = bag U (val u).
{ move => uU. apply/setP => z. rewrite !inE /phi.
case: pickP => [x /andP [X1 X2]|H].
- rewrite -val_eqE insubdK ?inE ?X1 //. apply/eqP/idP => [<-//|].
apply: contraTeq => C.
suff S: [disjoint bag U x & bag U (val u)] by rewrite (disjointFr S).
apply: bag_disj => //; exact: CP_extensive.
- move: (H (val u)). rewrite uU /= => ->.
have zU : z \notin U. { move: (H z). by rewrite bag_id andbT => ->. }
have zT : z \in T.
{ rewrite !inE (negbTE zU) /=. apply/negP => /bigcupP [x xU xP].
move: (H x). by rewrite xU xP. }
rewrite -val_eqE insubdK //. by apply: contraNF zU => /eqP->. }
have phiT (u : G') : val u \in T :\: U -> phi @^-1 u = [set val u].
{ move/setDP => [uT uU]. apply/setP => z. rewrite !inE /phi.
case: pickP => [x /andP [xU xP]|H].
- rewrite -val_eqE insubdK ?inE ?xU // (_ : z == val u = false).
+ by apply: contraNF uU => /eqP <-.
+ apply: contraTF uT => /eqP ?. subst.
rewrite inE (negbTE uU) /= inE negbK. by apply/bigcupP; exists x.
- have zU : z \notin U. { move: (H z). by rewrite bag_id andbT => ->. }
have zT : z \in T.
{ rewrite !inE (negbTE zU) /=. apply/negP => /bigcupP [x xU xP].
move: (H x). by rewrite xU xP. }
by rewrite -val_eqE insubdK. }
have preim_G' (u : G') : val u \in phi @^-1 u.
{ case: (boolP (val u \in U)) => H; first by rewrite phiU // bag_id.
rewrite phiT ?set11 // inE H. exact: valP. }
split => //.
- split.
+ move => y. exists (val y). apply/eqP. case: (boolP (val y \in U)) => x_inU.
* by rewrite mem_preim phiU // bag_id.
* rewrite mem_preim phiT inE // x_inU. exact: valP.
+ move => y. case: (boolP (val y \in U)) => xU.
* rewrite phiU //. apply: connected_bag => //. exact: CP_extensive.
* rewrite phiT; first exact: connected1. rewrite inE xU. exact: valP.
+ move => x y xy. exists (val x); exists (val y). by rewrite !preim_G'.
End CheckpointsAndMinors.
Arguments collapse_bags [G] conn_G U u0' _.
Neighbor Tree Lemma
Definition neighbours (G : sgraph) (x : G) := [set y | x -- y].
Lemma CP_tree (G : sgraph) (U : {set G}) :
connected [set: G] -> K4_free (add_node G U) -> is_tree (CP U).
set H := add_node G U.
move => G_conn H_K4_free.
apply: CP_treeI => // x y z x_cp y_cp z_cp xy yz zx.
apply: H_K4_free.
move: (CP_triangle_bags G_conn x_cp y_cp z_cp xy yz zx) =>
[x'] [y'] [z'] [[x_inU y_inU z_inU] [xX' yY' zZ']].
set U3 : {set G} := [set x; y; z] in xX' yY' zZ'.
pose X := bag U3 x.
pose Y := bag U3 y.
pose Z := bag U3 z.
have xX : x \in X by apply: (@bag_id G).
have yY : y \in Y by apply: (@bag_id G).
have zZ : z \in Z by apply: (@bag_id G).
move def_T: (~: (X :|: Y :|: Z)) => T.
pose T' : {set G} := U3 :|: T.
pose G' := @sgraph.induced G T'.
have xH' : x \in T' by rewrite !inE eqxx.
have yH' : y \in T' by rewrite !inE eqxx.
have zH' : z \in T' by rewrite !inE eqxx.
have def_T' : T' = U3 :|: ~: (\bigcup_(v in U3) bag U3 v).
{ by rewrite {2}/U3 !bigcup_setU !bigcup_set1 /T' -def_T. }
case: (collapse_bags _ U3 x _) => //.
{ by rewrite !inE eqxx. }
rewrite -def_T' -/G' => phi [mm_phi P1 P2].
have irred_inT u v (p : Path G u v) :
u \in T' -> v \in T' -> irred p -> {subset p <= T'}.
