Library RelationAlgebra.rmx

rmx: matrices of regular expressions

Require Import monoid regex lset boolean sups matrix_ext normalisation.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

rmx n m denote the set of (n,m)-matrices of regular expressions

Notation rmx n m := (mx regex' n m).

they form a Kleene algebra (with bottom element)

Set of variables occurring in a matrix

Definition mx_vars n m (M: rmx n m) := \sup_(i<n) \sup_(j<m) vars (M i j).

Lemma mx_vars_full n m (M: rmx n m) i j: vars (M i j) mx_vars M.
Proof. unfold mx_vars. do 2 erewrite <-leq_xsup by apply in_seq. reflexivity. Qed.

Pointwise extension of epsilon to matrices

Definition epsilon_mx := (mx_map (fun eeps e)).

Lemma epsilon_mx_pls n m (M N: rmx n m): epsilon_mx (M+N) epsilon_mx M + epsilon_mx N.
Proof. intros i j. apply orb_pls. Qed.

Lemma epsilon_sup I J (f: I regex'): eps (\sup_(i\in J) f i) \sup_(i\in J) eps (f i).
Proof. induction J. reflexivity. simpl. fold_regex. now rewrite <-IHJ, orb_pls. Qed.

Lemma epsilon_mx_dot n m p (M: rmx n m) (N: rmx m p):
  epsilon_mx (MN) epsilon_mx M epsilon_mx N.
  intros i j. simpl. unfold epsilon_mx, mx_map, mx_dot.
  rewrite epsilon_sup. now setoid_rewrite andb_dot.

#[export] Instance epsilon_mx_weq n m: Proper (weq ==> weq) (@epsilon_mx n m).
Proof. intros M N H i j. unfold epsilon_mx, mx_map. now rewrite (H i j). Qed.

epsilon_mx commutes with Kleene star on matrices
Lemma epsilon_mx_str: n (M: rmx n n), epsilon_mx (M^*) (epsilon_mx M)^*.
  apply (mx_str_ind' (fun n M sMepsilon_mx sM (epsilon_mx M)^*)).
  - intros n ? ? H ? ? H'. now rewrite H, H'.
  - intros ? i. elim (ord_0_empty i).
  - intro M. rewrite mx_str_1. intros i j.
    unfold epsilon_mx, scal_mx, mx_scal, mx_map. now rewrite str_eps.
  - intros n m a b c d e be ec f fbe ecf He Hf.
    unfold epsilon_mx. rewrite 2mx_map_blk, mx_str_blk.
    fold (epsilon_mx).
    assert (H1: (epsilon_mx (a+bec))^*
              (epsilon_mx a + epsilon_mx b (epsilon_mx d)^* epsilon_mx c) ^*)
      by (unfold be; rewrite epsilon_mx_pls, 2epsilon_mx_dot, He; reflexivity).
    apply blk_mx_weq.
    + rewrite Hf. exact H1.
    + unfold fbe, be. now rewrite 2epsilon_mx_dot, He, Hf, H1.
    + unfold ecf, ec. now rewrite 2epsilon_mx_dot, He, Hf, H1.
    + unfold ecf, be, ec. now rewrite epsilon_mx_pls, 4epsilon_mx_dot, He, Hf, H1.

Pointwise extension of derivatives to matrices

Notation deriv_mx a M := (mx_map (deriv a) M).

Lemma deriv_mx_pls a n m (M N: rmx n m): deriv_mx a (M+N) deriv_mx a M + deriv_mx a N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma deriv_mx_dot a n m p (M: rmx n m) (N: rmx m p):
  deriv_mx a (MN) deriv_mx a M N + epsilon_mx M deriv_mx a N.
Proof. intros i j. setoid_rewrite deriv_sup. simpl deriv; fold_regex. apply supcup. Qed.

#[export] Instance deriv_mx_weq a n m: Proper (weq ==> weq) (@mx_map _ _ (deriv a) n m).
Proof. apply mx_map_weq. Qed.

