Gilles Villard

Exact Linear Algebra

ISSAC'07 Tutorial "Some Recent Progress in Exact Linear Algebra and Related Questions"
Sunday July 29 16:00-18:30, 2007, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Abstract: We describe some major recent progress in exact and symbolic linear algebra. These advances concern the improvement of complexity estimates for fundamental problems such as linear system solution, determinant, inversion and computation of canonical forms. The matrices are over a finite field, the integers, or univariate polynomials. We show how selected techniques are key ingredients for the new solutions: randomization and algebraic conditioning, lifting, subspace approach, divide-double and conquer, minimum matrix polynomial, matrix approximants. These algorithmic progress allow the design of new generation high performance libraries such as LinBox, and open various research directions.

Extended abstract and bibliography:

Related high performance software

Contact  Mon May 21 10:59:42 CEST 2007