Conference Papers
- Synthèse temps-échelle de signaux non stationnaires, A. Meynard and B. Torrésani, GRETSI 2022 - XXVIIIème Colloque francophone de traitement du signal et des images, Sep. 2022, Nancy, France
- Predicting Trust Using Automated Assessment of Multivariate Interactional Synchrony, A. Meynard, G. Seneviratna, E. Doyle, J. Becker, H.-T. Wu and J. Schaich Borg, 2021 16th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2021), Dec. 2021, Jodhpur, India.
- Time-Scale Synthesis for Locally Stationary Signals, A. Meynard and B. Torrésani, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2020, Barcelona, Spain. pp. 5820–5824
- Séparation de sources doublement non stationnaire, A. Meynard, GRETSI 2019 - XXVIIème Colloque francophone de traitement du signal et des images, Aug. 2019, Lille, France
- Joint nonstationary blind source separation and spectral analysis, A. Meynard, Proceedings of iTWIST'18, Nov. 2018, Marseille, France
- Spectral estimation for non-stationary signal classes, A. Meynard and B. Torrésani, 2017 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Jul. 2017, Tallinn, Estonia. pp. 174–178

Top: Real-Time synchroqueezing transform of a cardiac signal. Bottom: Real-Time boundary-free synchroqueezing transform of the same signal. These results are provided by our algorithm, called BoundEffRed.