{ rewrite def_T'. exact: bags_in_out. }
have G'_conn : forall x y : G', connect sedge x y.
{ apply: connectedTE. apply: connected_induced.
move => u v Hu Hv. case/uPathP : (connectedTE G_conn u v) => p irr_p.
apply: (connectRI (p := p)). exact: irred_inT irr_p. }
have cp_lift u v w :
w \in @cp G' u v -> val w \in @cp G (val u) (val v).
{ apply: contraTT => /cpPn [p] /irred_inT. move/(_ (valP u) (valP v)).
case/Path_to_induced => q eq_nodes.
rewrite in_collective -eq_nodes (mem_map val_inj).
exact: cpNI. }
pose x0 : G' := Sub x xH'.
pose y0 : G' := Sub y yH'.
pose z0 : G' := Sub z zH'.
(* pose H' := @add_node G' set x0;y0;z0. *)
have link_xy : @link_rel G' x0 y0.
{ rewrite /= -val_eqE (sg_edgeNeq xy) /=. apply/subsetP.
move => w /cp_lift. case/andP : (xy) => _ /subsetP S /S.
by rewrite !inE !sub_val_eq. }
have link_yz : @link_rel G' y0 z0.
{ rewrite /= -val_eqE (sg_edgeNeq yz) /=. apply/subsetP.
move => w /cp_lift. case/andP : (yz) => _ /subsetP S /S.
by rewrite !inE !sub_val_eq. }
have link_zx : @link_rel G' z0 x0.
{ rewrite /= -val_eqE (sg_edgeNeq zx) /=. apply/subsetP.
move => w /cp_lift. case/andP : (zx) => _ /subsetP S /S.
by rewrite !inE !sub_val_eq. }
apply: minor_trans (K4_of_triangle link_xy link_yz link_zx).
idtac => {link_xy link_yz link_zx}.
rewrite /H. apply: add_node_minor mm_phi.
move => b. rewrite !inE -orbA. case/or3P => /eqP ?; subst b.
- exists x' => //. apply/eqP. rewrite mem_preim P2 //. by rewrite !inE eqxx.
- exists y' => //. apply/eqP. rewrite mem_preim P2 //. by rewrite !inE eqxx.
- exists z' => //. apply/eqP. rewrite mem_preim P2 //. by rewrite !inE eqxx.
Proposition 21(ii)
Definition igraph (G : sgraph) (x y : G) : sgraph := induced (interval x y).
Definition istart (G : sgraph) (x y : G) : igraph x y := Sub x (intervalL x y).
Definition iend (G : sgraph) (x y : G) : igraph x y := Sub y (intervalR x y).
Arguments add_edge : clear implicits.
Arguments igraph : clear implicits.
Arguments istart {G x y}.
Arguments iend {G x y}.
Lemma add_edge_swap (G : sgraph) (i o : G) :
sg_iso (add_edge G i o) (add_edge G o i).
exists (id : add_edge G o i -> add_edge G i o) id;
move=>//= x y /orP[->//|]/orP[]/andP[xNy]/andP[->->]/=;
by rewrite [in _ && true]eq_sym xNy.
(* TOTHINK: This lemma can have a more general statement.
* add_edge preserves sg_iso when the nodes are applied to the actual iso. *)
Lemma add_edge_induced_iso (G : sgraph) (S T : {set G})
(u v : induced S) (x y : induced T) :
S = T -> val u = val x -> val v = val y ->
sg_iso (add_edge (induced S) u v) (add_edge (induced T) x y).
move=> eq_ST eq_ux eq_vy.
have SofT z : z \in T -> z \in S by rewrite eq_ST.
have TofS z : z \in S -> z \in T by rewrite eq_ST.
set g : induced T -> induced S := fun z => Sub (val z) (SofT (val z) (valP z)).
set f : induced S -> induced T := fun z => Sub (val z) (TofS (val z) (valP z)).
exists (g : add_edge _ x y -> add_edge _ u v) f; rewrite {}/f {}/g;
[ move=> ?; exact: val_inj .. | | ]; move=> a b /=/orP[->//|];
rewrite -!(inj_eq val_inj) /= eq_ux eq_vy =>/orP[]/andP[aNb]/andP[->->];
by rewrite /= aNb.
