Library RelationAlgebra.monoid
monoid: typed structures, from ordered monoids to residuated Kleene allegories
Monoid operations
objects of the category
morphisms (each homset is a partially ordered structure)
strict iteration (transitive closure)
Kleene star (reflexive transitive closure)
converse (transposed relation)
left residual/factor/division
right residual/factor/division
Hints for simpl
Arguments mor {ops} n m / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments dot {ops} n m p (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments one {ops} n / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments itr {ops} n (x)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments str {ops} n (x)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments cnv {ops} n m (x)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments ldv {ops} n m p (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments rdv {ops} n m p (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments dot {ops} n m p (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments one {ops} n / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments itr {ops} n (x)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments str {ops} n (x)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments cnv {ops} n m (x)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments ldv {ops} n m p (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Arguments rdv {ops} n m p (x y)%ra / : simpl nomatch.
Notations (note that "+" and "∩" are just specialisations of the
notations "⊔" and "⊓", when these operations actually come
from a monoid)
∩ : \cap (company-coq) or INTERSECTION (0x2229)
⋅ : \cdot (company coq) or DOT OPERATOR (0x22c5)
Notation "x ⋅ y" := (dot _ _ _ x y) (left associativity, at level 25, format "x ⋅ y"): ra_terms.
Notation "x + y" := (@cup (mor _ _) x y) (left associativity, at level 50): ra_terms.
Notation "x ∩ y" := (@cap (mor _ _) x y) (left associativity, at level 40): ra_terms.
Notation "1" := (one _): ra_terms.
Notation zer n m := (@bot (mor n m)).
Notation top' n m := (@top (mor n m)) (only parsing).
Notation "0" := (zer _ _): ra_terms.
Notation "x °" := (cnv _ _ x) (left associativity, at level 5, format "x °"): ra_terms.
Notation "x ^+" := (itr _ x) (left associativity, at level 5, format "x ^+"): ra_terms.
Notation "x ^*" := (str _ x) (left associativity, at level 5, format "x ^*"): ra_terms.
Notation "x -o y" := (ldv _ _ _ x y) (right associativity, at level 60): ra_terms.
Notation "y o- x" := (rdv _ _ _ x y) (left associativity, at level 61): ra_terms.
Like for lattice.ops, we declare most projections as Opaque for
typeclass resolution, to save on compilation time.
#[export] Typeclasses Opaque dot one str cnv ldv rdv.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Monoid laws (axioms)
po-monoid laws
dotA: ∀ n m p q (x: X n m) y (z: X p q), x⋅(y⋅z) ≡ (x⋅y)⋅z;
dot1x: ∀ n m (x: X n m), 1⋅x ≡ x;
dotx1_: CNV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m (x: X m n), x⋅1 ≡ x;
dot_leq_: DIV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m p, Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) (dot n m p);
dot1x: ∀ n m (x: X n m), 1⋅x ≡ x;
