Library RelationAlgebra.kat_completeness
kat_completeness: completeness of Kleene algebra with tests
Require Import Coq.PArith.BinPosDef.
Require Import denum lset sums normalisation.
Require Import kat ka_completeness untyping.
Require Import regex gregex lsyntax syntax lang glang boolean atoms.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import denum lset sums normalisation.
Require Import kat ka_completeness untyping.
Require Import regex gregex lsyntax syntax lang glang boolean atoms.
Set Implicit Arguments.
abbreviations: R is the module about regular expressions, while
G is the module about generalised regular expressions
Module R := regex.
Module G := gregex.
Section KatCompleteness.
Notation Sigma := positive.
Variable pred: nat.
Variables s t: Sigma → positive.
Notation gregex := (gregex_kat_ops pred s t).
Notation Atom := (ord (pow2 pred)).
Notation gword := (trace Atom).
Notation glang := (tglang_kat_ops pred s t).
Notation g_atom n a := (@g_prd pred s t n (@atom pred a)).
Notation test := (lsyntax.expr (ord pred)).
Local Open Scope list_scope.
Module G := gregex.
Section KatCompleteness.
Notation Sigma := positive.
Variable pred: nat.
Variables s t: Sigma → positive.
Notation gregex := (gregex_kat_ops pred s t).
Notation Atom := (ord (pow2 pred)).
Notation gword := (trace Atom).
Notation glang := (tglang_kat_ops pred s t).
Notation g_atom n a := (@g_prd pred s t n (@atom pred a)).
Notation test := (lsyntax.expr (ord pred)).
Local Open Scope list_scope.
1. Definition of the hat function, and correctness
externally guarded terms
Inductive guard: positive → positive → Type :=
| g_pred: ∀ {n} (a: Atom), guard n n
| g_elem: ∀ n m (a: Atom) (e: gregex n m) (b: Atom), guard n m.
Notation guards n m := (list (guard n m)).
externally guarded terms, and sums of such terms can be converted
back to gregex in the obvious way
Definition geval n m (x: guard n m) :=
match x with
| @g_pred n a ⇒ g_atom n a
| @g_elem n m a e b ⇒ g_atom n a ⋅ e ⋅ g_atom m b
Notation teval := (sup (@geval _ _)).
match x with
| @g_pred n a ⇒ g_atom n a
| @g_elem n m a e b ⇒ g_atom n a ⋅ e ⋅ g_atom m b
Notation teval := (sup (@geval _ _)).
inductive cases for the hat function
Definition g_prd' n p: guards n n :=
map g_pred (filter (fun a ⇒ lsyntax.eval (set.mem a) p) (seq (pow2 pred))).
Lemma teval_prd n (p: tst n): teval (g_prd' n p) ≡ inj p.
unfold g_prd'. rewrite sup_map. unfold geval.
setoid_rewrite <-inj_sup. apply inj_weq.
symmetry. apply decomp_expr.
map g_pred (filter (fun a ⇒ lsyntax.eval (set.mem a) p) (seq (pow2 pred))).
Lemma teval_prd n (p: tst n): teval (g_prd' n p) ≡ inj p.
unfold g_prd'. rewrite sup_map. unfold geval.
setoid_rewrite <-inj_sup. apply inj_weq.
symmetry. apply decomp_expr.
Definition g_one' n := g_prd' n (@lsyntax.e_top _).
Lemma teval_one n: teval (g_one' n) ≡ 1.
Proof. unfold g_one'. rewrite teval_prd. apply inj_top. Qed.
Lemma teval_one n: teval (g_one' n) ≡ 1.
Proof. unfold g_one'. rewrite teval_prd. apply inj_top. Qed.
Definition g_var' i := \sup_(f<_) \sup_(g<_) [g_elem f (g_var i) g]%list.
Lemma sum_atoms n: \sup_(i<pow2 pred) g_atom n i ≡ 1.
rewrite <- teval_one. unfold g_one', g_prd'. rewrite sup_map.
apply sup_weq. reflexivity.
induction seq. reflexivity. now apply (cup_weq [_] [_])%list.
Lemma teval_var i: teval (g_var' i) ≡ g_var i.
unfold g_var'. rewrite sup_sup. setoid_rewrite sup_sup.
setoid_rewrite sup_singleton. unfold geval.
setoid_rewrite <-dotxsum. setoid_rewrite <-dotA. rewrite <-dotsumx.
setoid_rewrite sum_atoms. ra.
Definition g_dot1 n m (x: guard n m): ∀ p, guard m p → guards n p :=
match x with
| g_pred a ⇒ fun p y ⇒
match y with
| g_pred b ⇒ if eqb a b then [g_pred a] else []
| g_elem b e c ⇒ if eqb a b then [g_elem b e c] else []
| g_elem a e b ⇒ fun p y ⇒
match y with
| g_pred c ⇒ fun e ⇒ if eqb b c then [g_elem a e b] else []
| g_elem c f d ⇒ fun e ⇒ if eqb b c then [g_elem a (e⋅g_atom _ b⋅f) d] else []
end e
match x with
| g_pred a ⇒ fun p y ⇒
match y with
| g_pred b ⇒ if eqb a b then [g_pred a] else []
| g_elem b e c ⇒ if eqb a b then [g_elem b e c] else []
| g_elem a e b ⇒ fun p y ⇒
match y with
| g_pred c ⇒ fun e ⇒ if eqb b c then [g_elem a e b] else []
| g_elem c f d ⇒ fun e ⇒ if eqb b c then [g_elem a (e⋅g_atom _ b⋅f) d] else []
end e
the correctness of this construction relies on the following two lemma
Lemma empty_atom_dot n a b: a≠b → g_atom n a ⋅ g_atom n b ≡ 0.
intros. setoid_rewrite <-inj_cap.
rewrite (empty_atom_cap H). apply inj_bot.
Lemma idem_atom_dot n a: g_atom n a ⋅ g_atom n a ≡ g_atom n a.
Proof. setoid_rewrite <-inj_cap. now rewrite capI. Qed.
intros. setoid_rewrite <-inj_cap.
rewrite (empty_atom_cap H). apply inj_bot.
Lemma idem_atom_dot n a: g_atom n a ⋅ g_atom n a ≡ g_atom n a.
Proof. setoid_rewrite <-inj_cap. now rewrite capI. Qed.
correctness of g_dot1
Lemma geval_dot n m p (x: guard n m) (y: guard m p): teval (g_dot1 x y) ≡ geval x ⋅ geval y.
destruct x as [? a|? ? a e b]; destruct y as [? c|? ? c f d]; unfold g_dot1;
(case eqb_spec; [intros <-|intro E]); unfold geval; rewrite ?sup_singleton; unfold sup.
