Library RelationAlgebra.sups

sups: finite joins (or supremums), a la ssreflect

We define a few operations for manipulating finite supremums or intersections. We basically follow the scheme proposed for "bigops" in ssreflect, but we simplify it as much as possible since we do not need the whole machinery. The two main simplifications are:
  • the fact that we restrict ourselves to the associative, commutative, and idempotent operation cup of lattices (intersections being obtained by working in the dual lattices)
  • the fact that we do not include a "selection" operator

Require Import lset lattice.
Require Export ordinal.

Section s.
Context `{L:laws} `{Hl:BSL l}.

Universe S.

Section i.

Context {I: Type@{S}}.


the unique operator which we define is the following one, which intuitively corresponds to fold_right cup (map f J) bot, we redefine it to get a better behaviour with simpl
sup f j1;...;jn = f j1 ⊔ ... ⊔ f jn
Fixpoint sup (f: I X) J :=
  match J with
    | nilbot
    | cons i Jf i sup f J

sup specification
Lemma sup_spec f J x: sup f J x i, In i J f i x.
  induction J; simpl. split. tauto. intro. lattice.
  rewrite cup_spec, IHJ. clear IHJ. intuition. now subst.

basic facts about sup

Lemma sup_app f h k: sup f (h++k) sup f h sup f k.
Proof. induction h; simpl. lattice. rewrite IHh. hlattice. Qed.

Lemma sup_singleton f i: sup f (i::nil) f i.
Proof. simpl. lattice. Qed.

Lemma leq_supx f J x: ( i, In i J f i x) sup f J x.
Proof. apply sup_spec. Qed.

Lemma leq_xsup f J i: In i J f i sup f J.
Proof. now apply sup_spec. Qed.

Lemma leq_xsup' f J i x: In i J x f i x sup f J.
Proof. intros ? E. rewrite E. now apply leq_xsup. Qed.

sup is monotone, w.r.t, both the function f and the set J
Global Instance sup_leq: Proper (pwr leq ==> leq ==> leq) sup.
  intros f f' Hf J J' HJ. induction J. apply leq_bx.
  simpl. apply leq_cupx. rewrite Hf. apply leq_xsup. apply HJ. now left.
  apply IHJ. intros j ?. apply HJ. now right.

Global Instance sup_weq: Proper (pwr weq ==> weq ==> weq) sup.
Proof. simpl. setoid_rewrite weq_spec. split; apply sup_leq; firstorder. Qed.

Lemma supcup f g J: sup (fun if i g i) J sup f J sup g J.
Proof. induction J; simpl. lattice. rewrite IHJ. lattice. Qed.

refined monotonicity result: the functions have to be pointwise comparable only on the elements of J
Lemma sup_leq' J J' (f f': I X):
  J J' ( i, In i J f i f' i) sup f J sup f' J'.
  induction J; intros HJ Hf. apply leq_bx.
  simpl. apply leq_cupx.
  rewrite Hf. apply leq_xsup. apply HJ. now left. now left.
  apply IHJ. rewrite <- HJ. clear; firstorder. clear -Hf; firstorder.

Lemma sup_weq' J J' (f f': I X):
  J J' ( i, In i J f i f' i) sup f J sup f' J'.
Proof. setoid_rewrite weq_spec. split; apply sup_leq'; firstorder. Qed.

the sup of empty elements is still empty
Lemma sup_b J (f: I X) (Hf: i, In i J f i bot): sup f J bot.
  apply antisym. 2: apply leq_bx.
  apply leq_supx. intros. now rewrite Hf.

End i.

swapping and reindexing indices

Theorem sup_swap I J (f: I J X) I' J':
  sup (fun isup (fun jf i j) J') I'
  sup (fun jsup (fun if i j) I') J'.
  induction I'; simpl. apply antisym. apply leq_bx. apply leq_supx; trivial.
  now rewrite IHI', supcup.

Lemma sup_map I J (f: J X) (m: I J) I':
  sup f (map m I') = sup (fun if (m i)) I'.
Proof. induction I'; simpl; congruence. Qed.

