Édouard Bonnet
I am a CNRS researcher at LIP in the MC2 team.
My research is in algorithmic and structural graph theory.
Here is my habilitation thesis.
I am the principal investigator of the ANR JCJC grant TWIN-WIDTH (2021-2025).
The 2024 edition of EPIT (École de Printemps d'Informatique Théorique, Spring School in Theoretical Computer Science) was on structural and algorithmic graph theory. It took place in Aussois from May 13 to 17, 2024.
I am responsible for the ENS Lyon computer science master 2 internships.
If you look for a master intern, consider submitting a proposal; the submission requirements are very flexible, and the submission form quick to fill.
I am in the board of GT CoA (Complexité et Algorithmes), and I act as a local correspondent for GT CoA and GT Graphes.
If you have any questions on how to register to these GTs on myGDR, or to the corresponding mailing lists, just drop be an email.
Guillaume Aubrun, Grégory Miermont, and I organized a 1-day celebration of LabEx MILYON on October 14 at ENS de Lyon.