Library RelationAlgebra.lattice
lattice: from preorders to Boolean lattices
Require Export common level.
Declare Scope ra_terms.
Delimit Scope ra_terms with ra.
Open Scope ra_scope.
Open Scope ra_terms.
Lattice operations
underlying equality
Boolean negation
bottom element
top element
Hints for simpl
Arguments weq {ops} (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments leq {ops} (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments cup {ops} (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments cap {ops} (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments neg {ops} (x)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments bot {ops} / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments top {ops} / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments leq {ops} (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments cup {ops} (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments cap {ops} (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments neg {ops} (x)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments bot {ops} / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments top {ops} / : simpl nomatch.
≦ : \leqq (company coq) or LESS THAN OVER EQUAL TO (was '<==')
≡ : \equiv (company coq) or IDENTIAL TO (was '==')
⊔ : \sqcup (company coq) or SQUARE CUP (was '\cup')
⊓ : \sqcap (company coq) or SQUARE CAP (was '\cap')
Infix "≦" := leq (at level 79): ra_scope.
Infix "≡" := weq (at level 79): ra_scope.
Infix "⊔" := cup (left associativity, at level 50): ra_terms.
Infix "⊓" := cap (left associativity, at level 40): ra_terms.
Notation "! x" := (neg x) (right associativity, at level 20, format "! x"): ra_terms.
Lattice laws (axioms)
Class laws (l: level) (X: ops) := {
leq_PreOrder:> PreOrder leq;
weq_spec : ∀ x y , x ≡ y ↔ x ≦ y ∧ y ≦ x;
cup_spec {Hl:CUP ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, x ⊔ y ≦ z ↔ x ≦ z ∧ y ≦ z;
cap_spec {Hl:CAP ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, z ≦ x ⊓ y ↔ z ≦ x ∧ z ≦ y;
leq_bx_ {Hl:BOT ≪ l}: NEG+CAP ≪ l ∨ ∀ x, bot ≦ x;
leq_xt_ {Hl:TOP ≪ l}: NEG+CUP ≪ l ∨ ∀ x, x ≦ top;
cupcap_ {Hl:DL ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, (x ⊔ y) ⊓ (x ⊔ z) ≦ x ⊔ (y ⊓ z);
capneg {Hl:NEG+CAP+BOT ≪ l}: ∀ x, x ⊓ !x ≡ bot;
cupneg {Hl:NEG+CUP+TOP ≪ l}: ∀ x, x ⊔ !x ≡ top
Lemma antisym `{laws}: ∀ x y, x ≦ y → y ≦ x → x ≡ y.
Proof. intros. apply weq_spec; split; assumption. Qed.
Lemma from_below `{laws}: ∀ x y, (∀ z, z ≦ x ↔ z ≦ y) → x ≡ y.
Proof. intros x y E. apply antisym; apply E; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma from_above `{laws}: ∀ x y, (∀ z, x ≦ z ↔ y ≦ z) → x ≡ y.
Proof. intros x y E. apply antisym; apply E; reflexivity. Qed.
Trivial hints
#[export] Hint Extern 0 (_ ≦ _) ⇒ reflexivity : core.
#[export] Hint Extern 0 (_ ≡ _) ⇒ reflexivity : core.
#[export] Hint Extern 0 (_ ≡ _) ⇒ reflexivity : core.
Instances to be used by the setoid_rewrite machinery
#[export] Instance weq_Equivalence `{laws}: Equivalence weq.
intro. now rewrite weq_spec.
intros ? ?. rewrite 2weq_spec. tauto.
intros x y z. rewrite 3weq_spec. intuition; etransitivity; eassumption.
#[export] Instance weq_rel {ops} : RewriteRelation (@weq ops) := {}.
#[export] Instance weq_leq `{laws}: subrelation weq leq.
Proof. intros x y E. apply weq_spec in E as [? ?]. assumption. Qed.
#[export] Instance weq_geq `{laws}: subrelation weq (flip leq).
Proof. intros x y E. apply weq_spec in E as [? ?]. assumption. Qed.
#[export] Instance leq_weq_iff `{laws}: Proper (weq ==> weq ==> iff) leq.
intros x y E x' y' E'. split; intro L.
now rewrite <-E, <-E'.
now rewrite E, E'.
intro. now rewrite weq_spec.
intros ? ?. rewrite 2weq_spec. tauto.
intros x y z. rewrite 3weq_spec. intuition; etransitivity; eassumption.