- now rewrite idem_atom_dot.
- symmetry. apply (empty_atom_dot _ E).
- now rewrite 2dotA, idem_atom_dot.
- rewrite 2dotA, (empty_atom_dot _ E). ra.
- now rewrite <-3dotA, idem_atom_dot.
- rewrite <-2dotA, (empty_atom_dot _ E). ra.
- transitivity (g_atom _ a⋅(e⋅(g_atom _ b⋅g_atom _ b)⋅f)⋅g_atom _ d). 2:ra.
now rewrite idem_atom_dot.
- transitivity (g_atom _ a⋅(e⋅(g_atom _ b⋅g_atom _ c)⋅f)⋅g_atom _ d). 2:ra.
rewrite (empty_atom_dot _ E). ra.
destruct x as [? a|? ? a e b]; destruct y as [? c|? ? c f d]; unfold g_dot1;
(case eqb_spec; [intros <-|intro E]); unfold geval; rewrite ?sup_singleton; unfold sup.
- now rewrite idem_atom_dot.
- symmetry. apply (empty_atom_dot _ E).
- now rewrite 2dotA, idem_atom_dot.
- rewrite 2dotA, (empty_atom_dot _ E). ra.
- now rewrite <-3dotA, idem_atom_dot.
- rewrite <-2dotA, (empty_atom_dot _ E). ra.
- transitivity (g_atom _ a⋅(e⋅(g_atom _ b⋅g_atom _ b)⋅f)⋅g_atom _ d). 2:ra.
now rewrite idem_atom_dot.
- transitivity (g_atom _ a⋅(e⋅(g_atom _ b⋅g_atom _ c)⋅f)⋅g_atom _ d). 2:ra.
rewrite (empty_atom_dot _ E). ra.
correctness of g_dot'
Lemma teval_dot n m p (x: guards n m) (y: guards m p):
teval (g_dot' x y) ≡ teval x ⋅ teval y.
unfold g_dot'. rewrite sup_sup. setoid_rewrite sup_sup.
setoid_rewrite geval_dot.
rewrite dotsumx. now setoid_rewrite dotxsum.
teval (g_dot' x y) ≡ teval x ⋅ teval y.
unfold g_dot'. rewrite sup_sup. setoid_rewrite sup_sup.
setoid_rewrite geval_dot.
rewrite dotsumx. now setoid_rewrite dotxsum.
Kleene star
Definition fst n m (x: guard n m) := match x with g_pred a | g_elem a _ _ ⇒ a end.
Definition lst n m (x: guard n m) := match x with g_pred a | g_elem _ _ a ⇒ a end.
Definition g_inner_dot n m (x: guard n m): ∀ p, guard m p → gregex n p :=
match x with
| g_pred a ⇒ fun p y ⇒
match y with
| g_pred b ⇒ 0
| g_elem b e c ⇒ if eqb a b ⊓ eqb a c then e else 0
| g_elem a e b ⇒ fun p y ⇒
match y with
| g_pred c ⇒ fun e ⇒ if eqb a b ⊓ eqb b c then e else 0
| g_elem c f d ⇒ fun e ⇒ if eqb b c ⊓ eqb a d then e⋅g_atom _ b⋅f else 0
end e
Definition xitr n m (r: guard n m) q' :=
let rq' := g_dot' [r] q' in
let a := fst r in
let p := sup (@g_inner_dot _ _ r _) q' in
g_dot' ([g_elem a (p⋅(g_atom _ a⋅p)^*) a]++g_one' _) rq'.
Fixpoint g_str' n (x: guards n n) :=
match x with
| [] ⇒ g_one' _
| r::q ⇒
let q' := g_str' q in
q' ++ g_dot' q' (xitr r q')
the correctness of this construction is substantially more involved than for the other ones
Lemma geval_fst n m (r: guard n m): geval r ≡ g_atom _ (fst r) ⋅ geval r.
destruct r.
simpl fst; unfold geval. now rewrite idem_atom_dot.
simpl fst; unfold geval. now rewrite 2dotA, idem_atom_dot.
Lemma geval_lst n m (r: guard n m): geval r ≡ geval r ⋅ g_atom _ (lst r).
destruct r.
simpl fst; unfold geval. now rewrite idem_atom_dot.
simpl fst; unfold geval. now rewrite <-3dotA, idem_atom_dot.
Definition dirac n m: gregex n m.
case (eqb_pos_spec n m). intros <-. exact 1. intros _. exact 0.
Lemma dirac_refl n: dirac n n = 1.
unfold dirac. case eqb_pos_spec. 2: congruence.
intro. now rewrite cmp_eq_rect_eq.
Lemma teval_inner_dot n m p (x: guard n m) (y: guard m p):
dirac n p + g_atom _ (fst x) ⋅ g_inner_dot x y ⋅ g_atom _ (fst x) ≡
dirac n p + ofbool (eqb (fst x) (lst y)) ⋅ geval x ⋅ geval y.
unfold g_inner_dot.
revert p y. destruct x as [n a|n m a e b]; destruct y as [p c|p q c f d];
simpl fst; simpl lst; simpl geval.
rewrite dirac_refl. case eqb. 2: ra. ra_normalise.
setoid_rewrite <-inj_cap. rewrite <-inj_top, <-inj_cup. apply inj_weq. lattice.
case eqb_spec; intro E. subst. case eqb_spec; intro E'. subst.
simpl. ra_normalise. now rewrite idem_atom_dot.
simpl. ra_normalise. rewrite <-(dotA _ (g_atom p a)).
rewrite empty_atom_dot by assumption. ra.
case eqb_spec; intro E. subst. case eqb_spec; intro E'. subst.
simpl. ra_normalise. now rewrite <-3dotA, idem_atom_dot.
simpl. case eqb_spec; intro E'. subst. ra_normalise.
rewrite <-dotA. rewrite empty_atom_dot by congruence. ra.
case eqb_spec; intro E. subst. case eqb_spec; intro E'. subst.
simpl. ra_normalise. now rewrite <-(dotA _ (g_atom p c) (g_atom p c)), idem_atom_dot.
simpl. case eqb_spec; intro E'. subst.
ra_normalise. rewrite <-(dotA _ (g_atom p b) (g_atom p c)), empty_atom_dot by assumption.