dotx1_: CNV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m (x: X m n), x⋅1 ≡ x;
dot_leq_: DIV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m p, Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) (dot n m p);
slo-monoid laws (distribution of ⋅ over + and 0)
dotplsx_ `{CUP ≪ l}: DIV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m p (x y: X n m) (z: X m p), (x+y)⋅z ≦ x⋅z+y⋅z;
dotxpls_ `{CUP ≪ l}: DIV ≪ l ∨ CNV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m p (x y: X m n) (z: X p m), z⋅(x+y) ≦ z⋅x+z⋅y;
dot0x_ `{BOT ≪ l}: DIV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m p (x: X m p), 0⋅x ≦ zer n p;
dotx0_ `{BOT ≪ l}: DIV ≪ l ∨ CNV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m p (x: X p m), x⋅0 ≦ zer p n;
dotxpls_ `{CUP ≪ l}: DIV ≪ l ∨ CNV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m p (x y: X m n) (z: X p m), z⋅(x+y) ≦ z⋅x+z⋅y;
dot0x_ `{BOT ≪ l}: DIV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m p (x: X m p), 0⋅x ≦ zer n p;
dotx0_ `{BOT ≪ l}: DIV ≪ l ∨ CNV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m p (x: X p m), x⋅0 ≦ zer p n;
converse laws
cnvdot_ `{CNV ≪ l}: ∀ n m p (x: X n m) (y: X m p), (x⋅y)° ≦ y°⋅x°;
cnv_invol `{CNV ≪ l}: ∀ n m (x: X n m), x°° ≡ x;
cnv_leq `{CNV ≪ l}:>∀ n m, Proper (leq ==> leq) (cnv n m);
cnv_ext_ `{CNV ≪ l}: CAP ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m (x: X n m), x ≦ x⋅x°⋅x;
cnv_invol `{CNV ≪ l}: ∀ n m (x: X n m), x°° ≡ x;
cnv_leq `{CNV ≪ l}:>∀ n m, Proper (leq ==> leq) (cnv n m);
cnv_ext_ `{CNV ≪ l}: CAP ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m (x: X n m), x ≦ x⋅x°⋅x;
star laws
str_refl `{STR ≪ l}: ∀ n (x: X n n), 1 ≦ x^*;
str_cons `{STR ≪ l}: ∀ n (x: X n n), x⋅x^* ≦ x^*;
str_ind_l `{STR ≪ l}: ∀ n m (x: X n n) (z: X n m), x⋅z ≦ z → x^*⋅z ≦ z;
str_ind_r_`{STR ≪ l}: DIV ≪ l ∨ CNV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m (x: X n n) (z: X m n), z⋅x ≦ z → z⋅x^* ≦ z;
itr_str_l `{STR ≪ l}: ∀ n (x: X n n), x^+ ≡ x⋅x^*;
str_cons `{STR ≪ l}: ∀ n (x: X n n), x⋅x^* ≦ x^*;
str_ind_l `{STR ≪ l}: ∀ n m (x: X n n) (z: X n m), x⋅z ≦ z → x^*⋅z ≦ z;
str_ind_r_`{STR ≪ l}: DIV ≪ l ∨ CNV ≪ l ∨ ∀ n m (x: X n n) (z: X m n), z⋅x ≦ z → z⋅x^* ≦ z;
itr_str_l `{STR ≪ l}: ∀ n (x: X n n), x^+ ≡ x⋅x^*;
modularity law
left and right residuals
ldv_spec `{DIV ≪ l}: ∀ n m p (x: X n m) (y: X n p) z, z ≦ x -o y ↔ x⋅z ≦ y;
rdv_spec `{DIV ≪ l}: ∀ n m p (x: X m n) (y: X p n) z, z ≦ y o- x ↔ z⋅x ≦ y
rdv_spec `{DIV ≪ l}: ∀ n m p (x: X m n) (y: X p n) z, z ≦ y o- x ↔ z⋅x ≦ y
#[export] Instance dot_leq `{laws}: ∀ n m p, Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) (dot n m p).
destruct dot_leq_. 2: assumption.
intros n m p x x' Hx y y' Hy.
rewrite <-rdv_spec, Hx, rdv_spec.
rewrite <-ldv_spec, Hy, ldv_spec.
#[export] Instance dot_weq `{laws} n m p: Proper (weq ==> weq ==> weq) (dot n m p) := op_leq_weq_2.
#[export] Instance cnv_weq `{laws} `{CNV ≪ l} n m: Proper (weq ==> weq) (cnv n m) := op_leq_weq_1.
Lemma cnv_leq_iff `{laws} `{CNV ≪ l} n m (x y: X n m): x° ≦ y° ↔ x ≦ y.
Proof. split. intro E. apply cnv_leq in E. now rewrite 2cnv_invol in E. apply cnv_leq. Qed.
Lemma cnv_leq_iff' `{laws} `{CNV ≪ l} n m (x: X n m) y: x ≦ y° ↔ x° ≦ y.
Proof. now rewrite <- cnv_leq_iff, cnv_invol. Qed.
