Library RelationAlgebra.sups
sups: finite joins (or supremums), a la ssreflect
- the fact that we restrict ourselves to the associative, commutative, and idempotent operation cup of lattices (intersections being obtained by working in the dual lattices)
- the fact that we do not include a "selection" operator
Require Import lset lattice.
Require Export ordinal.
Section s.
Context `{L:laws} `{Hl:BSL ≪ l}.
Universe S.
Section i.
Context {I: Type@{S}}.
sup specification
Lemma sup_spec f J x: sup f J ≦ x ↔ ∀ i, In i J → f i ≦ x.
induction J; simpl. split. tauto. intro. lattice.
rewrite cup_spec, IHJ. clear IHJ. intuition. now subst.
induction J; simpl. split. tauto. intro. lattice.
rewrite cup_spec, IHJ. clear IHJ. intuition. now subst.
basic facts about sup
Lemma sup_app f h k: sup f (h++k) ≡ sup f h ⊔ sup f k.
Proof. induction h; simpl. lattice. rewrite IHh. hlattice. Qed.
Lemma sup_singleton f i: sup f (i::nil) ≡ f i.
Proof. simpl. lattice. Qed.
Lemma leq_supx f J x: (∀ i, In i J → f i ≦ x) → sup f J ≦ x.
Proof. apply sup_spec. Qed.
Lemma leq_xsup f J i: In i J → f i ≦ sup f J.
Proof. now apply sup_spec. Qed.
Lemma leq_xsup' f J i x: In i J → x ≦ f i → x ≦ sup f J.
Proof. intros ? E. rewrite E. now apply leq_xsup. Qed.
Proof. induction h; simpl. lattice. rewrite IHh. hlattice. Qed.
Lemma sup_singleton f i: sup f (i::nil) ≡ f i.
Proof. simpl. lattice. Qed.
Lemma leq_supx f J x: (∀ i, In i J → f i ≦ x) → sup f J ≦ x.
Proof. apply sup_spec. Qed.
Lemma leq_xsup f J i: In i J → f i ≦ sup f J.
Proof. now apply sup_spec. Qed.
Lemma leq_xsup' f J i x: In i J → x ≦ f i → x ≦ sup f J.
Proof. intros ? E. rewrite E. now apply leq_xsup. Qed.
Global Instance sup_leq: Proper (pwr leq ==> leq ==> leq) sup.
intros f f' Hf J J' HJ. induction J. apply leq_bx.
simpl. apply leq_cupx. rewrite Hf. apply leq_xsup. apply HJ. now left.
apply IHJ. intros j ?. apply HJ. now right.
Global Instance sup_weq: Proper (pwr weq ==> weq ==> weq) sup.
Proof. simpl. setoid_rewrite weq_spec. split; apply sup_leq; firstorder. Qed.
Lemma supcup f g J: sup (fun i ⇒ f i ⊔ g i) J ≡ sup f J ⊔ sup g J.
Proof. induction J; simpl. lattice. rewrite IHJ. lattice. Qed.
intros f f' Hf J J' HJ. induction J. apply leq_bx.
simpl. apply leq_cupx. rewrite Hf. apply leq_xsup. apply HJ. now left.
apply IHJ. intros j ?. apply HJ. now right.
Global Instance sup_weq: Proper (pwr weq ==> weq ==> weq) sup.
Proof. simpl. setoid_rewrite weq_spec. split; apply sup_leq; firstorder. Qed.
Lemma supcup f g J: sup (fun i ⇒ f i ⊔ g i) J ≡ sup f J ⊔ sup g J.
Proof. induction J; simpl. lattice. rewrite IHJ. lattice. Qed.
refined monotonicity result: the functions have to be pointwise
comparable only on the elements of J
Lemma sup_leq' J J' (f f': I → X):
J ≦J' → (∀ i, In i J → f i ≦ f' i) → sup f J ≦ sup f' J'.
induction J; intros HJ Hf. apply leq_bx.
simpl. apply leq_cupx.
rewrite Hf. apply leq_xsup. apply HJ. now left. now left.
apply IHJ. rewrite <- HJ. clear; firstorder. clear -Hf; firstorder.