Definition istart (G : sgraph) (x y : G) : igraph x y := Sub x (intervalL x y).
Definition iend (G : sgraph) (x y : G) : igraph x y := Sub y (intervalR x y).
Arguments add_edge : clear implicits.
Arguments igraph : clear implicits.
Arguments istart {G x y}.
Arguments iend {G x y}.
Lemma add_edge_swap (G : sgraph) (i o : G) :
sg_iso (add_edge G i o) (add_edge G o i).
exists (id : add_edge G o i -> add_edge G i o) id;
move=>//= x y /orP[->//|]/orP[]/andP[xNy]/andP[->->]/=;
by rewrite [in _ && true]eq_sym xNy.
(* TOTHINK: This lemma can have a more general statement.
* add_edge preserves sg_iso when the nodes are applied to the actual iso. *)
Lemma add_edge_induced_iso (G : sgraph) (S T : {set G})
(u v : induced S) (x y : induced T) :
S = T -> val u = val x -> val v = val y ->
sg_iso (add_edge (induced S) u v) (add_edge (induced T) x y).
move=> eq_ST eq_ux eq_vy.
have SofT z : z \in T -> z \in S by rewrite eq_ST.
have TofS z : z \in S -> z \in T by rewrite eq_ST.
set g : induced T -> induced S := fun z => Sub (val z) (SofT (val z) (valP z)).
set f : induced S -> induced T := fun z => Sub (val z) (TofS (val z) (valP z)).
exists (g : add_edge _ x y -> add_edge _ u v) f; rewrite {}/f {}/g;
[ move=> ?; exact: val_inj .. | | ]; move=> a b /=/orP[->//|];
rewrite -!(inj_eq val_inj) /= eq_ux eq_vy =>/orP[]/andP[aNb]/andP[->->];
by rewrite /= aNb.
Lemma igraph_K4F (G : sgraph) (i o x y : G) :
connected [set: G] ->
x \in cp i o -> y \in cp i o -> x != y ->
K4_free (add_edge G i o) ->
K4_free (add_edge (igraph G x y) istart iend).
set H := add_edge G i o.
set I := add_edge _ _ _.
move=> G_conn x_cpio y_cpio xNy; apply: minor_K4_free.
have iNo : i != o.
{ apply: contra_neq xNy => x_y. move: x_cpio y_cpio.
by rewrite -{}x_y cpxx !inE =>/eqP->/eqP->. }
have conn_io : connect sedge i o := connectedTE G_conn i o.
wlog x_le_y : x y @I x_cpio y_cpio xNy / cpo conn_io x y.
{ move=> Hyp. case/orP: (cpo_total conn_io x y); first exact: Hyp.
move=> ?; suff : minor (add_edge (igraph G y x) istart iend) I.
{ by apply: minor_trans; apply: Hyp; rewrite // 1?sg_sym 1?eq_sym. }
apply: strict_is_minor; apply: iso_strict_minor.
apply: (@sg_iso_trans I (add_edge (igraph G x y) iend istart)).
exact: add_edge_swap.
by apply: add_edge_induced_iso; first exact: interval_sym. }
pose U2 := [set x; y].
(* As a consequence, i (resp. o) is the the bag of x (resp. y) with
* respect to {x, y}. *)
have [i_Px o_Py] : i \in bag U2 x /\ o \in bag U2 y.
{ split; apply/bagP=> z; rewrite CP_set2 (cpo_cp x_cpio y_cpio x_le_y);
move=> /andP[z_cpio] /andP[x_le_z z_le_y].
+ rewrite (cpo_cp (mem_cpl i o) z_cpio);
repeat (apply/andP; split) => //; exact: cpo_min.
+ have o_cpio : o \in cp i o by rewrite cp_sym mem_cpl.
rewrite cp_sym (cpo_cp z_cpio o_cpio);
repeat (apply/andP; split) => //; exact: cpo_max. }
case: (collapse_bags G_conn U2 x _); first by rewrite !inE eqxx.
set T := U2 :|: _. have {T}-> : T = interval x y.