Lemma cnv_weq_iff `{laws} `{CNV ≪ l} n m (x y: X n m): x° ≡ y° ↔ x ≡ y.
Proof. now rewrite 2weq_spec, 2cnv_leq_iff. Qed.
Lemma cnv_weq_iff' `{laws} `{CNV ≪ l} n m (x: X n m) y: x ≡ y° ↔ x° ≡ y.
Proof. now rewrite <-cnv_weq_iff, cnv_invol. Qed.
simple tactic to move converse from one side to the other of an (in)equation
Ltac cnv_switch := first [
rewrite cnv_leq_iff |
rewrite cnv_leq_iff' |
rewrite <-cnv_leq_iff' |
rewrite <-cnv_leq_iff |
rewrite cnv_weq_iff |
rewrite cnv_weq_iff' |
rewrite <-cnv_weq_iff' |
rewrite <-cnv_weq_iff ].
Lemma cnvdot `{laws} `{CNV ≪ l} n m p (x: X n m) (y: X m p): (x⋅y)° ≡ y°⋅x°.
Proof. apply antisym. apply cnvdot_. cnv_switch. now rewrite cnvdot_, 2cnv_invol. Qed.
Lemma cnv1 `{laws} `{CNV ≪ l} n: (one n)° ≡ 1.
Proof. rewrite <- (dot1x (1°)). cnv_switch. now rewrite cnvdot, cnv_invol, dot1x. Qed.
Lemma cnvpls `{laws} `{CNV+CUP ≪ l} n m (x y: X n m): (x+y)° ≡ x°+y°.
apply antisym.
cnv_switch. apply leq_cupx; cnv_switch; lattice.
apply leq_cupx; cnv_switch; lattice.
Lemma cnvcap `{laws} `{AL ≪ l} n m (x y: X n m): (x ∩ y)° ≡ x° ∩ y°.
apply antisym.
apply leq_xcap; apply cnv_leq; lattice.
cnv_switch. apply leq_xcap; cnv_switch; lattice.
Lemma cnv0 `{laws} `{CNV+BOT ≪ l} n m: (zer n m)° ≡ 0.
Proof. apply antisym; [cnv_switch|]; apply leq_bx. Qed.
Lemma cnvtop `{laws} `{CNV+TOP ≪ l} n m: (top: X n m)° ≡ top.
Proof. apply antisym; [|cnv_switch]; apply leq_xt. Qed.
Lemma cnvneg `{laws} `{CNV+BL ≪ l} n m (x: X n m): (neg x)° ≡ neg (x°).
apply neg_unique.
rewrite <-cnvpls, cupC, cupneg. now rewrite cnvtop.
rewrite <-cnvcap, capC, capneg. now rewrite cnv0.
rewrite cnv_leq_iff |
rewrite cnv_leq_iff' |
rewrite <-cnv_leq_iff' |
rewrite <-cnv_leq_iff |
rewrite cnv_weq_iff |
rewrite cnv_weq_iff' |
rewrite <-cnv_weq_iff' |
rewrite <-cnv_weq_iff ].
Lemma cnvdot `{laws} `{CNV ≪ l} n m p (x: X n m) (y: X m p): (x⋅y)° ≡ y°⋅x°.
Proof. apply antisym. apply cnvdot_. cnv_switch. now rewrite cnvdot_, 2cnv_invol. Qed.
Lemma cnv1 `{laws} `{CNV ≪ l} n: (one n)° ≡ 1.
Proof. rewrite <- (dot1x (1°)). cnv_switch. now rewrite cnvdot, cnv_invol, dot1x. Qed.
Lemma cnvpls `{laws} `{CNV+CUP ≪ l} n m (x y: X n m): (x+y)° ≡ x°+y°.
apply antisym.
cnv_switch. apply leq_cupx; cnv_switch; lattice.
apply leq_cupx; cnv_switch; lattice.
Lemma cnvcap `{laws} `{AL ≪ l} n m (x y: X n m): (x ∩ y)° ≡ x° ∩ y°.
apply antisym.
apply leq_xcap; apply cnv_leq; lattice.
cnv_switch. apply leq_xcap; cnv_switch; lattice.