Lemma sup_weq' J J' (f f': I → X):
J ≡J' → (∀ i, In i J → f i ≡ f' i) → sup f J ≡ sup f' J'.
Proof. setoid_rewrite weq_spec. split; apply sup_leq'; firstorder. Qed.
J ≦J' → (∀ i, In i J → f i ≦ f' i) → sup f J ≦ sup f' J'.
induction J; intros HJ Hf. apply leq_bx.
simpl. apply leq_cupx.
rewrite Hf. apply leq_xsup. apply HJ. now left. now left.
apply IHJ. rewrite <- HJ. clear; firstorder. clear -Hf; firstorder.
Lemma sup_weq' J J' (f f': I → X):
J ≡J' → (∀ i, In i J → f i ≡ f' i) → sup f J ≡ sup f' J'.
Proof. setoid_rewrite weq_spec. split; apply sup_leq'; firstorder. Qed.
the sup of empty elements is still empty
Lemma sup_b J (f: I → X) (Hf: ∀ i, In i J → f i ≡ bot): sup f J ≡ bot.
apply antisym. 2: apply leq_bx.
apply leq_supx. intros. now rewrite Hf.
End i.
apply antisym. 2: apply leq_bx.
apply leq_supx. intros. now rewrite Hf.
End i.
Theorem sup_swap I J (f: I → J → X) I' J':
sup (fun i ⇒ sup (fun j ⇒ f i j) J') I' ≡
sup (fun j ⇒ sup (fun i ⇒ f i j) I') J'.
induction I'; simpl. apply antisym. apply leq_bx. apply leq_supx; trivial.
now rewrite IHI', supcup.
Lemma sup_map I J (f: J → X) (m: I → J) I':
sup f (map m I') = sup (fun i ⇒ f (m i)) I'.
Proof. induction I'; simpl; congruence. Qed.
End s.
Notation "\sup_ ( i \in l ) f" := (sup (fun i ⇒ f) l)
(at level 41, f at level 41, i, l at level 50,
format "'[' \sup_ ( i \in l ) '/ ' f ']'"): ra_terms.
(at level 41, f at level 41, i, l at level 50,
format "'[' \sup_ ( i \in l ) '/ ' f ']'"): ra_terms.
Notation "\sup_ ( i < n ) f" := (\sup_(i \in seq n) f)
(at level 41, f at level 41, i, n at level 50,
format "'[' \sup_ ( i < n ) '/ ' f ']'"): ra_terms.
(at level 41, f at level 41, i, n at level 50,
format "'[' \sup_ ( i < n ) '/ ' f ']'"): ra_terms.
we shall moreover use the notation \sum when the lattice
operations actually come from a partially ordered monoid (see sum.v)
two "meta" results, to prove that some operation commutes with supremums
additional properties
Lemma f_sup_weq {X: ops} {Y l} {L: laws l Y} `{Hl: CUP ≪ l} (f: X → Y):
(f bot ≡ bot) →
(∀ x y, f (x ⊔ y) ≡ f x ⊔ f y) →
∀ I J (g: I → X), f (sup g J) ≡ \sup_(i\in J) f (g i).
intros Hbot Hcup I J g. induction J. apply Hbot.
simpl. rewrite Hcup. now apply cup_weq.
Lemma f_sup_eq {X Y: ops} (f: X → Y):
(f bot = bot) →
(∀ x y, f (x ⊔ y) = f x ⊔ f y) →
∀ I J (g: I → X), f (sup g J) = \sup_(i\in J) f (g i).
intros Hbot Hcup I J g. induction J. apply Hbot.
simpl. rewrite Hcup. congruence.
same thing, to prove that a predicate is preserved under supremums
Lemma P_sup {X: ops} {P: X → Prop} I J (f: I → X):
P bot →
(∀ x y, P x → P y → P (x ⊔ y)) →
(∀ i, In i J → P (f i)) →
P (sup f J).
intros Hbot Hcup.
induction J; intro H; simpl. apply Hbot.
apply Hcup. apply H; now left. apply IHJ. intros. apply H. now right.
Lemma sup_cut `{L:laws} `{BSL ≪ l} n m f:
\sup_(i<n+m) f i ≡ \sup_(i<n) f (lshift i) ⊔ \sup_(i<m) f (rshift i).