Lemma teval_xitr n m (r: guard n m) q: teval (xitr r q) ≡ (geval r ⋅ teval q)^+.
unfold xitr.
rewrite 2teval_dot, sup_app, 2sup_singleton, teval_one.
symmetry. rewrite itr_str_l. rewrite (geval_fst r) at 2.
rewrite <-(dotA (g_atom _ _)), str_dot.
apply dot_weq. 2: reflexivity.
rewrite cupC. unfold geval at 3. rewrite dotA. rewrite <-itr_str_l.
rewrite itr_aea by now rewrite idem_atom_dot. rewrite <-str_itr. apply str_weq1.
induction q as [|e q IH]. ra.
simpl (sup _ _).
rewrite 2dotxpls, 2dotplsx. rewrite <-(cupI 1), 2cupA, 2comm4. apply cup_weq.
2: assumption. clear IH.
rewrite <-dirac_refl. rewrite teval_inner_dot.
case eqb_spec; intro E.
setoid_rewrite dot1x. rewrite E. now rewrite <-dotA, <-geval_lst.
rewrite (geval_lst e), <-2dotA, empty_atom_dot by congruence. ra.
Lemma teval_str n (x: guards n n): teval (g_str' x) ≡ (teval x)^*.
induction x as [|r q IH]; simpl g_str'.
rewrite teval_one. symmetry. apply str0.
simpl (sup _ _). setoid_rewrite (cupC (geval r)). rewrite str_pls.
rewrite sup_app, teval_dot, teval_xitr, IH. rewrite (str_itr (_⋅_)). ra.
Fixpoint hat n m (e: gregex n m): guards n m :=
match e with
| g_zer _ _ _ ⇒ []
| g_prd _ _ p ⇒ g_prd' _ p
| g_pls e f ⇒ hat e ⊔ hat f
| g_dot e f ⇒ g_dot' (hat e) (hat f)
| g_itr e ⇒ g_dot' (hat e) (g_str' (hat e))
| g_var i ⇒ g_var' i
Theorem teval_hat n m (e: gregex n m): teval (hat e) ≡ e.
induction e; simpl hat.
apply teval_prd.
apply teval_var.
setoid_rewrite sup_app. now apply cup_weq.
rewrite teval_dot. now apply dot_weq.
rewrite teval_dot, teval_str, <-itr_str_l. now apply itr_weq.
Relationship between generalised regular expressions and (plain) regular expressions
extended alphabet
Inductive letter :=
| l_pos (n: positive) (p: ord pred)
| l_neg (n: positive) (p: ord pred)
| l_var (i: Sigma).
the above type can be retracted into positives: this saves us from
proving KA completeness on an arbitrary alphabet (this would
require a lot of polymorphic definitions)
Definition lp (l: letter): positive :=
match l with
| l_pos n x ⇒ mk_sum (inl (mk_sum (inl (mk_pair (n, mk_ord x)))))
| l_neg n x ⇒ mk_sum (inl (mk_sum (inr (mk_pair (n, mk_ord x)))))
| l_var i ⇒ mk_sum (inr i)
Definition pl (p: positive): letter :=
match get_sum p with
| inl p ⇒ match get_sum p with
| inl p ⇒ let '(n,p) := get_pair p in
match get_ord _ p with None ⇒ l_var 1 | Some x ⇒ l_pos n x end
| inr p ⇒ let '(n,p) := get_pair p in
match get_ord _ p with None ⇒ l_var 1 | Some x ⇒ l_neg n x end
| inr i ⇒ l_var i
Lemma plp l: pl (lp l) = l.
Proof. destruct l; unfold pl, lp; now rewrite !get_mk_sum, ?get_mk_pair, ?get_mk_ord. Qed.
Definition compare_letter (a b: letter) := cmp (lp a) (lp b).
Lemma compare_letter_spec a b: compare_spec (a=b) (compare_letter a b).
unfold compare_letter. case cmp_spec; intro E; constructor.
now rewrite <-(plp a), <-(plp b), E. congruence. congruence.
Canonical Structure cmp_letter := mk_simple_cmp _ compare_letter_spec.
Lemma compare_letter_spec a b: compare_spec (a=b) (compare_letter a b).
unfold compare_letter. case cmp_spec; intro E; constructor.
now rewrite <-(plp a), <-(plp b), E. congruence. congruence.
Canonical Structure cmp_letter := mk_simple_cmp _ compare_letter_spec.
typing extended letters:
- predicate letters come with their type
- Kleene letters use the typing environment
Definition src' l :=
match l with
| l_pos n _ | l_neg n _ ⇒ n
| l_var i ⇒ s i
Definition tgt' l :=
match l with
| l_pos n _ | l_neg n _ ⇒ n
| l_var i ⇒ t i
match l with
| l_pos n _ | l_neg n _ ⇒ n
| l_var i ⇒ s i
Definition tgt' l :=
match l with
| l_pos n _ | l_neg n _ ⇒ n
| l_var i ⇒ t i
regular expressions on the extended alphabet
- o : gregex n m → expr3 n m (injective)
- o': expr3 n m → gregex (partial, since expr3 has to many operations)
- v : expr3 n m → regex (type-erasing, partial for the same reasons)
- w : regex → uexpr3 (injective, even if we do not prove it)
- u : expr3 n m → uexpr3 (type-erasing, actually untyping.erase)
Notation expr3 n m := (expr_ops src' tgt' BKA n m).
Notation uexpr3 := (expr_ops (fun _ ⇒ xH) (fun _ ⇒ xH) BKA xH xH).
Notation uexpr3 := (expr_ops (fun _ ⇒ xH) (fun _ ⇒ xH) BKA xH xH).
we need to push negation to leaves in Boolean expressions
Fixpoint o_pred (x: test): expr3 n n :=
match x with
| e_bot ⇒ 0
| e_top ⇒ 1
| e_cup x y ⇒ o_pred x + o_pred y
| e_cap x y ⇒ o_pred x ⋅ o_pred y
| e_neg x ⇒ o_npred x
| e_var a ⇒ syntax.e_var (l_pos n a)
with o_npred (x: test): expr3 n n :=
match x with
| e_bot ⇒ 1
| e_top ⇒ 0
| e_cup x y ⇒ o_npred x ⋅ o_npred y
| e_cap x y ⇒ o_npred x + o_npred y
| e_neg x ⇒ o_pred x
| e_var a ⇒ syntax.e_var (l_neg n a)
Import syntax.
