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HMM_backend< Obs > Class Template Reference

Backend for a Hidden Markov Model object, templated over the observation type. More...

#include <Markov.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for HMM_backend< Obs >:


class  State

Public Member Functions

std::vector< std::pair
< ChordProgression, Score > > 
getBestProgressions (Melody M, unsigned n=1) const
 Return a list of chord progressions with scores. More...
unsigned getMaxProgressionsNbr () const
void saveToFile (const std::string &fname) const
 Save the class to a given file. More...
void learn (Database &db, const std::string &style)
void learn_unsupervised (Database &db, const std::string &style)

Protected Member Functions

void forwardProcedure (const std::vector< Obs > &o)
void backwardProcedure (const std::vector< Obs > &o)
void updateProcedure (const std::vector< Obs > &o)
void generateObsSet (const std::vector< Data > &entries)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from HMM
using Proba = double
 Return a list of chord progressions with scores. More...
using ObsId = unsigned
using StateId = unsigned
using Score = double

Detailed Description

template<class Obs>
class HMM_backend< Obs >

Backend for a Hidden Markov Model object, templated over the observation type.

The parameter of the template correspond to the Observation type. We can imagine several ways to describe these, for example with meta datas rather than plain music description

Member Function Documentation

template<class Obs >
std::vector<std::pair<ChordProgression,Score> > HMM_backend< Obs >::getBestProgressions ( Melody  M,
unsigned  n = 1 
) const

Return a list of chord progressions with scores.

Scores are non negative. It is guaranted that at least one progression has a score different than 0.

MObserved melody from which we want to generate chords
nNumber of chord progressions wanted (n > 0 )
std::domain_errorIf the number of chords requested is higher than what can be generated, an exception is thrown
A list of n chord progressions, along with their scores, in decreasing order.

Implements HMM.

template<class Obs >
unsigned HMM_backend< Obs >::getMaxProgressionsNbr ( ) const

Return the maximal number of distinct progressions that can be generated

a non negative integer, the maximal number of progressions

Implements HMM.

template<class Obs >
void HMM_backend< Obs >::saveToFile ( const std::string &  fname) const

Save the class to a given file.

fnameName of the target file

Implements HMM.

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