Library RelationAlgebra.kleene
kleene: simple facts about Kleene star and strict iteration
Lemma str_ind_r' `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X n n) (y z: X m n): y ≦ z → z⋅x ≦ z → y⋅x^* ≦ z.
Proof. dual @str_ind_l'. Qed.
Lemma str_ind_r1 `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x z: X n n): 1 ≦ z → z ⋅ x ≦ z → x ^* ≦ z.
Proof. dual @str_ind_l1. Qed.
Lemma str_unfold_r `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x^* ≡ 1 + x^* ⋅ x.
Proof. dual @str_unfold_l. Qed.
Proof. dual @str_ind_l'. Qed.
Lemma str_ind_r1 `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x z: X n n): 1 ≦ z → z ⋅ x ≦ z → x ^* ≦ z.
Proof. dual @str_ind_l1. Qed.
Lemma str_unfold_r `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x^* ≡ 1 + x^* ⋅ x.
Proof. dual @str_unfold_l. Qed.
bisimulation rules
Lemma str_move_l `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X n m) y z:
x ⋅ y ≦ z ⋅ x → x ⋅ y^* ≦ z^* ⋅ x.
intro E. apply str_ind_r'. now rewrite <-str_refl, dot1x.
rewrite <-str_snoc at 2. now rewrite <-dotA, E, dotA.
Lemma str_move_r `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X m n) y z:
y ⋅ x ≦ x ⋅ z → y^* ⋅ x ≦ x ⋅ z^*.
Proof. dual @str_move_l. Qed.
Lemma str_move `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X n m) y z:
x ⋅ y ≡ z ⋅ x → x ⋅ y^* ≡ z^* ⋅ x.
intro. apply antisym.
apply str_move_l. now apply weq_leq.
apply str_move_r. now apply weq_geq.
Lemma str_dot `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X n m) y: x ⋅ (y ⋅ x)^* ≡ (x ⋅ y)^* ⋅ x.
Proof. apply str_move, dotA. Qed.
x ⋅ y ≦ z ⋅ x → x ⋅ y^* ≦ z^* ⋅ x.
intro E. apply str_ind_r'. now rewrite <-str_refl, dot1x.
rewrite <-str_snoc at 2. now rewrite <-dotA, E, dotA.
Lemma str_move_r `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X m n) y z:
y ⋅ x ≦ x ⋅ z → y^* ⋅ x ≦ x ⋅ z^*.
Proof. dual @str_move_l. Qed.
Lemma str_move `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X n m) y z:
x ⋅ y ≡ z ⋅ x → x ⋅ y^* ≡ z^* ⋅ x.
intro. apply antisym.
apply str_move_l. now apply weq_leq.
apply str_move_r. now apply weq_geq.
Lemma str_dot `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X n m) y: x ⋅ (y ⋅ x)^* ≡ (x ⋅ y)^* ⋅ x.
Proof. apply str_move, dotA. Qed.
str is uniquely determined
Lemma str_unique `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (a x: X n n):
1 ≦x → a⋅x ≦ x → (∀ y: X n n, a⋅y ≦y → x⋅y ≦y) → a^* ≡ x.
intros H1 H2 H3. apply antisym. now apply str_ind_l1.
rewrite <-(dotx1 x), (str_refl a). apply H3. apply str_cons.
Lemma str_unique' `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (a x: X n n):
1+a⋅x ≦ x → (∀ y: X n n, a⋅y ≦y → x⋅y ≦y) → a^* ≡ x.
Proof. rewrite cup_spec. intros []. now apply str_unique. Qed.
1 ≦x → a⋅x ≦ x → (∀ y: X n n, a⋅y ≦y → x⋅y ≦y) → a^* ≡ x.
intros H1 H2 H3. apply antisym. now apply str_ind_l1.
rewrite <-(dotx1 x), (str_refl a). apply H3. apply str_cons.
Lemma str_unique' `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (a x: X n n):
1+a⋅x ≦ x → (∀ y: X n n, a⋅y ≦y → x⋅y ≦y) → a^* ≡ x.
Proof. rewrite cup_spec. intros []. now apply str_unique. Qed.
value of str on constants
Lemma str1 `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n: 1^* ≡ one n.
Proof. apply str_unique. reflexivity. now rewrite dotx1. trivial. Qed.
Lemma str0 `{laws} `{STR+BOT ≪ l} n: 0^* ≡ one n.