Lemma cnv0 `{laws} `{CNV+BOT ≪ l} n m: (zer n m)° ≡ 0.
Proof. apply antisym; [cnv_switch|]; apply leq_bx. Qed.
Lemma cnvtop `{laws} `{CNV+TOP ≪ l} n m: (top: X n m)° ≡ top.
Proof. apply antisym; [|cnv_switch]; apply leq_xt. Qed.
Lemma cnvneg `{laws} `{CNV+BL ≪ l} n m (x: X n m): (neg x)° ≡ neg (x°).
apply neg_unique.
rewrite <-cnvpls, cupC, cupneg. now rewrite cnvtop.
rewrite <-cnvcap, capC, capneg. now rewrite cnv0.
Lemma dotx1 `{laws} n m (x: X m n): x⋅1 ≡ x.
Proof. destruct dotx1_; trivial. cnv_switch. now rewrite cnvdot, cnv1, dot1x. Qed.
Lemma dotplsx `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l} n m p (x y: X n m) (z: X m p): (x+y)⋅z ≡ x⋅z+y⋅z.
apply antisym. 2: apply leq_cupx; apply dot_leq; lattice.
destruct dotplsx_ as [Hl|E]. 2: apply E.
rewrite <-rdv_spec. apply leq_cupx; rewrite rdv_spec; lattice.
Lemma dotxpls `{laws} `{CUP ≪ l} n m p (x y: X m n) (z: X p m): z⋅(x+y) ≡ z⋅x+z⋅y.
apply antisym. 2: apply leq_cupx; apply dot_leq; lattice.
destruct dotxpls_ as [Hl|[Hl|E]].
rewrite <-ldv_spec. apply leq_cupx; rewrite ldv_spec; lattice.
cnv_switch. rewrite cnvpls,3cnvdot,cnvpls. apply weq_leq, dotplsx.
apply E.
Lemma dot0x `{laws} `{BOT ≪ l} n m p (x: X m p): 0⋅x ≡ zer n p.
apply antisym. 2: apply leq_bx.
destruct dot0x_ as [Hl|E]. 2: apply E.
rewrite <-rdv_spec. apply leq_bx.
Lemma dotx0 `{laws} `{BOT ≪ l} n m p (x: X p m): x⋅0 ≡ zer p n.
apply antisym. 2: apply leq_bx.
destruct dotx0_ as [Hl|[Hl|E]].
rewrite <-ldv_spec. apply leq_bx.
cnv_switch. rewrite cnvdot,2cnv0. apply weq_leq, dot0x.
apply E.
Lemma dotxcap `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l} n m p (x: X n m) (y z: X m p):
x ⋅ (y ∩ z) ≦ (x⋅y) ∩ (x⋅z).
Proof. apply leq_xcap; apply dot_leq; lattice. Qed.
Lemma cnv_ext `{laws} `{CNV ≪ l} n m (x: X n m): x ≦ x⋅x°⋅x.
destruct cnv_ext_; trivial.
transitivity ((x⋅1) ∩ x). rewrite dotx1. lattice.
rewrite capdotx, <-dotA. apply dot_leq; lattice.
Lemma capxdot `{laws} `{AL ≪ l} n m p (x: X m n) (y: X p m) (z: X p n):
(y⋅x) ∩ z ≦ (y ∩ (z⋅x°))⋅x.
Proof. cnv_switch. now rewrite cnvdot, 2cnvcap, 2cnvdot, capdotx. Qed.
Basic properties of left division
Lemma ldv_cancel `{laws} `{DIV ≪ l} n m p (x: X n m) (y: X n p): x⋅(x -o y) ≦ y.
Proof. now rewrite <-ldv_spec. Qed.
Lemma ldv_trans `{laws} `{DIV ≪ l} n m p q (x: X n m) (y: X n p) (z: X n q):
(x -o y)⋅(y -o z) ≦ x -o z.
