Library RelationAlgebra.matrix_ext

matrix_ext: additional properties of matrices

Require Import kleene normalisation ordinal sups.
Require Export matrix.
Set Implicit Arguments.

mx_scal is an homomorphism

#[export] Instance mx_scal_leq `{lattice.laws}: Proper (leq ==> leq) (@mx_scal X).
Proof. intros ? ? H'. apply H'. Qed.
#[export] Instance mx_scal_weq `{lattice.laws}: Proper (weq ==> weq) (@mx_scal X) := op_leq_weq_1.

Lemma mx_scal_zer `{lattice.laws}: mx_scal bot bot.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma mx_scal_one `{laws} n: mx_scal 1 one n.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma mx_scal_pls `{lattice.laws} (M N: mx X 1 1):
  mx_scal (M N) mx_scal M mx_scal N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma mx_scal_dot `{laws} `{BOT+CUP l} u (M N: mx (X u u) 1 1):
  mx_scal (M N) mx_scal M mx_scal N.
Proof. apply cupxb. Qed.

Lemma mx_scal_str `{laws} `{BKA l} u (M: mx (X u u) 1 1):
  mx_scal (M^*) (mx_scal M)^*.
  apply str_weq. unfold mx_scal, sub00_mx, tsub_mx, lsub_mx. simpl.
  setoid_rewrite ord0_unique. apply cupxb.

scal_mx preserves inclusions/equalities

#[export] Instance scal_mx_leq `{lattice.laws}: Proper (leq ==> leq) (@scal_mx X).
Proof. now repeat intro. Qed.
#[export] Instance scal_mx_weq `{lattice.laws}: Proper (weq ==> weq) (@scal_mx X) := op_leq_weq_1.

extracting components of block matrices

Lemma mx_tsub_col `{lattice.laws} n1 n2 m M1 M2:
  tsub_mx (@col_mx X n1 n2 m M1 M2) M1.
Proof. intros i j. unfold tsub_mx, col_mx. now rewrite split_lshift. Qed.
Lemma mx_bsub_col `{lattice.laws} n1 n2 m M1 M2:
  bsub_mx (@col_mx X n1 n2 m M1 M2) M2.
Proof. intros i j. unfold bsub_mx, col_mx. now rewrite split_rshift. Qed.
Lemma mx_lsub_row `{lattice.laws} n m1 m2 M1 M2:
  lsub_mx (@row_mx X n m1 m2 M1 M2) M1.
Proof. intros i j. unfold lsub_mx, row_mx. now rewrite split_lshift. Qed.
Lemma mx_rsub_row `{lattice.laws} n m1 m2 M1 M2:
  rsub_mx (@row_mx X n m1 m2 M1 M2) M2.
Proof. intros i j. unfold rsub_mx, row_mx. now rewrite split_rshift. Qed.

Lemma mx_sub00_blk `{lattice.laws} n1 n2 m1 m2 a b c d:
  sub00_mx (@blk_mx X n1 n2 m1 m2 a b c d) a.
Proof. setoid_rewrite mx_tsub_col. apply mx_lsub_row. Qed.
Lemma mx_sub01_blk `{lattice.laws} n1 n2 m1 m2 a b c d:
  sub01_mx (@blk_mx X n1 n2 m1 m2 a b c d) b.
Proof. setoid_rewrite mx_tsub_col. apply mx_rsub_row. Qed.
Lemma mx_sub10_blk `{lattice.laws} n1 n2 m1 m2 a b c d:
  sub10_mx (@blk_mx X n1 n2 m1 m2 a b c d) c.
Proof. setoid_rewrite mx_bsub_col. apply mx_lsub_row. Qed.
Lemma mx_sub11_blk `{lattice.laws} n1 n2 m1 m2 a b c d:
  sub11_mx (@blk_mx X n1 n2 m1 m2 a b c d) d.
Proof. setoid_rewrite mx_bsub_col. apply mx_rsub_row. Qed.