Lemma o_pred_level x: e_level (o_pred x) ≪ BKA
with o_npred_level x: e_level (o_npred x) ≪ BKA.
destruct x; simpl o_pred; simpl e_level; rewrite ?merge_spec; intuition.
destruct x; simpl o_npred; simpl e_level; rewrite ?merge_spec; intuition.
End n.
Fixpoint o n m (e: gregex n m): expr3 n m:=
match e with
| g_zer _ _ _ ⇒ 0
| g_prd _ _ p ⇒ o_pred _ p
| g_pls e f ⇒ o e + o f
| g_dot e f ⇒ o e ⋅ o f
| g_itr e ⇒ (o e)^+
| g_var j ⇒ e_var (l_var j)
Lemma o_sup n m I J (f: I → gregex n m): o (sup f J) = \sup_(i\in J) (o (f i)).
Proof. apply f_sup_eq; now f_equal. Qed.
Lemma o_level n m (e: gregex n m): e_level (o e) ≪ BKA.
pose proof o_pred_level.
induction e; simpl o; simpl e_level; rewrite ?merge_spec; intuition.
match x with
| e_bot ⇒ 0
| e_top ⇒ 1
| e_cup x y ⇒ o_pred x + o_pred y
| e_cap x y ⇒ o_pred x ⋅ o_pred y
| e_neg x ⇒ o_npred x
| e_var a ⇒ syntax.e_var (l_pos n a)
with o_npred (x: test): expr3 n n :=
match x with
| e_bot ⇒ 1
| e_top ⇒ 0
| e_cup x y ⇒ o_npred x ⋅ o_npred y
| e_cap x y ⇒ o_npred x + o_npred y
| e_neg x ⇒ o_pred x
| e_var a ⇒ syntax.e_var (l_neg n a)
Import syntax.
Lemma o_pred_level x: e_level (o_pred x) ≪ BKA
with o_npred_level x: e_level (o_npred x) ≪ BKA.
destruct x; simpl o_pred; simpl e_level; rewrite ?merge_spec; intuition.
destruct x; simpl o_npred; simpl e_level; rewrite ?merge_spec; intuition.
End n.
Fixpoint o n m (e: gregex n m): expr3 n m:=
match e with
| g_zer _ _ _ ⇒ 0
| g_prd _ _ p ⇒ o_pred _ p
| g_pls e f ⇒ o e + o f
| g_dot e f ⇒ o e ⋅ o f
| g_itr e ⇒ (o e)^+
| g_var j ⇒ e_var (l_var j)
Lemma o_sup n m I J (f: I → gregex n m): o (sup f J) = \sup_(i\in J) (o (f i)).
Proof. apply f_sup_eq; now f_equal. Qed.
Lemma o_level n m (e: gregex n m): e_level (o e) ≪ BKA.
pose proof o_pred_level.
induction e; simpl o; simpl e_level; rewrite ?merge_spec; intuition.
Definition o': ∀ n m, expr3 n m → gregex n m :=
@eval _ src' tgt' (gregex_monoid_ops pred s t) id
(fun l ⇒ match l return gregex (src' l) (tgt' l) with
| l_pos n p ⇒ g_prd _ _ (lsyntax.e_var p)
| l_neg n p ⇒ g_prd _ _ (! lsyntax.e_var p)
| l_var i ⇒ g_var i
Lemma o'o_pred: ∀ n (a: test), o' (o_pred n a) ≡ g_prd _ _ a
with o'o_npred: ∀ n (a: test), o' (o_npred n a) ≡ g_prd _ _ (!a).
destruct a.
symmetry. apply inj_bot.
symmetry. apply inj_top.
setoid_rewrite inj_cup. apply cup_weq; apply o'o_pred.
setoid_rewrite inj_cap. apply dot_weq; apply o'o_pred.
apply o'o_npred.
destruct a.
symmetry. etransitivity. apply inj_weq. apply negbot. apply inj_top.
symmetry. etransitivity. apply inj_weq. apply negtop. apply inj_bot.
etransitivity. 2: apply inj_weq; symmetry; apply negcup. rewrite inj_cap.
apply dot_weq; apply o'o_npred.
etransitivity. 2: apply inj_weq; symmetry; apply negcap. rewrite inj_cup.
apply cup_weq; apply o'o_npred.
etransitivity. 2: apply inj_weq; symmetry; apply negneg. apply o'o_pred.
Lemma o'o: ∀ n m (e: gregex n m), o' (o e) ≡ e.
induction e; simpl o; simpl o'.
apply o'o_pred.
now apply cup_weq.
now apply dot_weq.
now apply itr_weq.
Lemma o'_weq n m: Proper (weq ==> weq) (@o' n m).
Proof. intros ? ? H. apply (H (gregex_monoid_ops _ _ _) _ id). Qed.
induction e; simpl o; simpl o'.
apply o'o_pred.
now apply cup_weq.
now apply dot_weq.
now apply itr_weq.
Lemma o'_weq n m: Proper (weq ==> weq) (@o' n m).
Proof. intros ? ? H. apply (H (gregex_monoid_ops _ _ _) _ id). Qed.
so that o is injective
Corollary o_inj n m (e f: gregex n m): o e ≡ o f → e ≡ f.
Proof. intro H. apply o'_weq in H. revert H. now rewrite 2o'o. Qed.
Proof. intro H. apply o'_weq in H. revert H. now rewrite 2o'o. Qed.
Definition v: ∀ n m, expr3 n m → regex :=
eval (f':=fun _ ⇒ regex_tt) (fun l ⇒ r_var (lp l)).
Definition w (e: regex): uexpr3 :=
eval (X:=expr_ops _ _ BKA) (f':=fun _ ⇒ xH) (fun p ⇒ e_var (pl p)) (to_expr e).
Lemma wv_u n m (e: expr3 n m): e_level e ≪ BKA → w (v e) ≡ erase BKA e.
unfold w.
induction e; simpl e_level; intro Hl; try discriminate_levels;
try (first [reflexivity|apply dot_weq|apply cup_weq|apply str_weq]);
try (first [apply IHe1|apply IHe2|apply IHe]; solve_lower').
symmetry. simpl (erase _ _). rewrite itr_str_l, <-IHe. reflexivity. solve_lower'.
simpl. now rewrite plp.
key lemma to be able to use the untyping theorem
Lemma wvo_uo n m (e: gregex n m): w (v (o e)) ≡ erase BKA (o e).
Proof. apply wv_u, o_level. Qed.
Lemma w_weq: Proper (weq ==> weq) w.