#[export] Instance weq_rel {ops} : RewriteRelation (@weq ops) := {}.
#[export] Instance weq_leq `{laws}: subrelation weq leq.
Proof. intros x y E. apply weq_spec in E as [? ?]. assumption. Qed.
#[export] Instance weq_geq `{laws}: subrelation weq (flip leq).
Proof. intros x y E. apply weq_spec in E as [? ?]. assumption. Qed.
#[export] Instance leq_weq_iff `{laws}: Proper (weq ==> weq ==> iff) leq.
intros x y E x' y' E'. split; intro L.
now rewrite <-E, <-E'.
now rewrite E, E'.
Utility lemmas, to deduce that a function preserves weq once we
proved that it preserves leq, these are extremely useful in
Lemma op_leq_weq_1 {h k X Y} {HX: laws h X} {HY: laws k Y} {f: X → Y}
{Hf: Proper (leq ==> leq) f}: Proper (weq ==> weq) f.
Proof. intros x y. rewrite 2weq_spec. intro E; split; apply Hf; apply E. Qed.
Lemma op_leq_weq_2 {h k l X Y Z} {HX: laws h X} {HY: laws k Y} {HZ: laws l Z} {f: X → Y → Z}
{Hf: Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) f}: Proper (weq ==> weq ==> weq) f.
intros x y E x' y' E'. rewrite weq_spec in E. rewrite weq_spec in E'.
apply antisym; apply Hf; (apply E || apply E').
Additional hints, to speedup typeclass resolution
#[export] Instance leq_Reflexive `{laws}: Reflexive leq |1.
Proof. eauto with typeclass_instances. Qed.
#[export] Instance leq_Transitive `{laws}: Transitive leq |1.
Proof. eauto with typeclass_instances. Qed.
#[export] Instance weq_Reflexive `{laws}: Reflexive weq |1.
Proof. eauto with typeclass_instances. Qed.
#[export] Instance weq_Transitive `{laws}: Transitive weq |1.
Proof. eauto with typeclass_instances. Qed.
#[export] Instance weq_Symmetric `{laws}: Symmetric weq |1.
Proof. eauto with typeclass_instances. Qed.
We declare most projections as Opaque for typeclass resolution:
this saves a lot of compilation time
#[export] Typeclasses Opaque leq cup cap neg bot top.
Lemma leq_cupx `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, x ≦ z → y ≦ z → x ⊔ y ≦ z.
Proof. intros. apply cup_spec. split; assumption. Qed.
Lemma leq_xcup `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, z ≦ x ∨ z ≦ y → z ≦ x ⊔ y.
intros x y z. assert (C:= cup_spec x y (x ⊔ y)).
intros [E|E]; rewrite E; apply C; reflexivity.
Lemma leq_xcap `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, z ≦ x → z ≦ y → z ≦ x ⊓ y.
Proof. intros. apply cap_spec. split; assumption. Qed.
Lemma leq_capx `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, x ≦ z ∨ y ≦ z → x ⊓ y ≦ z.
intros x y z. assert (C:= cap_spec x y (x ⊓ y)).
intros [E|E]; rewrite <- E; apply C; reflexivity.
Lemma leq_bx `{L: laws} {Hl:BOT ≪ l}: ∀ x, bot ≦ x.
destruct leq_bx_ as [Hl'|H]. 2: apply H.
intro x. rewrite <-(capneg x). apply leq_capx. left. reflexivity.
Lemma leq_xb_iff `{L: laws} {Hl:BOT ≪ l}: ∀ x, x ≦ bot ↔ x ≡ bot.
split; intro. apply antisym. assumption. apply leq_bx.
now apply weq_leq.
Lemma leq_xt `{L: laws} {Hl:TOP ≪ l}: ∀ x, x ≦ top.
destruct leq_xt_ as [Hl'|H]. 2: apply H.
intro x. rewrite <-(cupneg x). apply leq_xcup. left. reflexivity.
Lemma leq_tx_iff `{L: laws} {Hl:TOP ≪ l}: ∀ x, top ≦ x ↔ x ≡ top.
split; intro. apply antisym. apply leq_xt. assumption.
now apply weq_leq.