sub-matrices of the empty matrix are empty
Lemma blk_mx_0 `{laws} u n1 n2 m1 m2 a b c d: @blk_mx (X u u) n1 n2 m1 m2 a b c d 0
  a 0 b 0 c 0 d 0.
  intro Z. split; [|split; [|split]].
  rewrite <-(mx_sub00_blk a b c d). intros ? ?. apply Z.
  rewrite <-(mx_sub01_blk a b c d). intros ? ?. apply Z.
  rewrite <-(mx_sub10_blk a b c d). intros ? ?. apply Z.
  rewrite <-(mx_sub11_blk a b c d). intros ? ?. apply Z.

Kleene star of a block matrix

Section h.
Context `{L:laws} `{Hl:BKA l} (u: ob X).

Instance mx_bka_laws: laws BKA (mx_ops X u) := mx_laws (L:=lower_laws) _.

Lemma mx_str_blk' n m (M: mx (X u u) (n+m) (n+m)):
  M^* mx_str_build X u n m (mx_str _ _ _) (mx_str _ _ _) M.
  apply str_unique'.
   apply mx_str_build_unfold_l; apply mx_str_unfold_l.
   apply mx_str_build_ind_l; intros ? ? ?; apply mx_str_ind_l.

general result
Lemma mx_str_blk n1 n2
  (a: mx (X u u) n1 n1) (b: mx (X u u) n1 n2)
  (c: mx (X u u) n2 n1) (d: mx (X u u) n2 n2):
  let e := d^* in
  let f := (a+(be)⋅c)^* in
  (blk_mx a b c d)^* blk_mx f (f⋅(be)) ((ec)⋅f) (e+(ecf)⋅(be)).
  intros e f. rewrite mx_str_blk'. unfold mx_str_build.
  ra_fold (mx_ops X). now rewrite mx_sub00_blk, mx_sub01_blk, mx_sub10_blk, mx_sub11_blk.

specialisation to trigonal block matrices
Lemma mx_str_trigonal n1 n2
  (a: mx (X u u) n1 n1) (b: mx (X u u) n1 n2)
                        (d: mx (X u u) n2 n2):
  (blk_mx a b 0 d)^* blk_mx (a^*) (a^*⋅(bd^*)) 0 (d^*).
Proof. rewrite mx_str_blk. apply blk_mx_weq; ra. Qed.

and to diagonal block matrices
Lemma mx_str_diagonal n1 n2
  (a: mx (X u u) n1 n1) (d: mx (X u u) n2 n2):
  (blk_mx a 0 0 d)^* blk_mx (a^*) 0 0 (d^*).
Proof. rewrite mx_str_trigonal. apply blk_mx_weq; trivial; ra. Qed.

Lemma mx_str_1 (M: mx (X u u) 1 1): M^* scal_mx ((mx_scal M)^*).
  intros i j. setoid_rewrite ord0_unique. simpl.
  unfold mx_str_build, blk_mx, col_mx, row_mx, ordinal.split; simpl.
  unfold mx_scal, scal_mx, mx_dot, sub00_mx, tsub_mx, lsub_mx; simpl.
  setoid_rewrite ord0_unique. ra.

induction schemes for proving properties of the Kleene star of a matrix

(used to show that epsilon and derivatives commute with matrix star in rmx)

Lemma mx_str_ind (P: n, mx (X u u) n n mx (X u u) n n Prop):
  ( n, Proper (weq ==> weq ==> iff) (P n))
  ( M, P O M M)
  ( M, P _ M (scal_mx ((mx_scal M)^*)))
  ( n m,
    ( M, P n M (M^*))
    ( M, P m M (M^*))
      M, P _ M (mx_str_build _ _ n m (fun MM^*) (fun MM^*) M))
   n M, P n M (M^*).
  intros HP HO H1 Hplus n M. induction n as [|n IHn].
   apply HO.
   change (M^*) with (mx_str _ _ _ M). unfold mx_str, mx_str_build. ra_fold (mx_ops X).
   setoid_rewrite <-mx_str_1.
   revert M; refine (Hplus (S O) n _ _); intro M.
   rewrite mx_str_1. apply H1.
   apply IHn.

