Library RelationAlgebra.lang

lang: the (flat) model of languages of finite words

Require Import List.
Require Export prop.
Require Import monoid.

singleton type for the objects of this flat structure
CoInductive lang_unit := lang_tt.

Section l.

Variable X: Type.

a language on X is a predicate on finite words with letters in X
Definition lang := list X Prop.
Implicit Types x y z: lang.
Implicit Types n m p q: lang_unit.
Notation tt := lang_tt.

Languages as a lattice

lattice operations and laws are obtained for free, by pointwise lifting of the Prop lattice

Languages a residuated Kleene lattice

language operations

language concatenation
Definition lang_dot n m p x y: lang := fun wexists2 u, x u & exists2 v, y v & w=u++v.

languages left and right residuals
Definition lang_ldv n m p x y: lang := fun w u, x u y (u++w).
Definition lang_rdv n m p x y: lang := fun w u, x u y (w++u).

language reduced to the empty word
Definition lang_one n: lang := eq nil.

language of reversed words
Definition lang_cnv n m x: lang := fun wx (rev w).

finite iterations of a language (with a slight generalisation: yx^n)
Fixpoint iter i y x: lang :=
  match i with Oy | S ilang_dot tt tt tt x (iter i y x) end.

strict iteration: union of finite iterations, starting with x
Definition lang_itr n x: lang := fun w i, iter i x x w.

Kleene star: union of finite iterations, starting with 1
Definition lang_str n x: lang := fun w i, iter i (lang_one n) x w.

packing all operations in a canonical structure
shorthand for lang, when a morphism is expected
Notation lang' := (lang_ops tt tt).

languages form a residuated Kleene lattice

auxiliary lemmas, to establish that languages form a residuated Kleene lattice
Lemma lang_dotA n m p q x y z:
  lang_dot n m q x (lang_dot m p q y z) lang_dot n p q (lang_dot n m p x y) z.
  intro w. split.
  intros [u Hu [v [u' Hu' [v' Hv' ->]] ->]]. repeat eexists; eauto. apply ass_app.
  intros [u [u' Hu' [v' Hv' ->]] [v Hv ->]]. repeat eexists; eauto. apply app_ass.

Lemma lang_dotx1 x: lang_dot tt tt tt x (lang_one tt) x.
  intro w. split.
   intros [u Hu [v <- ->]]. now rewrite <-app_nil_end.
   intro Hw. w; trivial. nil. reflexivity. apply app_nil_end.

Lemma lang_dot_leq n m p: Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) (lang_dot n m p).
  intros x y H x' y' H' w [u Hu [v Hv Hw]].
   u. apply H, Hu. v. apply H', Hv. assumption.

Lemma lang_iter_S i x: iter i x x iter (S i) (lang_one tt) x.
  induction i; simpl iter. symmetry. apply lang_dotx1.
  now apply (op_leq_weq_2 (Hf:=@lang_dot_leq _ _ _)).

languages form a residuated Kleene lattice (we do not have an allegory, since the converse operation does not satisfy the law x xx°⋅x)
Global Instance lang_laws: laws (BDL+STR+DIV) lang_ops.
  constructor; (try (intro; discriminate)); (try now left); repeat right; intros.
   apply lower_lattice_laws.
   apply lang_dotA.
   intro w. split.
    now intros [u <- [v Hv ->]].
    intro Hw. nil. reflexivity. now w.
   apply lang_dotx1.
   intros w Hw. now O.
   intros w [u Hu [v [i Hi] ->]]. (S i). repeat eexists; eauto.
   intros w [u [i Hu] [v Hv ->]]. revert u Hu. induction i.
    now intros u <-.
    intros u [u' Hu' [u'' Hu'' ->]]. apply H0. rewrite app_ass. eexists; eauto.
   intro w. split.
    intros [i H']. apply lang_iter_S in H' as [? ? [? ? ?]]. repeat eexists; eauto.
    intros [? ? [? [i H'] ?]]. i. apply lang_iter_S. repeat eexists; eauto.
   split; intros E w. intros [u xu [v xv ->]]. now apply E.
    intros Hw u Hu. apply E. repeat eexists; eauto.
   split; intros E w. intros [u xu [v xv ->]]. now apply E.
    intros Hw u Hu. apply E. repeat eexists; eauto.

empty word property for concatenated languages
Lemma lang_dot_nil (L L': lang'): (LL')%ra nil L nil L' nil.
  split. 2:firstorder. intros [h H [k K E]].
  apply eq_sym, List.app_eq_nil in E. intuition congruence.

concatenation of singleton languages
Lemma eq_app_dot u v: eq (u++v) (eq u: lang') (eq v: lang').
Proof. split. intros <-. repeat eexists; eauto. now intros [? <- [? <- <-]]. Qed.

Language derivatives

Definition lang_deriv a (L: lang'): lang' := fun wL (a::w).

Lemma lang_deriv_0 a: lang_deriv a 0 0.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Lemma lang_deriv_1 a: lang_deriv a 1 0.
Proof. compute. intuition discriminate. Qed.

Lemma lang_deriv_pls a (H K: lang'):
  lang_deriv a (H+K) lang_deriv a H + lang_deriv a K.
Proof. intro. now apply cup_weq. Qed.

Lemma lang_deriv_dot_1 a (H K: lang'): H nil
  lang_deriv a (HK) lang_deriv a H K + lang_deriv a K.
  intros Hnil w; simpl; unfold lang_deriv, lang_dot.
    intros [[|b u] Hu [v Kv E]]; simpl in E.
     right. now rewrite E.
     injection E; intros → <-; clear E. left. repeat eexists; eauto.
    intros [[u Hu [v Kv ->]]|Ka]; repeat eexists; eauto.

Lemma lang_deriv_dot_2 a (H K: lang'): ¬ (H nil)
  lang_deriv a (HK) lang_deriv a H K.
  intros Hnil w; simpl; unfold lang_deriv, lang_dot.
    intros [[|b u] Hu [v Kv E]]; simpl in E.
     injection E; intros → <-; clear E. repeat eexists; eauto.
    intros [u Hu [v Kv ->]]; repeat eexists; eauto.

Lemma lang_deriv_str a (H: lang'):
  lang_deriv a (H^*) lang_deriv a H H^*.
  intro w. split.
  intros [n Hn]. induction n in a, w, Hn; simpl in Hn.
   destruct Hn as [[|b v] Hv [u Hu Hw]]; simpl in Hw.
    rewrite <- Hw in Hu. apply IHn, Hu.
    injection Hw; intros → ->; clear Hw. repeat eexists; eauto.
  intros [u Hu [v [n Hv] ->]]. (S n). repeat eexists; eauto.

End l.

Arguments lang_deriv {X}.
Notation lang' X := ((lang_ops X) lang_tt lang_tt).

Ltac fold_lang := ra_fold lang_ops lang_tt.