End s.


we use "\sup(i\in l) f" in the general case
Notation "\sup_ ( i \in l ) f" := (sup (fun if) l)
  (at level 41, f at level 41, i, l at level 50,
    format "'[' \sup_ ( i \in l ) '/ ' f ']'"): ra_terms.

and "\sup(i<n) f" when l is the set of ordinals smaller than n
Notation "\sup_ ( i < n ) f" := (\sup_(i \in seq n) f)
  (at level 41, f at level 41, i, n at level 50,
    format "'[' \sup_ ( i < n ) '/ ' f ']'"): ra_terms.

we shall moreover use the notation \sum when the lattice operations actually come from a partially ordered monoid (see sum.v)

additional properties

two "meta" results, to prove that some operation commutes with supremums

Lemma f_sup_weq {X: ops} {Y l} {L: laws l Y} `{Hl: CUP l} (f: X Y):
  (f bot bot)
  ( x y, f (x y) f x f y)
   I J (g: I X), f (sup g J) \sup_(i\in J) f (g i).
  intros Hbot Hcup I J g. induction J. apply Hbot.
  simpl. rewrite Hcup. now apply cup_weq.

Lemma f_sup_eq {X Y: ops} (f: X Y):
  (f bot = bot)
  ( x y, f (x y) = f x f y)
   I J (g: I X), f (sup g J) = \sup_(i\in J) f (g i).
  intros Hbot Hcup I J g. induction J. apply Hbot.
  simpl. rewrite Hcup. congruence.

same thing, to prove that a predicate is preserved under supremums

Lemma P_sup {X: ops} {P: X Prop} I J (f: I X):
  P bot
  ( x y, P x P y P (x y))
  ( i, In i J P (f i))
  P (sup f J).
  intros Hbot Hcup.
  induction J; intro H; simpl. apply Hbot.
  apply Hcup. apply H; now left. apply IHJ. intros. apply H. now right.

cutting a supremum over ordinals of size n+m
Lemma sup_cut `{L:laws} `{BSL l} n m f:
  \sup_(i<n+m) f i \sup_(i<n) f (lshift i) \sup_(i<m) f (rshift i).
Proof. now rewrite seq_cut, sup_app, 2sup_map. Qed.

supremums where the indices come from a supremum
Lemma sup_sup `{L: laws} `{BSL l} I (f: I X) A (J: A list I) h:
  sup f (sup J h) sup (fun asup f (J a)) h.
Proof. induction h. reflexivity. simpl. now rewrite sup_app, IHh. Qed.

belonging to a finite union
Lemma in_sup A I J (f: I list A) a: In a (sup f J) i, In i J In a (f i).
  induction J; simpl. firstorder.
  rewrite in_app_iff, IHJ. clear. firstorder congruence.

link between map and sup
Lemma map_sup A I J (f: I A): map f J = \sup_(i\in J) [f i].
Proof. induction J; simpl; congruence. Qed.

distribution of meets over supremums
Lemma capxsup `{laws} `{BSL+CAP l} I J (f: I X) (x: X):
  x (\sup_(i\in J) f i) \sup_(i\in J) (x f i).
Proof. apply f_sup_weq. apply capxb. intros; apply capcup. Qed.

Lemma capsupx `{laws} `{BSL+CAP l} I J (f: I X) (x: X):
  (\sup_(i\in J) f i) x \sup_(i\in J) (f i x).
Proof. rewrite capC, capxsup. now setoid_rewrite capC at 1. Qed.

Infimum (or intersections)

obtained for free, by duality

Notation inf f l := (@sup (dual _) _ f l).

Notation "\inf_ ( i \in l ) f" := (inf (fun if) l)
  (at level 41, f at level 41, i, l at level 50,
    format "'[' \inf_ ( i \in l ) '/ ' f ']'"): ra_terms.

Notation "\inf_ ( i < n ) f" := (\inf_(i \in seq n) f)
  (at level 41, f at level 41, i, n at level 50,
    format "'[' \inf_ ( i < n ) '/ ' f ']'"): ra_terms.

Section inf.
Context `{laws} `{CAP+TOP l} {I: Type}.

Global Instance inf_leq:
  Proper (pwr (@leq X) ==> leq --> @leq X) (@sup (dual X) I).
Proof. intros ? ? ? ? ?. now dual @sup_leq. Qed.

Lemma inf_spec (f: I X) J (x: X):
  x \inf_(i\in J) f i i, In i J x f i.
Proof. dual @sup_spec. Qed.

Lemma inf_singleton (f: I X) i: inf f (i::nil) f i.
Proof. dual @sup_singleton. Qed.

Lemma leq_xinf (f: I X) J x: ( i, In i J x f i) x inf f J.
Proof. dual @leq_supx. Qed.

Lemma leq_infx (f: I X) J i: In i J @leq X (inf f J) (f i).
Proof. dual @leq_xsup. Qed.

Lemma leq_infx' (f: I X) J i x: In i J f i x @leq X (inf f J) x.
Proof. dual @leq_xsup'. Qed.

End inf.