Lemma lower_lattice_laws {h k} {X} {H: laws h X} {le: k ≪ h}: laws k X.
constructor; try solve [ apply H | intro; apply H; eauto using lower_trans ].
intro. right. eapply @leq_bx. apply H. eauto using lower_trans.
intro. right. eapply @leq_xt. apply H. eauto using lower_trans.
constructor; try solve [ apply H | intro; apply H; eauto using lower_trans ].
intro. right. eapply @leq_bx. apply H. eauto using lower_trans.
intro. right. eapply @leq_xt. apply H. eauto using lower_trans.
Solving (in)equations in non distributive lattices
Ltac lattice :=
let rec async := solve
[ apply leq_cupx; async
| apply leq_xcap; async
| apply leq_bx
| apply leq_xt
| sync_l false || sync_r false ]
with sync_l b := solve
[ reflexivity
| assumption
| apply leq_capx; ((left; sync_l true) || (right; sync_l true))
| match b with true ⇒ async end ]
with sync_r b := solve
[ reflexivity
| assumption
| apply leq_xcup; ((left; sync_r true) || (right; sync_r true))
| match b with true ⇒ async end ]
(try apply antisym); async || fail "not a lattice theorem".
let rec async := solve
[ apply leq_cupx; async
| apply leq_xcap; async
| apply leq_bx
| apply leq_xt
| sync_l false || sync_r false ]
with sync_l b := solve
[ reflexivity
| assumption
| apply leq_capx; ((left; sync_l true) || (right; sync_l true))
| match b with true ⇒ async end ]
with sync_r b := solve
[ reflexivity
| assumption
| apply leq_xcup; ((left; sync_r true) || (right; sync_r true))
| match b with true ⇒ async end ]
(try apply antisym); async || fail "not a lattice theorem".
extension of the above tactic so that it also tries to exploit
hypotheses in a more agressive way
Ltac hlattice :=
match goal with
| H: _ ≡ _ |- _ ⇒ apply weq_spec in H as [? ?]
| H: _ ⊔ _ ≦ _ |- _ ⇒ apply cup_spec in H as [? ?]
| H: _ ≦ _ ⊓ _ |- _ ⇒ apply cap_spec in H as [? ?]
end; lattice.
match goal with
| H: _ ≡ _ |- _ ⇒ apply weq_spec in H as [? ?]
| H: _ ⊔ _ ≦ _ |- _ ⇒ apply cup_spec in H as [? ?]
| H: _ ≦ _ ⊓ _ |- _ ⇒ apply cap_spec in H as [? ?]
end; lattice.
Reasoning by duality
Definition dual (X: ops) := {|
leq := flip leq;
weq := weq;
cup := cap;
cap := cup;
neg := neg;
bot := top;
top := bot |}.
Lemma capcup_ `{laws} `{DL ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, x ⊓ (y ⊔ z) ≦ (x ⊓ y) ⊔ (x ⊓ z).
intros. rewrite <- cupcap_. apply leq_xcap. lattice.
transitivity (z ⊔ x ⊓ y). 2: lattice.
rewrite <- cupcap_. lattice.
Ltac inverse_lower l Hl :=
revert Hl; clear; destruct l; unfold lower, merge; simpl; rewrite ?landb_spec; tauto.
leq := flip leq;
weq := weq;
cup := cap;
cap := cup;
neg := neg;
bot := top;
top := bot |}.
Lemma capcup_ `{laws} `{DL ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, x ⊓ (y ⊔ z) ≦ (x ⊓ y) ⊔ (x ⊓ z).
intros. rewrite <- cupcap_. apply leq_xcap. lattice.
transitivity (z ⊔ x ⊓ y). 2: lattice.
rewrite <- cupcap_. lattice.