Proof. now rewrite seq_cut, sup_app, 2sup_map. Qed.
\sup_(i<n+m) f i ≡ \sup_(i<n) f (lshift i) ⊔ \sup_(i<m) f (rshift i).
Proof. now rewrite seq_cut, sup_app, 2sup_map. Qed.
supremums where the indices come from a supremum
Lemma sup_sup `{L: laws} `{BSL ≪ l} I (f: I → X) A (J: A → list I) h:
sup f (sup J h) ≡ sup (fun a ⇒ sup f (J a)) h.
Proof. induction h. reflexivity. simpl. now rewrite sup_app, IHh. Qed.
sup f (sup J h) ≡ sup (fun a ⇒ sup f (J a)) h.
Proof. induction h. reflexivity. simpl. now rewrite sup_app, IHh. Qed.
belonging to a finite union
Lemma in_sup A I J (f: I → list A) a: In a (sup f J) ↔ ∃ i, In i J ∧ In a (f i).
induction J; simpl. firstorder.
rewrite in_app_iff, IHJ. clear. firstorder congruence.
induction J; simpl. firstorder.
rewrite in_app_iff, IHJ. clear. firstorder congruence.
Lemma map_sup A I J (f: I → A): map f J = \sup_(i\in J) [f i].
Proof. induction J; simpl; congruence. Qed.
Proof. induction J; simpl; congruence. Qed.
distribution of meets over supremums
Lemma capxsup `{laws} `{BSL+CAP ≪ l} I J (f: I → X) (x: X):
x ⊓ (\sup_(i\in J) f i) ≡ \sup_(i\in J) (x ⊓ f i).
Proof. apply f_sup_weq. apply capxb. intros; apply capcup. Qed.
Lemma capsupx `{laws} `{BSL+CAP ≪ l} I J (f: I → X) (x: X):
(\sup_(i\in J) f i) ⊓ x ≡ \sup_(i\in J) (f i ⊓ x).
Proof. rewrite capC, capxsup. now setoid_rewrite capC at 1. Qed.
x ⊓ (\sup_(i\in J) f i) ≡ \sup_(i\in J) (x ⊓ f i).
Proof. apply f_sup_weq. apply capxb. intros; apply capcup. Qed.
Lemma capsupx `{laws} `{BSL+CAP ≪ l} I J (f: I → X) (x: X):
(\sup_(i\in J) f i) ⊓ x ≡ \sup_(i\in J) (f i ⊓ x).
Proof. rewrite capC, capxsup. now setoid_rewrite capC at 1. Qed.
Notation inf f l := (@sup (dual _) _ f l).
Notation "\inf_ ( i \in l ) f" := (inf (fun i ⇒ f) l)
(at level 41, f at level 41, i, l at level 50,
format "'[' \inf_ ( i \in l ) '/ ' f ']'"): ra_terms.
Notation "\inf_ ( i < n ) f" := (\inf_(i \in seq n) f)
(at level 41, f at level 41, i, n at level 50,
format "'[' \inf_ ( i < n ) '/ ' f ']'"): ra_terms.
Section inf.
Context `{laws} `{CAP+TOP ≪ l} {I: Type}.
Global Instance inf_leq:
Proper (pwr (@leq X) ==> leq --> @leq X) (@sup (dual X) I).
Proof. intros ? ? ? ? ?. now dual @sup_leq. Qed.
Lemma inf_spec (f: I → X) J (x: X):
x ≦ \inf_(i\in J) f i ↔ ∀ i, In i J → x ≦ f i.
Proof. dual @sup_spec. Qed.
Lemma inf_singleton (f: I → X) i: inf f (i::nil) ≡ f i.
Proof. dual @sup_singleton. Qed.
Lemma leq_xinf (f: I → X) J x: (∀ i, In i J → x ≦ f i) → x ≦ inf f J.
Proof. dual @leq_supx. Qed.
Lemma leq_infx (f: I → X) J i: In i J → @leq X (inf f J) (f i).
Proof. dual @leq_xsup. Qed.
Lemma leq_infx' (f: I → X) J i x: In i J → f i ≦ x → @leq X (inf f J) x.
Proof. dual @leq_xsup'. Qed.
End inf.