{ rewrite {}/T {-3}/U2 /interval bigcup_setU !bigcup_set1.
congr ([set x; y] :|: _).
rewrite -setTD (sinterval_bag_cover G_conn xNy).
rewrite setUAC setDUl setDv set0U; apply/setDidPl.
rewrite disjoint_sym disjoints_subset subUset -!disjoints_subset.
by rewrite {2}sinterval_sym !interval_bag_disj //;
apply: CP_extensive; rewrite !inE eqxx. }
rewrite -[induced _]/(igraph G x y). set Gxy := igraph G x y in I *.
move=> phi [[phi_surj preim_phi_conn phi_edge] preim_phi preim_phixy].
apply: strict_is_minor. exists phi; split; first exact: phi_surj.
+ move=> u; have u_I : val u \in interval x y := valP u.
case: (boolP (val u \in U2)) => u_xy.
- rewrite preim_phixy //. apply: add_edge_connected.
apply: (@connected_bag G G_conn (val u) U2).
exact: CP_extensive.
- rewrite preim_phi; first exact: connected1.
by rewrite inE u_xy u_I.
+ move=> u v /orP[].
- move/phi_edge => [u'] [v'] [? ? uv'].
by exists u'; exists v'; split; rewrite //= uv'.
- wlog [-> -> _] : u v / u = istart /\ v = iend.
{ case/(_ istart iend); [ by split | by rewrite /= !eqxx xNy | ].
move=> u' [v'] [? ? ?]. have ? : v' -- u' by rewrite sg_sym.
case/orP=> /andP[_]/andP[/eqP->/eqP->];
[ by exists u'; exists v' | by exists v'; exists u' ]. }
rewrite 2?preim_phixy ?inE ?eqxx // ![val _]/=.
by exists i; exists o; split; rewrite //= iNo !eqxx.
Lemma igraph_K4F_add_node (G : sgraph) (U : {set G}) :
connected [set: G] -> forall x y, x \in CP U -> y \in CP U -> x != y ->
K4_free (add_node G U) -> K4_free (add_edge (igraph G x y) istart iend).
set H := add_node G U => G_conn x y x_cp y_cp xy H_K4F.
set I := add_edge _ _ _.
case: (CP_base x_cp y_cp) => [i] [o] [i_U o_U].
rewrite subUset !sub1set =>/andP[x_cpio y_cpio].
suff : K4_free (add_edge G i o) by exact: igraph_K4F => //.
set K := add_edge G i o.
apply: minor_K4_free H_K4F. apply: strict_is_minor.
set phi : H -> K := odflt i.
have preim_phi u :
phi @^-1 u = Some u |: if u == i then [set None] else set0.
{ by apply/setP=> v; case: ifP => u_i; rewrite -mem_preim !inE ?orbF;
case: v => [v|] //=; rewrite eq_sym. }
have preim_phixx u : Some u \in phi @^-1 u by rewrite -mem_preim.
exists phi; split.
+ by move=> /= u; exists (Some u).
+ move=> /= u; rewrite preim_phi.
case: ifP => [/eqP{u}->|_]; first exact: connected2.
by rewrite setU0; exact: connected1.
+ move=> u v /orP[]; first by [ exists (Some u); exists (Some v); split ].
move=> /orP[]/andP[_]/andP[/eqP->/eqP->];
[ exists None; exists (Some o) | exists (Some o); exists None ];
by split; rewrite // -mem_preim.
Lemma connected_remove_triv_bag2 (G : sgraph) (i o : G) :
i != o -> bag [set i; o] i = [set i] -> connected [set: G] -> connected [set~ i].
move=> iNo bag_i conn_G.
have : o \in [set~ i] by rewrite !inE eq_sym.
apply: connected_center => x. rewrite inE -{1}bag_i => Hx.
suff /cpPn[p _ iNp] : i \notin cp o x.
{ suff : {subset p <= [set~ i]} by exact: connectRI.
by move=> z; rewrite !inE; apply: contraTneq =>->. }
rewrite cp_sym. apply: contraNN Hx => i_cpxo. apply/bagP. rewrite CP_set2.
move=> y y_cpio. exact: cp_tightenR y_cpio i_cpxo.
TODO: This proof can likely be simplified (though it will surely remain one
of the longer proofs of the development
Lemma ssplit_K4_nontrivial (G : sgraph) (i o : G) :
~~ i -- o -> link_rel G i o -> K4_free (add_edge G i o) ->
bag [set i;o] i = [set i] ->
connected [set: G] -> disconnected (sinterval i o).
move => /= io1 /andP [io2 io3] K4F bag_i conn_G.
pose G' := @sgraph.induced G [set~ i].