Proof. apply str_unique. reflexivity. rewrite dot0x. lattice. now intros; rewrite dot1x. Qed.
Lemma strtop `{laws} `{STR+TOP ≪ l} n: top^* ≡ @top (mor n n).
Proof. apply leq_tx_iff. apply str_ext. Qed.
Proof. apply str_unique. reflexivity. now rewrite dotx1. trivial. Qed.
Lemma str0 `{laws} `{STR+BOT ≪ l} n: 0^* ≡ one n.
Proof. apply str_unique. reflexivity. rewrite dot0x. lattice. now intros; rewrite dot1x. Qed.
Lemma strtop `{laws} `{STR+TOP ≪ l} n: top^* ≡ @top (mor n n).
Proof. apply leq_tx_iff. apply str_ext. Qed.
transitivity of starred elements
Lemma str_trans `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x^* ⋅ x^* ≡ x^*.
apply antisym. apply str_ind_l; apply str_cons.
rewrite <-str_refl at 2. now rewrite dot1x.
apply antisym. apply str_ind_l; apply str_cons.
rewrite <-str_refl at 2. now rewrite dot1x.
str is involutive
Lemma str_invol `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x^*^* ≡ x^*.
Proof. apply antisym. apply str_ind_l1. apply str_refl. now rewrite str_trans. apply str_ext. Qed.
Proof. apply antisym. apply str_ind_l1. apply str_refl. now rewrite str_trans. apply str_ext. Qed.
(de)nesting rule
Lemma str_pls `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x y: X n n): (x+y)^* ≡ x^*⋅(y⋅x^*)^*.
apply str_unique.
rewrite <-2str_refl. now rewrite dotx1.
rewrite dotplsx. apply leq_cupx.
now rewrite dotA, str_cons.
rewrite <-(str_refl x) at 3. now rewrite dot1x, dotA, str_cons.
intros z Hz. rewrite dotplsx in Hz. apply cup_spec in Hz as [Hxz Hyz]. rewrite <-dotA.
apply str_ind_l'. 2: assumption.
apply str_ind_l. rewrite <- Hyz at 2. rewrite <-dotA. apply dot_leq. reflexivity.
now apply str_ind_l.
Lemma str_pls' `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x y: X n n): (x+y)^* ≡ (x^*⋅y)^*⋅x^*.
Proof. rewrite str_pls. apply str_dot. Qed.
Lemma str_pls_str `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x y: X n n): (x+y)^* ≡ (x^* + y^* )^* .
symmetry. rewrite str_pls, str_invol, <-str_pls.
rewrite cupC. now rewrite str_pls, str_invol, <-str_pls, cupC.
apply str_unique.
rewrite <-2str_refl. now rewrite dotx1.
rewrite dotplsx. apply leq_cupx.
now rewrite dotA, str_cons.
rewrite <-(str_refl x) at 3. now rewrite dot1x, dotA, str_cons.
intros z Hz. rewrite dotplsx in Hz. apply cup_spec in Hz as [Hxz Hyz]. rewrite <-dotA.
apply str_ind_l'. 2: assumption.
apply str_ind_l. rewrite <- Hyz at 2. rewrite <-dotA. apply dot_leq. reflexivity.
now apply str_ind_l.
Lemma str_pls' `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x y: X n n): (x+y)^* ≡ (x^*⋅y)^*⋅x^*.
Proof. rewrite str_pls. apply str_dot. Qed.
Lemma str_pls_str `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x y: X n n): (x+y)^* ≡ (x^* + y^* )^* .
symmetry. rewrite str_pls, str_invol, <-str_pls.
rewrite cupC. now rewrite str_pls, str_invol, <-str_pls, cupC.
links with reflexive closure and reflexive elements
Lemma str_pls1x `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x: X n n): (1+x)^* ≡ x^*.
Proof. now rewrite str_pls, str1, dot1x, dotx1. Qed.
Lemma str_weq1 `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x y: X n n): 1+x ≡ 1+y → x^* ≡ y^*.
Proof. rewrite <-(str_pls1x x), <-(str_pls1x y). apply str_weq. Qed.
Lemma str_dot_refl `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x y: X n n): 1 ≦x → 1 ≦y → (x⋅y)^* ≡ (x+y)^*.
intros Hx Hy. apply antisym.