Ltac inverse_lower l Hl :=
revert Hl; clear; destruct l; unfold lower, merge; simpl; rewrite ?landb_spec; tauto.
laws on a given set of operations can be transferred to the dual set of operations
Lemma dual_laws l (X: ops): laws (level.dual l) X → laws l (dual X).
intro H. constructor; try (destruct l; apply H).
constructor. apply H. intros x y z H1 H2. revert H2 H1. simpl. apply H.
intros x y. simpl. rewrite weq_spec. tauto.
intro. simpl. eapply @capcup_. apply H. inverse_lower l Hl.
intro. simpl. eapply @cupneg. apply H. inverse_lower l Hl.
intro. simpl. eapply @capneg. apply H. inverse_lower l Hl.
intro H. constructor; try (destruct l; apply H).
constructor. apply H. intros x y z H1 H2. revert H2 H1. simpl. apply H.
intros x y. simpl. rewrite weq_spec. tauto.
intro. simpl. eapply @capcup_. apply H. inverse_lower l Hl.
intro. simpl. eapply @cupneg. apply H. inverse_lower l Hl.
intro. simpl. eapply @capneg. apply H. inverse_lower l Hl.
this gives us a tactic to prove properties by lattice duality
Lemma dualize {h} {P: ops → Prop} (L: ∀ l X, laws l X → h ≪ l → P X)
{l X} {H: laws l X} {Hl:level.dual h ≪ l}: P (dual X).
apply L with (level.dual l). apply dual_laws.
destruct l; apply H.
revert Hl. rewrite 2lower_spec. destruct l; destruct h; simpl. tauto.
Ltac dual x := apply (dualize x).
{l X} {H: laws l X} {Hl:level.dual h ≪ l}: P (dual X).
apply L with (level.dual l). apply dual_laws.
destruct l; apply H.
revert Hl. rewrite 2lower_spec. destruct l; destruct h; simpl. tauto.
Ltac dual x := apply (dualize x).
(⊔,bot) forms a commutative, idempotent monoid
Lemma cupA `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) ≡ (x ⊔ y) ⊔ z.
Proof. intros. lattice. Qed.
Lemma cupC `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l}: ∀ x y, x ⊔ y ≡ y ⊔ x.
Proof. intros. lattice. Qed.
Lemma cupI `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l}: ∀ x, x ⊔ x ≡ x.
Proof. intros. lattice. Qed.
Lemma cupbx `{laws} `{CUP+BOT ≪ l}: ∀ x, bot ⊔ x ≡ x.
Proof. intros. lattice. Qed.
Lemma cupxb `{laws} `{CUP+BOT ≪ l}: ∀ x, x ⊔ bot ≡ x.
Proof. intros. lattice. Qed.
Lemma cuptx `{laws} `{CUP+TOP ≪ l}: ∀ x, top ⊔ x ≡ top.
Proof. intros. lattice. Qed.
Lemma cupxt `{laws} `{CUP+TOP ≪ l}: ∀ x, x ⊔ top ≡ top.
Proof. intros. lattice. Qed.
Lemma leq_cup_l `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l} x y: x ≦ x ⊔ y.
Proof. lattice. Qed.
Lemma leq_cup_r `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l} x y: y ≦ x ⊔ y.
Proof. lattice. Qed.
#[export] Instance cup_leq `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l}: Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) cup.
Proof. intros x x' Hx y y' Hy. lattice. Qed.
#[export] Instance cup_weq `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l}: Proper (weq ==> weq ==> weq) cup.
Proof. apply op_leq_weq_2. Qed.
distribution of ⊔ over ⊓
Lemma cupcap `{laws} `{DL ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, x ⊔ (y ⊓ z) ≡ (x ⊔ y) ⊓ (x ⊔ z).
Proof. intros. apply antisym. lattice. apply cupcap_. Qed.
Proof. intros. apply antisym. lattice. apply cupcap_. Qed.
characterisation of the preorder by the semilattice operations
Lemma leq_iff_cup `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l} (x y: X): x ≦ y ↔ x ⊔ y ≡ y.
Proof. split. intro. hlattice. intro E. rewrite <- E. lattice. Qed.
Lemma comm4 `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l} (a b c d: X): a ⊔ b ⊔ c ⊔ d ≡ (a ⊔ c) ⊔ (b ⊔ d).
Proof. lattice. Qed.
Proof. split. intro. hlattice. intro E. rewrite <- E. lattice. Qed.
Lemma comm4 `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l} (a b c d: X): a ⊔ b ⊔ c ⊔ d ≡ (a ⊔ c) ⊔ (b ⊔ d).
Proof. lattice. Qed.
(⊓,top) forms a commutative, idempotent monoid (by duality)
Lemma capA `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, x ⊓ (y ⊓ z) ≡ (x ⊓ y) ⊓ z.
Proof. dual @cupA. Qed.
Lemma capC `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l}: ∀ x y, x ⊓ y ≡ y ⊓ x.