deriv_mx commutes with Kleene star on "strict" matrices, those whose epsilon matrix is empty
Lemma deriv_mx_str_strict a: n (M: rmx n n),
  epsilon_mx M 0 deriv_mx a (M^*) deriv_mx a M M^*.
  refine (mx_str_ind' (fun n M sM
    epsilon_mx M 0 deriv_mx a sM deriv_mx a M sM) _ _ _ _).
   intros n ? ? H ? ? H'. now rewrite H, H'.
   intros M _ i. elim (ord_0_empty i).
   intros M _ i j. setoid_rewrite ord0_unique. symmetry. apply cupxb.
   rename a into l. intros n m a b c d e be ec f fbe ecf He Hf HM.
   rewrite 2mx_map_blk, mx_dot_blk.
   unfold epsilon_mx in HM. rewrite mx_map_blk in HM. apply blk_mx_0 in HM as (Ha&Hb&Hc&Hd).
   assert (Hf': epsilon_mx (a+bec) 0).
     rewrite epsilon_mx_pls, epsilon_mx_dot, Ha, Hc; ra.
   specialize (He Hd). specialize (Hf Hf').
   unfold be in Hf. rewrite deriv_mx_pls, <-dotA, deriv_mx_dot, Hb, dot0x, cupxb in Hf.
   assert (Hecf: deriv_mx l ecf deriv_mx l c f + deriv_mx l d ecf).
     unfold ecf at 1, ec. rewrite <-dotA, deriv_mx_dot.
     rewrite He. unfold e at 2. rewrite epsilon_mx_str, Hd.
     rewrite deriv_mx_dot, Hc. unfold ecf, ec. ra.
   apply blk_mx_weq.
   - rewrite Hf. unfold ecf, ec. ra.
   - unfold fbe. rewrite deriv_mx_dot. unfold f at 2; rewrite epsilon_mx_str, Hf'.
     unfold be at 2. rewrite deriv_mx_dot. rewrite Hb.
     rewrite Hf. unfold ecf, be, ec. ra.
   - apply Hecf.
   - rewrite deriv_mx_pls, deriv_mx_dot, He, Hecf.
     unfold ecf at 2, ec. rewrite 2epsilon_mx_dot, Hc.
     unfold fbe. ra.

Pointwise predicates and operations on matrices

generic definitions ans lemmas
Definition mx_forall (f: _ Prop) n m (M: rmx n m) := i j, f (M i j).

Lemma mx_forall_row f n m1 m2 M11 M21:
  mx_forall f M11 mx_forall f M21
  mx_forall f (@row_mx _ n m1 m2 M11 M21).
Proof. repeat intro. unfold row_mx. now case ordinal.split. Qed.

Lemma mx_forall_col f n1 n2 m M11 M21:
  mx_forall f M11
  mx_forall f M21
  mx_forall f (@col_mx _ n1 n2 m M11 M21).
Proof. repeat intro. unfold col_mx. now case ordinal.split. Qed.

Lemma mx_forall_blk f n1 n2 m1 m2 M11 M12 M21 M22:
  mx_forall f M11 mx_forall f M12
  mx_forall f M21 mx_forall f M22
  mx_forall f (@blk_mx _ n1 n2 m1 m2 M11 M12 M21 M22).
Proof. intros. now apply mx_forall_col; apply mx_forall_row. Qed.

#[export] Hint Resolve mx_forall_blk mx_forall_row mx_forall_col: mx_predicates.

01, simple, and pure matrices
Notation is_01_mx := (mx_forall is_01).
Notation is_simple_mx := (mx_forall is_simple).
Notation is_pure_mx := (mx_forall is_pure).

taking the pure part of a matrix
Definition pure_part_mx := (mx_map pure_part).

the above classes are preserved by supremums
Lemma is_01_sup I J (f: I regex'):
  ( i, List.In i J is_01 (f i)) is_01 (\sup_(i \in J) f i).
Proof. apply P_sup; now constructor. Qed.

Lemma is_simple_sup I J (f: I regex'):
  ( i, List.In i J is_simple (f i)) is_simple (\sup_(i\in J) f i).
Proof. apply P_sup; now constructor. Qed.

Lemma is_pure_sup I J (f: I regex'):
  ( i, List.In i J is_pure (f i)) is_pure (\sup_(i\in J) f i).
Proof. apply P_sup; now constructor. Qed.

01 matrices

Lemma is_01_mx_zer n m: is_01_mx (0: rmx n m).
Proof. constructor. Qed.

Lemma is_01_mx_one n: is_01_mx (1: rmx n n).
Proof. repeat intro. simpl. unfold mx_one. case ordinal.eqb_ord; constructor. Qed.

Lemma is_01_mx_cup n m (M N: rmx n m): is_01_mx M is_01_mx N is_01_mx (M+N).
Proof. repeat intro. now constructor. Qed.

Lemma is_01_mx_dot n m p (M: rmx n m) (N: rmx m p): is_01_mx M is_01_mx N is_01_mx (MN).
Proof. repeat intro. apply is_01_sup. now constructor. Qed.

Lemma is_01_mx_scal e: is_01 e is_01_mx (scal_mx e).
Proof. now repeat intro. Qed.

Lemma is_01_scal_mx M: is_01_mx M is_01 (mx_scal M).
Proof. intro. apply H. Qed.

Lemma is_01_mx_sub00 n1 n2 m1 m2 M: is_01_mx M is_01_mx (@sub00_mx _ n1 n2 m1 m2 M).
Proof. intros H i j. apply H. Qed.

Lemma is_01_mx_sub01 n1 n2 m1 m2 M: is_01_mx M is_01_mx (@sub01_mx _ n1 n2 m1 m2 M).
Proof. intros H i j. apply H. Qed.

Lemma is_01_mx_sub10 n1 n2 m1 m2 M: is_01_mx M is_01_mx (@sub10_mx _ n1 n2 m1 m2 M).
Proof. intros H i j. apply H. Qed.