Proof. now rewrite ldv_spec, dotA, 2ldv_cancel. Qed.
Lemma leq_ldv `{laws} `{DIV ≪ l} n m (x y: X n m): x ≦ y ↔ 1 ≦ x -o y.
Proof. now rewrite ldv_spec, dotx1. Qed.
Lemma ldv_xx `{laws} `{DIV ≪ l} n m (x: X n m): 1 ≦ x -o x.
Proof. now rewrite <-leq_ldv. Qed.
#[export] Instance ldv_leq `{laws} `{DIV ≪ l} n m p: Proper (leq --> leq ++> leq) (ldv n m p).
Proof. intros x x' Hx y y' Hy. now rewrite ldv_spec, <-Hx, <-Hy, <-ldv_spec. Qed.
#[export] Instance ldv_weq `{laws} `{DIV ≪ l} n m p: Proper (weq ==> weq ==> weq) (ldv n m p).
Proof. simpl. setoid_rewrite weq_spec. split; apply ldv_leq; tauto. Qed.
Lemma cnvldv `{laws} `{CNV+DIV ≪ l} n m p (x: X n m) (y: X n p): (x -o y)° ≡ y° o- x°.
apply from_below. intro z.
cnv_switch. rewrite ldv_spec.
cnv_switch. rewrite cnvdot, cnv_invol.
now rewrite rdv_spec.
Lemma Schroeder_ `{laws} `{BL+CNV ≪ l} n m p (x : X n m) (y : X m p) (z : X n p):
x°⋅!z ≦ !y → x⋅y ≦ z.
intro E. apply leq_cap_neg in E. rewrite negneg in E.
apply leq_cap_neg. now rewrite capdotx, capC, E, dotx0.
Lemma Schroeder_l `{laws} `{BL+CNV ≪ l} n m p (x : X n m) (y : X m p) (z : X n p):
x⋅y ≦ z ↔ x°⋅!z ≦ !y.
split. 2: apply Schroeder_. intro.
apply Schroeder_. now rewrite 2negneg, cnv_invol.
x°⋅!z ≦ !y → x⋅y ≦ z.
intro E. apply leq_cap_neg in E. rewrite negneg in E.
apply leq_cap_neg. now rewrite capdotx, capC, E, dotx0.
Lemma Schroeder_l `{laws} `{BL+CNV ≪ l} n m p (x : X n m) (y : X m p) (z : X n p):
x⋅y ≦ z ↔ x°⋅!z ≦ !y.
split. 2: apply Schroeder_. intro.
apply Schroeder_. now rewrite 2negneg, cnv_invol.
Lemma str_ext `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x ≦ x^*.
Proof. now rewrite <-str_cons, <-str_refl, dotx1. Qed.
Lemma str_ind_l' `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X n n) (y z: X n m): y ≦ z → x⋅z ≦ z → x^*⋅y ≦ z.
Proof. intro E. rewrite E. apply str_ind_l. Qed.
Lemma str_ind_l1 `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x z: X n n): 1 ≦ z → x⋅z ≦ z → x^* ≦ z.
Proof. rewrite <-(dotx1 (x^*)). apply str_ind_l'. Qed.
#[export] Instance str_leq `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n: Proper (leq ==> leq) (str n).
intros x y E. apply str_ind_l1. apply str_refl.
rewrite E. apply str_cons.
#[export] Instance str_weq `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n: Proper (weq ==> weq) (str n) := op_leq_weq_1.
Lemma str_snoc `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x^*⋅x ≦ x^*.
Proof. apply str_ind_l'. apply str_ext. apply str_cons. Qed.
Lemma str_unfold_l `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x^* ≡ 1+x⋅x^*.
apply antisym. apply str_ind_l1. lattice.
rewrite dotxpls. apply leq_cupx. rewrite <-str_refl. lattice.
rewrite <-str_cons at 2. lattice.
rewrite str_cons, (str_refl x). lattice.
Lemma str_itr `{laws} `{KA ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x^* ≡ 1+x^+.