Proof. dual @cupC. Qed.
Lemma capI `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l}: ∀ x, x ⊓ x ≡ x.
Proof. dual @cupI. Qed.
Lemma captx `{laws} `{CAP+TOP ≪ l}: ∀ x, top ⊓ x ≡ x.
Proof. dual @cupbx. Qed.
Lemma capxt `{laws} `{CAP+TOP ≪ l}: ∀ x, x ⊓ top ≡ x.
Proof. dual @cupxb. Qed.
Lemma capbx `{laws} `{CAP+BOT ≪ l}: ∀ x, bot ⊓ x ≡ bot.
Proof. dual @cuptx. Qed.
Lemma capxb `{laws} `{CAP+BOT ≪ l}: ∀ x, x ⊓ bot ≡ bot.
Proof. dual @cupxt. Qed.
Lemma leq_cap_l `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l} x y: x ⊓ y ≦ x.
Proof. lattice. Qed.
Lemma leq_cap_r `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l} x y: x ⊓ y ≦ y.
Proof. lattice. Qed.
#[export] Instance cap_leq `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l}: Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) cap.
Proof. intros x x' Hx y y' Hy. lattice. Qed.
#[export] Instance cap_weq `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l}: Proper (weq ==> weq ==> weq) cap.
Proof. apply op_leq_weq_2. Qed.
Lemma leq_iff_cap `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l} (x y: X): x ≦ y ↔ x ⊓ y ≡ x.
Proof. split. intro. hlattice. intro E. rewrite <- E. lattice. Qed.
Lemma capcup `{laws} `{DL ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, x ⊓ (y ⊔ z) ≡ (x ⊓ y) ⊔ (x ⊓ z).
Proof. dual @cupcap. Qed.
Lemma cupcap' `{laws} `{DL ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, (y ⊓ z) ⊔ x ≡ (y ⊔ x) ⊓ (z ⊔ x).
Proof. intros. now rewrite cupC, cupcap, 2(cupC x). Qed.
Lemma capcup' `{laws} `{DL ≪ l}: ∀ x y z, (y ⊔ z) ⊓ x ≡ (y ⊓ x) ⊔ (z ⊓ x).
Proof. dual @cupcap'. Qed.
Lemma neg_unique' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): y ⊓ x ≦ bot → y ≦ !x.
intros E. rewrite <-(capxt y). rewrite <-(cupneg x).
rewrite capcup. rewrite E. lattice.
Lemma neg_unique `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X):
top ≦ y ⊔ x → y ⊓ x ≦ bot → y ≡ !x.
intros Ht Hb. apply antisym.
now apply neg_unique'.
revert Ht. dual @neg_unique'.
#[export] Instance neg_leq `{laws} `{BL ≪ l}: Proper (leq --> leq) neg.
intros x y E. apply neg_unique'.
rewrite <-E, capC. now rewrite capneg.
#[export] Instance neg_weq `{laws} `{BL ≪ l}: Proper (weq ==> weq) neg.
Proof. intros x y. rewrite 2weq_spec. intro E; split; apply neg_leq, E. Qed.
Lemma negneg `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x: X): !!x ≡ x.
Proof. symmetry. apply neg_unique. now rewrite cupneg. now rewrite capneg. Qed.
Lemma negbot `{laws} `{BL ≪ l}: !bot ≡ top.
Proof. symmetry. apply neg_unique; lattice. Qed.
Lemma negtop `{laws} `{BL ≪ l}: !top ≡ bot.
Proof. dual @negbot. Qed.
Lemma negcap' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): !x ⊔ !y ≦ !(x ⊓ y).
Proof. apply leq_cupx; apply neg_leq; lattice. Qed.
Lemma negcup `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): !(x ⊔ y) ≡ !x ⊓ !y.
apply antisym. dual @negcap'.
rewrite <- (negneg x) at 2.
rewrite <- (negneg y) at 2.
now rewrite negcap', negneg.
Lemma negcap `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): !(x ⊓ y) ≡ !x ⊔ !y.
Proof. dual @negcup. Qed.
switching negations
Lemma neg_leq_iff `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): !x ≦ !y ↔ y ≦ x.
Proof. split. intro E. apply neg_leq in E. now rewrite 2negneg in E. apply neg_leq. Qed.
Lemma neg_leq_iff' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): x ≦ !y ↔ y ≦ !x.