Proof. intros ? ? H. apply (H (expr_ops _ _ _) _ (fun _ ⇒ xH)). Qed.
Lemma v_sup n m I J (f: I → expr3 n m): v (sup f J) = \sup_(i\in J) (v (f i)).
Proof. apply f_sup_eq; now f_equal. Qed.
Proof. apply wv_u, o_level. Qed.
Lemma w_weq: Proper (weq ==> weq) w.
Proof. intros ? ? H. apply (H (expr_ops _ _ _) _ (fun _ ⇒ xH)). Qed.
Lemma v_sup n m I J (f: I → expr3 n m): v (sup f J) = \sup_(i\in J) (v (f i)).
Proof. apply f_sup_eq; now f_equal. Qed.
From guarded string languages to languages on the extended alphabet
i.e., we define a coercion from glang lang
converting an atom into a word of the extended alphabet.
this word has length pred: each predicate variable appears
exactly once, with its assigned truth value
Definition atom_to_word n (a: Atom) :=
map (fun i ⇒ if set.mem a i then lp (l_pos n i) else lp (l_neg n i)) (seq pred).
map (fun i ⇒ if set.mem a i then lp (l_pos n i) else lp (l_neg n i)) (seq pred).
converting an guarded string into a word of the extended alphabet
the resulting word has length pred+(1+pred)⋅n, where n is the
length of the guarded string
Fixpoint gword_to_word n (w: gword) :=
match w with
| tnil a ⇒ atom_to_word n a
| tcons a i w ⇒ atom_to_word n a ++ lp (l_var i) :: gword_to_word (t i) w
match w with
| tnil a ⇒ atom_to_word n a
| tcons a i w ⇒ atom_to_word n a ++ lp (l_var i) :: gword_to_word (t i) w
we convert a guarded string language by converting its words
Definition gl n m (G: glang n m): lang :=
fun w ⇒ ∃ g, w = gword_to_word n g ∧ proj1_sig G g.
Instance gl_leq n m: Proper (leq ==> leq) (@gl n m).
Proof. intros G G' H w [v [? Hv]]. ∃ v. split. assumption. apply H, Hv. Qed.
Instance gl_weq n m: Proper (weq ==> weq) (@gl n m) := op_leq_weq_1.
fun w ⇒ ∃ g, w = gword_to_word n g ∧ proj1_sig G g.
Instance gl_leq n m: Proper (leq ==> leq) (@gl n m).
Proof. intros G G' H w [v [? Hv]]. ∃ v. split. assumption. apply H, Hv. Qed.
Instance gl_weq n m: Proper (weq ==> weq) (@gl n m) := op_leq_weq_1.
auxiliary definition for the following auxiliary lemma:
gword_to_word' w return the suffix of the word corresponding to
w, where the initial atom has been omitted
Definition gword_to_word' (w: gword) :=
match w with
| tnil a ⇒ []
| tcons a i w ⇒ lp (l_var i) :: gword_to_word (t i) w
Lemma gword_to_word_cut n w:
gword_to_word n w = atom_to_word n (thead w) ++ gword_to_word' w.
Proof. destruct w. apply app_nil_end. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma gword_tapp: ∀ x y z, tapp x y z →
∀ n, gword_to_word n z = gword_to_word n x ++ gword_to_word' y.
induction 1; simpl; intros n.
apply app_nil_end.
now rewrite IHtapp, app_ass.
match w with
| tnil a ⇒ []
| tcons a i w ⇒ lp (l_var i) :: gword_to_word (t i) w
Lemma gword_to_word_cut n w:
gword_to_word n w = atom_to_word n (thead w) ++ gword_to_word' w.
Proof. destruct w. apply app_nil_end. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma gword_tapp: ∀ x y z, tapp x y z →
∀ n, gword_to_word n z = gword_to_word n x ++ gword_to_word' y.
induction 1; simpl; intros n.
apply app_nil_end.
now rewrite IHtapp, app_ass.
regular language corresponding to an atom
Lemma R_lang_atom n a: R (v (o (g_atom n a))) ≡ latom n a.
simpl o. unfold atom, atom_to_word.
induction (seq pred). apply R.lang_1. simpl (sup _ _).
setoid_rewrite R.lang_dot. setoid_rewrite (eq_app_dot _ [_]). apply dot_weq.
case set.mem; apply R.lang_var. assumption.
Lemma gl_bot n m: @gl n m bot ≡ bot.
Proof. split. intros [? [? []]]. intros []. Qed.
Lemma gl_cup n m (e f: glang n m): gl (e ⊔ f) ≡ gl e ⊔ gl f.
intros [w [-> [H|H]]]; [left|right]; ∃ w; split; auto.
intros [H|H]; destruct H as [w [-> H]]; ∃ w; split; trivial; (now left) || (now right).
Lemma gl_sup n m I J (f: I → glang n m): gl (sup f J) ≡ \sup_(i\in J) gl (f i).
Proof. apply f_sup_weq. apply gl_bot. apply gl_cup. Qed.
gl maps atoms to atoms
Lemma gl_atom n a: gl (tatom n a) ≡ latom n a.
intro w; split.
intros [g [-> <-]]. reflexivity.
intros <-. eexists. split. 2: reflexivity. reflexivity.
image of single letter traces under gl
Lemma gl_single' a i b:
gl (tsingle' a i b) ≡
eq (atom_to_word (s i) a++[lp (l_var i)]++atom_to_word (t i) b).
intro w; split.
intros [g [-> <-]]. reflexivity.
intros <-. eexists. split. 2: reflexivity. reflexivity.
gl (tsingle' a i b) ≡
eq (atom_to_word (s i) a++[lp (l_var i)]++atom_to_word (t i) b).
intro w; split.
intros [g [-> <-]]. reflexivity.
intros <-. eexists. split. 2: reflexivity. reflexivity.
key auxiliary lemma for composition: we need to use an atom as a cutting point
Lemma gl_dot n m p (e: glang n m) a (f: glang m p) (e' f': lang):
gl (e ⋅ tatom m a) ≡ e' ⋅ latom m a →
gl (tatom m a ⋅ f) ≡ latom m a ⋅ f' →
gl (e ⋅ tatom m a ⋅ f) ≡ e' ⋅ latom m a ⋅ f'.
setoid_rewrite weq_spec.
intros He Hf. split; intro w.