Lemma is_01_mx_sub11 n1 n2 m1 m2 M: is_01_mx M is_01_mx (@sub11_mx _ n1 n2 m1 m2 M).
Proof. intros H i j. apply H. Qed.

#[export] Hint Resolve is_01_mx_zer is_01_mx_one is_01_mx_cup is_01_mx_dot is_01_mx_scal is_01_scal_mx
  is_01_mx_sub00 is_01_mx_sub01 is_01_mx_sub10 is_01_mx_sub11: mx_predicates.

Lemma is_01_mx_str n (M: rmx n n): is_01_mx M is_01_mx (M^*).
  revert M. induction n; intros M HM. assumption.
  simpl. unfold mx_str_build. change (S n) with (1+n)%nat.
  ra_fold (mx_ops regex_ops regex_tt).
  auto 13 using is_01_str with mx_predicates.

Lemma is_01_mx_epsilon n m (M: rmx n m): is_01_mx (epsilon_mx M).
Proof. repeat intro. apply is_01_ofbool. Qed.

#[export] Hint Resolve is_01_mx_str is_01_mx_epsilon: mx_predicates.

simple matrices

any 01 matrix is simple
Lemma is_01_simple_mx n m (M: rmx n m): is_01_mx M is_simple_mx M.
Proof. repeat intro. now apply is_01_simple. Qed.

#[export] Hint Resolve is_01_simple_mx: mx_predicates.

Lemma is_simple_mx_var v: is_simple_mx (scal_mx (var v)).
Proof. constructor. Qed.

Lemma is_simple_mx_pls n m (M N: rmx n m):
  is_simple_mx M is_simple_mx N is_simple_mx (M+N).
Proof. now constructor. Qed.

Lemma is_simple_mx_dot n m p (M: rmx n m) (N: rmx m p):
  is_01_mx M is_simple_mx N is_simple_mx (MN).
Proof. repeat intro. apply is_simple_sup. now constructor. Qed.

#[export] Hint Resolve is_simple_mx_var is_simple_mx_pls is_simple_mx_dot: mx_predicates.

pure matrices

Lemma is_pure_mx_zer n m: is_pure_mx (0: rmx n m).
Proof. constructor. Qed.

Lemma is_pure_mx_var v: is_pure_mx (scal_mx (var v)).
Proof. constructor. Qed.

Lemma is_pure_mx_pls n m (M N: rmx n m): is_pure_mx M is_pure_mx N is_pure_mx (M+N).
Proof. now constructor. Qed.

Lemma is_pure_mx_dot n m p (M: rmx n m) (N: rmx m p): is_01_mx M is_pure_mx N is_pure_mx (MN).
Proof. repeat intro. apply is_pure_sup. now constructor. Qed.

Lemma is_pure_pure_part_mx n m (M: rmx n m): is_pure_mx (pure_part_mx M).
Proof. repeat intro. apply is_pure_pure_part. Qed.

#[export] Hint Resolve is_pure_mx_zer is_pure_mx_var is_pure_mx_pls is_pure_mx_dot is_pure_pure_part_mx: mx_predicates.

deriving and expanding various classes of matrices

Lemma deriv_01_mx a n m (M: rmx n m): is_01_mx M deriv_mx a M 0.
Proof. intros HM i j. apply deriv_01, HM. Qed.

Lemma expand_01_mx n m (M: rmx n m): is_01_mx M M epsilon_mx M.
Proof. intros H i j. now apply expand_01. Qed.

Lemma expand_simple_mx n m (M: rmx n m): is_simple_mx M M epsilon_mx M + pure_part_mx M.
Proof. intros H i j. now apply expand_simple. Qed.

Lemma epsilon_mx_pure n m (M: rmx n m): is_pure_mx M epsilon_mx M 0.
Proof. intros HM i j. unfold epsilon_mx, mx_map. rewrite epsilon_pure. reflexivity. apply HM. Qed.

Lemma epsilon_deriv_pure_mx a n m (M: rmx n m): is_pure_mx M
  epsilon_mx (deriv_mx a M) deriv_mx a M.
Proof. intros H i j. apply epsilon_deriv_pure, H. Qed.

From 01 row matrices to sets of ordinals, and back

Definition of_row n (u: rmx 1 n): ord (pow2 n) := set.of_fun (fun iepsilon (u ord0 i)).
Definition to_row n (x: ord (pow2 n)): rmx 1 n := fun _ iofbool (set.mem x i).

Lemma mem_of_row n i (u: rmx 1 n): is_01_mx u
   j, ofbool (set.mem (of_row u) j) u i j.
  intros Hu j. unfold of_row. rewrite set.mem_of_fun.
  symmetry. setoid_rewrite ord0_unique. apply expand_01, Hu.

Lemma is_01_mx_to_row n x: is_01_mx (@to_row n x).
Proof. intros ? ?. apply is_01_ofbool. Qed.

#[export] Hint Resolve is_01_mx_to_row: mx_predicates.