Proof. now rewrite <- neg_leq_iff, negneg. Qed.
Lemma neg_leq_iff'' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): !x ≦ y ↔ !y ≦ x.
Proof. now rewrite <- neg_leq_iff, negneg. Qed.
Lemma neg_weq_iff `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): !x ≡ !y ↔ y ≡ x.
Proof. now rewrite 2weq_spec, 2neg_leq_iff. Qed.
Lemma neg_weq_iff' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): x ≡ !y ↔ !x ≡ y.
Proof. now rewrite <-neg_weq_iff, negneg. Qed.
Lemma neg_weq_iff'' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): !x ≡ y ↔ x ≡ !y.
Proof. now rewrite <-neg_weq_iff, negneg. Qed.
Ltac neg_switch := first [
rewrite neg_leq_iff |
rewrite neg_leq_iff' |
rewrite neg_leq_iff'' |
rewrite <-neg_leq_iff |
rewrite neg_weq_iff |
rewrite neg_weq_iff' |
rewrite neg_weq_iff'' |
rewrite <-neg_weq_iff ].
Lemma leq_cap_neg `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): y ≦ x ↔ y ⊓ !x ≦ bot.
split. intro E. now rewrite E, capneg.
intro E. now rewrite (neg_unique' _ _ E), negneg.
Lemma leq_cap_neg' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): y ⊓ x ≦ bot ↔ y ≦ !x.
Proof. rewrite <-(negneg x) at 1. symmetry. apply leq_cap_neg. Qed.
Lemma leq_cup_neg `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): x ≦ y ↔ top ≦ y ⊔ !x.
Proof. dual @leq_cap_neg. Qed.
Lemma leq_cup_neg' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): top ≦ y ⊔ x → !x ≦ y.
Proof. dual @leq_cap_neg'. Qed.
Proof. split. intro E. apply neg_leq in E. now rewrite 2negneg in E. apply neg_leq. Qed.
Lemma neg_leq_iff' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): x ≦ !y ↔ y ≦ !x.
Proof. now rewrite <- neg_leq_iff, negneg. Qed.
Lemma neg_leq_iff'' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): !x ≦ y ↔ !y ≦ x.
Proof. now rewrite <- neg_leq_iff, negneg. Qed.
Lemma neg_weq_iff `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): !x ≡ !y ↔ y ≡ x.
Proof. now rewrite 2weq_spec, 2neg_leq_iff. Qed.
Lemma neg_weq_iff' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): x ≡ !y ↔ !x ≡ y.
Proof. now rewrite <-neg_weq_iff, negneg. Qed.
Lemma neg_weq_iff'' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): !x ≡ y ↔ x ≡ !y.
Proof. now rewrite <-neg_weq_iff, negneg. Qed.
Ltac neg_switch := first [
rewrite neg_leq_iff |
rewrite neg_leq_iff' |
rewrite neg_leq_iff'' |
rewrite <-neg_leq_iff |
rewrite neg_weq_iff |
rewrite neg_weq_iff' |
rewrite neg_weq_iff'' |
rewrite <-neg_weq_iff ].
Lemma leq_cap_neg `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): y ≦ x ↔ y ⊓ !x ≦ bot.
split. intro E. now rewrite E, capneg.
intro E. now rewrite (neg_unique' _ _ E), negneg.
Lemma leq_cap_neg' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): y ⊓ x ≦ bot ↔ y ≦ !x.
Proof. rewrite <-(negneg x) at 1. symmetry. apply leq_cap_neg. Qed.
Lemma leq_cup_neg `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): x ≦ y ↔ top ≦ y ⊔ !x.
Proof. dual @leq_cap_neg. Qed.
Lemma leq_cup_neg' `{laws} `{BL ≪ l} (x y: X): top ≦ y ⊔ x → !x ≦ y.
Proof. dual @leq_cap_neg'. Qed.