- apply proj1 in He. apply proj1 in Hf.
intros [g [-> [xa [x Hx [? <- Hxa]] [y Hy Hg]]]].
apply tapp_x_nil_eq in Hxa as [Ha ->].
destruct (tapp_bounds Hg) as (H1&H2&H3). destruct (He (gword_to_word n x)) as [x' Hx' [? <- Hxa']].
repeat eexists; eauto. rewrite Ha. apply tapp_x_nil.
destruct (Hf (gword_to_word m y)) as [? <- [y' Hy' Hay']].
repeat eexists; eauto. rewrite Ha. rewrite H1. apply tapp_nil_x.
repeat eexists; eauto.
rewrite app_ass, <-Hay', (gword_to_word_cut m y), (gword_tapp Hg), <-app_ass.
- apply proj2 in He. apply proj2 in Hf.
intros [ea [x Hx [? <- ->]] [y Hy ->]].
edestruct (He (x++atom_to_word m a)) as [xa [Hxa [x' Hx' [? <- Hxa']]]]. eexists; eauto.
edestruct (Hf (atom_to_word m a++y)) as [ay [Hay [? <- [y' Hy' Hay']]]]. eexists; eauto.
apply tapp_x_nil_eq in Hxa' as [-> ->].
apply tapp_nil_x_eq in Hay' as [Ha ->].
destruct (tapp_cat x' y' Ha) as [z Hz].
repeat eexists; eauto. 2: apply tapp_x_nil.
rewrite (gword_tapp Hz), <-Hxa, app_ass, Hay, gword_to_word_cut, ass_app.
Lemma gl_nildot a n m (e: glang n m): ∃ e', gl (tatom n a ⋅ e) ≡ latom n a ⋅ e'.
∃ (fun w ⇒ ∃ g, proj1_sig e g ∧ thead g = a ∧ w = gword_to_word' g).
rewrite weq_spec. split; intro w.
intros [u [-> [? <- [v Hv H]]]]. apply tapp_nil_x_eq in H as [-> ->].
repeat eexists; eauto. apply gword_to_word_cut.
intros [? <- [u (x&He&<-&->) ->]].
repeat eexists; eauto. apply eq_sym, gword_to_word_cut. apply tapp_nil_x.
gl (e ⋅ tatom m a) ≡ e' ⋅ latom m a →
gl (tatom m a ⋅ f) ≡ latom m a ⋅ f' →
gl (e ⋅ tatom m a ⋅ f) ≡ e' ⋅ latom m a ⋅ f'.
setoid_rewrite weq_spec.
intros He Hf. split; intro w.
- apply proj1 in He. apply proj1 in Hf.
intros [g [-> [xa [x Hx [? <- Hxa]] [y Hy Hg]]]].
apply tapp_x_nil_eq in Hxa as [Ha ->].
destruct (tapp_bounds Hg) as (H1&H2&H3). destruct (He (gword_to_word n x)) as [x' Hx' [? <- Hxa']].
repeat eexists; eauto. rewrite Ha. apply tapp_x_nil.
destruct (Hf (gword_to_word m y)) as [? <- [y' Hy' Hay']].
repeat eexists; eauto. rewrite Ha. rewrite H1. apply tapp_nil_x.
repeat eexists; eauto.
rewrite app_ass, <-Hay', (gword_to_word_cut m y), (gword_tapp Hg), <-app_ass.
- apply proj2 in He. apply proj2 in Hf.
intros [ea [x Hx [? <- ->]] [y Hy ->]].
edestruct (He (x++atom_to_word m a)) as [xa [Hxa [x' Hx' [? <- Hxa']]]]. eexists; eauto.
edestruct (Hf (atom_to_word m a++y)) as [ay [Hay [? <- [y' Hy' Hay']]]]. eexists; eauto.
apply tapp_x_nil_eq in Hxa' as [-> ->].
apply tapp_nil_x_eq in Hay' as [Ha ->].
destruct (tapp_cat x' y' Ha) as [z Hz].
repeat eexists; eauto. 2: apply tapp_x_nil.
rewrite (gword_tapp Hz), <-Hxa, app_ass, Hay, gword_to_word_cut, ass_app.
Lemma gl_nildot a n m (e: glang n m): ∃ e', gl (tatom n a ⋅ e) ≡ latom n a ⋅ e'.
∃ (fun w ⇒ ∃ g, proj1_sig e g ∧ thead g = a ∧ w = gword_to_word' g).
rewrite weq_spec. split; intro w.
intros [u [-> [? <- [v Hv H]]]]. apply tapp_nil_x_eq in H as [-> ->].
repeat eexists; eauto. apply gword_to_word_cut.
intros [? <- [u (x&He&<-&->) ->]].
repeat eexists; eauto. apply eq_sym, gword_to_word_cut. apply tapp_nil_x.
key auxiliary lemma for iteration: we need to use an atom as bounds
Lemma gl_itr n (e: glang n n) a (e': lang):
gl (tatom n a ⋅ e ⋅ tatom n a) ≡ e' ⋅ latom n a →
gl ((tatom n a ⋅ e)^+ ⋅ tatom n a) ≡ e'^+ ⋅ latom n a.
rename n into m.
intro H. rewrite <-itr_dot. apply antisym.
- apply weq_spec in H as [H _]. intros w [g [-> [? <- [u [n Hn] Hg]]]].
apply tapp_nil_x_eq in Hg as [Hu ->]. revert u Hu Hn. induction n; intros u Hu Hn.
destruct Hn as [v Hv [? <- Hn]]. apply tapp_x_nil_eq in Hn as [Hn ->].
destruct (H (gword_to_word m v)) as [u He [? <- H']].
repeat eexists; eauto. rewrite Hu. apply tapp_nil_x. rewrite Hn. apply tapp_x_nil.
∃ u. now ∃ O. eauto.
destruct Hn as [w [v Hv [? <- Hn]] [w' Hw' H']].
apply tapp_x_nil_eq in Hn as [Hn ->].
assert (H'' := tapp_bounds H'). assert (Haw: a=thead w') by (rewrite Hn; intuition congruence).
destruct (H (gword_to_word m v)) as [xe He [? <- Hxe]].
repeat eexists; eauto.
rewrite Hu, <-(tapp_head H'). apply tapp_nil_x.
rewrite Hn; apply tapp_x_nil.
assert (Hext: e' ⋅ (e'^+ ⋅ latom m a) ≦ e'^+ ⋅ latom m a).
now rewrite dotA, itr_cons.
apply Hext. clear Hext.
eexists. eassumption. eexists. apply IHn. apply Haw.
rewrite (gword_tapp H'), Hxe, gword_to_word_cut, Haw, app_ass. congruence.