(* Ad-hoc versions of Path_to_induced/Path_from_induced. *)
have from_base (x y : G') (p : Path G (val x) (val y)) :
i \notin p -> exists p' : Path G' x y, nodes p = map val (nodes p').
{ move=> iNp. suff : {subset p <= [set~ i]}
by case/Path_to_induced => p' <-; exists p'.
by move=> z; rewrite !inE; apply: contraTneq =>->. }
have into_base (x y : G') (p' : Path G' x y) :
exists2 p : Path G (val x) (val y), i \notin p & nodes p = map val (nodes p').
{ case: (Path_from_induced p') => [p] iNp eq_p.
exists p; by [apply/negP=>/iNp; rewrite !inE eqxx|]. }
have node_G' : G' by exists o; rewrite !inE eq_sym.
have conn_G' : connected [set: G'].
{ apply: connected_induced. exact: connected_remove_triv_bag2 io2 _ _. }
set U := o |: neighbours i.
have iNU : {subset U <= [set~ i]}.
{ move=> u. rewrite in_setC1. apply: contraTneq => {u}->.
by rewrite in_setU1 negb_or inE io2 sgP. }
set U' : {set G'} := val @^-1: U.
have tree_CPU' : is_tree (CP U').
{ apply: CP_tree conn_G' _. apply: subgraph_K4_free K4F.
exists (fun z => if z is Some x then val x else i).
+ case=> [x|] [y|] //; first by move=> /val_inj->.
- move=> xy. by move: (valP x); rewrite !inE xy eqxx.
- move=> xy. by move: (valP y); rewrite !inE -xy eqxx.
+ have Hyp (z : G') : z \in U' -> (i : add_edge G i o) -- val z.
{ by rewrite !inE /= =>/orP[/eqP->|->//]; rewrite io2 !eqxx. }
case=> [x|] [y|] //=; [by move=>->| |]; move=> /Hyp; by [|rewrite sg_sym]. }
have i_link x : i -- x -> exists2 x' : link_graph G', x = val x' & x' \in CP U'.
{ move=> ix. have Hx : x \in [set~ i] by rewrite in_setC1 eq_sym sg_edgeNeq.
exists (Sub x Hx) => //. apply: (@CP_extensive G'). by rewrite !inE ix. }
have [o' eq_o' o_cp'] : exists2 o' : link_graph G', o = val o' & o' \in CP U'.
{ have Ho : o \in [set~ i] by rewrite in_setC1 eq_sym.
exists (Sub o Ho) => //. apply: (@CP_extensive G'). by rewrite !inE eqxx. }
pose N := CP U' :&: neighbours o'.
have Ngt1: 1 < #|N|.
{ suff: 0 < #|N| /\ #|N| != 1.
{ case: (#|N|) => [|[|]] //; rewrite ?ltnn ?eqxx; by case. }
- apply/card_gt0P.
(* i must have a neighbor (that is not o) and CP(U') is connected *)
case: (connected_card_gt1 conn_G _ _ io2) => // j _ ij.
case/i_link: (ij) => j' eq_j' j_cp'.
have conn_CPU' : connected (CP U') by apply tree_CPU'.
have : o != j by apply: contraNneq io1 =>->.
rewrite eq_o' eq_j' val_eqE.
case/(connected_card_gt1 conn_CPU') => // x x_cp' ox.
by exists x; rewrite !inE.
- apply/negP. case/cards1P => n E.
have : n \in N by rewrite E in_set1. rewrite /N !inE => /andP[n_cp' on].
have {E} n_uniq (z : link_graph G') : z \in CP U' -> z -- o' -> z = n.
{ move=> z_cp' zo; have : z \in N by rewrite /N !inE sg_sym.
by rewrite E inE => /eqP. }
(* for every neighbor z of i, n \in cp z o.
hence n \in cp i o (and different from both). Contradiction. *)
suff : val n \in cp i o.
{ move: io3 => /subsetP io3 /io3. rewrite !inE =>/orP[]; apply/negP.
* by have := valP n; rewrite !inE.