- apply str_ind_l1. apply str_refl.
rewrite <-2str_cons at 2. rewrite dotA. repeat apply dot_leq; lattice.
- apply str_ind_l1. apply str_refl.
rewrite <-str_cons at 2. apply dot_leq. 2: reflexivity.
apply leq_cupx. now rewrite <-Hy, dotx1. now rewrite <-Hx, dot1x.
Proof. now rewrite str_pls, str1, dot1x, dotx1. Qed.
Lemma str_weq1 `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x y: X n n): 1+x ≡ 1+y → x^* ≡ y^*.
Proof. rewrite <-(str_pls1x x), <-(str_pls1x y). apply str_weq. Qed.
Lemma str_dot_refl `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x y: X n n): 1 ≦x → 1 ≦y → (x⋅y)^* ≡ (x+y)^*.
intros Hx Hy. apply antisym.
- apply str_ind_l1. apply str_refl.
rewrite <-2str_cons at 2. rewrite dotA. repeat apply dot_leq; lattice.
- apply str_ind_l1. apply str_refl.
rewrite <-str_cons at 2. apply dot_leq. 2: reflexivity.
apply leq_cupx. now rewrite <-Hy, dotx1. now rewrite <-Hx, dot1x.
Lemma itr_ind_l `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X n n) (y z: X n m): x⋅y ≦ z → x⋅z ≦ z → x^+⋅y ≦ z.
Proof. intros xy xz. rewrite itr_str_r, <-dotA, xy. now apply str_ind_l. Qed.
Lemma itr_ind_l1 `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x z: X n n): x ≦ z → x⋅z ≦ z → x^+ ≦ z.
Proof. intros xz xz'. rewrite <-dotx1. apply itr_ind_l. now rewrite dotx1. assumption. Qed.
Lemma itr_ind_r `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X n n) (y z: X m n): y⋅x ≦ z → z⋅x ≦ z → y⋅x^+ ≦ z.
Proof. dual @itr_ind_l. Qed.
#[export] Instance itr_leq `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n: Proper (leq ==> leq) (itr n).
Proof. intros x y E. now rewrite 2itr_str_l, E. Qed.
#[export] Instance itr_weq `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n: Proper (weq ==> weq) (itr n) := op_leq_weq_1.
Lemma itr1 `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n: 1^+ ≡ one n.
Proof. now rewrite itr_str_l, str1, dot1x. Qed.
Lemma itr0 `{laws} `{STR+BOT ≪ l} n: 0^+ ≡ zer n n.
Proof. now rewrite itr_str_l, str0, dotx1. Qed.
Lemma itr_ext `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x ≦ x^+.
Proof. now rewrite itr_str_l, <-str_refl, dotx1. Qed.
Lemma itrtop `{laws} `{STR+TOP ≪ l} n: top^+ ≡ @top (mor n n).
Proof. apply leq_tx_iff. apply itr_ext. Qed.
Lemma itr_cons `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x⋅x^+ ≦ x^+.
Proof. rewrite itr_str_l. now rewrite str_cons at 1. Qed.
Lemma itr_snoc `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x^+⋅x ≦ x^+.
Proof. dual @itr_cons. Qed.
Lemma itr_pls_itr `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x y: X n n): (x+y)^+ ≡ (x^+ + y^+)^+.
apply antisym. apply itr_leq. now rewrite <-2itr_ext.
apply itr_ind_l1. apply leq_cupx; apply itr_leq; lattice.
rewrite dotplsx. apply leq_cupx; apply itr_ind_l; rewrite <-itr_cons at 2; apply dot_leq; lattice.
Lemma itr_trans `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x^+ ⋅ x^+ ≦ x^+.
Proof. apply itr_ind_l; apply itr_cons. Qed.
Lemma itr_invol `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x^+^+ ≡ x^+.
Proof. apply antisym. apply itr_ind_l1. reflexivity. apply itr_trans. apply itr_ext. Qed.
Lemma itr_move `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X n m) y z:
x ⋅ y ≡ z ⋅ x → x ⋅ y^+ ≡ z^+ ⋅ x.
intro E. rewrite itr_str_l, dotA, E, <-dotA, str_move by eassumption.
now rewrite dotA, <-itr_str_l.
Lemma itr_dot `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X n m) y: x⋅(y⋅x)^+ ≡ (x⋅y)^+⋅x.
Proof. apply itr_move, dotA. Qed.
this lemma is used for KAT completeness