- apply itr_ind_l.
now rewrite <-H, <-itr_ext, dotA.
rewrite <-itr_cons at 2.
destruct (gl_nildot a ((e ⋅ tatom m a)^+)) as [f' Hf].
rewrite 2dotA. rewrite gl_dot by eassumption.
now rewrite Hf, dotA.
gl (tatom n a ⋅ e ⋅ tatom n a) ≡ e' ⋅ latom n a →
gl ((tatom n a ⋅ e)^+ ⋅ tatom n a) ≡ e'^+ ⋅ latom n a.
rename n into m.
intro H. rewrite <-itr_dot. apply antisym.
- apply weq_spec in H as [H _]. intros w [g [-> [? <- [u [n Hn] Hg]]]].
apply tapp_nil_x_eq in Hg as [Hu ->]. revert u Hu Hn. induction n; intros u Hu Hn.
destruct Hn as [v Hv [? <- Hn]]. apply tapp_x_nil_eq in Hn as [Hn ->].
destruct (H (gword_to_word m v)) as [u He [? <- H']].
repeat eexists; eauto. rewrite Hu. apply tapp_nil_x. rewrite Hn. apply tapp_x_nil.
∃ u. now ∃ O. eauto.
destruct Hn as [w [v Hv [? <- Hn]] [w' Hw' H']].
apply tapp_x_nil_eq in Hn as [Hn ->].
assert (H'' := tapp_bounds H'). assert (Haw: a=thead w') by (rewrite Hn; intuition congruence).
destruct (H (gword_to_word m v)) as [xe He [? <- Hxe]].
repeat eexists; eauto.
rewrite Hu, <-(tapp_head H'). apply tapp_nil_x.
rewrite Hn; apply tapp_x_nil.
assert (Hext: e' ⋅ (e'^+ ⋅ latom m a) ≦ e'^+ ⋅ latom m a).
now rewrite dotA, itr_cons.
apply Hext. clear Hext.
eexists. eassumption. eexists. apply IHn. apply Haw.
rewrite (gword_tapp H'), Hxe, gword_to_word_cut, Haw, app_ass. congruence.
- apply itr_ind_l.
now rewrite <-H, <-itr_ext, dotA.
rewrite <-itr_cons at 2.
destruct (gl_nildot a ((e ⋅ tatom m a)^+)) as [f' Hf].
rewrite 2dotA. rewrite gl_dot by eassumption.
now rewrite Hf, dotA.
Definition clean1 n m (e: guard n m) := gl (G (geval e)) ≡ R (v (o (geval e))).
Definition clean n m (e: guards n m) := ∀ g, In g e → clean1 g.
Lemma G_clean n m (e: guards n m): clean e → gl (G (teval e)) ≡ R (v (o (teval e))).
intro He. rewrite o_sup, v_sup, lang_sup, R.lang_sup, gl_sup.
apply sup_weq'. reflexivity. intros g Hg. apply He, Hg.
basic constructors for clean terms
Lemma clean_bot n m: @clean n m bot.
Proof. intros _ []. Qed.
Lemma clean_cup n m (e f: guards n m): clean e → clean f → clean (e++f).
Proof. unfold clean. setoid_rewrite in_app_iff. intuition. Qed.
Lemma clean_single n m (g: guard n m): clean1 g → clean [g].
Proof. now intros ? ? [<-|[]]. Qed.
Lemma clean_sup n m I J (f: I → guards n m): (∀ i, In i J → clean (f i)) → clean (sup f J).
Proof. apply P_sup. apply clean_bot. apply clean_cup. Qed.
Lemma clean_map n m I J (f: I → guard n m): (∀ i, In i J → clean1 (f i)) → clean (map f J).
Proof. rewrite map_sup. intro. apply clean_sup. intros. apply clean_single. auto. Qed.
the basic ingredients of the hat function preserve cleaness
Lemma clean_pred n a: clean1 (@g_pred n a).
Proof. unfold clean1, geval. rewrite G.lang_atom, R_lang_atom. apply gl_atom. Qed.
Lemma clean_elem_var a i b: clean1 (g_elem a (g_var i) b).
unfold clean1, geval.
rewrite 2G.lang_dot, 2G.lang_atom.
setoid_rewrite atom_single_atom. rewrite gl_single'. rewrite 2eq_app_dot.
do 2 setoid_rewrite R.lang_dot. setoid_rewrite R.lang_var.
setoid_rewrite <- R_lang_atom. apply dotA.
Lemma clean_dot' n m p (e: guards n m) (f: guards m p): clean e → clean f → clean (g_dot' e f).
intros He Hf. apply clean_sup. intros x Hx. apply clean_sup. intros y Hy.
apply He in Hx. apply Hf in Hy. clear e f He Hf.
destruct x as [a|a e b]; destruct y as [c|c f d]; unfold g_dot1;
(case eqb_spec; [intros <-|intro E]); try apply clean_bot; apply clean_single; trivial.
revert Hx Hy. unfold clean1, geval. rewrite 8G.lang_dot, 3G.lang_atom.
simpl o; simpl v. fold_regex. rewrite 8R.lang_dot. repeat change (o_pred ?a (atom ?b)) with (o (g_atom a b)). setoid_rewrite R_lang_atom.
intros Hx Hy. rewrite 4dotA, <-dotA, <-(dotA _ _ (latom _ _)).
apply gl_dot. assumption. rewrite 2dotA. assumption.
Lemma clean_one' n: clean (g_one' n).
Proof. apply clean_map. intros. apply clean_pred. Qed.
Lemma clean_inner_dot n m (e: guard n m) (He: clean1 e):
∀ p (f: guard m p), clean1 f →
gl (tatom n (fst e) ⋅ G (g_inner_dot e f) ⋅ tatom p (fst e)) ≡
latom n (fst e) ⋅ R (v (o (g_inner_dot e f))) ⋅ latom p (fst e).
assert (Z: ∀ n m p q (e: glang n m) (f: glang p q) e' f', gl (e⋅G 0⋅f) ≡ e'⋅R 0⋅f').
intros. rewrite G.lang_0, dotx0, dot0x, gl_bot. setoid_rewrite R.lang_0. ra.
destruct e as [n a|n m a e b]; destruct f as [p c|p q c f d]; intros Hf;
simpl fst; simpl lst; simpl g_inner_dot.
- apply Z.