Class morphism l {X Y: ops} (f: X → Y) := {
fn_leq: Proper (leq ==> leq) f;
fn_weq: Proper (weq ==> weq) f;
fn_cup {Hl:CUP ≪ l}: ∀ x y, f (x ⊔ y) ≡ f x ⊔ f y;
fn_cap {Hl:CAP ≪ l}: ∀ x y, f (x ⊓ y) ≡ f x ⊓ f y;
fn_bot {Hl:BOT ≪ l}: f bot ≡ bot;
fn_top {Hl:TOP ≪ l}: f top ≡ top;
fn_neg {Hl:NEG ≪ l}: ∀ x, f (!x) ≡ !(f x)
generating a structure by injective embedding
Lemma laws_of_injective_morphism {h l X Y} {L: laws h Y} {Hl: l ≪ h} f:
@morphism l X Y f →
(∀ x y, f x ≦ f y → x ≦ y) →
(∀ x y, f x ≡ f y → x ≡ y) →
laws l X.
intros Hf Hleq Hweq. apply (@lower_lattice_laws _ _ _ L) in Hl. clear L.
assert (Hleq_iff: ∀ x y, f x ≦ f y ↔ x ≦ y).
split. apply Hleq. apply fn_leq.
assert (Hweq_iff: ∀ x y, f x ≡ f y ↔ x ≡ y).
split. apply Hweq. apply fn_weq.
constructor. constructor.
intro. apply Hleq. reflexivity.
intros x y z. rewrite <-3Hleq_iff. apply Hl.
intros. now rewrite <-Hweq_iff, weq_spec, 2Hleq_iff.
intros. rewrite <-3Hleq_iff, fn_cup. apply cup_spec.
intros. rewrite <-3Hleq_iff, fn_cap. apply cap_spec.
right. intros. apply Hleq. rewrite fn_bot. apply leq_bx.
right. intros. apply Hleq. rewrite fn_top. apply leq_xt.
intros. apply Hleq. rewrite fn_cup, fn_cap, 2fn_cup, fn_cap. apply cupcap_.
intros. rewrite <-Hweq_iff. rewrite fn_cap, fn_neg, fn_bot. apply capneg.
intros. rewrite <-Hweq_iff. rewrite fn_cup, fn_neg, fn_top. apply cupneg.
Definition pw0 {Y X} (f: X) (y: Y) := f.
Definition pw1 {Y X} (f: X → X) (u: Y → X) (y: Y) := f (u y).
Definition pw2 {Y X} (f: X → X → X) (u v: Y → X) (y: Y) := f (u y) (v y).
Arguments pw0 {Y X} _ _ /.
Arguments pw1 {Y X} _ _ _ /.
Arguments pw2 {Y X} _ _ _ _ /.
Universe pw.
As explained above, we use canonical structures for operations inference
Canonical Structure pw_ops (X: ops) (Y : Type@{pw}) : ops := {|
car := Y → X;
leq := pwr leq;
weq := pwr weq;
cup := pw2 cup;
cap := pw2 cap;
neg := pw1 neg;
bot := pw0 bot;
top := pw0 top
car := Y → X;
leq := pwr leq;
weq := pwr weq;
cup := pw2 cup;
cap := pw2 cap;
neg := pw1 neg;
bot := pw0 bot;
top := pw0 top
In contrast, we use typeclass resolution for laws inference.
Note the level polymorphism in the instance below: laws of level l
on X yield laws of the same level l on Y → X.
#[export] Instance pw_laws `{laws} (Y : Type@{pw}) : laws l (pw_ops X Y).
constructor; simpl; intros. constructor.
intros f x. reflexivity.
intros f g h ? ? x. now transitivity (g x).
setoid_rewrite weq_spec. firstorder.
setoid_rewrite cup_spec. firstorder.
setoid_rewrite cap_spec. firstorder.
right; intros; apply leq_bx.
right; intros; apply leq_xt.
apply cupcap_.
apply capneg.
apply cupneg.
constructor; simpl; intros. constructor.
intros f x. reflexivity.
intros f g h ? ? x. now transitivity (g x).
setoid_rewrite weq_spec. firstorder.
setoid_rewrite cup_spec. firstorder.
setoid_rewrite cap_spec. firstorder.
right; intros; apply leq_bx.
right; intros; apply leq_xt.
apply cupcap_.
apply capneg.
apply cupneg.
Definition leq_or_weq (b: bool) := if b then @leq else @weq.
Arguments leq_or_weq _ {_} (_ _)%ra.
Notation "x <=[ b ]= y" := (leq_or_weq b x y) (at level 79): ra_scope.
Lemma leq_or_weq_weq `{laws} b: Proper (weq ==> weq ==> iff) (leq_or_weq b).
Proof. unfold leq_or_weq; case b; eauto with typeclass_instances. Qed.