Proof. rewrite itr_str_l. apply str_unfold_l. Qed.
Lemma cnvstr_ `{laws} `{CNV+STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x^*° ≦ x°^*.
cnv_switch. apply str_ind_l1. now rewrite <-str_refl, cnv1.
cnv_switch. rewrite cnvdot, cnv_invol. apply str_snoc.
Lemma str_ldv_ `{laws} `{STR+DIV ≪ l} n m (x: X m n): (x -o x)^* ≦ x -o x.
Proof. apply str_ind_l1. apply ldv_xx. apply ldv_trans. Qed.
Lemma str_ind_r `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n m (x: X n n) (z: X m n): z⋅x ≦ z → z⋅x^* ≦ z.
destruct str_ind_r_ as [Hl|[Hl|?]]. 3: auto.
- rewrite <-2ldv_spec. intro E. apply str_leq in E. rewrite E. apply str_ldv_.
- intros. cnv_switch. rewrite cnvdot, cnvstr_.
apply str_ind_l; cnv_switch; now rewrite cnvdot, 2cnv_invol.
Lemma itr_move `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x ⋅ x^* ≡ x^* ⋅ x.
apply antisym.
rewrite <-dot1x, (str_refl x), dotA. apply str_ind_r. now rewrite str_snoc at 1.
apply str_ind_l'. now rewrite <-str_refl, dotx1. now rewrite str_cons at 1.
Lemma itr_str_r `{laws} `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): x^+ ≡ x^* ⋅ x.
Proof. rewrite itr_str_l. apply itr_move. Qed.
Lemma lower_laws {h k} {X} {H: laws h X} {le: k ≪ h}: laws k X.
constructor; [ intros; apply lower_lattice_laws | .. ];
try solve [ apply H | intro; apply H; eauto using lower_trans ].
right. apply dotx1.
right. apply dot_leq.
intro H'. right. intros. apply weq_leq. apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H') in le. apply dotplsx.
intro H'. right. right. intros. apply weq_leq. apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H') in le. apply dotxpls.
intro H'. right. intros. apply weq_leq. apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H') in le. apply dot0x.
intro H'. right. right. intros. apply weq_leq. apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H') in le. apply dotx0.
intro H'. right. intros. apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H') in le. apply cnv_ext.
intro H'. right. right. apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H') in le. apply str_ind_r.
constructor; [ intros; apply lower_lattice_laws | .. ];
try solve [ apply H | intro; apply H; eauto using lower_trans ].
right. apply dotx1.
right. apply dot_leq.
intro H'. right. intros. apply weq_leq. apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H') in le. apply dotplsx.
intro H'. right. right. intros. apply weq_leq. apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H') in le. apply dotxpls.
intro H'. right. intros. apply weq_leq. apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H') in le. apply dot0x.
intro H'. right. right. intros. apply weq_leq. apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H') in le. apply dotx0.
intro H'. right. intros. apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H') in le. apply cnv_ext.
intro H'. right. right. apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H') in le. apply str_ind_r.
Reasoning by duality
Definition dual (X: ops) := {|
ob := ob X;
mor n m := X m n;
dot n m p x y := y⋅x;
one := one;
cnv n m := cnv m n;
itr := itr;
str := str;
ldv := rdv;
rdv := ldv
Notation "X ^op" := (dual X) (at level 1): ra_scope.
ob := ob X;
mor n m := X m n;
dot n m p x y := y⋅x;
one := one;
cnv n m := cnv m n;
itr := itr;
str := str;
ldv := rdv;
rdv := ldv
Notation "X ^op" := (dual X) (at level 1): ra_scope.
laws on a given structure can be transferred to the dual one
Lemma dual_laws l X (L: laws l X): laws l X^op.
constructor; simpl; repeat right; intros.
apply lattice_laws.
symmetry. apply dotA.
apply dotx1.
apply dot1x.
now apply dot_leq.
apply weq_leq, dotxpls.
apply weq_leq, dotplsx.