- case eqb_spec. intros <-. 2: intros; apply Z.
case eqb_spec. intros <-. 2: intros; apply Z.
unfold andb. unfold clean1, geval in Hf.
rewrite 2G.lang_dot, 2G.lang_atom in Hf. rewrite Hf.
rewrite <-2R_lang_atom, <-2R.lang_dot. reflexivity.
- case eqb_spec. intros <-. 2: intros; apply Z.
case eqb_spec. intros <-. 2: intros; apply Z.
unfold andb. unfold clean1, geval in He.
rewrite 2G.lang_dot, 2G.lang_atom in He. rewrite He.
rewrite <-2R_lang_atom, <-2R.lang_dot. reflexivity.
- case eqb_spec. intros <-. 2: intros; apply Z.
case eqb_spec. intros <-. 2: intros; apply Z.
unfold andb.
unfold clean1, geval in He. rewrite 2G.lang_dot, 2G.lang_atom in He.
unfold clean1, geval in Hf. rewrite 2G.lang_dot, 2G.lang_atom in Hf.
simpl o in *; simpl v in ×.
rewrite 2R.lang_dot in He. repeat change (o_pred ?a (atom ?b)) with (o (g_atom a b)) in He. setoid_rewrite R_lang_atom in He.
rewrite 2R.lang_dot in Hf. repeat change (o_pred ?a (atom ?b)) with (o (g_atom a b)) in Hf. setoid_rewrite R_lang_atom in Hf.
rewrite 2R.lang_dot. repeat change (o_pred ?a (atom ?b)) with (o (g_atom a b)). setoid_rewrite R_lang_atom.
setoid_rewrite G.lang_dot. rewrite dotA. setoid_rewrite G.lang_dot.
rewrite G.lang_atom.
rewrite dotA. rewrite <-(dotA _ (G f)).
rewrite <-2dotA in Hf.
rewrite gl_dot by eassumption. ra.
Lemma clean_str' n (e: guards n n): clean e → clean (g_str' e).
induction e; intro Hae; simpl g_str'. apply clean_one'.
assert (He: clean e) by (intros ? ?; apply Hae; now right). specialize (IHe He).
assert (Ha: clean1 a) by (apply Hae; now left). clear Hae.
apply clean_cup. assumption.
apply clean_dot'. assumption.
apply clean_dot'. apply clean_cup. 2: apply clean_one'.
2: apply clean_dot'; [now apply clean_single | assumption].
revert IHe. generalize (g_str' e). clear e He. intros e He.
apply clean_single. unfold clean1. unfold geval. simpl o; simpl v; fold_regex.
rewrite 2dotA, <-str_itr, <-2itr_str_l.
rewrite G.lang_dot, G.lang_itr, G.lang_dot, G.lang_sup, G.lang_atom.
rewrite R.lang_dot, R.lang_itr, R.lang_dot, o_sup, v_sup, R.lang_sup.
repeat change (o_pred ?a (atom ?b)) with (o (g_atom a b)). setoid_rewrite R_lang_atom.
apply gl_itr. rewrite 2dotxsum, 2dotsumx, gl_sup.
apply sup_weq'. reflexivity. intros f Hf.
apply clean_inner_dot. apply Ha. apply He, Hf.
the hat function produces clean terms
Theorem clean_hat n m (e: gregex n m): clean (hat e).
induction e; simpl hat.
apply clean_bot.
apply clean_map. intros ? _. apply clean_pred.
apply clean_sup. intros ? _. apply clean_sup. intros ? _. apply clean_single, clean_elem_var.
now apply clean_cup.
now apply clean_dot'.
apply clean_dot'. assumption. apply clean_str'. assumption.
whence the desired property, as a corollary
Corollary G_hat n m (e: gregex n m): gl (G e) ≡ R (v (o (teval (hat e)))).
Proof. rewrite <-(teval_hat e) at 1. apply G_clean, clean_hat. Qed.
Theorem kat_complete_weq n m: ∀ e f: gregex n m, G e ≡ G f → e ≡ f.
intros e f H.
apply gl_weq in H.
rewrite 2G_hat in H.
apply ka_complete_weq in H.
apply w_weq in H.
rewrite 2wvo_uo in H.
apply erase_faithful_weq in H.
2: now rewrite 2o_level.
2: reflexivity.
apply o_inj in H.
rewrite 2teval_hat in H.
intros e f H.
apply gl_weq in H.
rewrite 2G_hat in H.
apply ka_complete_weq in H.
apply w_weq in H.
rewrite 2wvo_uo in H.
apply erase_faithful_weq in H.
2: now rewrite 2o_level.
2: reflexivity.
apply o_inj in H.
rewrite 2teval_hat in H.
we deduce a similar result for language inclusions
Corollary kat_complete_leq n m: ∀ e f: gregex n m, G e ≦ G f → e ≦ f.
Proof. intros e f. rewrite 2leq_iff_cup, <-G.lang_pls. apply kat_complete_weq. Qed.
Proof. intros e f. rewrite 2leq_iff_cup, <-G.lang_pls. apply kat_complete_weq. Qed.
and the above implications actually are equivalences
Corollary kat_correct_complete_weq n m: ∀ e f: gregex n m, G e ≡ G f ↔ e ≡ f.
Proof. split. apply kat_complete_weq. apply G.lang_weq. Qed.
Corollary kat_correct_complete_leq n m: ∀ e f: gregex n m, G e ≦ G f ↔ e ≦ f.
Proof. split. apply kat_complete_leq. apply G.lang_leq. Qed.
Proof. split. apply kat_complete_weq. apply G.lang_weq. Qed.
Corollary kat_correct_complete_leq n m: ∀ e f: gregex n m, G e ≦ G f ↔ e ≦ f.
Proof. split. apply kat_complete_leq. apply G.lang_leq. Qed.
KAT decidability
- KAT proofs reduce to KA proofs
- KAT equality is decidable
Corollary kat_reduces_to_ka n m: ∀ e f: gregex n m,
e ≡f ↔ v (o (teval (hat e))) ≡ v (o (teval (hat f))).
intros. split; intro H.
apply ka_complete_weq. now rewrite <-2G_hat, H.
apply w_weq in H.
rewrite 2wvo_uo in H.
apply erase_faithful_weq in H.
2: now rewrite 2o_level.
2: reflexivity.
apply o_inj in H.
now rewrite 2teval_hat in H.
Corollary kat_dec n m: ∀ e f: gregex n m, {e ≡f} + {~(e ≡f)}.
Proof. intros. eapply sumbool_iff. symmetry. apply kat_reduces_to_ka. apply ka_weq_dec. Qed.
End KatCompleteness.