* by rewrite eq_o' val_eqE eq_sym (sg_edgeNeq on). }
(* Take an irredundant Path G i o and show that it contains n. To lift
* it to G', first cut off i. *)
apply: cp_neighbours => // z p iz Ip iNp.
move: p Ip iNp. case/i_link: (iz) => z' eq_z' z_cp'.
rewrite eq_z' eq_o' => p Ip /from_base[p' eq_p'].
suff : n \in p' by move=> /(map_f val); rewrite -eq_p'.
have {p Ip eq_p'} Ip' : irred p'.
{ move: Ip; rewrite !irredE -!nodesE eq_p'. exact: map_uniq. }
(* It then restricts to q : Path (CP_ U') z o which must have n as
* its penultimate node. Thus n ∈ q ⊆ p. *)
case: (CP_path conn_G' z_cp' o_cp' Ip') => // q [_] q_sub /subsetP. apply.
have : z != o by apply: contraTneq iz =>->.
rewrite eq_o' eq_z' val_eqE.
case/(splitR q) => z1 [q'] [z1o] eq_q.
have {q' eq_q} z1_q : z1 \in q by rewrite eq_q mem_pcat nodes_end.
have z1_cp' : z1 \in CP U' by apply: (subsetP q_sub).
by rewrite -(n_uniq z1).
have CPU_sinterval z : z \in CP U' :\ o' -> val z \in sinterval i o.
{ rewrite in_setD1 andbC; case/andP=> z_CP.
suff : z \in val @^-1: (o |: sinterval i o).
{ rewrite 3!inE -val_eqE. case/orP=> [/eqP->|//]. by rewrite -eq_o' eqxx. }
move: z z_CP. apply/subsetP. apply: (@connected_CP_closed G').
- move=> x y. rewrite ![_ \in _ @^-1: _]inE sinterval_sym => Hx Hy.
case: (altP (x =P y)) => [<-|xNy]; first exact: connect0.
case/PathRP: (sinterval_connectedL Hx Hy) => // p /subsetP p_sub.
have /Path_to_induced[q eq_q] : {subset p <= [set~ i]}.
{ move=> v /p_sub. rewrite in_setC1. apply: contraTneq => {v}->.
by rewrite in_setU1 negb_or io2 sinterval_bounds. }
apply: connectRI (q) _ => v. rewrite in_collective => /(map_f val).
rewrite eq_q inE. exact: p_sub.
- apply: preimsetS. apply: setUS. apply/subsetP=> u. rewrite inE => iu.
rewrite inE andbC. apply/andP. split.
+ apply: cpNI (prev (edgep iu)) _ _.
rewrite mem_prev mem_edgep negb_or eq_sym io2 /=.
by apply: contraNneq io1 =>->.
+ case/i_link: iu => u' eq_u' _.
case/uPathP: (connectedTE conn_G' u' o') => p' _.
case/into_base: (p'); rewrite -eq_u' -eq_o'. by move=> ? /cpNI.
case/card_gt1P : Ngt1 => [x] [y]. rewrite !inE {N}.
case=> /andP[x_cp' ox] /andP[y_cp' oy] xNy. exists (val x). exists (val y).
split; last 1 [idtac] ||
by apply: CPU_sinterval; rewrite in_setD1 eq_sym sg_edgeNeq.
(* o, which is not in ]]i;o[, is a checkpoint beween x and y *)
apply/uPathRP => // -[p] Ip /subsetP p_io.
have /from_base[p' eq_p'] : i \notin p.
{ by apply/negP => /p_io; rewrite sinterval_bounds. }
pose q' := pcat (prev (edgep ox)) (edgep oy). have Iq' : irred q'.
{ by rewrite irredE/= !inE negb_or xNy eq_sym (sg_edgeNeq ox) (sg_edgeNeq oy). }
have q_sub' : q' \subset CP U'.
{ apply/subsetP=> u. rewrite mem_pcat mem_prev !mem_edgep -orbA.
by case/or4P=> /eqP->. }
have : o' \in q' by rewrite mem_pcat mem_prev !nodes_start.
rewrite (CP_tree_paths conn_G' tree_CPU' _ Iq' _) //.
move/(@cpP G')/(_ p')/(map_f val).
by rewrite -eq_p' -eq_o' =>/p_io; rewrite sinterval_bounds.