Lemma mx_str_ind' (P: n, mx (X u u) n n mx (X u u) n n Prop):
  ( n, Proper (weq ==> weq ==> iff) (P n))
  ( M, P O M M)
  ( M, P _ M (scal_mx ((mx_scal M)^*)))
  ( n m a b c d,
    let e := d^* in
    let be := be in
    let ec := ec in
    let f := (a+bec)^* in
    let fbe := fbe in
    let ecf := ecf in
    P m d e
    P n (a+bec) f
    P _ (blk_mx a b c d) (blk_mx f fbe ecf (e+ecfbe)))
   n M, P n M (M^*).
  intros HP HO H1 Hplus. apply (mx_str_ind P HP HO H1).
  intros n m Hn Hm M. rewrite (to_blk_mx M) at 1. now apply Hplus.

End h.

pointwise extension of a funcion to matrices

Definition mx_map X Y (f: X Y) n m (M: mx X n m): mx Y n m := fun i jf (M i j).

#[export] Instance mx_map_leq {X Y: lattice.ops} {f: X Y}
  {Hf: Proper (leq ==> leq) f} n m: Proper (leq ==> leq) (@mx_map _ _ f n m).
Proof. intros M N H i j. apply Hf, H. Qed.

#[export] Instance mx_map_weq {X Y: lattice.ops} {f: X Y}
  {Hf: Proper (weq ==> weq) f} n m: Proper (weq ==> weq) (@mx_map _ _ f n m).
Proof. intros M N H i j. apply Hf, H. Qed.

Lemma mx_map_blk {X Y l} {HY: lattice.laws l Y} (f: X Y) n1 n2 m1 m2 a b c d:
  mx_map f (@blk_mx _ n1 n2 m1 m2 a b c d)
  blk_mx (mx_map f a) (mx_map f b) (mx_map f c) (mx_map f d).
  intros i j. unfold mx_map, blk_mx, col_mx, row_mx.
  case split; case split; reflexivity.

Lemma mx_map_scal {X Y} (f: X Y) x: mx_map f (scal_mx x) = scal_mx (f x).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma scal_mx_map {X} {Y: lattice.ops} (f: X Y) M: f (mx_scal M) = mx_scal (mx_map f M).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

`functional' matrices, with exactly one z per line, and 0 everywhere else

Definition mx_fun {X: lattice.ops} n m f z: mx X n m :=
  fun x yif eqb_ord y (f x) then z else bot.

Lemma mx_dot_fun `{laws} `{BSL l} u n m f z p (M: mx (X u u) m p) i j:
  (mx_fun (n:=n) f z M) i j z M (f i) j.
  simpl. unfold mx_dot. apply antisym.
  apply leq_supx. intros j' _. unfold mx_fun. case eqb_ord_spec.
   intros →. ra.
   intros _. ra.
  rewrite <- (leq_xsup _ _ (f i)). 2: apply in_seq.
  unfold mx_fun. now rewrite eqb_refl.

Lemma mx_dot_kfun1 `{laws} `{BSL l} u n m i p (M: mx (X u u) m p):
  (mx_fun (n:=n) (fun _i) 1 M) fun _ jM i j.
Proof. intros j k. rewrite mx_dot_fun. apply dot1x. Qed.

Lemma mx_map_fun {X Y: lattice.ops} {l} {HY: lattice.laws l Y} n m f z g:
  g bot bot mx_map g (@mx_fun X n m f z) @mx_fun Y n m f (g z).
Proof. intros Hg i j. unfold mx_map, mx_fun. now case eqb_ord. Qed.