apply weq_leq, dotx0.
apply weq_leq, dot0x.
apply weq_leq, cnvdot.
apply cnv_invol.
now apply cnv_leq.
rewrite dotA. apply cnv_ext.
apply str_refl.
apply str_snoc.
now apply str_ind_r.
now apply str_ind_l.
apply itr_str_r.
apply capxdot.
apply rdv_spec.
apply ldv_spec.
constructor; simpl; repeat right; intros.
apply lattice_laws.
symmetry. apply dotA.
apply dotx1.
apply dot1x.
now apply dot_leq.
apply weq_leq, dotxpls.
apply weq_leq, dotplsx.
apply weq_leq, dotx0.
apply weq_leq, dot0x.
apply weq_leq, cnvdot.
apply cnv_invol.
now apply cnv_leq.
rewrite dotA. apply cnv_ext.
apply str_refl.
apply str_snoc.
now apply str_ind_r.
now apply str_ind_l.
apply itr_str_r.
apply capxdot.
apply rdv_spec.
apply ldv_spec.
this gives us a tactic to prove properties by categorical duality
Lemma dualize {h} {P: ops → Prop} (L: ∀ l X, laws l X → h ≪ l → P X)
{l X} {H: laws l X} {Hl:h ≪ l}: P X^op.
Proof. eapply L. apply dual_laws, H. assumption. Qed.
Ltac dual x := apply (dualize x).
{l X} {H: laws l X} {Hl:h ≪ l}: P X^op.
Proof. eapply L. apply dual_laws, H. assumption. Qed.
Ltac dual x := apply (dualize x).
the following are examples of the benefits of such dualities
#[export] Instance rdv_leq `{laws} `{DIV ≪ l} n m p: Proper (leq --> leq ++> leq) (rdv n m p).
Proof. dual @ldv_leq. Qed.
#[export] Instance rdv_weq `{laws} `{DIV ≪ l} n m p: Proper (weq ==> weq ==> weq) (rdv n m p).
Proof. dual @ldv_weq. Qed.
Lemma cnvrdv `{laws} `{CNV+DIV ≪ l} n m p (x: X m n) (y: X p n): (y o- x)° ≡ x° -o y°.
Proof. dual @cnvldv. Qed.
Lemma dotcapx `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l} n m p (x: X m n) (y z: X p m): (y ∩ z) ⋅ x ≦ (y⋅x) ∩ (z⋅x).
Proof. dual @dotxcap. Qed.
Lemma Schroeder_r `{laws} `{BL+CNV ≪ l} n m p (x : X n m) (y : X m p) (z : X n p):
x⋅y ≦ z ↔ !z⋅y° ≦ !x.
Proof. dual @Schroeder_l. Qed.
Proof. dual @ldv_leq. Qed.
#[export] Instance rdv_weq `{laws} `{DIV ≪ l} n m p: Proper (weq ==> weq ==> weq) (rdv n m p).
Proof. dual @ldv_weq. Qed.
Lemma cnvrdv `{laws} `{CNV+DIV ≪ l} n m p (x: X m n) (y: X p n): (y o- x)° ≡ x° -o y°.
Proof. dual @cnvldv. Qed.
Lemma dotcapx `{laws} `{CAP ≪ l} n m p (x: X m n) (y z: X p m): (y ∩ z) ⋅ x ≦ (y⋅x) ∩ (z⋅x).
Proof. dual @dotxcap. Qed.
Lemma Schroeder_r `{laws} `{BL+CNV ≪ l} n m p (x : X n m) (y : X m p) (z : X n p):
x⋅y ≦ z ↔ !z⋅y° ≦ !x.
Proof. dual @Schroeder_l. Qed.
Class functor l {X Y: ops} (f': ob X → ob Y) (f: ∀ {n m}, X n m → Y (f' n) (f' m)) := {
fn_morphism:> ∀ n m, morphism l (@f n m);
fn_dot: ∀ n m p (x: X n m) (y: X m p), f (x⋅y) ≡ f x ⋅ f y;
fn_one: ∀ n, f (one n) ≡ 1;
fn_itr `{STR ≪ l}: ∀ n (x: X n n), f (x^+) ≡ (f x)^+;
fn_str `{STR ≪ l}: ∀ n (x: X n n), f (x^*) ≡ (f x)^*;
fn_cnv `{CNV ≪ l}: ∀ n m (x: X n m), f (x°) ≡ (f x)°;
fn_ldv `{DIV ≪ l}: ∀ n m p (x: X n m) (y: X n p), f (x -o y) ≡ f x -o f y;
fn_rdv `{DIV ≪ l}: ∀ n m p (x: X m n) (y: X p n), f (y o- x) ≡ f y o- f x
generating a structure by faithful embedding
Lemma laws_of_faithful_functor {h l X Y} {L: laws h Y} {Hl: l ≪ h} f' f:
@functor l X Y f' f →
(∀ n m x y, f n m x ≦ f n m y → x ≦ y) →
(∀ n m x y, f n m x ≡ f n m y → x ≡ y) →
laws l X.
intros Hf Hleq Hweq.
assert (Hleq_iff: ∀ n m x y, f n m x ≦ f n m y ↔ x ≦ y).
split. apply Hleq. apply fn_leq.
assert (Hweq_iff: ∀ n m x y, f n m x ≡ f n m y ↔ x ≡ y).
split. apply Hweq. apply fn_weq.
assert (L' := @lower_laws _ _ _ L Hl).
constructor; repeat right; intro_vars.
apply (laws_of_injective_morphism (f n m)); auto using fn_morphism.
rewrite <-Hweq_iff, 4fn_dot. apply dotA.
rewrite <-Hweq_iff, fn_dot, fn_one. apply dot1x.
rewrite <-Hweq_iff, fn_dot, fn_one. apply dotx1.
repeat intro. apply Hleq. rewrite 2fn_dot. now apply dot_leq; apply Hleq_iff.
apply Hleq. now rewrite fn_cup, 3fn_dot, fn_cup, dotplsx.
apply Hleq. now rewrite fn_cup, 3fn_dot, fn_cup, dotxpls.
apply Hleq. now rewrite fn_dot, 2fn_bot, dot0x.
apply Hleq. now rewrite fn_dot, 2fn_bot, dotx0.
intro. apply Hleq. now rewrite fn_cnv, 2fn_dot, 2fn_cnv, cnvdot.
intro. rewrite <-Hweq_iff, 2fn_cnv. apply cnv_invol.
repeat intro. apply Hleq. rewrite 2fn_cnv. now apply cnv_leq; apply Hleq_iff.
apply Hleq. rewrite 2fn_dot,fn_cnv. apply cnv_ext.
intro. apply Hleq. rewrite fn_one, fn_str. apply str_refl.
intro. apply Hleq. rewrite fn_str, fn_dot, fn_str. apply str_cons.
intro. rewrite <-2Hleq_iff, 2fn_dot, fn_str. apply str_ind_l.
rewrite <-2Hleq_iff, 2fn_dot, fn_str. apply str_ind_r.
intro. apply Hweq. rewrite fn_itr, fn_dot, fn_str. apply itr_str_l.
intro. apply Hleq. rewrite fn_cap,2fn_dot,fn_cap,fn_dot,fn_cnv. apply capdotx.
intro. rewrite <-2Hleq_iff, fn_dot, fn_ldv. apply ldv_spec.
intro. rewrite <-2Hleq_iff, fn_dot, fn_rdv. apply rdv_spec.
injection from Booleans into monoids (actually a functor, although we don't need it)
Definition ofbool {X: ops} {n} (a: bool): X n n := if a then 1 else 0.
Global Arguments ofbool {_ _} !_ /.
Global Arguments ofbool {_ _} !_ /.
ML modules
Declare ML Module "coq-relation-algebra.common".
Declare ML Module "coq-relation-algebra.fold".
Declare ML Module "coq-relation-algebra.fold".
tricks for reification